Most Americans like Socialism

BS. Too bad we don't get vacations to enjoy it...Enjoy your crap McMansion that falls apart in 20 years...and see sig for our ruin after 30 years of Reaganism....

Franco, you are a rather dull witted sot - too many years of chronic alcoholism and inhalant abuse. A 2300 sq ft. house is hardly a McMansion, you moron. In my area, it's considered small.
New Zealand is a capitalist, free market, democratic country and Europe is a mess....see Greece, Spain, Portugal....

Have you ever been to Spain or Portugal? I have, and I've been to most major US and many European Cities. The streets of LIsbon and Barcelona are clean, absent pot holes or cracked sidewalks and the light rail in Barcelona is modern and very clean. In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel, Smart Cars are ubiquitous (sorry, that mean plentiful) and a huge SUV is a rare sight.
How the fuck can you have a SUV? Those European country's are small as crap, way to many people, not the wide open spaces of America ,

Stupid shit.
As always, you know nada. Spain is full of empty spaces. See Dr Zhivago or spagetti westerns? EU cars coming here have to have their suspensions softened for our shytty roads...

I know Spain is in dire economics straits. You're blabbering away to deflect from the fact that...wait for it....socialism HAS NEVER WORKED...and never will
I was in Spain for '92-'94, they had 25% UE then, bfd! They were doing great until they listened to a-hole Pub Booshie bankers...same in Greece.

It's 2015 dumb ass
New Zealand is a capitalist, free market, democratic country and Europe is a mess....see Greece, Spain, Portugal....
No more than the EU- and they have a $14 min wage... again, EU was fine til Booosh 2001-8. unUSA has incredible natural resources but also a-hole Pub -and silly dupes like you..

Take your BS and try to snow someone else. Socialism has never worked. Now scram, you bore me
Too bad you get no vacation till you're an angry family man. Other modern countries (SOCIALISTS!!) get 5-6 weeks after a year and actually understand other countries instead of just doing ugly American carping...big cars, big houses....big egos, big covert war mongering, big corrupt Pub world depressions...I'm just pissed they hate Americans instead of a-hole Pubs and functional shyttehead dupes...
Americans are not like you ass hole we like to work and as always you don't keep up with the news

France and Europe has pretend company's.

God why are you so stupid to world news?

God damn ignorant You are franko
BS. Too bad we don't get vacations to enjoy it...Enjoy your crap McMansion that falls apart in 20 years...and see sig for our ruin after 30 years of Reaganism....

Franco, you are a rather dull witted sot - too many years of chronic alcoholism and inhalant abuse. A 2300 sq ft. house is hardly a McMansion, you moron. In my area, it's considered small.
Save the stupid insults- try sticking to politics. I 'm talking generalities not your hovel lol.
New Zealand is a capitalist, free market, democratic country and Europe is a mess....see Greece, Spain, Portugal....
No more than the EU- and they have a $14 min wage... again, EU was fine til Booosh 2001-8. unUSA has incredible natural resources but also a-hole Pub -and silly dupes like you..

Take your BS and try to snow someone else. Socialism has never worked. Now scram, you bore me

BS. Too bad we don't get vacations to enjoy it...Enjoy your crap McMansion that falls apart in 20 years...and see sig for our ruin after 30 years of Reaganism....

Franco, you are a rather dull witted sot - too many years of chronic alcoholism and inhalant abuse. A 2300 sq ft. house is hardly a McMansion, you moron. In my area, it's considered small.
Save the stupid insults- try sticking to politics. I 'm talking generalities not your hovel lol.
not an insult, you are as dumb as hell to world news and politics

Would you like a friendly game at checkers?
Have you ever been to Spain or Portugal? I have, and I've been to most major US and many European Cities. The streets of LIsbon and Barcelona are clean, absent pot holes or cracked sidewalks and the light rail in Barcelona is modern and very clean. In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel, Smart Cars are ubiquitous (sorry, that mean plentiful) and a huge SUV is a rare sight.

I have also been to Europe and when you take away the history it is a shithole for the most part. There are very few European countries that have even the GNP of our poorer states. Our welfare queens in the US live in larger dwellings and eat better and have more possessions than the average Eurotrash.

Post WWII economic growth has been almost twice as more in more capitalist US than it has been more socialistic Europe. Since their ain't no such thing as a free lunch somebody always has to pay for the welfare and it always hurts an economy.

By the way, most of the European countries are tremendously in debt with low economic growth and Spain almost went bankrupt a few years when the idiots tried to adopt a "green" economy.

If you want to drive around in a stupid little midget clown car then go right ahead Sport. Nobody is stopping you. However, I prefer my Tundra truck and I sure as hell don't need idiots like you using the government to force me into your clown car. If you don't like it you can kiss my Cracker ass.
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Have you ever been to Spain or Portugal? I have, and I've been to most major US and many European Cities. The streets of LIsbon and Barcelona are clean, absent pot holes or cracked sidewalks and the light rail in Barcelona is modern and very clean. In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel, Smart Cars are ubiquitous (sorry, that mean plentiful) and a huge SUV is a rare sight.

I have also been to Europe and when you take away the history it is a shithole for the most part. There are very few European country that have even the GNP of our poorer states. Our welfare queens in the US live in larger dwellings and eat better and have more possessions than the average Eurotrash.

Post WWII economic growth has been almost twice as more in more capitalist US than it has been more socialistic Europe. Since their ain't no such thing as a free lunch somebody always has to pay for the welfare and it always hurts an economy.

By the way, most of the European countries are tremendously in debt with low economic growth and Spain almost went bankrupt a few years when the idiots tried to adopt a "green" economy.

If you want to drive around in a stupid little midget clown car then go right ahead Sport. Nobody is stopping you. However, I prefer my Tundra truck and I sure as hell don't need idiots like you using the government to force me into your clown car. If you don't like it you can kiss my Cracker ass.
yup drive those clown cars we prefer trucks


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Have you ever been to Spain or Portugal? I have, and I've been to most major US and many European Cities. The streets of LIsbon and Barcelona are clean, absent pot holes or cracked sidewalks and the light rail in Barcelona is modern and very clean. In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel, Smart Cars are ubiquitous (sorry, that mean plentiful) and a huge SUV is a rare sight.

I have also been to Europe and when you take away the history it is a shithole for the most part. There are very few European country that have even the GNP of our poorer states. Our welfare queens in the US live in larger dwellings and eat better and have more possessions than the average Eurotrash.

Post WWII economic growth has been almost twice as more in more capitalist US than it has been more socialistic Europe. Since their ain't no such thing as a free lunch somebody always has to pay for the welfare and it always hurts an economy.

By the way, most of the European countries are tremendously in debt with low economic growth and Spain almost went bankrupt a few years when the idiots tried to adopt a "green" economy.

If you want to drive around in a stupid little midget clown car then go right ahead Sport. Nobody is stopping you. However, I prefer my Tundra truck and I sure as hell don't need idiots like you using the government to force me into your clown car. If you don't like it you can kiss my Cracker ass.
Yup, Spain's troubles have nothing to do with Boosh's World Depression, and neither did Booosh lol. Our cars' size and gas prices are due to long distances and low gas taxes. Ditto our crap roads. Jeebus you know nothing about GNP- very similar to US but not concentrated in the 1%. Pub dupes!
Socialist - Being too stupid to understand that you can't have more people sitting in the wagon than you have pulling it.
Have you ever been to Spain or Portugal? I have, and I've been to most major US and many European Cities. The streets of LIsbon and Barcelona are clean, absent pot holes or cracked sidewalks and the light rail in Barcelona is modern and very clean. In Europe the people have adapted to the high cost of fuel, Smart Cars are ubiquitous (sorry, that mean plentiful) and a huge SUV is a rare sight.

I have also been to Europe and when you take away the history it is a shithole for the most part. There are very few European country that have even the GNP of our poorer states. Our welfare queens in the US live in larger dwellings and eat better and have more possessions than the average Eurotrash.

Post WWII economic growth has been almost twice as more in more capitalist US than it has been more socialistic Europe. Since their ain't no such thing as a free lunch somebody always has to pay for the welfare and it always hurts an economy.

By the way, most of the European countries are tremendously in debt with low economic growth and Spain almost went bankrupt a few years when the idiots tried to adopt a "green" economy.

If you want to drive around in a stupid little midget clown car then go right ahead Sport. Nobody is stopping you. However, I prefer my Tundra truck and I sure as hell don't need idiots like you using the government to force me into your clown car. If you don't like it you can kiss my Cracker ass.

My guess is your only contact with Europe is the cheese you eat with your whine. Real Americans drive Fords, Dodges or Chevy trucks.
Socialist - Being too stupid to understand that you can't have more people sitting in the wagon than you have pulling it.
Capitalist... figuring out how to make a profit using a limited amount of resources to provide what a large group of people wants to pay for. For example using one driver and wheels to pull a large group of lazy people around.

Yup, Spain's troubles have nothing to do with Boosh's World Depression, and neither did Booosh lol. Our cars' size and gas prices are due to long distances and low gas taxes. Ditto our crap roads. Jeebus you know nothing about GNP- very similar to US but not concentrated in the 1%. Pub dupes!

We want want to keep gas prices low and we don't want you stupid environmental wackos putting government regulations in the way of free market oil prices.

Under Obama "income inequality" in the US has grown so if you don't like that then don't vote for dickheads like Obama. I personally don't give a shit what other people make. I am not greedy or envious, unlike you.

Yup, Spain's troubles have nothing to do with Boosh's World Depression, and neither did Booosh lol. Our cars' size and gas prices are due to long distances and low gas taxes. Ditto our crap roads. Jeebus you know nothing about GNP- very similar to US but not concentrated in the 1%. Pub dupes!

We want want to keep gas prices low and we don't want you stupid environmental wackos putting government regulations in the way of free market oil prices.

Under Obama "income inequality" in the US has grown so if you don't like that then don't vote for dickheads like Obama. I personally don't give a shit what other people make. I am not greedy or envious, unlike you.
Nobody wants high gas prices here, especially me.
Income inequality will continue to grow as long as Pubs defend to the death unfair tax rates and policy. It's too bad when Dems had the power, it was the middle of Booosh's meltdown and no time for the antidote.
Socialist - Being too stupid to understand that you can't have more people sitting in the wagon than you have pulling it.

LOL, and you call people stupid:

  • People of average intelligence understands the use of a block and tackle pulley
  • An average size adult can pull several children in a wagon
  • Newtons first law of motion
Be careful in the future calling anyone stupid.
The VAT tax does place a burden on the European consumer, I recall buying tooth paste in Italy and suffering 'sticker shock'. I was raised in a row house in San Francisco, three bedrooms, one bath and around 1,100 sq. ft.

The Smart Car isn't a brand within your meaning, it is a two-seat MBZ half the size of an American compact and ubiquitous, along with motorized bikes, in the major cities of Europe, all of which have public transportation.

Some Americans "live vastly more luxurious lives than Europeans do" but other than a few growing enclaves poverty in Europe is not as visible as it is in the US.

Smart is a trade marked brand named built by BMW. smart USA - Google

If I am going to risk my life, I'll ride a motorcycle and be honest about the risk.

And we all know that there is no poverty in the USA. What you of the left call poverty here, live lives far more opulent than the vast majority of Western Europe does. We do have a mental health problem, but no one is in danger of starvation or exposure from lack of resources.
Too bad you get no vacation till you're an angry family man. Other modern countries (SOCIALISTS!!) get 5-6 weeks after a year and actually understand other countries instead of just doing ugly American carping...big cars, big houses....big egos, big covert war mongering, big corrupt Pub world depressions...I'm just pissed they hate Americans instead of a-hole Pubs and functional shyttehead dupes...

Franco, put down the vodka and the sterno - you have long since passed from coherence today.

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