Moron Trump on trade

You know tramp is right , all of our tax dollars best go into the military, as that is the only thing we have now. Bolton wants to start a war with Iran, war makes money, its like a reset.

We are not #1, and will never get to be #1 again, due to the Republicans.

All of our tax dollars go into the military? How fucking stupid are you?

He plans to increase the military. Haven't you heard. Hell with anything else.

I guess you answered my question. The military was practically starved of funding during the Obama years. Ever hear of the term "sequestration"?
You don't even understand who is responsible for sequestration., Allow me to educate your stupid ass.

There was a fight to raise the debt ceiling or face government shut down.

Congress (Republican) want to just raise it & promise to cut spending in the future.

Obama said they should either come up with cuts in a given time frame or automatic cuts would take place (sequestration) This was to force Republicans to cut spending.

Republicans failed to cut spending & sequestration happened.

But hey, you blame Obama instead of YOUR stupid spend spend spend party who could not find anything to cut.
YOUR PARTY failed to keep their promise.

Except it isn't.

Congress (Republican) did not want to raise the debt ceiling without spending cuts.

Barry agreed to spending cuts only if defense spending is also cut. He forced sequestration on military to get debt ceiling raised.

Not only you're not educated, you're simply a liar.

You are lying again. List those spending cuts the Republicans wanted to make?

If what you said was true, why didn't the sequester only cover the military????

Any why did Obama agree with the below?

"On two occasions -- 2013 and 2015 -- Congress and President Barack Obama agreed to raise the "caps" on spending above the sequestration level, paid for by offsetting cuts elsewhere. But those higher caps expired, setting the stage for the spending showdown of February 2018."


You are a liar & a dumbass. As I just proved.
"These Senate seats are up for election in 2020..."
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"Republicans are growing more nervous about next year’s race for the Senate as President Trump ratchets up a trade war with China that increasingly threatens to cause pain to U.S. farmers."
GOP angst grows amid Trump trade war

More than a trillion$ wiped out yesterday on the market? Do we send the bill to China or Mexico?

More than a trillion$ wiped out yesterday on the market? Do we send the bill to China or Mexico?

Why do you care? You don't own any stock. Only rich people own stock. You should be happy.
People trading pieces of paper.

But you Trumpettes cheer when it goes up & make excuses when it goes down.

But you Trumpettes cheer when it goes up

What can I say, I like making money.

Don't pretend it is an indicator of economic strength. The market has been push up at the expense of our national; debt. Evidently you value your wallet over our country.
Don't pretend it is an indicator of economic strength.

It's not an indicator of economic weakness.
The only reason China, Iran, and N. Korea are playing hardball and delay tactics is because they are waiting to see if their America hating Democratic allies can somehow remove Trump from office, or render him powerless.

So why is Trump kissing their asses?
How is Trump kissing Iran or China's asses, moron? Did he send the Iranians billions of ransom money in cash like Hussein Obama the traitor did? I don't remember Hussein imposing tariffs on the Chinese, I do remember Hussein ignoring N. Korean belligerence and shooting missiles over Japan. Maybe Hussein the incompetent coward thought by ignoring the North Koreans they would start behaving in their own.

Trump is in love with Kim. He claims to have friendship with Xi. Trump gave Iran the OK to proceed with developing a nuclear weapon.

The 1.7 billion money transferred was money the US owed Iran for years. It was not ransom money.

Obama did not use tariffs because it is a FUCKING STUPID THING TO DO.

Obama did address NK & you are a fucking liar for claiming he did nothing.

Trump is pushing war with Iran trying to offer them as many targets as he can hoping for an incident. Trump is too fucking stupid to know who has Iran's back. When Americans start to die from your ignorance, I hope that makes you happy. Assfuck.
Another ignorant Leftard response. The money was frozen when the Iranian regime decided to attack our embassy in 1979 and take the staff hostage for over a year, and then a US court ruled that the money was to be given to Americans who were victims of Iran's terrorism. But president Hussein decided to give billions to a bunch Islamic terrorist nut jobs just so they can produce more death and terrorism on our troops and innocent civilians throughout the region. Fact is president Hussein seemed to enjoy the taste of Iran's Islamic terrorist anuses as he constantly had his tongue up there.

And when it came to N Korea, once again president Hussein was a total embarrassment as their leader never took us seriously and made it a point to spit in America's face regularly by shooting long range missile over our allies, and one nuclear test after another.

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