Most Americans like Socialism

Masters in History. You? Pubs didn't cause the Great Depression? Its chaos didn't lead to the rise of fascists? ISIS isn't the best career choice in Syria? Try listening to your superiors...later!

I'm sure that you weaved many lovely baskets while submerged.

But back in the real world - you have utterly no grip on reality, You think the shit you read on the hate sites is real.
The more people lose sight of the LORD, the more they have to fill that hole with something. They begin to believe that the government is god. The French did this (Napoleon), The Russians did this with Lenin, Stalin, etc... The German people did it with Hitler. And now the average American is falling into the same trap. The Government decides what will be and what will not be presented as education. The Government defines marriage and proper codes of conduct. The Government controls healthcare and will finally decide who will and will not receive it and when... The Government tries to manipulate nature and sets the criterion everyone needs to follow.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an anarchist. However, the best government is one which knows its place, and that place is UNDER GOD and not above Him. The various problems we are experiencing more and more point to the very fact that Government without God cannot do anything right. And in fact only has complicated everything. It is also well on the way to defining Good as bad, and Bad as good.
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Childish replies are often a result of "playing to ones audience" is definitely the case here..
Why should I waste anything even remotely articulate on a fool like you...??....

Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.
Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.

Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
What nation or nations today practice laissez faire capitalism?

What nation or nations today practice laissez faire capitalism?

Very few if any but the one that comes the closest is Hong Kong and it has been rated as having the most economic freedom in the world.
We have close friends in much more socialist countries and they wonder why Americans put up with being screwed over by the govt - in the name of anti-socialism.

Its dumb and its self-defeating.

Yeah, especially in those Workers Paradises like Cuba and North Korea, huh scumbag?

And please. Don't bore me with Europe.

It's a fucking mess. 25% Youth Unemployment in France, 60% taxes in Scandi Land, $8 a gallon gasoline, $100 for a pair of Jeans, $350 per sq foot to buy an apartment (1,000 sq ft apt will cost $350,000)

We do so much better than any other Country on Earth, it isn't even funny.

You're an ungrateful scumbag.

What else is new? You're a dimocrap

We could do so much better. The point made was spot on, anti-socialism handicaps pragmatic solutions to chronic problems. The best contemporary example is Health Care in America.

It's becoming increasingly clear that the greater danger to our nation is not the threat of Socialism, it is the reality that our democratic republic has evolved into governance by an oligarchy, those who control the nations wealth, and those who do their bidding.

We have become a Plutocracy and the road back is in the hands of an educated voter and universal suffrage.

No the danger to our society is the people who believe what you just posted.........
Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.
Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.

Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
What nation or nations today practice laissez faire capitalism?

None. What pig isn't infested with parasites?

When do libs ever tire of this lame argument?
Socialism has never worked....and never will

I think the Amish do fine. In fact, some of the smaller European countries seem to do Ok. In fact, I'm OK if certain states in the US, who are as big as small countries in Europe, want to experiment with it.

The problem with socialism is that those who push it are collectivists and wish to expand it further and further. Now the EU is standing on a ledge because of Greece.

To think that the US can adopt the same form of governemnt as, say Denmark, is absurd.
Socialism: if we can't all be rich, let us all be equally poor :p

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Socialism has never worked....and never will

I think the Amish do fine. In fact, some of the smaller European countries seem to do Ok. In fact, I'm OK if certain states in the US, who are as big as small countries in Europe, want to experiment with it.

The problem with socialism is that those who push it are collectivists and wish to expand it further and further. Now the EU is standing on a ledge because of Greece.

To think that the US can adopt the same form of governemnt as, say Denmark, is absurd.

Actually, the small European countries only "do ok" because they can rely on the United States for military protection....without our umbrella of protection over Europe...all of those left wing, socialist paradises would have to build and maintain effective a minimum an army and air force......and that isn't cheap...unless someone else does it for you...for free......and then you can spend all the money you want on your nanny state....and make fun of the country that spends it's money for your protection....

It's not Bill Gates or any other rich Dem, dingbat. It's your billionaire Pub heroes robbing us blind. Enjoy the depression?

Oh so now there is a difference between "the rich" if one is Democrat and another one is Republican? LOL!

I though you were bitching about income inequality and how the rich are somehow hurting you.

I don't know if you are simply confused or just plain stupid. With posts like you have been making it is hard to tell the difference.

You are a joke.
You're a gd moron if you can't tell the difference between greedy idiot racist Pub billionaires who propagandize and Dem ones who want to tax themselves more, the nonrich less, and invest in America. JACKASS!
Masters in History. You? Pubs didn't cause the Great Depression? Its chaos didn't lead to the rise of fascists? ISIS isn't the best career choice in Syria? Try listening to your superiors...later!

I'm sure that you weaved many lovely baskets while submerged.

But back in the real world - you have utterly no grip on reality, You think the shit you read on the hate sites is real.
Jeebus what an ignorant brainwashed dumbass ugly American moron...ANY ARGUMENT AT ALL? LOL
Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.
Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.

Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
What nation or nations today practice laissez faire capitalism?

All of them, to one degree or another. That's like asking what countries allow freedom.
Socialism has never worked....and never will

I think the Amish do fine. In fact, some of the smaller European countries seem to do Ok. In fact, I'm OK if certain states in the US, who are as big as small countries in Europe, want to experiment with it.

The problem with socialism is that those who push it are collectivists and wish to expand it further and further. Now the EU is standing on a ledge because of Greece.

To think that the US can adopt the same form of governemnt as, say Denmark, is absurd.

Actually, the small European countries only "do ok" because they can rely on the United States for military protection....without our umbrella of protection over Europe...all of those left wing, socialist paradises would have to build and maintain effective a minimum an army and air force......and that isn't cheap...unless someone else does it for you...for free......and then you can spend all the money you want on your nanny state....and make fun of the country that spends it's money for your protection....
All these countries have fine militaries, jackass. They're just not nuts like us...., spending as much as the rest of the world combined. Actually nuts like war mongering paranoid tiny penised Pubs and hater dupes...

Before the corrupt Boosh world depression, we had the same per capita income as Belgium. Of course the EU recovers more slowly...they don't have our natural resources.
Socialism has never worked....and never will

I think the Amish do fine. In fact, some of the smaller European countries seem to do Ok. In fact, I'm OK if certain states in the US, who are as big as small countries in Europe, want to experiment with it.

The problem with socialism is that those who push it are collectivists and wish to expand it further and further. Now the EU is standing on a ledge because of Greece.

To think that the US can adopt the same form of governemnt as, say Denmark, is absurd.

Actually, the small European countries only "do ok" because they can rely on the United States for military protection....without our umbrella of protection over Europe...all of those left wing, socialist paradises would have to build and maintain effective a minimum an army and air force......and that isn't cheap...unless someone else does it for you...for free......and then you can spend all the money you want on your nanny state....and make fun of the country that spends it's money for your protection....
All these countries have fine militaries, jackass. They're just not nuts like us...., spending as much as the rest of the world combined. Actually nuts like war mongering paranoid tiny penised Pubs and hater dupes...

Before the corrupt Boosh world depression, we had the same per capita income as Belgium. Of course the EU recovers more slowly...they don't have our natural resources.

Maybe they can then use those militaries to actually fight, like when Europe asked Obama to handle Gaddafi for them.

Good thing Europe gave Obama that Nobel Peace Prize as a payoff.
Socialism has never worked....and never will

I think the Amish do fine. In fact, some of the smaller European countries seem to do Ok. In fact, I'm OK if certain states in the US, who are as big as small countries in Europe, want to experiment with it.

The problem with socialism is that those who push it are collectivists and wish to expand it further and further. Now the EU is standing on a ledge because of Greece.

To think that the US can adopt the same form of governemnt as, say Denmark, is absurd.

Actually, the small European countries only "do ok" because they can rely on the United States for military protection....without our umbrella of protection over Europe...all of those left wing, socialist paradises would have to build and maintain effective a minimum an army and air force......and that isn't cheap...unless someone else does it for you...for free......and then you can spend all the money you want on your nanny state....and make fun of the country that spends it's money for your protection....
All these countries have fine militaries, jackass. They're just not nuts like us...., spending as much as the rest of the world combined. Actually nuts like war mongering paranoid tiny penised Pubs and hater dupes...

Before the corrupt Boosh world depression, we had the same per capita income as Belgium. Of course the EU recovers more slowly...they don't have our natural resources.

Maybe they can then use those militaries to actually fight, like when Europe asked Obama to handle Gaddafi for them.

Good thing Europe gave Obama that Nobel Peace Prize as a payoff.
Why should they, if we'll do it for them?
Socialism has never worked....and never will

I think the Amish do fine. In fact, some of the smaller European countries seem to do Ok. In fact, I'm OK if certain states in the US, who are as big as small countries in Europe, want to experiment with it.

The problem with socialism is that those who push it are collectivists and wish to expand it further and further. Now the EU is standing on a ledge because of Greece.

To think that the US can adopt the same form of governemnt as, say Denmark, is absurd.

Actually, the small European countries only "do ok" because they can rely on the United States for military protection....without our umbrella of protection over Europe...all of those left wing, socialist paradises would have to build and maintain effective a minimum an army and air force......and that isn't cheap...unless someone else does it for you...for free......and then you can spend all the money you want on your nanny state....and make fun of the country that spends it's money for your protection....
All these countries have fine militaries, jackass. They're just not nuts like us...., spending as much as the rest of the world combined. Actually nuts like war mongering paranoid tiny penised Pubs and hater dupes...

Before the corrupt Boosh world depression, we had the same per capita income as Belgium. Of course the EU recovers more slowly...they don't have our natural resources.

Maybe they can then use those militaries to actually fight, like when Europe asked Obama to handle Gaddafi for them.

Good thing Europe gave Obama that Nobel Peace Prize as a payoff.
Do you get any real news? One good reason for Libya was its closeness to French and Italian air bases, who bombed as much as we did. The Nobel prize Obama got was a year earlier, for simply not being the giant a-hole Booosh....

2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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It's not Bill Gates or any other rich Dem, dingbat. It's your billionaire Pub heroes robbing us blind. Enjoy the depression?

Oh so now there is a difference between "the rich" if one is Democrat and another one is Republican? LOL!

I though you were bitching about income inequality and how the rich are somehow hurting you.

I don't know if you are simply confused or just plain stupid. With posts like you have been making it is hard to tell the difference.

You are a joke.
You're a gd moron if you can't tell the difference between greedy idiot racist Pub billionaires who propagandize and Dem ones who want to tax themselves more, the nonrich less, and invest in America. JACKASS!

If Democrats want to pay more taxes nothing is stopping. Where I draw the line is when they want to tax me.

It's not Bill Gates or any other rich Dem, dingbat. It's your billionaire Pub heroes robbing us blind. Enjoy the depression?

Oh so now there is a difference between "the rich" if one is Democrat and another one is Republican? LOL!

I though you were bitching about income inequality and how the rich are somehow hurting you.

I don't know if you are simply confused or just plain stupid. With posts like you have been making it is hard to tell the difference.

You are a joke.
You're a gd moron if you can't tell the difference between greedy idiot racist Pub billionaires who propagandize and Dem ones who want to tax themselves more, the nonrich less, and invest in America. JACKASS!

If Democrats want to pay more taxes nothing is stopping. Where I draw the line is when they want to tax me.
You earn over $250K- if not, Dems want to lower yours. Pubs have raised yours in reality and in effect.
No more than the EU- and they have a $14 min wage...

And 60% unemployment.. :thup:

again, EU was fine til Booosh 2001-8. unUSA has incredible natural resources but also a-hole Pub -and silly dupes like you..

Well Bush was president of the EU after all.

Huff some more sterno, brite boi....
60%? And I'm the one who's drinking? 10% and they figure it the way you supposedly want us to...

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