Most Americans like Socialism

Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.

Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Just what is your definition of laissez-faire?
Is there any nation today that does not practice a mixture of economic systems?
Socialism has never worked....and never will
On what analysis are you grabbing this from, and how are you defining "works" by taking any number of measures, fuck, we can see that communist states worked on many levels, if you want to look at actual examples of socialism that have existed, such as the anarchists in spain, the free Ukrainians, the paris commune, various small revolutionary movements throughout history, all of them worked phenomenally, until they were crushed by violence. When we talk about revolutionary socialist movements failing, you have to look at how you define "failing." Cuba was in a turmoil, poverty was rampant, women's rights was a joke, infant mortality was high, and the people wanted a revolution, even though Cuba is far from the socialist path, Cuba was consistently attacked and sabotaged by reactionaries, and despite this, healthcare improved, education improved, literacy improved, the poor got housing, food intake increased, and before you pull out the boat story, the ones who left were almost unanimously the upper classes, the ones who lost the revolution, the ones the common people were literally wanting to kill, the castro's had support, remember that. Moving on to other examples, we can look at the democratically elected socialist Salvador Allende, who the US overthrew to place Pinochet into power, a ruthless dictator who utterly crushed working families, guess that counts as a failure for socialism as well? Fuck democracy if it doesn't apply to US interests I guess.. Compare Capitalist Haiti to communist cuba and get back to me. Moving on to Venezuela, people supported Hugo and he won the right to power, the US attempted to overthrow him, and despite all this and the oil crisis, Hugo took oil money and dumped it into public funding, increasing healthcare, education, food intake, literacy, reducing extreme poverty, making one of the most progressive constitutions of all time, and Venezuela ultimately failed due to the Oil prices, which is unfortunate, but do we count capitalism as a failure when the great depression occurred? I don't think you would, so have some honesty. When looking at the history of socialist/communist movements "failing" we get a clear picture. The united states supported the murder and persecution of hundreds of thousands of communists in Indonesia, suppressed left wing ideology through two different red scare type events, and oh boy, let's get onto russia. Russia was in a period of agrarian feudalism, just coming out of world war 1, ruled by heartless tsars, life was barbaric, imperialist domination was wild, women's rights was non-existent, barbarity was rampant, life expectancy was laughable, virtually no medical care, no literacy, virtually no chance at education, etc.. The revolutionary conditions were set, and the bolsheviks rose up, although as a supporter of the anarchists in the ukraine, I heavily critique their actions, however, it is clear that if we describe Lenin's USSR as socialist, it was a phenomenal success. Abortion was legalized, healthcare increased, life expectancy increased, Imperialism was drove out of russia, living conditions were phenomenally increased, as was literacy, etc, etc, and let's not forget the industrialization that occurred, although the process for this under Stalin was horrendous, much like Stalin, who Lenin didn't want to put into power anyway.. Shall we talk about anything else? My mind's wandering.
Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Just what is your definition of laissez-faire?
Well, they like socialist ideas, but have been made to think that socialism is evil by connecting it with USSR and nazi socialists.

Democratic Socialism is different and Bernie Sander's success points to this. Link below. Will he win? Probably not since the corporate controlled media only allows coverage for a corporate democrat or a corporate republican. Notice lately how much boner and mcconnel are in love with obama since he's pushing a TPP agenda that favors the ruling class?

According To Polls Most Americans Are Socialists Like Bernie Sanders

There are no Leftist Americans. And that would be true, if every person in the US were incapable of loving any except socialism. All that would mean is that there would be no Americans, in the US.

And this is because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both, the thesis and the antithesis.
No, socialism is social democracy with intelligent regulation to protect workers and the environment, and assistance for the young, the old, and the unfortunate.

Love the way you dupes slide from communism to socialism and back as if they're the same thing. NOT! Especielly since 1935-47 when the myth of the USSR was blown up...

Come on, admit it. Lefties goal is not socialism, but full blown communism. It's just too strong of a word for Americans so you need to downplay it, a little.
Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Just what is your definition of laissez-faire?

Yes... Your meme speaks of individuals of low character, who reject sound principle.

Now... what Ideology is it that rejects sound principle?

Here's a clue: The Ideological Left.

Yet there YOU are, an Ideological Leftist, coming to lament the consequences of your own ideas.


No, socialism is social democracy with intelligent regulation to protect workers and the environment, and assistance for the young, the old, and the unfortunate.

Love the way you dupes slide from communism to socialism and back as if they're the same thing. NOT! Especielly since 1935-47 when the myth of the USSR was blown up...

Come on, admit it. Lefties goal is not socialism, but full blown communism. It's just too strong of a word for Americans so you need to downplay it, a little.
I wish full blown communism as it's wrote about could exist.. production for humanity, unlimited surplus, but I'm a realist.
Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?
Socialism is simply democratic control of the means of production, social security/medicare/etc aren't socialist, but they are programs that involve utilizing the state to help the people, which is an admirable goal.
Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?

Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Just what is your definition of laissez-faire?

Yes... Your meme speaks of individuals of low character, who reject sound principle.

Now... what Ideology is it that rejects sound principle?

Here's a clue: The Ideological Left.

Yet there YOU are, an Ideological Leftist, coming to lament the consequences of your own ideas.


It's not a meme, it's a quote stuck in reality, we had "laissez faire capitalism" in this country at one point, tell me what happened? Somalia has no regulations or taxes, isn't it a paradise?
Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?

Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Let me get this straight.. Destroy retirement for millions of working families, destroy healthcare for seniors, and fuck over veterans who actually benefit from the VA (Yes, it's not perfect, nothing is, but you're a moron.)
Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?

Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Then again, you're spewing the true goals of the republican party, so good job. Hopefully working families are informed.
Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?

Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Then again, you're spewing the true goals of the republican party, so good job. Hopefully working families are informed.

Social Security is broke and has always been broke. And that is because the monies confiscated in the name of SS are spent in the current year and since 2009, plus the balance of the budget, plus 1500 billion, beyond THAT. Which means that the US Federal government is broke.

As the head of a working family, sitting here exhausted from a long day of work, you can rest assured that we are 'informed'.
Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?

Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Then again, you're spewing the true goals of the republican party, so good job. Hopefully working families are informed.

Social Security is broke and has always been broke. And that is because the monies confiscated in the name of SS are spent in the current year and since 2009, plus the balance of the budget, plus 1500 billion, beyond THAT. Which means that the US Federal government is broke.

As the head of a working family, sitting here exhausted from a long day of work, you can rest assured that we are 'informed'.
It's not broke, it works, nothing is perfect, get over it. The federal government will always be broke, we're a debt based economy now, get over it. Yeah, it's a shame you want to screw the majority of americans.
New Zealand is a capitalist, free market, democratic country and Europe is a mess....see Greece, Spain, Portugal....

Have you ever been to Spain or Portugal? I have, and I've been to most major US and many European Cities. The streets of LIsbon and Barcelona are clean, absent pot holes or cracked sidewalks and the light rail in Barcelona is modern and very clean. In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel, Smart Cars are ubiquitous (sorry, that mean plentiful) and a huge SUV is a rare sight.

Sure, small and efficient cars are for people. Government, at the other hand, is leading by example, by always driving big and expensive luxury vehicles. Every government... Do you think government cares about how much gasoline cost?
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Just what is your definition of laissez-faire?

Yes... Your meme speaks of individuals of low character, who reject sound principle.

Now... what Ideology is it that rejects sound principle?

Here's a clue: The Ideological Left.

Yet there YOU are, an Ideological Leftist, coming to lament the consequences of your own ideas.


It's not a meme, it's a quote stuck in reality, we had "laissez faire capitalism" in this country at one point, tell me what happened? Somalia has no regulations or taxes, isn't it a paradise?

Yes... Somalia is a perfect example of working people, waiting on someone to do something for them... gathering in gangs to prey upon the weak.

It is Socialism in action.

But here's what I say to you.

Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?

Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Then again, you're spewing the true goals of the republican party, so good job. Hopefully working families are informed.

Social Security is broke and has always been broke. And that is because the monies confiscated in the name of SS are spent in the current year and since 2009, plus the balance of the budget, plus 1500 billion, beyond THAT. Which means that the US Federal government is broke.

As the head of a working family, sitting here exhausted from a long day of work, you can rest assured that we are 'informed'.
Everyone who makes over $100,000. a year pays no Social Security tax on the amount over that or maybe it's $109,000. Increase the Social Security tax to include everyone and it would finance the system forever.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Just what is your definition of laissez-faire?

Yes... Your meme speaks of individuals of low character, who reject sound principle.

Now... what Ideology is it that rejects sound principle?

Here's a clue: The Ideological Left.

Yet there YOU are, an Ideological Leftist, coming to lament the consequences of your own ideas.


It's not a meme, it's a quote stuck in reality, we had "laissez faire capitalism" in this country at one point, tell me what happened? Somalia has no regulations or taxes, isn't it a paradise?

Yes... Somalia is a perfect example of working people, waiting on someone to do something for them... gathering in gangs to prey upon the weak.

It is Socialism in action.

But here's what I say to you.

LOLLLL. Somalia has no taxes or regulations, heck, some people hold it up as a perfect example of capitalism at its purest form. It's not socialist in any way, the people are suffering, the state is doing nothing to help, no welfare programs or any evil "socialist" veterans affairs, as you would call it.

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