more voter fraud .

This shit is becoming the norm in each election - to the point of no one caring. Exactly what the liberal Nazis have hoped a prayed (oops...they don't pray) for from the start.

I DESPISE liberals.
How that's a bombshell, I fail to understand. We've known this was going to happen for years.
How that's a bombshell, I fail to understand. We've known this was going to happen for years.

Well, and that's the point. I would venture to say that nearly everyone in America (with the exception of stupid college students) knows that elections are becoming more and more of a joke each time we have them. Liberal Nazis set out to destroy the "free vote" nearly 75 years ago in Chicago, Detroit, and New York. They have succeeded in spades. Now, they have branched out over the last 20 or so years to include every other state in the union with wetbacks. Why the hell else would they give two shits whether we are flooded with wetbacks? There MUST be a reason for this invasion and it lies at the ballot box.

Now, imagine a United States where every state in the union resembles Detroit - or more to the point - pre-1986 Moscow.

That's EXACTLY where we are headed. and we are all on this hell-bound train because no one has the guts to stop these worthless Nazis.
I see no Liberals have commented .. Oh yeah they say Voter fraud doesnt exist
Some interesting tidbits from the authors of that "study":

We also find that one of the favorite policies advocated by conservatives to prevent voter fraud appears strikingly ineffective. Nearly three quarters of the non-citizens who indicated they were asked to provide photo identification at the polls claimed to have subsequently voted.

There are obvious limitations to our research, which one should take account of when interpreting the results. Although the CCES sample is large, the non-citizen portion of the sample is modest, with the attendant uncertainty associated with sampling error. We analyze only 828 self-reported non-citizens. Self-reports of citizen status might also be a source of error, although the appendix of our paper shows that the racial, geographic, and attitudinal characteristics of non-citizens (and non-citizen voters) are consistent with their self-reported status.

Another possible limitation is the matching process conducted by Catalist to verify registration and turnout drops many non-citizen respondents who cannot be matched. Our adjusted estimate assumes the implication of a “registered” or “voted” response among those who Catalist could not match is the same as for those whom it could. If one questions this assumption, one might focus only on those non-citizens with a reported and validated vote. This is the second line of the table.

Finally, extrapolation to specific state-level or district-level election outcomes is fraught with substantial uncertainty.

Out of all the people who responded to the study, only 5 people were confirmed to be illegal immigrants and to have actually voted. (The "second line" of the table)

Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post
Oh boy, MORE voter fraud threads. An election must be on the horizon.
"If illegals voting gives a win to the DEMS again then the government is illegal" -

it's time for acoup d'état in USA.

Enough is enough! :mad-61:
o_O:spam:Faux News!! LOL really?

Fox News Bombshell Illegals Could Swing the Election in These 43 States LIST

They are saying that 2-6% of illegal actually cast votes. 2-6% can swing in favor of another candidate easily .....

I can say the same for every liberal station out there . They lie but i feel Fox is more truthful then your stations you brainwashed troll

Of course you'd say that. Fox News gives you the news the way you want it. Filtered, with a conservative sway.
Anyone who watches Fox News or MSNBC News are just getting slanted propaganda. Us normal folks who would rather think for themselves, would rather live in the real world instead of some biased fantasy world.
Oh and regarding this thread and all the other threads on voter fraud, anyone who pays attention knows that BOTH parties have been caught try to rig elections. I mean really, that's a fact. Maybe the folks who just watch Fox or MSNBC or any other hyper biased resource, don't know it, but then consider where they get their news.
And you find it acceptable by anyone?
Oh and regarding this thread and all the other threads on voter fraud, anyone who pays attention knows that BOTH parties have been caught try to rig elections. I mean really, that's a fact. Maybe the folks who just watch Fox or MSNBC or any other hyper biased resource, don't know it, but then consider where they get their news.
And you find it acceptable by anyone?
Oh and regarding this thread and all the other threads on voter fraud, anyone who pays attention knows that BOTH parties have been caught try to rig elections. I mean really, that's a fact. Maybe the folks who just watch Fox or MSNBC or any other hyper biased resource, don't know it, but then consider where they get their news.

No and no.
No, I don't find it acceptable for people to base their view of the world by watching/reading hyper-partisan resources.
No, I don't think voter fraud is acceptable

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