Most Americans like Socialism

We have close friends in much more socialist countries and they wonder why Americans put up with being screwed over by the govt - in the name of anti-socialism.

Its dumb and its self-defeating.

Yeah, especially in those Workers Paradises like Cuba and North Korea, huh scumbag?

And please. Don't bore me with Europe.

It's a fucking mess. 25% Youth Unemployment in France, 60% taxes in Scandi Land, $8 a gallon gasoline, $100 for a pair of Jeans, $350 per sq foot to buy an apartment (1,000 sq ft apt will cost $350,000)

We do so much better than any other Country on Earth, it isn't even funny.

You're an ungrateful scumbag.

What else is new? You're a dimocrap

We could do so much better. The point made was spot on, anti-socialism handicaps pragmatic solutions to chronic problems. The best contemporary example is Health Care in America.

It's becoming increasingly clear that the greater danger to our nation is not the threat of Socialism, it is the reality that our democratic republic has evolved into governance by an oligarchy, those who control the nations wealth, and those who do their bidding.

We have become a Plutocracy and the road back is in the hands of an educated voter and universal suffrage.

No the danger to our society is the people who believe what you just posted.........

You're entitle to your opinion, maybe you could explain why you believe an oligarchy is a better form of government than a democracy?
We have close friends in much more socialist countries and they wonder why Americans put up with being screwed over by the govt - in the name of anti-socialism.

Its dumb and its self-defeating.

Yeah, especially in those Workers Paradises like Cuba and North Korea, huh scumbag?

And please. Don't bore me with Europe.

It's a fucking mess. 25% Youth Unemployment in France, 60% taxes in Scandi Land, $8 a gallon gasoline, $100 for a pair of Jeans, $350 per sq foot to buy an apartment (1,000 sq ft apt will cost $350,000)

We do so much better than any other Country on Earth, it isn't even funny.

You're an ungrateful scumbag.

What else is new? You're a dimocrap

We could do so much better. The point made was spot on, anti-socialism handicaps pragmatic solutions to chronic problems. The best contemporary example is Health Care in America.

It's becoming increasingly clear that the greater danger to our nation is not the threat of Socialism, it is the reality that our democratic republic has evolved into governance by an oligarchy, those who control the nations wealth, and those who do their bidding.

We have become a Plutocracy and the road back is in the hands of an educated voter and universal suffrage.

No the danger to our society is the people who believe what you just posted.........

You're entitle to your opinion, maybe you could explain why you believe an oligarchy is a better form of government than a democracy?
He actually supports a society run by the rich who only care about short term wealth acquisition.. It's disturbing.
We have close friends in much more socialist countries and they wonder why Americans put up with being screwed over by the govt - in the name of anti-socialism.

Its dumb and its self-defeating.

Yeah, especially in those Workers Paradises like Cuba and North Korea, huh scumbag?

And please. Don't bore me with Europe.

It's a fucking mess. 25% Youth Unemployment in France, 60% taxes in Scandi Land, $8 a gallon gasoline, $100 for a pair of Jeans, $350 per sq foot to buy an apartment (1,000 sq ft apt will cost $350,000)

We do so much better than any other Country on Earth, it isn't even funny.

You're an ungrateful scumbag.

What else is new? You're a dimocrap

We could do so much better. The point made was spot on, anti-socialism handicaps pragmatic solutions to chronic problems. The best contemporary example is Health Care in America.

It's becoming increasingly clear that the greater danger to our nation is not the threat of Socialism, it is the reality that our democratic republic has evolved into governance by an oligarchy, those who control the nations wealth, and those who do their bidding.

We have become a Plutocracy and the road back is in the hands of an educated voter and universal suffrage.

No the danger to our society is the people who believe what you just posted.........

You're entitle to your opinion, maybe you could explain why you believe an oligarchy is a better form of government than a democracy?

You guys don't realize that the policies you push create the very thing you bitch about....whenever you concentrate government power to try to do good you are concentrating it for sure to commit great evils.....
The Right has painted itself into the corner in which government involvement in damn near anything is "socialism" or "Marxism" or some other "ism".

The problem when you paint yourself into a corner is that you're giving the advantage to the other guy - in this case, we have always had (and always will have) individual elements of what some would call "socialism" that people do want.

So now what?

The absolutists continue to shoot themselves in the foot by not admitting this is about equilibrium - providing enough services and safety nets to maintain a healthy, safe, civilized society without creating too much of a drag on the dynamics of the economy.

This all-or-nothing stuff ain't gonna win.

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It's not Bill Gates or any other rich Dem, dingbat. It's your billionaire Pub heroes robbing us blind. Enjoy the depression?

Oh so now there is a difference between "the rich" if one is Democrat and another one is Republican? LOL!

I though you were bitching about income inequality and how the rich are somehow hurting you.

I don't know if you are simply confused or just plain stupid. With posts like you have been making it is hard to tell the difference.

You are a joke.
You're a gd moron if you can't tell the difference between greedy idiot racist Pub billionaires who propagandize and Dem ones who want to tax themselves more, the nonrich less, and invest in America. JACKASS!

If Democrats want to pay more taxes nothing is stopping. Where I draw the line is when they want to tax me.
You earn over $250K- if not, Dems want to lower yours. Pubs have raised yours in reality and in effect.

I don't care how much I make. If you want to raise my taxes, then you are a thief and my enemy.
We have close friends in much more socialist countries and they wonder why Americans put up with being screwed over by the govt - in the name of anti-socialism.

Its dumb and its self-defeating.

Yeah, especially in those Workers Paradises like Cuba and North Korea, huh scumbag?

And please. Don't bore me with Europe.

It's a fucking mess. 25% Youth Unemployment in France, 60% taxes in Scandi Land, $8 a gallon gasoline, $100 for a pair of Jeans, $350 per sq foot to buy an apartment (1,000 sq ft apt will cost $350,000)

We do so much better than any other Country on Earth, it isn't even funny.

You're an ungrateful scumbag.

What else is new? You're a dimocrap

We could do so much better. The point made was spot on, anti-socialism handicaps pragmatic solutions to chronic problems. The best contemporary example is Health Care in America.

It's becoming increasingly clear that the greater danger to our nation is not the threat of Socialism, it is the reality that our democratic republic has evolved into governance by an oligarchy, those who control the nations wealth, and those who do their bidding.

We have become a Plutocracy and the road back is in the hands of an educated voter and universal suffrage.

No the danger to our society is the people who believe what you just posted.........

You're entitle to your opinion, maybe you could explain why you believe an oligarchy is a better form of government than a democracy?
He actually supports a society run by the rich who only care about short term wealth acquisition.. It's disturbing.

Translation: he opposes being looted by the mob.
Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?

Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Then again, you're spewing the true goals of the republican party, so good job. Hopefully working families are informed.

Social Security is broke and has always been broke. And that is because the monies confiscated in the name of SS are spent in the current year and since 2009, plus the balance of the budget, plus 1500 billion, beyond THAT. Which means that the US Federal government is broke.

As the head of a working family, sitting here exhausted from a long day of work, you can rest assured that we are 'informed'.
Everyone who makes over $100,000. a year pays no Social Security tax on the amount over that or maybe it's $109,000. Increase the Social Security tax to include everyone and it would finance the system forever.

Fuck that.

I make over $109,000, and I'm not going to get any more in SS benefits than the guy who makes $109,000. Why should I pay more?
Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Administration are all Socialist. Which of those would the Right like to get rid of?

Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Then again, you're spewing the true goals of the republican party, so good job. Hopefully working families are informed.

Social Security is broke and has always been broke. And that is because the monies confiscated in the name of SS are spent in the current year and since 2009, plus the balance of the budget, plus 1500 billion, beyond THAT. Which means that the US Federal government is broke.

As the head of a working family, sitting here exhausted from a long day of work, you can rest assured that we are 'informed'.
Everyone who makes over $100,000. a year pays no Social Security tax on the amount over that or maybe it's $109,000. Increase the Social Security tax to include everyone and it would finance the system forever.
It's a shame people don't realize this.
I'm perfectly aware of it, and you can stick your scheme to loot what I earn where the sun don't shine.
Every single one of them.

Because Social Security is a ponzi scheme... designed BY the Ideological Left as tax scheme.

Medicare, the same dam' thing.

And the Veteran's Administration is a fucking joke...

But no more so than anything else the Ideological Left does to people.
Then again, you're spewing the true goals of the republican party, so good job. Hopefully working families are informed.

Social Security is broke and has always been broke. And that is because the monies confiscated in the name of SS are spent in the current year and since 2009, plus the balance of the budget, plus 1500 billion, beyond THAT. Which means that the US Federal government is broke.

As the head of a working family, sitting here exhausted from a long day of work, you can rest assured that we are 'informed'.
Everyone who makes over $100,000. a year pays no Social Security tax on the amount over that or maybe it's $109,000. Increase the Social Security tax to include everyone and it would finance the system forever.

Here's a Better Idea... Stop pretending that SS is something other than monies confiscated from working people, which is spent in the general fund on the year it was confiscated. So that money was stolen, from those working people.

THEN... the government issues a bond for the value of the money it stole from those people, who it asks to buy those bonds, for an infinitesimal interest rate. So the government is then in debt for money that was given to them as a consequence of FRAUD, plus the interest on that principle... and it has done this for now more than 70 years.
Social security is the primary reason workers can survive when they grow older, it's not "stealing" the whole taxes are stealing narrative is a funny comedic joke.

Yeah, right, because we all know how before Social Security people starved to death when they got old.

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Social security is the primary reason workers can survive when they grow older, it's not "stealing" the whole taxes are stealing narrative is a funny comedic joke.

LOL! You simply can NOT hide the idiots.
Poverty among seniors was a terrible problem before Social Security. Read something.

Yes.. and it will be a terrible problem for all of us, here fairly shortly.
Yes, if we don't fund social security like we need to.

Zero is how much we need to fund it.
No, socialism is social democracy with intelligent regulation to protect workers and the environment, and assistance for the young, the old, and the unfortunate.

Love the way you dupes slide from communism to socialism and back as if they're the same thing. NOT! Especielly since 1935-47 when the myth of the USSR was blown up...

Come on, admit it. Lefties goal is not socialism, but full blown communism. It's just too strong of a word for Americans so you need to downplay it, a little.
You're out of your mind lol...FAIR capitalism is the goal.

"Fair" anything is a fantasy. Life isn't fair. Get used to it.
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Just what is your definition of laissez-faire?

Michael Parenti is of the same ilk as Noam Chomsky,Michael Moore, Ward Churchill, Howard Zinn,etc ...yawn
Any team that puts individuals before the team is a losing team.

This ain't a team, asshole. The whole point of the Constitution was to protect individual rights.

I suspect you actually believe everything you post. IMO, most of what you post is an opinion with and attitude and thus is not taken seriously. In my never ending effort to rehabilitate those in need, I offer the following for your edification, both morally and intellectually:

The Debate for the United States Constitution
New Zealand is a capitalist, free market, democratic country and Europe is a mess....see Greece, Spain, Portugal....

Have you ever been to Spain or Portugal? I have, and I've been to most major US and many European Cities. The streets of LIsbon and Barcelona are clean, absent pot holes or cracked sidewalks and the light rail in Barcelona is modern and very clean. In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel, Smart Cars are ubiquitous (sorry, that mean plentiful) and a huge SUV is a rare sight.
How the fuck can you have a SUV? Those European country's are small as crap, way to many people, not the wide open spaces of America ,

Stupid shit.
As always, you know nada. Spain is full of empty spaces. See Dr Zhivago or spagetti westerns? EU cars coming here have to have their suspensions softened for our shytty roads...

I know Spain is in dire economics straits. You're blabbering away to deflect from the fact that...wait for it....socialism HAS NEVER WORKED...and never will

Social... for emphasis let me say that again, Social...
Social Security keeps seniors out of poverty
November 16, 2012

A third of American seniors depend on Social Security as a safety net. Without it, poverty rates would soar.

Here's a look at a previously released fact.
One of every three Americans over 65 depends on Social Security checks to stay above the poverty line. Without these benefits, the poverty rate among seniors would soar from the current 9 percent to 45 percent. The average monthly Social Security benefit for a retired worker was about $1,230 at the beginning of 2012, and the official poverty line for an individual over 65 is $10,788 annually.


facethefacts Socialism works. Socialism is working, even here in America - whether you want/hope/try to deny it... or not.
New Zealand is a capitalist, free market, democratic country and Europe is a mess....see Greece, Spain, Portugal....

Have you ever been to Spain or Portugal? I have, and I've been to most major US and many European Cities. The streets of LIsbon and Barcelona are clean, absent pot holes or cracked sidewalks and the light rail in Barcelona is modern and very clean. In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel, Smart Cars are ubiquitous (sorry, that mean plentiful) and a huge SUV is a rare sight.
How the fuck can you have a SUV? Those European country's are small as crap, way to many people, not the wide open spaces of America ,

Stupid shit.
As always, you know nada. Spain is full of empty spaces. See Dr Zhivago or spagetti westerns? EU cars coming here have to have their suspensions softened for our shytty roads...

I know Spain is in dire economics straits. You're blabbering away to deflect from the fact that...wait for it....socialism HAS NEVER WORKED...and never will

Social... for emphasis let me say that again, Social...
Social Security keeps seniors out of poverty
November 16, 2012

A third of American seniors depend on Social Security as a safety net. Without it, poverty rates would soar.

Here's a look at a previously released fact.
One of every three Americans over 65 depends on Social Security checks to stay above the poverty line. Without these benefits, the poverty rate among seniors would soar from the current 9 percent to 45 percent. The average monthly Social Security benefit for a retired worker was about $1,230 at the beginning of 2012, and the official poverty line for an individual over 65 is $10,788 annually.


facethefacts Socialism works. Socialism is working, even here in America - whether you want/hope/try to deny it... or not.

Socialism has never worked...and never will. I remind you social security is broke, dumb ass. Now run along
Have you ever been to Spain or Portugal? I have, and I've been to most major US and many European Cities. The streets of LIsbon and Barcelona are clean, absent pot holes or cracked sidewalks and the light rail in Barcelona is modern and very clean. In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel, Smart Cars are ubiquitous (sorry, that mean plentiful) and a huge SUV is a rare sight.
How the fuck can you have a SUV? Those European country's are small as crap, way to many people, not the wide open spaces of America ,

Stupid shit.
As always, you know nada. Spain is full of empty spaces. See Dr Zhivago or spagetti westerns? EU cars coming here have to have their suspensions softened for our shytty roads...

I know Spain is in dire economics straits. You're blabbering away to deflect from the fact that...wait for it....socialism HAS NEVER WORKED...and never will

Social... for emphasis let me say that again, Social...
Social Security keeps seniors out of poverty
November 16, 2012

A third of American seniors depend on Social Security as a safety net. Without it, poverty rates would soar.

Here's a look at a previously released fact.
One of every three Americans over 65 depends on Social Security checks to stay above the poverty line. Without these benefits, the poverty rate among seniors would soar from the current 9 percent to 45 percent. The average monthly Social Security benefit for a retired worker was about $1,230 at the beginning of 2012, and the official poverty line for an individual over 65 is $10,788 annually.


facethefacts Socialism works. Socialism is working, even here in America - whether you want/hope/try to deny it... or not.

Socialism has never worked...and never will. I remind you social security is broke, dumb ass. Now run along

SS is not broke, it has been raided by a Congress more concerned for their own jobs than they are for the citizens they are supposed to represent. Do try to verify your opinions before exposing yourself to ridicule (see how Stephanie is received, that is your future).

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