Most Americans like Socialism

Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?

Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Then again, you're spewing the true goals of the republican party, so good job. Hopefully working families are informed.

Social Security is broke and has always been broke. And that is because the monies confiscated in the name of SS are spent in the current year and since 2009, plus the balance of the budget, plus 1500 billion, beyond THAT. Which means that the US Federal government is broke.

As the head of a working family, sitting here exhausted from a long day of work, you can rest assured that we are 'informed'.
Everyone who makes over $100,000. a year pays no Social Security tax on the amount over that or maybe it's $109,000. Increase the Social Security tax to include everyone and it would finance the system forever.
It's a shame people don't realize this.
Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?

Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Then again, you're spewing the true goals of the republican party, so good job. Hopefully working families are informed.

Social Security is broke and has always been broke. And that is because the monies confiscated in the name of SS are spent in the current year and since 2009, plus the balance of the budget, plus 1500 billion, beyond THAT. Which means that the US Federal government is broke.

As the head of a working family, sitting here exhausted from a long day of work, you can rest assured that we are 'informed'.
Everyone who makes over $100,000. a year pays no Social Security tax on the amount over that or maybe it's $109,000. Increase the Social Security tax to include everyone and it would finance the system forever.

Here's a Better Idea... Stop pretending that SS is something other than monies confiscated from working people, which is spent in the general fund on the year it was confiscated. So that money was stolen, from those working people.

THEN... the government issues a bond for the value of the money it stole from those people, who it asks to buy those bonds, for an infinitesimal interest rate. So the government is then in debt for money that was given to them as a consequence of FRAUD, plus the interest on that principle... and it has done this for now more than 70 years.
New Zealand is a capitalist, free market, democratic country and Europe is a mess....see Greece, Spain, Portugal....
No more than the EU- and they have a $14 min wage... again, EU was fine til Booosh 2001-8. unUSA has incredible natural resources but also a-hole Pub -and silly dupes like you..

EU was fine as long they were growing by accepting new members that they could force their rules an laws on them. With all that newly acquired market Euro was gaining on USD like crazy. Suddenly they run out of new members, out of new businesses and banks to buy, got flooded by immigrants, and results are speaking for themselves. They're printing way more money then we do, Euro is below USD and still falling, and some member countries almost collapsed.
Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?

Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Then again, you're spewing the true goals of the republican party, so good job. Hopefully working families are informed.

Social Security is broke and has always been broke. And that is because the monies confiscated in the name of SS are spent in the current year and since 2009, plus the balance of the budget, plus 1500 billion, beyond THAT. Which means that the US Federal government is broke.

As the head of a working family, sitting here exhausted from a long day of work, you can rest assured that we are 'informed'.
Everyone who makes over $100,000. a year pays no Social Security tax on the amount over that or maybe it's $109,000. Increase the Social Security tax to include everyone and it would finance the system forever.

Here's a Better Idea... Stop pretending that SS is something other than monies confiscated from working people, which is spent in the general fund on the year it was confiscated. So that money was stolen, from those working people.

THEN... the government issues a bond for the value of the money it stole from those people, who it asks to buy those bonds, for an infinitesimal interest rate. So the government is then in debt for money that was given to them as a consequence of FRAUD, plus the interest on that principle... and it has done this for now more than 70 years.
Social security is the primary reason workers can survive when they grow older, it's not "stealing" the whole taxes are stealing narrative is a funny comedic joke.
LOLLLL. Somalia has no taxes or regulations, heck, some people hold it up as a perfect example of capitalism at its purest form. It's not socialist in any way, the people are suffering, the state is doing nothing to help, no welfare programs or any evil "socialist" veterans affairs, as you would call it.

Somalia is a shit-hole inhabited by an unprincipled people who have no respect for natural law, who worship a pedophile psychopath and they are suffering the consequences of such.

They have no taxes, because there is nothing to tax... but there is no end to the regulation, which is set by the subjective persecution determined by whatever power is sufficiently close to do so.

Somalia is socialism in its purest form; production as owned by 'Da Peoples', who are waiting on someone else to produce something, so they can steal it from them.
Smart is a trade marked brand named built by BMW. smart USA - Google

If I am going to risk my life, I'll ride a motorcycle and be honest about the risk.

And we all know that there is no poverty in the USA. What you of the left call poverty here, live lives far more opulent than the vast majority of Western Europe does. We do have a mental health problem, but no one is in danger of starvation or exposure from lack of resources.

Actually, Smart is owned and built by Daimler, the same company that own Mercedes and Freightliner.
Social security is the primary reason workers can survive when they grow older, it's not "stealing" the whole taxes are stealing narrative is a funny comedic joke.

LOL! You simply can NOT hide the idiots.
Poverty among seniors was a terrible problem before Social Security. Read something.

Yes.. and it will be a terrible problem for all of us, here fairly shortly.
Yes, if we don't fund social security like we need to.
No, socialism is social democracy with intelligent regulation to protect workers and the environment, and assistance for the young, the old, and the unfortunate.

Love the way you dupes slide from communism to socialism and back as if they're the same thing. NOT! Especielly since 1935-47 when the myth of the USSR was blown up...

Come on, admit it. Lefties goal is not socialism, but full blown communism. It's just too strong of a word for Americans so you need to downplay it, a little.
You're out of your mind lol...FAIR capitalism is the goal.
New Zealand is a capitalist, free market, democratic country and Europe is a mess....see Greece, Spain, Portugal....
No more than the EU- and they have a $14 min wage... again, EU was fine til Booosh 2001-8. unUSA has incredible natural resources but also a-hole Pub -and silly dupes like you..

EU was fine as long they were growing by accepting new members that they could force their rules an laws on them. With all that newly acquired market Euro was gaining on USD like crazy. Suddenly they run out of new members, out of new businesses and banks to buy, got flooded by immigrants, and results are speaking for themselves. They're printing way more money then we do, Euro is below USD and still falling, and some member countries almost collapsed.
Thanks for the SECOND Pub World Depression.
France 10%. Germany Sweden etc less. Spain was 25% in the 90's lol. Spain and Greece aren't the EU...

Doubling down on stupid...
Knowing the world is stupid? Spain wasn't worried about 25% UE in the 90's when I was there . Thanks for the world depression, Pub dupe.

Spain and Greece are EU members.
The two crappiest full members lol. Both SCREWED by Pub bankers, Greece still ruined by plutocrat tax evasion, a legacy of the Nixon supported dictatorship...Pubs, always a disgrace.
New Zealand is a capitalist, free market, democratic country and Europe is a mess....see Greece, Spain, Portugal....

Have you ever been to Spain or Portugal? I have, and I've been to most major US and many European Cities. The streets of LIsbon and Barcelona are clean, absent pot holes or cracked sidewalks and the light rail in Barcelona is modern and very clean. In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel, Smart Cars are ubiquitous (sorry, that mean plentiful) and a huge SUV is a rare sight.

Sure, small and efficient cars are for people. Government, at the other hand, is leading by example, by always driving big and expensive luxury vehicles. Every government... Do you think government cares about how much gasoline cost?

My LE agency was using hybrids over a decade ago, and the roof of our county jail had solar panels installed in 2002.

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