More Trump Winning: Private-Sector Jobs Boom In October!...

Trump be rollin! Sorry bout that Dems. :dance:

US private sector added 235,000 jobs in Oct, vs 200,000 new jobs expected: ADP

The number of private-sector jobs created in October rose more than expected, with construction jobs surging in the wake of destructive hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

The ADP National Employment showed private-sector businesses added 235,000 jobs in the month. ADP was expected to show private employers added 200,000 jobs in October, up from 135,000 in September.

Goods-producing companies benefited strongly with 85,000 new jobs, 62,000 of which came from construction. Manufacturing also saw 22,000 positions added.

"The job market rebounded strongly from the hit it took from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma," Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics, said in a statement. "Resurgence in construction jobs shows the rebuilding is already in full swing. Looking through the hurricane-created volatility, job growth is robust."...

Private-sector job growth booms in October, with construction jobs surging in the wake of destructive hurricanes
They were all burger flipping jobs
1997 hrs worked.
The Vanishing 9-to-5 Job
Now less than 35 hrs.
Your link is about working FLEX HOURS!!!!!!

From YOUR link:

On a typical weekday, Jennifer Folsom works from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m., from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to about 8 p.m. Her hours may sound like they belong to a college student cobbling together a hodgepodge of part-time jobs, but Folsom is the director of a successful D.C. headhunting firm where she oversees a handful of employees with equally irregular schedules. “We get the job done and I work 50 or 60 hours a week,” says Folsom, who adapts her work schedule to give herself time with her three sons. “I just don’t necessarily do it from 9 to 5.”

Also in that same article seemingly ignored.
As the traditional work day continues to fade.
Which is my point being made.
Again we see how the worthless lying scum Right lie with half truths. The snippet you cited did NOT end with a period as you quoted it, it went like this, "As the traditional U.S. workday continues to fade, Folsom’s experience may soon become the rule rather than the exception." And Folsom's experience was NOT that her HOURS were FADING, which was the point you were lying about, but that FLEX HOURS were causing 9 to 5 work hours to fade.
Your own link continues:
"Two generations ago, America’s workforce—from Ford’s assembly-line workers to IBM’s “company men”—would show up to work at 9 a.m. on the dot and leave the second the whistle blew at 5 o’clock. Now, one in five Americans works mostly nonstandard hours—nights, weekends, or rotating shifts."

Manufacturing jobs are starting to rise again since 2012 and continues to rise as of 2017.

I only quoted the 1st part of it is all.
Didn't want to type the whole sentence.
Nothing nefaroius there like you would like it to be.
Just lazy. :)
Giving you the benefit of the doubt about your C&P laziness, it STILL does not prove your point that work hours have been reduced as a result of the ACA, The numbers show that for every person who had hours reduced MORE had their hours increased.

I said no thanks to the ahca is all.
You know, like it did not help. Especially during a recession.

Not sure how it turned out but they did have a law suite over loss of hours in this case. Reducing Worker Hours to Avoid ACA Obligations Violates ERISA, Suit Alleges
In the 48 months prior to Trump taking office the economy added an average of 214 million jobs a month.
Since Trump took office that number has dropped to 155 million.
Let me know when Trump gets us back to where we were the previous 4 years

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214 million jobs a month!!!!
Wow, Obama really was magical!
It's the workers of america who has been ignored by Washington D.C.
Which is one of the many different reasons why dems having losing since 2010 all across the nation.
They want their 9 to 5 jobs back and job security.
Actually, people are leaning towards Flex Hours now-a-days.
Trump be rollin! Sorry bout that Dems. :dance:

US private sector added 235,000 jobs in Oct, vs 200,000 new jobs expected: ADP

The number of private-sector jobs created in October rose more than expected, with construction jobs surging in the wake of destructive hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

The ADP National Employment showed private-sector businesses added 235,000 jobs in the month. ADP was expected to show private employers added 200,000 jobs in October, up from 135,000 in September.

Goods-producing companies benefited strongly with 85,000 new jobs, 62,000 of which came from construction. Manufacturing also saw 22,000 positions added.

"The job market rebounded strongly from the hit it took from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma," Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics, said in a statement. "Resurgence in construction jobs shows the rebuilding is already in full swing. Looking through the hurricane-created volatility, job growth is robust."...

Private-sector job growth booms in October, with construction jobs surging in the wake of destructive hurricanes
They were all burger flipping jobs

Well for you Obama supporters that was good enough, especially if one person had three of those jobs, right?

So they should be good enough for you now.
Your link is about working FLEX HOURS!!!!!!

From YOUR link:

On a typical weekday, Jennifer Folsom works from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m., from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to about 8 p.m. Her hours may sound like they belong to a college student cobbling together a hodgepodge of part-time jobs, but Folsom is the director of a successful D.C. headhunting firm where she oversees a handful of employees with equally irregular schedules. “We get the job done and I work 50 or 60 hours a week,” says Folsom, who adapts her work schedule to give herself time with her three sons. “I just don’t necessarily do it from 9 to 5.”

Also in that same article seemingly ignored.
As the traditional work day continues to fade.
Which is my point being made.
Again we see how the worthless lying scum Right lie with half truths. The snippet you cited did NOT end with a period as you quoted it, it went like this, "As the traditional U.S. workday continues to fade, Folsom’s experience may soon become the rule rather than the exception." And Folsom's experience was NOT that her HOURS were FADING, which was the point you were lying about, but that FLEX HOURS were causing 9 to 5 work hours to fade.
Your own link continues:
"Two generations ago, America’s workforce—from Ford’s assembly-line workers to IBM’s “company men”—would show up to work at 9 a.m. on the dot and leave the second the whistle blew at 5 o’clock. Now, one in five Americans works mostly nonstandard hours—nights, weekends, or rotating shifts."

Manufacturing jobs are starting to rise again since 2012 and continues to rise as of 2017.

I only quoted the 1st part of it is all.
Didn't want to type the whole sentence.
Nothing nefaroius there like you would like it to be.
Just lazy. :)
Giving you the benefit of the doubt about your C&P laziness, it STILL does not prove your point that work hours have been reduced as a result of the ACA, The numbers show that for every person who had hours reduced MORE had their hours increased.

I said no thanks to the ahca is all.
You know, like it did not help. Especially during a recession.

Not sure how it turned out but they did have a law suite over loss of hours in this case. Reducing Worker Hours to Avoid ACA Obligations Violates ERISA, Suit Alleges
There are always going to be greedy Republican bosses hell bent on cheating the system to make more money, but the numbers show they are in the minority.
I provided facts you reply with insults. Now I understand why you are a Trump trooper.

And for like the 100th time on this board, I am not a Democrat nor a Republican. But I am a lover of the truth and of cold hard facts, which is what I gave you.

Sent from my iPhone using

Added 214 million jobs in a month? LOL Where did you pull that number out of? Check your "facts",'re embarrassing yourself!

No, added on average 214 million jobs per month.

I got that number from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the same place the OP got the number for Oct.

Here is a screenshot of their data, feel free to show me where my math is wrong. I will admit that I did round 213.6 up to 214.

View attachment 158209

Kid, you really should just quietly slink off at this point. You're humiliating yourself.

Never going to happen

"214 million jobs per month?" Lay off the weedies and Democrat Fake News, kid. You really are embarrassing yourself.

Oh get over it, I misspoke.

That does not change the fact that job creation has slowed under Trump as compared to the previous 4 years. And it was fully expected that it would because there are only so many people to fill job and with unemployment at 4.2% there is just not too many places for it to go.
Also in that same article seemingly ignored.
As the traditional work day continues to fade.
Which is my point being made.
Again we see how the worthless lying scum Right lie with half truths. The snippet you cited did NOT end with a period as you quoted it, it went like this, "As the traditional U.S. workday continues to fade, Folsom’s experience may soon become the rule rather than the exception." And Folsom's experience was NOT that her HOURS were FADING, which was the point you were lying about, but that FLEX HOURS were causing 9 to 5 work hours to fade.
Your own link continues:
"Two generations ago, America’s workforce—from Ford’s assembly-line workers to IBM’s “company men”—would show up to work at 9 a.m. on the dot and leave the second the whistle blew at 5 o’clock. Now, one in five Americans works mostly nonstandard hours—nights, weekends, or rotating shifts."

Manufacturing jobs are starting to rise again since 2012 and continues to rise as of 2017.

I only quoted the 1st part of it is all.
Didn't want to type the whole sentence.
Nothing nefaroius there like you would like it to be.
Just lazy. :)
Giving you the benefit of the doubt about your C&P laziness, it STILL does not prove your point that work hours have been reduced as a result of the ACA, The numbers show that for every person who had hours reduced MORE had their hours increased.

I said no thanks to the ahca is all.
You know, like it did not help. Especially during a recession.

Not sure how it turned out but they did have a law suite over loss of hours in this case. Reducing Worker Hours to Avoid ACA Obligations Violates ERISA, Suit Alleges
There are always going to be greedy Republican bosses hell bent on cheating the system to make more money, but the numbers show they are in the minority.

How do you know if that boss is a repub.
Greed is not one sided.
Trump be rollin! Sorry bout that Dems. :dance:

US private sector added 235,000 jobs in Oct, vs 200,000 new jobs expected: ADP

The number of private-sector jobs created in October rose more than expected, with construction jobs surging in the wake of destructive hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

The ADP National Employment showed private-sector businesses added 235,000 jobs in the month. ADP was expected to show private employers added 200,000 jobs in October, up from 135,000 in September.

Goods-producing companies benefited strongly with 85,000 new jobs, 62,000 of which came from construction. Manufacturing also saw 22,000 positions added.

"The job market rebounded strongly from the hit it took from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma," Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics, said in a statement. "Resurgence in construction jobs shows the rebuilding is already in full swing. Looking through the hurricane-created volatility, job growth is robust."...

Private-sector job growth booms in October, with construction jobs surging in the wake of destructive hurricanes
They were all burger flipping jobs

Hey, it's honest work. At least they aren't lounging at home demanding their Entitlement Freebies. So stop hatin on your fellow Americans. Stop being an asshole.
Added 214 million jobs in a month? LOL Where did you pull that number out of? Check your "facts",'re embarrassing yourself!

No, added on average 214 million jobs per month.

I got that number from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the same place the OP got the number for Oct.

Here is a screenshot of their data, feel free to show me where my math is wrong. I will admit that I did round 213.6 up to 214.

View attachment 158209

Kid, you really should just quietly slink off at this point. You're humiliating yourself.

Never going to happen

"214 million jobs per month?" Lay off the weedies and Democrat Fake News, kid. You really are embarrassing yourself.

Oh get over it, I misspoke.

That does not change the fact that job creation has slowed under Trump as compared to the previous 4 years. And it was fully expected that it would because there are only so many people to fill job and with unemployment at 4.2% there is just not too many places for it to go.

It's gone to 4.1%, the lowest Unemployment Rate since 2000. So you're still embarrassing yourself kid. Like i said, lay off the weedies and Democrat Fake News.
In the 48 months prior to Trump taking office the economy added an average of 214 million jobs a month.
Since Trump took office that number has dropped to 155 million.
Let me know when Trump gets us back to where we were the previous 4 years

Sent from my iPhone using

More Dumocrat wishful thinking. We know y'all wingnuts are desperately hoping the Economy collapses. You don't care about fellow Americans at all. You're just 'Party before Country' douchebags. But that's ok, Trump is killin it. :dance:

I provided facts you reply with insults. Now I understand why you are a Trump trooper.

And for like the 100th time on this board, I am not a Democrat nor a Republican. But I am a lover of the truth and of cold hard facts, which is what I gave you.

Sent from my iPhone using

Added 214 million jobs in a month? LOL Where did you pull that number out of? Check your "facts",'re embarrassing yourself!

No, added on average 214 million jobs per month.

I got that number from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the same place the OP got the number for Oct.

Here is a screenshot of their data, feel free to show me where my math is wrong. I will admit that I did round 213.6 up to 214.

View attachment 158209

You're really not that bright...are you?
No, added on average 214 million jobs per month.

I got that number from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the same place the OP got the number for Oct.

Here is a screenshot of their data, feel free to show me where my math is wrong. I will admit that I did round 213.6 up to 214.

View attachment 158209

Kid, you really should just quietly slink off at this point. You're humiliating yourself.

Never going to happen

"214 million jobs per month?" Lay off the weedies and Democrat Fake News, kid. You really are embarrassing yourself.

Oh get over it, I misspoke.

That does not change the fact that job creation has slowed under Trump as compared to the previous 4 years. And it was fully expected that it would because there are only so many people to fill job and with unemployment at 4.2% there is just not too many places for it to go.

It's gone to 4.1%, the lowest Unemployment Rate since 2000. So you're still embarrassing yourself kid. Like i said, lay off the weedies and Democrat Fake News.
You mean Bill Clinton's unemployment rate?
Kid, you really should just quietly slink off at this point. You're humiliating yourself.

Never going to happen

"214 million jobs per month?" Lay off the weedies and Democrat Fake News, kid. You really are embarrassing yourself.

Oh get over it, I misspoke.

That does not change the fact that job creation has slowed under Trump as compared to the previous 4 years. And it was fully expected that it would because there are only so many people to fill job and with unemployment at 4.2% there is just not too many places for it to go.

It's gone to 4.1%, the lowest Unemployment Rate since 2000. So you're still embarrassing yourself kid. Like i said, lay off the weedies and Democrat Fake News.
You mean Bill Clinton's unemployment rate?

The only reason Bill Clinton had great economic numbers was because of the Dot Com Boom, Winger! At the end of his second term that boom was over and you could already see the economy contracting. One of the biggest liberal myths going is that Clinton's economic policies and know how somehow created the growth he's taken credit for.
Never going to happen

"214 million jobs per month?" Lay off the weedies and Democrat Fake News, kid. You really are embarrassing yourself.

Oh get over it, I misspoke.

That does not change the fact that job creation has slowed under Trump as compared to the previous 4 years. And it was fully expected that it would because there are only so many people to fill job and with unemployment at 4.2% there is just not too many places for it to go.

It's gone to 4.1%, the lowest Unemployment Rate since 2000. So you're still embarrassing yourself kid. Like i said, lay off the weedies and Democrat Fake News.
You mean Bill Clinton's unemployment rate?

The only reason Bill Clinton had great economic numbers was because of the Dot Com Boom, Winger! At the end of his second term that boom was over and you could already see the economy contracting. One of the biggest liberal myths going is that Clinton's economic policies and know how somehow created the growth he's taken credit for.

Al Gore created the Internet
Never going to happen

"214 million jobs per month?" Lay off the weedies and Democrat Fake News, kid. You really are embarrassing yourself.

Oh get over it, I misspoke.

That does not change the fact that job creation has slowed under Trump as compared to the previous 4 years. And it was fully expected that it would because there are only so many people to fill job and with unemployment at 4.2% there is just not too many places for it to go.

It's gone to 4.1%, the lowest Unemployment Rate since 2000. So you're still embarrassing yourself kid. Like i said, lay off the weedies and Democrat Fake News.
You mean Bill Clinton's unemployment rate?

The only reason Bill Clinton had great economic numbers was because of the Dot Com Boom, Winger! At the end of his second term that boom was over and you could already see the economy contracting. One of the biggest liberal myths going is that Clinton's economic policies and know how somehow created the growth he's taken credit for.

Again we see how the worthless lying scum Right lie with half truths. The snippet you cited did NOT end with a period as you quoted it, it went like this, "As the traditional U.S. workday continues to fade, Folsom’s experience may soon become the rule rather than the exception." And Folsom's experience was NOT that her HOURS were FADING, which was the point you were lying about, but that FLEX HOURS were causing 9 to 5 work hours to fade.
Your own link continues:
"Two generations ago, America’s workforce—from Ford’s assembly-line workers to IBM’s “company men”—would show up to work at 9 a.m. on the dot and leave the second the whistle blew at 5 o’clock. Now, one in five Americans works mostly nonstandard hours—nights, weekends, or rotating shifts."

Manufacturing jobs are starting to rise again since 2012 and continues to rise as of 2017.

I only quoted the 1st part of it is all.
Didn't want to type the whole sentence.
Nothing nefaroius there like you would like it to be.
Just lazy. :)
Giving you the benefit of the doubt about your C&P laziness, it STILL does not prove your point that work hours have been reduced as a result of the ACA, The numbers show that for every person who had hours reduced MORE had their hours increased.

I said no thanks to the ahca is all.
You know, like it did not help. Especially during a recession.

Not sure how it turned out but they did have a law suite over loss of hours in this case. Reducing Worker Hours to Avoid ACA Obligations Violates ERISA, Suit Alleges
There are always going to be greedy Republican bosses hell bent on cheating the system to make more money, but the numbers show they are in the minority.

How do you know if that boss is a repub.
Logic guided by experience.
The only reason Bill Clinton had great economic numbers was because of the Dot Com Boom, Winger! At the end of his second term that boom was over and you could already see the economy contracting. One of the biggest liberal myths going is that Clinton's economic policies and know how somehow created the growth he's taken credit for.
Sure, and that is why the GOP Congress has been trying to take credit for the dot com boom, er, er, I mean the 1990s economy.
That's right Gingrich and the GOP take full credit for the economic growth during the dot com boom and give all the blame to Clinton for the dot com bust. :cuckoo:

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