Mosque shooting in New Zealand

Neither Poverty nor Liberty cause crimes.

Immorality causes crimes.

Can you be shocked that people governed by those that think innocent children have no right to life carry that belief to thinking adults don't either?

Hey, funny thing happened. 20 years after we legalized abortion, the crime rate dropped steeply, because the kinds of kids who were poor and more inclined to be crooks ended up in medical waste containers, and we were all better off for it.

Try to keep on topic. The topic here is guns being to accessable to crazy people.

Imagine typing out that sentence about dead aborted kids ending up in medical waste containers. There will be plenty I'll have to answer to God for. I'm really glad that's not one of them---typing out that sentence. And worse yet, meaning it. Takes my breath away.

(PS--remember: liberals actually pretend to "care about the poor". But read it here first: they really think they're better off dead.)
Lol, someone who supports late term abortion should not be lecturing anyone about who is or isn't a ghoul.

there's no such thing as "late-term" abortion. When a pregnancy is brought to term, the baby is born. The proper term is third trimester abortion, which represent less than 1% of all abortions performed and are always done for solid medical reasons.

Or do you think a lady goes through 8 months of morning sickness and body distortion and says, 'Nah, fuck it, let's get rid of it!"

Go find a mirror. A strong one. Because you are as hypocritical on the issue of life as they come. You wish to preserve life by taking the right of others to preserve theirs away. You want to take life by giving the female species an unrestricted right to have abortions in any stage of development. That also speaks ill of how you care for the children who have died as a result of gun violence, and those who died in poverty.

Again, guy, you are a bit confused. Women are going to get abortions no matter what the law is, just like they did before Roe. Probably easier now because we have a pill for that.

This has nothing to do with the fact we have 33,000 gun deaths a year because the NRA likes to play on your fears.

For the good of your eternal soul. Just stop typing. Stop.

These words are straight from the pit of Hell
Imagine typing out that sentence about dead aborted kids ending up in medical waste containers. There will be plenty I'll have to answer to God for. I'm really glad that's not one of them---typing out that sentence. And worse yet, meaning it. Takes my breath away.

(PS--remember: liberals actually pretend to "care about the poor". But read it here first: they really think they're better off dead.)

Since they were never alive, it really doesn't matter that little globs of meat end up in MWC. Kind of like I don't care when Spooge ends up inside of a rubber...

again, I was done with your "God" when Mom's cancer didn't get better. IT was all lies then, it is all lies now.

For the good of your eternal soul. Just stop typing. Stop.

These words are straight from the pit of Hell

Souls don't exist... There is no Heaven or Hell.

Where is Hell, anyway? Is it underground? In Space?

Do you have a better argument than Bronze Age superstitions?
You do realize you're making my case for me, right?

Um, no, couch boy. While it is unlikely that you will ever have sex, making your opinion on the matter moot, the fact is, Words Mean Things.

If a woman is having a third trimester abortion, it's because something in that pregnancy has gone VERY VERY wrong. this is probably a baby she wanted. Then the doctor tells her it's brain is outside it's body, or it has brittle bone disease, or it's going to be a Down Syndrome Retard.

This is why we do a shitload of testing now that we didn't have 30 years ago.

actually, it kind of is.

In Australia, they have a LOT more Muslims than they do in New Zealand. And this guy obviously wanted to kill a bunch of Muslims. But he couldn't get a gun in Australia... they banned them a long time ago!

So he had to take a trip to another country,
Turns out the shooter was from Australia, where they actually DO have meaningful gun control laws

actually, it kind of is.

In Australia, they have a LOT more Muslims than they do in New Zealand. And this guy obviously wanted to kill a bunch of Muslims. But he couldn't get a gun in Australia... they banned them a long time ago!

So he had to take a trip to another country, get some guns with their lax gun laws, and then find some Muslims to kill. While there are 600K Muslims in Australia, there are only 46K in New Zealand. So clearly, the fact that this massacre didn't happen in Australia shows gun control works just fine when it is actually tried.
Imagine typing out that sentence about dead aborted kids ending up in medical waste containers. There will be plenty I'll have to answer to God for. I'm really glad that's not one of them---typing out that sentence. And worse yet, meaning it. Takes my breath away.

(PS--remember: liberals actually pretend to "care about the poor". But read it here first: they really think they're better off dead.)

Since they were never alive, it really doesn't matter that little globs of meat end up in MWC. Kind of like I don't care when Spooge ends up inside of a rubber...

again, I was done with your "God" when Mom's cancer didn't get better. IT was all lies then, it is all lies now.

For the good of your eternal soul. Just stop typing. Stop.

These words are straight from the pit of Hell

Souls don't exist... There is no Heaven or Hell.

Where is Hell, anyway? Is it underground? In Space?

Do you have a better argument than Bronze Age superstitions?

"My mom died therefore no god"

That's a juvenile argument
You do realize you're making my case for me, right?

Um, no, couch boy. While it is unlikely that you will ever have sex, making your opinion on the matter moot, the fact is, Words Mean Things.

If a woman is having a third trimester abortion, it's because something in that pregnancy has gone VERY VERY wrong. this is probably a baby she wanted. Then the doctor tells her it's brain is outside it's body, or it has brittle bone disease, or it's going to be a Down Syndrome Retard.

This is why we do a shitload of testing now that we didn't have 30 years ago.

"Down Syndrome Retard"

Joe, imagining he makes the case for the caring, compassionate liberals.
"My mom died therefore no god"

That's a juvenile argument

Naw, man... it's kind of a reasonable one.

The kindest thing you can say about your God after that is that he doesn't exist.

Because if he did have the ability to cure the cancer of this nice lady with five kids who had dedicated her life to working for his church, and just refused to do so, that would make him a Cosmic Dick, wouldn't it?

Epicurus said it best.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
"My mom died therefore no god"

That's a juvenile argument

Naw, man... it's kind of a reasonable one.

The kindest thing you can say about your God after that is that he doesn't exist.

Because if he did have the ability to cure the cancer of this nice lady with five kids who had dedicated her life to working for his church, and just refused to do so, that would make him a Cosmic Dick, wouldn't it?

Epicurus said it best.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

I'm sorry your soul seems to be incurable rotten
"Down Syndrome Retard"

Joe, imagining he makes the case for the caring, compassionate liberals.

When did I ever say I was a liberal or compassionate.

I'm a hard cold pragmatist.

Real life... 91% of women who find out that they are going to have a Down Syndrome Retard abort. Given that this test is only 95% accurate, we can even assume some healthy fetuses wound up in Medical Waste Containers. I didn't put a gun to their heads, no one did. They made their own choices.

Now, it would be nice if we didn't put young women in so much debt from college they can't consider having babies until their 30's when it's more likely they'll have a Corky. (that the state will become burdened with when they hit adolescence and their tantrums can't be contained anymore).

But that's the reality we live in, thanks to 40 years of Christians letting the One Percent dismantle the middle class.
"Down Syndrome Retard"

Joe, imagining he makes the case for the caring, compassionate liberals.

When did I ever say I was a liberal or compassionate.

I'm a hard cold pragmatist.

Real life... 91% of women who find out that they are going to have a Down Syndrome Retard abort. Given that this test is only 95% accurate, we can even assume some healthy fetuses wound up in Medical Waste Containers. I didn't put a gun to their heads, no one did. They made their own choices.

Now, it would be nice if we didn't put young women in so much debt from college they can't consider having babies until their 30's when it's more likely they'll have a Corky. (that the state will become burdened with when they hit adolescence and their tantrums can't be contained anymore).

But that's the reality we live in, thanks to 40 years of Christians letting the One Percent dismantle the middle class.

You're not a pragmatist at all Joe, you're a bundle of contradictions because you don't think well at all, or rationally. If you were a pragmatist you would be able to think that your mother dying, even if you prayed for her, would not rule out the existence of God. But you cannot allow for that. That's not at all pragmatic. It's an emotional mess, Joe. Also: juvenile.
I'm sorry your soul seems to be incurable rotten

Naw, this is where you get confused.

When I do good things (and I do a lot of good things for a lot of people), it's not because I live in mortal terror that if I don't, some Sky Pixie is going to burn me in hell right along with Hitler and Ann Frank (Both of whom went to Hell for different reasons, according to Christians) or that I might get to spend eternity with Jeffery Dahmner (who found Jesus and was totally forgiven. Hope he didn't run into anyone he ate up there.)

I do good things because they are the right thing to do...

It seems to me that if "Christians" have to be terrorized into being decent human beings, or awful ones (Crusades, Inquisitions, etc.), then that make you kind of weak creatures.
I'm sorry your soul seems to be incurable rotten

Naw, this is where you get confused.

When I do good things (and I do a lot of good things for a lot of people), it's not because I live in mortal terror that if I don't, some Sky Pixie is going to burn me in hell right along with Hitler and Ann Frank (Both of whom went to Hell for different reasons, according to Christians) or that I might get to spend eternity with Jeffery Dahmner (who found Jesus and was totally forgiven. Hope he didn't run into anyone he ate up there.)

I do good things because they are the right thing to do...

It seems to me that if "Christians" have to be terrorized into being decent human beings, or awful ones (Crusades, Inquisitions, etc.), then that make you kind of weak creatures.

There is no "right thing" from your framework. You are molecules in motion.
You're not a pragmatist at all Joe, you're a bundle of contradictions because you don't think well at all, or rationally. If you were a pragmatist you would be able to think that your mother dying, even if you prayed for her, would not rule out the existence of God. But you cannot allow for that. That's not at all pragmatic. It's an emotional mess, Joe. Also: juvenile.

Naw, it pretty much does.... Everything else can be explained by science.

Science explains mom' death just fine. She had cancer in her Colon that spread to her liver. Bodies fail. Can't get mad at biology or chemistry, it is what it is.

But to claim that there is a magic sky pixie who will change that if you just pray hard enough, is silly. And after he doesn't saying he must have had a good reason (actually said by one of the nasty old dykes in a habit at her wake) is beyond insulting.
There is no "right thing" from your framework. You are molecules in motion.

sure there is.

Don't hurt people without a good cause. That's the right thing to do.

Help people out when you can. That's the right thing to do.

See. No need for a sky pixie in any of that.

Wasn't this thread about a bunch of people who got shot up because some guy didn't like their Sky Pixie?
You're not a pragmatist at all Joe, you're a bundle of contradictions because you don't think well at all, or rationally. If you were a pragmatist you would be able to think that your mother dying, even if you prayed for her, would not rule out the existence of God. But you cannot allow for that. That's not at all pragmatic. It's an emotional mess, Joe. Also: juvenile.

Naw, it pretty much does.... Everything else can be explained by science.

Science explains mom' death just fine. She had cancer in her Colon that spread to her liver. Bodies fail. Can't get mad at biology or chemistry, it is what it is.

But to claim that there is a magic sky pixie who will change that if you just pray hard enough, is silly. And after he doesn't saying he must have had a good reason (actually said by one of the nasty old dykes in a habit at her wake) is beyond insulting.

When mature Christians pray, we pray for healing, this is true. We don't pray for healing with the expectation that God will always provide it. We will all die. Either from old age or accidents, or disease, etc. God is not a slave to OUR will, Joe. He is not obligated to OUR will because we pray for it. I mean even very young children understand this. That's why I'm so perplexed by your reaction to your mother's death.
There is no "right thing" from your framework. You are molecules in motion.

sure there is.

Don't hurt people without a good cause. That's the right thing to do.

Help people out when you can. That's the right thing to do.

See. No need for a sky pixie in any of that.

Wasn't this thread about a bunch of people who got shot up because some guy didn't like their Sky Pixie?

You can maybe make a feeble case about that being the "right thing to do" because it helps people get along in society. But that case falls apart very easily. From your worldview there IS no "Right" and there is no "wrong". You are molecules in motion. You are especially not obligated to help out a single other person. What makes that "right"? Your claims about that being the "Right thing to do" are specious at best.
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.
So, Gun Control, means no one has any guns?
We already have plenty of gun control laws
Evidently, not enough.
We have more than enough we just don't enforce them

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