Moron Trump on trade

The only reason China, Iran, and N. Korea are playing hardball and delay tactics is because they are waiting to see if their America hating Democratic allies can somehow remove Trump from office, or render him powerless.

Oh really, yes that is tramps spin on things.
It isn't a spin, our enemies pay close attention to the progress their Democrat allies are making towards hurting Trump. That is a fact.

Our enemies are among Trump's buddies. Trump loves Putin, & Kim.

Trump is hurting himself. We are for America while you assfucks are for Trump.

Trump lies, we identify it as a lie, ans you bitch at us.,
Here we have stupid and confused. Which one is which?
As usual, no comment about the OP.

There is nothing to discuss about the OP. Except maybe to confirm that who started it is a faggot.
Yep, always calling folks names instead of addressing the OP. Kudos.

There is nothing of value to address in the OP.

Got it, or do I need to repeat it for you?

So you are just another bigoted fuck who so stupid that you can not comprehend what was said.

You didn't say anything, you repeated your leftist talking points already discussed in other threads.

You should consider suing your brains for nonsupport.
Tramp only said they were spying on his campaign after the FBI told him and they got rid of Manafort 3 days later. As Giuliano said, nothing wrong with getting info from Russia (he admitted it) who had sanctions on them for taking Crimea.

And you trampers have a problem with an ally doing a report , that the republicans started. You have got to be kidding. You are nuts, all of you.
Tramp only said they were spying on his campaign after the FBI told him and they got rid of Manafort 3 days later. As Giuliano said, nothing wrong with getting info from Russia (he admitted it) who had sanctions on them for taking Crimea.

And you trampers have a problem with an ally doing a report , that the republicans started. You have got to be kidding. You are nuts, all of you.

You're talking just for sake of talking. Sorry to break the news for you, but there is no vaccine against stupidity.
Tramp only said they were spying on his campaign after the FBI told him and they got rid of Manafort 3 days later. As Giuliano said, nothing wrong with getting info from Russia (he admitted it) who had sanctions on them for taking Crimea.

And you trampers have a problem with an ally doing a report , that the republicans started. You have got to be kidding. You are nuts, all of you.

You're talking just for sake of talking. Sorry to break the news for you, but there is no vaccine against stupidity.

Read and weep. You I feel sorry for, in a cult. They say there is no cure for the tramp cult. Too bad.
Tramp only said they were spying on his campaign after the FBI told him and they got rid of Manafort 3 days later. As Giuliano said, nothing wrong with getting info from Russia (he admitted it) who had sanctions on them for taking Crimea.

And you trampers have a problem with an ally doing a report , that the republicans started. You have got to be kidding. You are nuts, all of you.

You're talking just for sake of talking. Sorry to break the news for you, but there is no vaccine against stupidity.

Read and weep. You I feel sorry for, in a cult. They say there is no cure for the tramp cult. Too bad.

And yet more idiocy from the village idiot. Seek professional help for your terminal TDS.
Trump said this: "If you take a look at $100 billion versus $600 billion, and just so you understand, we don't have to pay any tariffs. If you're a manufacturer in this country, you pay nothing. Open your division or open up your product, have it made in this country as opposed to made in China."

Littledick Donnie doesn't get it. He doesn't get it because he has no trade or manufscturing experience.

US manufacturers buy certain parts for their process. Now they cost more.

US steel makers, raised their prices when Trump put tariffs steel.

Manufacturing costs have gone up for US manufacturers making it more difficult for them to export.

So everyone in the US is paying more & prices will just go higher.

Trump doesn't care if people & companies are suffering. He thinks it is OK because he thinks people can suffer for a couple of years & so what.

Trump is an idiot & the Republicans don't care as stand idly by while Trump's trade war hurts Americans.

Let alone when LDD participated in buy crap from China for years.

Trump: We're In A Great Position On China Tariffs And It Will Only Get Better

So you are a lobbyist for companies that buy Chinese crap versus made in the USA.
Tramp only said they were spying on his campaign after the FBI told him and they got rid of Manafort 3 days later. As Giuliano said, nothing wrong with getting info from Russia (he admitted it) who had sanctions on them for taking Crimea.

And you trampers have a problem with an ally doing a report , that the republicans started. You have got to be kidding. You are nuts, all of you.

You're talking just for sake of talking. Sorry to break the news for you, but there is no vaccine against stupidity.

Read and weep. You I feel sorry for, in a cult. They say there is no cure for the tramp cult. Too bad.

"they say" :D

You know tramp is right , all of our tax dollars best go into the military, as that is the only thing we have now. Bolton wants to start a war with Iran, war makes money, its like a reset.

We are not #1, and will never get to be #1 again, due to the Republicans.

All of our tax dollars go into the military? How fucking stupid are you?

He plans to increase the military. Haven't you heard. Hell with anything else.

I guess you answered my question. The military was practically starved of funding during the Obama years. Ever hear of the term "sequestration"?
As usual, no comment about the OP.

There is nothing to discuss about the OP. Except maybe to confirm that who started it is a faggot.
Yep, always calling folks names instead of addressing the OP. Kudos.

There is nothing of value to address in the OP.

Got it, or do I need to repeat it for you?
You unnecessarily just did. Double Kudos.

Just to make sure you got it.

There is nothing of the value to address in the OP.

He opens threads like this daily with very little or no difference at all. Beside, there are couple of other threads with the same topic already, that he hasn't addressed at all.

blah blah blah
You know tramp is right , all of our tax dollars best go into the military, as that is the only thing we have now. Bolton wants to start a war with Iran, war makes money, its like a reset.

We are not #1, and will never get to be #1 again, due to the Republicans.

All of our tax dollars go into the military? How fucking stupid are you?

He plans to increase the military. Haven't you heard. Hell with anything else.

I guess you answered my question. The military was practically starved of funding during the Obama years. Ever hear of the term "sequestration"?
You don't even understand who is responsible for sequestration., Allow me to educate your stupid ass.

There was a fight to raise the debt ceiling or face government shut down.

Congress (Republican) want to just raise it & promise to cut spending in the future.

Obama said they should either come up with cuts in a given time frame or automatic cuts would take place (sequestration) This was to force Republicans to cut spending.

Republicans failed to cut spending & sequestration happened.

But hey, you blame Obama instead of YOUR stupid spend spend spend party who could not find anything to cut.
YOUR PARTY failed to keep their promise.
Trump said this: "If you take a look at $100 billion versus $600 billion, and just so you understand, we don't have to pay any tariffs. If you're a manufacturer in this country, you pay nothing. Open your division or open up your product, have it made in this country as opposed to made in China."

Littledick Donnie doesn't get it. He doesn't get it because he has no trade or manufscturing experience.

US manufacturers buy certain parts for their process. Now they cost more.

US steel makers, raised their prices when Trump put tariffs steel.

Manufacturing costs have gone up for US manufacturers making it more difficult for them to export.

So everyone in the US is paying more & prices will just go higher.

Trump doesn't care if people & companies are suffering. He thinks it is OK because he thinks people can suffer for a couple of years & so what.

Trump is an idiot & the Republicans don't care as stand idly by while Trump's trade war hurts Americans.

Let alone when LDD participated in buy crap from China for years.

Trump: We're In A Great Position On China Tariffs And It Will Only Get Better

So you are a lobbyist for companies that buy Chinese crap versus made in the USA.

Nope. I'm the one that realizes how many US companies use China for some of their components. Like Littledick Donnie did.

Buying these components from China allowed them to be motre competitive in the global marketplace.

US corporations have been doing this decades. Whether China, Japan, Mexico, India,etc.

You & your shortdicked buddy are just too fucking stupid to know it.
You know tramp is right , all of our tax dollars best go into the military, as that is the only thing we have now. Bolton wants to start a war with Iran, war makes money, its like a reset.

We are not #1, and will never get to be #1 again, due to the Republicans.

All of our tax dollars go into the military? How fucking stupid are you?

He plans to increase the military. Haven't you heard. Hell with anything else.

I guess you answered my question. The military was practically starved of funding during the Obama years. Ever hear of the term "sequestration"?

Well Bush Jr left Obama a sorry in the hole budget, we had been in a war for 8 years and now for 18. And Tramp is complaining about Iran, why do you think he hired Bolton, to appease SA and Israel and do a regime change in Iran, which we lead us into possibly WWIII.
You know tramp is right , all of our tax dollars best go into the military, as that is the only thing we have now. Bolton wants to start a war with Iran, war makes money, its like a reset.

We are not #1, and will never get to be #1 again, due to the Republicans.

All of our tax dollars go into the military? How fucking stupid are you?

He plans to increase the military. Haven't you heard. Hell with anything else.

I guess you answered my question. The military was practically starved of funding during the Obama years. Ever hear of the term "sequestration"?

Well Bush Jr left Obama a sorry in the hole budget, we had been in a war for 8 years and now for 18. And Tramp is complaining about Iran, why do you think he hired Bolton, to appease SA and Israel and do a regime change in Iran, which we lead us into possibly WWIII.

Why can't you make a simple post without lying? Is it an illness that you suffer from?
You know tramp is right , all of our tax dollars best go into the military, as that is the only thing we have now. Bolton wants to start a war with Iran, war makes money, its like a reset.

We are not #1, and will never get to be #1 again, due to the Republicans.

All of our tax dollars go into the military? How fucking stupid are you?

He plans to increase the military. Haven't you heard. Hell with anything else.

I guess you answered my question. The military was practically starved of funding during the Obama years. Ever hear of the term "sequestration"?

Well Bush Jr left Obama a sorry in the hole budget, we had been in a war for 8 years and now for 18. And Tramp is complaining about Iran, why do you think he hired Bolton, to appease SA and Israel and do a regime change in Iran, which we lead us into possibly WWIII.

Why can't you make a simple post without lying? Is it an illness that you suffer from?

Lying about what??
All of our tax dollars go into the military? How fucking stupid are you?

He plans to increase the military. Haven't you heard. Hell with anything else.

I guess you answered my question. The military was practically starved of funding during the Obama years. Ever hear of the term "sequestration"?

Well Bush Jr left Obama a sorry in the hole budget, we had been in a war for 8 years and now for 18. And Tramp is complaining about Iran, why do you think he hired Bolton, to appease SA and Israel and do a regime change in Iran, which we lead us into possibly WWIII.

Why can't you make a simple post without lying? Is it an illness that you suffer from?

Lying about what??

Almost every word you post is a lie!

Bush did not leave a hole in the budget for Obama! That is a bald-faced lie!
He plans to increase the military. Haven't you heard. Hell with anything else.

I guess you answered my question. The military was practically starved of funding during the Obama years. Ever hear of the term "sequestration"?

Well Bush Jr left Obama a sorry in the hole budget, we had been in a war for 8 years and now for 18. And Tramp is complaining about Iran, why do you think he hired Bolton, to appease SA and Israel and do a regime change in Iran, which we lead us into possibly WWIII.

Why can't you make a simple post without lying? Is it an illness that you suffer from?

Lying about what??

Almost every word you post is a lie!

Bush did not leave a hole in the budget for Obama! That is a bald-faced lie!

Yes he sure did, remember the greatest recession next to the Great Depression. Or did you take a nap for a few years? Also we had been in a war for 8 years, depleted.
You know tramp is right , all of our tax dollars best go into the military, as that is the only thing we have now. Bolton wants to start a war with Iran, war makes money, its like a reset.

We are not #1, and will never get to be #1 again, due to the Republicans.

All of our tax dollars go into the military? How fucking stupid are you?

He plans to increase the military. Haven't you heard. Hell with anything else.

I guess you answered my question. The military was practically starved of funding during the Obama years. Ever hear of the term "sequestration"?

Glad you brought that up. Sequestration comes the non ability to a Republican Controlled Congress to agree on a decent budget that included the Military. In order to get a budget passed, Obama had to agree with this nonsense (i.e. not veto it). This was another example "Make sure he is only a one term President" routine. Comon, cupcake, put the blame where it belongs.
Trump said this: "If you take a look at $100 billion versus $600 billion, and just so you understand, we don't have to pay any tariffs. If you're a manufacturer in this country, you pay nothing. Open your division or open up your product, have it made in this country as opposed to made in China."

Littledick Donnie doesn't get it. He doesn't get it because he has no trade or manufscturing experience.

US manufacturers buy certain parts for their process. Now they cost more.

US steel makers, raised their prices when Trump put tariffs steel.

Manufacturing costs have gone up for US manufacturers making it more difficult for them to export.

So everyone in the US is paying more & prices will just go higher.

Trump doesn't care if people & companies are suffering. He thinks it is OK because he thinks people can suffer for a couple of years & so what.

Trump is an idiot & the Republicans don't care as stand idly by while Trump's trade war hurts Americans.

Let alone when LDD participated in buy crap from China for years.

Trump: We're In A Great Position On China Tariffs And It Will Only Get Better

Sit down before you hurt yourself. You have no idea what you're talking about. It is precisely the supply chain that Trump is aiming at you clueless Hellgrammite!
The Supply chain is how the Chinese have worked their way into our economy exposing us to the devastating consequences of their slave labor shops Professor Doofus.

it's not the Chinese who are at fault here it's the American manufacturing sector who were so anxious to increase their bottom line they didn't give a shit where they got the parts from.

These are factories that pour out black coal smoke have absolutely no safety measures in place for the workers and pull fast ones on everything they do including final inspections and payola at the ports of entry.

But we have become addicted to cheap smart phones.

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I guess you answered my question. The military was practically starved of funding during the Obama years. Ever hear of the term "sequestration"?

Well Bush Jr left Obama a sorry in the hole budget, we had been in a war for 8 years and now for 18. And Tramp is complaining about Iran, why do you think he hired Bolton, to appease SA and Israel and do a regime change in Iran, which we lead us into possibly WWIII.

Why can't you make a simple post without lying? Is it an illness that you suffer from?

Lying about what??

Almost every word you post is a lie!

Bush did not leave a hole in the budget for Obama! That is a bald-faced lie!

Yes he sure did, remember the greatest recession next to the Great Depression. Or did you take a nap for a few years? Also we had been in a war for 8 years, depleted.

Actually, Bush, Jr. saw it coming. he presented a 733 billion economic solution. He was laughed off the capital hill by all sides. Then, it hit. Now, instead of costing 733 billion, it became 1.2 trillion. Obama only had to change the amount and some of the scope but it was the same basic bill. Score one for the two so called "Worst Presidents" and condemn Congress. Contrary to you Orange Koolaid drinkers, the power of the president isn't absolute.

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