Most Americans like Socialism


Yup, Spain's troubles have nothing to do with Boosh's World Depression, and neither did Booosh lol. Our cars' size and gas prices are due to long distances and low gas taxes. Ditto our crap roads. Jeebus you know nothing about GNP- very similar to US but not concentrated in the 1%. Pub dupes!

We want want to keep gas prices low and we don't want you stupid environmental wackos putting government regulations in the way of free market oil prices.

Under Obama "income inequality" in the US has grown so if you don't like that then don't vote for dickheads like Obama. I personally don't give a shit what other people make. I am not greedy or envious, unlike you.

A free market, run by cartels?

Notwithstanding your biased opinion, here are the facts on income inequality"

A Guide to Statistics on Historical Trends in Income Inequality Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The VAT tax does place a burden on the European consumer, I recall buying tooth paste in Italy and suffering 'sticker shock'. I was raised in a row house in San Francisco, three bedrooms, one bath and around 1,100 sq. ft.

The Smart Car isn't a brand within your meaning, it is a two-seat MBZ half the size of an American compact and ubiquitous, along with motorized bikes, in the major cities of Europe, all of which have public transportation.

Some Americans "live vastly more luxurious lives than Europeans do" but other than a few growing enclaves poverty in Europe is not as visible as it is in the US.

Smart is a trade marked brand named built by BMW. smart USA - Google

If I am going to risk my life, I'll ride a motorcycle and be honest about the risk.

And we all know that there is no poverty in the USA. What you of the left call poverty here, live lives far more opulent than the vast majority of Western Europe does. We do have a mental health problem, but no one is in danger of starvation or exposure from lack of resources.

Your opinion is wrong, and as usual biased:

Death toll for homeless found on Denver streets nears 700 since 2000 - The Denver Post

One city, one exampe of many.
Too bad you get no vacation till you're an angry family man. Other modern countries (SOCIALISTS!!) get 5-6 weeks after a year and actually understand other countries instead of just doing ugly American carping...big cars, big houses....big egos, big covert war mongering, big corrupt Pub world depressions...I'm just pissed they hate Americans instead of a-hole Pubs and functional shyttehead dupes...

Franco, put down the vodka and the sterno - you have long since passed from coherence today.
I get it, stupid talking points and dumb
In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel
In North Korea, the people have adapted to three generations of Kims.

High priced gas is not a very convincing argument for why we should be more socialist.

I have also been to most of Europe and they don't even approach the greatness of America.
The VAT tax does place a burden on the European consumer, I recall buying tooth paste in Italy and suffering 'sticker shock'. I was raised in a row house in San Francisco, three bedrooms, one bath and around 1,100 sq. ft.

The Smart Car isn't a brand within your meaning, it is a two-seat MBZ half the size of an American compact and ubiquitous, along with motorized bikes, in the major cities of Europe, all of which have public transportation.

Some Americans "live vastly more luxurious lives than Europeans do" but other than a few growing enclaves poverty in Europe is not as visible as it is in the US.

Smart is a trade marked brand named built by BMW. smart USA - Google

If I am going to risk my life, I'll ride a motorcycle and be honest about the risk.

And we all know that there is no poverty in the USA. What you of the left call poverty here, live lives far more opulent than the vast majority of Western Europe does. We do have a mental health problem, but no one is in danger of starvation or exposure from lack of resources.

Your opinion is wrong, and as usual biased:

Death toll for homeless found on Denver streets nears 700 since 2000 - The Denver Post

One city, one exampe of many.
And 1/3 of the kids go to bed hungry. Half the time the dupes bitch about half the country on assistance, and halfthe time go on about how everyone's fine. See sig for our ruin after 30 years of Reaganism. Worst rich poor gap and prison pop. by far in the modern world, and the chumps blame Obama who's trying to turn this ship of fools around....

Nobody wants high gas prices here, especially me.
Income inequality will continue to grow as long as Pubs defend to the death unfair tax rates and policy. It's too bad when Dems had the power, it was the middle of Booosh's meltdown and no time for the antidote.

Income inequality will always happen when you have some people that work smart and hard and others sitting on their welfare ass smoking pot.

If you want to be as rich as Bill Gates then go create a software empire or something. In the meantime you just sound greedy and envious bitching about it.

Using the filthy ass oppressive government to steal money from those that earned it and giving to the shitheads than didn't earn it maybe provide you with your welfare check every month but it is nothing more than despicable thievery.
In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel
In North Korea, the people have adapted to three generations of Kims.

High priced gas is not a very convincing argument for why we should be more socialist.

I have also been to most of Europe and they don't even approach the greatness of America.
The scale of Europe is much smaller so the gas prices aren't out of line. America's greatness has been going to hell under Reaganism.
No more than the EU- and they have a $14 min wage...

And 60% unemployment.. :thup:

again, EU was fine til Booosh 2001-8. unUSA has incredible natural resources but also a-hole Pub -and silly dupes like you..

Well Bush was president of the EU after all.

Huff some more sterno, brite boi....
60%? And I'm the one who's drinking? 10% and they figure it the way you supposedly want us to...
Your opinion is wrong, and as usual biased:

Death toll for homeless found on Denver streets nears 700 since 2000 - The Denver Post

One city, one exampe of many.

Unfortunately we have a mental health problem in this nation. Those who are homeless are alcoholics and drug addicts, coupled with schizophrenics and other mental issues.

Even the link you offered calls bullshit on the claims you make;

But the more he speaks, the more truth leaks out: Two female friends, also homeless, whom he counseled not to drink, talked him into consuming alcohol. In a five-year period, booze led to his arrest six times for assault and seven times for public intoxication.

Drinking, he says, killed his two friends, including Marietta Porcupine, who died Nov. 7.}

That's from YOUR LINK, because the fact is that there is no poverty in the USA - and we all know it.

Leftists lie to promote the agenda of an Authoritarian state, but no one in this country is in danger save by choice.
You HAVE heard of the Bush World Depression, right? Also VERY helpful in the ME. How do you think Hitler and the Jap. militarists got going? ANOTHER Pub world depression....always a corrupt catastrophe, dupe.

A free market, run by cartels?

Notwithstanding your biased opinion, here are the facts on income inequality"

A Guide to Statistics on Historical Trends in Income Inequality Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

So why don't you go out and find oil?

It is very expensive to explore for it and get it to the pump for you to use in your car to drive to your environmental wacko global warming rally. If you have a cheaper way to provide energy than oil then go at it. You will have a massive market. I would suggest not banking on Solyndra solar cells. Even with massive government subsidies by that idiot Obama it pretty well bombed.

I don't give a shit how much money other people make because unlike you I am not greedy and envious.

I am much more concerned about the filthy ass government curtailing economic growth through high taxation, socialism and regulations.

The combined cost of government in this country is over 40% of the GNP and that has done much more damage to this economy than Bill Gates making money creating software.

No rich man threatens to throw me in jail or take away my home if I don't send them several tens of thousands of dollars each year but the fucking government does.

Like all Moon Bats you are simply confused about who the real enemy is. It ain't Bill Gates, it is Barack Obama.

A free market, run by cartels?

Notwithstanding your biased opinion, here are the facts on income inequality"

A Guide to Statistics on Historical Trends in Income Inequality Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

So why don't you go out and find oil?

It is very expensive to explore for it and get it to the pump for you to use in your car to drive to your environmental wacko global warming rally. If you have a cheaper way to provide energy than oil then go at it. You will have a massive market. I would suggest not banking on Solyndra solar cells. Even with massive government subsidies by that idiot Obama it pretty well bombed.

I don't give a shit how much money other people make because unlike you I am not greedy and envious.

I am much more concerned about the filthy ass government curtailing economic growth through high taxation, socialism and regulations.

The combined cost of government in this country is over 40% of the GNP and that has done much more damage to this economy than Bill Gates making money creating software.

No rich man threatens to throw me in jail or take away my home if I don't send them several tens of thousands of dollars each year but the fucking government does.

Like all Moon Bats you are simply confused about who the real enemy is. It ain't Bill Gates, it is Barack Obama.
It's not Bill Gates or any other rich Dem, dingbat. It's your billionaire Pub heroes robbing us blind. Enjoy the depression?
You HAVE heard of the Bush World Depression, right? Also VERY helpful in the ME. How do you think Hitler and the Jap. militarists got going? ANOTHER Pub world depression....always a corrupt catastrophe, dupe.

Have you heard of Thorozine? Rehab centers for chronic alcoholism?

Seriously dude, you have no grasp at all on reality.
You HAVE heard of the Bush World Depression, right? Also VERY helpful in the ME. How do you think Hitler and the Jap. militarists got going? ANOTHER Pub world depression....always a corrupt catastrophe, dupe.

Have you heard of Thorozine? Rehab centers for chronic alcoholism?

Seriously dude, you have no grasp at all on reality.
Masters in History. You? Pubs didn't cause the Great Depression? Its chaos didn't lead to the rise of fascists? ISIS isn't the best career choice in Syria? Try listening to your superiors...later!

It's not Bill Gates or any other rich Dem, dingbat. It's your billionaire Pub heroes robbing us blind. Enjoy the depression?

Oh so now there is a difference between "the rich" if one is Democrat and another one is Republican? LOL!

I though you were bitching about income inequality and how the rich are somehow hurting you.

I don't know if you are simply confused or just plain stupid. With posts like you have been making it is hard to tell the difference.

You are a joke.

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