Mosque shooting in New Zealand

Had someone in those mosques had a gun, the shooter could have been stopped....he reloaded several times......

another gun free zone tragedy.....

Never happens... I guess the whole world must be a gun free zone, since a mass shooter has never been stopped by a good guy with a gun before he got started.

Moron, actual research shows that armed citizens have a 94% success rate when they have their guns with them at stopping mass shooters, and saving lives.......but don't let facts get in your way.

People who have never actually seen a gun, believe it’s considered a novelty by those who own guns. They don’t understand that it’s something that you keep on your person concealed, like you have a wallet or car keys. It’s used as a last ditch effort to protect yourself. You can never win this argument. Wishing no guns exist, is in way reality.

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Moron, actual research shows that armed citizens have a 94% success rate when they have their guns with them at stopping mass shooters, and saving lives.......but don't let facts get in your way.

Yeah, sure... you tell yourself that.

Thing is, the Bad guy with a gun has a plan, and he has gotten his shots off before anyone can react....

So do nothing, and be a victim. If police followed your line of reasoning, there would be none.

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People who have never actually seen a gun, believe it’s considered a novelty by those who own guns. They don’t understand that it’s something that you keep on your person concealed, like you have a wallet or car keys. It’s used as a last ditch effort to protect yourself. You can never win this argument. Wishing no guns exist, is in way reality.

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Exactly. No amount of gun control can uninvent the gun. There are 360 million firearms in the United States. 360 MILLION.

That means, if the are 11,000 murders by firearm in the US (and I didn't check if that was accurate, I just did the math) that is .00003 murders per gun.

Get that? For every 100,000 guns owned in America, there are 3 murders per year.
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Someone was working overtime to cram stuff at your link, Uncensored2008. I was right in the middle of reading, then it changed to a different page. When I hit the left arrow to go back, it wasn't the same information. One said guns were allowed, the other wasn't there long enough to read it, but the first line seemed to be something about past events that caused certain kinds of military guns used in terror attack were banned. The one below supports the idea that gun laws should be changed in NZ, or at least id did a few minutes ago. Mankind has his share of mood swings, but the information highway says what the last hacker says went down, I guess.

New Zealand leader vows to change gun laws after terrorist attack on mosques

That just means that Dont Taz Me Bro is out manipulating the threads again. The dude tries to alter the outcome of reality to fit his bizarre vision.
Could have been anybody. When I frist saw that story, it wasn't here yet, and I thought it would catch on because the perpetrator was anal about killing a large number of people he attacked. It sure hustled around the globe in no time, because I'm not a professional, I was just checking out world earthquakes, when I ran into this blurb about a shooting down under, but east of Australia in NZ. I'm fond of sea creatures in the different oceanic biomes also, so I run into a lot of international blurbs about South Pacific and Indian Ocean places. I'd rather not have known, because some of the new congressional representatives are tooting and tweeting anti-Semitism every other day. They come here to escape trouble. When they get here they bring the old world hatreds with them, which is exactly what happened to Germany in last centuries late 30s. New century, new victims. Hate be hate. :(
Had someone in those mosques had a gun, the shooter could have been stopped....he reloaded several times......

another gun free zone tragedy.....
Fucking idiot. You post a thread without having a fucking clue what you’re talking about.

New Zealand’s Gun Laws Draw Scrutiny After Mosque Shootings

NYTImes bullshit. Calling on ONE SIDE to analyze NZ gun laws.... The arguments are that 96% of guns "aren't registered"... But by the gun-grabbers own words -- EVERY OWNER IS LICENSED... So it's the INDIVIDUAL that kills, not the gun..

Lies by omission.. Trademark of our current fake news....
A forum moderator who doesn’t know what the OP is about. How nice.

Is New Zealand a gun free zone or is 2aguy ignorant?

I know EXACTLY what the topic is and I addressed it.. You're diverting from my exposure of the BIAS in the NYTimes article you posted... Which is more stringent?? Registering every gun -- or requiring actual EXAMS and LICENSING every firearm holder and restricting buys to one per year?? How come the NY Times only supplied an ANTI-GUN nut to obfuscate all that??

Seems like its YOU that did not read the OP.. Doubt you read or thought about the NYT article either.. Poster NEVER declared NZ as a "gun free zone"... He referred to the MOSQUES as gun free zones.. Ain't gonna bully me from correcting you by playing the "dirty mod" card ever...
I cannot believe you are actually celebrating the failure of gun control. There is no limit to the depths you will sink to,
Says she who proudly stands on the bodies and bathes herself in the blood of innocent victims while screaming for more gun control.

We don't need more gun control in Canada. We need Americans to stop smuggling guns into our country.

You need a wall. It would stop Canadians from smuggling American guns into Canada.

(no title)

Canadian man gets 51 months in border gun smuggling case

30 handguns seized in investigation into cross-border smuggling: police
I have to admit I never thought a crazed Aussie - but I repeat myself - would shoot up a couple of mosques in NZ in order to affect matters in the US. You're quite right.

I've noticed most of the vitriol common after these events has subsided since that information was made public.

Only the far-fringe wackadoodles are so far removed from rational thought that they will knowingly dance to this cretin's tune.
Old Yeller

Why is the simple message of sorrow "Helm ab zum Gebet" ("leave the helm to pray") with which German soldiers show their respect for god - and also for his killed children in this context - "informative" in your eyes? What do you see, what I do not see? Why are you so impertinent to disturb some minutes of sorrow with such a strange comment? Are you not able to realize what had happened?

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Syrian Girl Reports: New Zealand Mosque Mass Murder Does Not Add Up

Syrian Girl Reports: New Zealand Mosque Mass Murder Does Not Add Up
He was a white nationalist. One of your kind.
Link to 2Aguy being a white nationalist.

Put up our shut up.
My real life experience tells me that calling someone a racist gun nut is redundant. I was a steelworker for 35 years so I probably know more gun owners than most people and most gun owners are normal people who like to hunt or feel safer at home because they have a gun. The real gun huggers and gun fondlers that I`ve known are drooling chickenshit racists 100% of the time.
My church around 5% will be carrying during worship. Only a matter of time for one of your terrorist loving whackos to walk in and start shooting.

Um, sorry, guy, the only whacko who will come in shooting is probably another angry white male who thinks the world is out to get him.

And he'll probably ending up killing a bunch of you before one of you even knows what's going on.
Poverty causes crime! So Trump and everyone else in politics being millionaires means they never commit crimes!


Again, when the poor steal, it's called crime.
When the rich steal, it's called profits.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Heh, don't let the fact that it was still a shooting stop you either, Joe. Lovely dodge.

Gun control as you see it is useless. People will always find a way around it.

Not really. Turns out the shooter was from Australia, where they actually DO have meaningful gun control laws. While there were plenty of Muslims in Australia making this guy angry, he had to go to New Zealand where the gun laws were a lot more lax to get enough guns to go on a rampage.
Reveal your true fascist nature, why don't you? Do you realize that every oppressive dictator in recent history preferred that their people be unarmed? Do you realize the result of that disarmament? Mass murder. Ruthless oppression. Genocide. Ethnic cleansing. The elimination of equality in all its forms. Free thought? Forget it.

Get off the couch and actually learn some history. Nazi Germany never confiscated guns... In fact, gun ownership was considered a sign of Aryan Manliness.

The result of going unarmed is that crazy people don't go around shooting up houses of worship and schools. They never, ever stop governments from doing bad things. Governments have fucking tanks and bombers and well-trained armies.

Funny thing about Germany. The German people had a shitload of guns, but when the SS came for the Jews, not a fucking one of them came out and said,"Hey, you can't take Goldberg, he's my friend!"

Nope. They either cheered when Goldberg got taken to the camps or they cowered in their houses with their guns and thanked God it wasn't them.
Neither Poverty nor Liberty cause crimes.

Immorality causes crimes.

Can you be shocked that people governed by those that think innocent children have no right to life carry that belief to thinking adults don't either?

Hey, funny thing happened. 20 years after we legalized abortion, the crime rate dropped steeply, because the kinds of kids who were poor and more inclined to be crooks ended up in medical waste containers, and we were all better off for it.

Try to keep on topic. The topic here is guns being to accessable to crazy people.
Funny thing Joe and that is Texas with it massive size and population has relax gun control laws and Houston Fifth Ward is safer than the South Side of Chi-town...

Meh, not really... YOu see, the funny thing is that in Chicago, we have a corrupt police department that is hated by the community. They only clear 17% of murders. Oh, yeah, and they got our very sensible gun control laws thrown out in 2010.
Lol, someone who supports late term abortion should not be lecturing anyone about who is or isn't a ghoul.

there's no such thing as "late-term" abortion. When a pregnancy is brought to term, the baby is born. The proper term is third trimester abortion, which represent less than 1% of all abortions performed and are always done for solid medical reasons.

Or do you think a lady goes through 8 months of morning sickness and body distortion and says, 'Nah, fuck it, let's get rid of it!"

Go find a mirror. A strong one. Because you are as hypocritical on the issue of life as they come. You wish to preserve life by taking the right of others to preserve theirs away. You want to take life by giving the female species an unrestricted right to have abortions in any stage of development. That also speaks ill of how you care for the children who have died as a result of gun violence, and those who died in poverty.

Again, guy, you are a bit confused. Women are going to get abortions no matter what the law is, just like they did before Roe. Probably easier now because we have a pill for that.

This has nothing to do with the fact we have 33,000 gun deaths a year because the NRA likes to play on your fears.

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