Most Americans like Socialism

Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.
Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.

Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
Except for poor, disabled, female, minority, working, nonworking, young, and old people, and the environment...

Wrong again. Laissez faire capitalism has done more for all these groups than any government social program.
Childish replies are often a result of "playing to ones audience" is definitely the case here..
Why should I waste anything even remotely articulate on a fool like you...??....

Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.
Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.

Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
Most Americans have no idea what socialism is. Any poll that actually asked Americans specifics about the entirety of the socialist program would reveal just how repulsed by that philosophy most Americans are.

A poll that shows most Americans want the rich to pay more in taxes is not evidence in any way that Americans support socialism.

It's the same stupid wishful thinking we see in Libertarians who think their polls prove most Americans support libertarianism. Neither ask probing questions based on policies which separate their philosophy from all others.

If you want to find out how Americans really feel about socialism, ask them how they feel about Castro or North Korea, for starters. The kind of weak-minded socialists who support Bernie Sanders looooove Castro and North Korea.

Yep, Americans don't know what socialism is. All stories we heard about it are not true. That's why we need socialists to explain it to us... because, really... true socialism has never been tried and we have to give it a chance. Lets try it again, it wont fail this time, guaranteed.

Depends on what we call true socialism. Usually there's a mix of private and public. Especially in Scandinavia where social programs are very popular and those countries are very successful, especially in education.

When talking about socialism, lefties love to mention Scandinavian countries. If only they knew...

Yes, they have strong social programs, funded by heavy taxing. However, their economies are not that socialist, since business are spared of heavy taxing, regulations and protectionism.

None of Scandinavian countries have problem with illegal immigration, they have control over their borders and have no much issues with minorities. But that's changing too.

Wanna talk about income before and after taxes in comparison to US? Google it.
So what you're saying is that some bits of socialism in an economy can be a good thing?
Most Americans have no idea what socialism is. Any poll that actually asked Americans specifics about the entirety of the socialist program would reveal just how repulsed by that philosophy most Americans are.

A poll that shows most Americans want the rich to pay more in taxes is not evidence in any way that Americans support socialism.

It's the same stupid wishful thinking we see in Libertarians who think their polls prove most Americans support libertarianism. Neither ask probing questions based on policies which separate their philosophy from all others.

If you want to find out how Americans really feel about socialism, ask them how they feel about Castro or North Korea, for starters. The kind of weak-minded socialists who support Bernie Sanders looooove Castro and North Korea.

Yep, Americans don't know what socialism is. All stories we heard about it are not true. That's why we need socialists to explain it to us... because, really... true socialism has never been tried and we have to give it a chance. Lets try it again, it wont fail this time, guaranteed.

Depends on what we call true socialism. Usually there's a mix of private and public. Especially in Scandinavia where social programs are very popular and those countries are very successful, especially in education.

When talking about socialism, lefties love to mention Scandinavian countries. If only they knew...

Yes, they have strong social programs, funded by heavy taxing. However, their economies are not that socialist, since business are spared of heavy taxing, regulations and protectionism.

None of Scandinavian countries have problem with illegal immigration, they have control over their borders and have no much issues with minorities. But that's changing too.

Wanna talk about income before and after taxes in comparison to US? Google it.
So what you're saying is that some bits of socialism in an economy can be a good thing?

That's not socialism in economy, but in governing.
Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.
Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.

Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Actually, I still have insurance through my employer. However, should that be removed and force me to go to the inferior ACA, My coverage would be less, and instead of 360 a month right now (4320 a year premium) and my 10 dollar copay with nothing out of pocket before it kicks in, I would go to 10,800 a year in premiums with a 12,400 out of pocket, so I would basically spend 23,200 a year for my coverage, while some bottom feeder pays 60 a month for better coverage than I can get.
This is nothing more than another redistribution of wealth.
And in Maryland even the illegals are able to get medical care, they should not. or at the very least their home country should pay the bill for their upkeep.

That's funny cuz I live in a very backward red state and ours got cheaper and we got better benefits, cheaper scrips and last year, got two refunds.
perhaps you are one of those with a low enough income that you get the subsidies paid for by those that make more. I am not eligible for any subsidies or lower prices, have to pay full amount so that the lazy can have for free.
I guess the good side of it all is that most of the welfare class live in Baltimore and they are killing themselves at an alarming rate. Those drive by shootings over Heroin really star to add up.

I pay full price.

In point of fact, you already pay for the less fortunate as well as abortions and live births of illegals. You have been paying for some years now. Its called EMTALA, a socialist law put into effect by your hero, Ronnie Ray-Gun.

ObamaCare, OTOH, does not allow illegals to sign up for the cheaper insurance.

Open your mind and educate yourself.
Reagan was way to far to the left for me so Im not exactly sure where you get the idea he was my hero. Of course, he was better than the American hating muslim homosexual that is in office now.

Didn't know Obama was a homosexual. You kind of make my point though. The nazis hated and persecuted homosexuals, unlike socialists, who generally have tolerant attitudes towards everyone.
Im not exactly sure how you come up with someone being intolerant toward homosexuals just because they mention that someone is homosexual.
I do know that it is typical liberal behavior to try and create insults or intolerance where non exists.
wait, I think I understand. In your mind being homosexual is really a bad thing, although you like to pretend that you are good with it, you're not. Therefore, when it is pointed out that someone is in fact homosexual, or at least has homosexual tendencies, you assume it is an insult.
you should try to open up your mind a bit.
Oh, and stop hating on the muslims too. not all are bad, most, but not all.
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There is no perfect system, yet all of the left wing democrat socialists do is push the mythical uptopia that does not exist.

The simple fact is the FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE provides EVERYONE from the privileged to the underprivileged opportunity. Want me to list all of those that made something out of themselves who grew up in the ghetto by taking advantages of the opportunities given them?

Go ahead, list ALL of the things invented under communist conditions that have benefited mankind. I will be waiting for that long list.

No one said capitalism is perfect, however in a monetary system it works MOST PRACTICAL since it does not dismiss the other part of the human being that cannot be measured. Stuff that poets write about and scientists dismiss. The HUMAN SPIRIT where courage, and motivation exist.

Communism fails, cause it dismisses all of that. It works on paper, but humans do not live on PAPER. Maybe some of you know it alls can explain to all of us why communist countries build WALLS TO KEEP THEIR PEOPLE IN! Scratching your head?

I am so sick and tired of people being manipulated by these pied pipers on the left by manipulating the ignorant, gullible useful idiots.

When was the last time we saw droves of American citizens trying to ESCAPE to socialist countries? Give me the articles. Want me to show you mass numbers risking their fucking lives escaping communist countries and socialist countries to get here?

Why the fuck do you suppose that is? Hmmmmm? Morons.

Get a fucking clue. I will be waiting for that list.

Just to reiterate.

So, the question is what works MOST PRACTICAL in a monetary system. Hmmmmm?
Well, they like socialist ideas, but have been made to think that socialism is evil by connecting it with USSR and nazi socialists.

Democratic Socialism is different and Bernie Sander's success points to this. Link below. Will he win? Probably not since the corporate controlled media only allows coverage for a corporate democrat or a corporate republican. Notice lately how much boner and mcconnel are in love with obama since he's pushing a TPP agenda that favors the ruling class?

According To Polls Most Americans Are Socialists Like Bernie Sanders
I find this very hard to believe. Good try though. :/
Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child

Go look out your window.

See that long straight thing where you drive your car?

Or, let's say you find a fire burning in the middle of your living room floor.

Who you gonna call?

Knee jerk dummy.
That has NOTHING to do with socialism. Socialism is government interfering in every aspect of your life.
Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child

Go look out your window.

See that long straight thing where you drive your car?

Or, let's say you find a fire burning in the middle of your living room floor.

Who you gonna call?

Knee jerk dummy.

My dad was 26 years in the military. Though he leans right of center he admits he lived in a socialist system (the US military) for a quarter century and loved it.
Good for him. The people I know in the military couldn't wait to get out.
Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.

Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!". Lots of pictures.The good old days SUQQED, except for the gilded class. Reagan and his chumps have a bs fantasy. Tenements, hobos, nonstop toil on farms, potters fields, poorhouses, poisonous food etc etc.
There is no perfect system, yet all of the left wing democrat socialists do is push the mythical uptopia that does not exist.

The simple fact is the FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE provides EVERYONE from the privileged to the underprivileged opportunity. Want me to list all of those that made something out of themselves who grew up in the ghetto by taking advantages of the opportunities given them?

Go ahead, list ALL of the things invented under communist conditions that have benefited mankind. I will be waiting for that long list.

No one said capitalism is perfect, however in a monetary system it works MOST PRACTICAL since it does not dismiss the other part of the human being that cannot be measured. Stuff that poets write about and scientists dismiss. The HUMAN SPIRIT where courage, and motivation exist.

Communism fails, cause it dismisses all of that. It works on paper, but humans do not live on PAPER. Maybe some of you know it alls can explain to all of us why communist countries build WALLS TO KEEP THEIR PEOPLE IN! Scratching your head?

I am so sick and tired of people being manipulated by these pied pipers on the left by manipulating the ignorant, gullible useful idiots.

When was the last time we saw droves of American citizens trying to ESCAPE to socialist countries? Give me the articles. Want me to show you mass numbers risking their fucking lives escaping communist countries and socialist countries to get here?

Why the fuck do you suppose that is? Hmmmmm? Morons.

Get a fucking clue. I will be waiting for that list.

Just to reiterate.

So, the question is what works MOST PRACTICAL in a monetary system. Hmmmmm?

Actually, communism doesn't work on paper. It's full of contradictions. Ludwig von Mises pointed out the logical flaws in socialist theory almost 100 years ago.

I hate it when people who support capitalism say that communism works "in theory" or "on paper."
Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!". Lots of pictures.The good old days SUQQED, except for the gilded class. Reagan and his chumps have a bs fantasy. Tenements, hobos, nonstop toil on farms, potters fields, poorhouses, poisonous food etc etc.

They may have been terrible compared to now, but they were a vast improvement over what existed previously. Most of your complaints are pure bullshit, BTW, or they were characteristics of pre-capitalist society.
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!". Lots of pictures.The good old days SUQQED, except for the gilded class. Reagan and his chumps have a bs fantasy. Tenements, hobos, nonstop toil on farms, potters fields, poorhouses, poisonous food etc etc.

They may have been terrible compared to now, but they were a vast improvement over what existed previously. Most of your complaints are pure bullshit, BTW, or they were characteristics of pre-capitalist society.
Nope, the industrial age sucked, that's why communism had a chance. But the embourgeoisement of the working class through reform, unionism, and socialism headed that off. Which greedy idiot Reaganist billionaires, their bought off lying pundits, and the hater dupes are busy dismantling.
Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child

Go look out your window.

See that long straight thing where you drive your car?

Or, let's say you find a fire burning in the middle of your living room floor.

Who you gonna call?

Knee jerk dummy.
That has NOTHING to do with socialism. Socialism is government interfering in every aspect of your life.
No, socialism is social democracy with intelligent regulation to protect workers and the environment, and assistance for the young, the old, and the unfortunate.

Love the way you dupes slide from communism to socialism and back as if they're the same thing. NOT! Especielly since 1935-47 when the myth of the USSR was blown up...
There is no perfect system, yet all of the left wing democrat socialists do is push the mythical uptopia that does not exist.

The simple fact is the FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE provides EVERYONE from the privileged to the underprivileged opportunity. Want me to list all of those that made something out of themselves who grew up in the ghetto by taking advantages of the opportunities given them?

Go ahead, list ALL of the things invented under communist conditions that have benefited mankind. I will be waiting for that long list.

No one said capitalism is perfect, however in a monetary system it works MOST PRACTICAL since it does not dismiss the other part of the human being that cannot be measured. Stuff that poets write about and scientists dismiss. The HUMAN SPIRIT where courage, and motivation exist.

Communism fails, cause it dismisses all of that. It works on paper, but humans do not live on PAPER. Maybe some of you know it alls can explain to all of us why communist countries build WALLS TO KEEP THEIR PEOPLE IN! Scratching your head?

I am so sick and tired of people being manipulated by these pied pipers on the left by manipulating the ignorant, gullible useful idiots.

When was the last time we saw droves of American citizens trying to ESCAPE to socialist countries? Give me the articles. Want me to show you mass numbers risking their fucking lives escaping communist countries and socialist countries to get here?

Why the fuck do you suppose that is? Hmmmmm? Morons.

Get a fucking clue. I will be waiting for that list.

Just to reiterate.

So, the question is what works MOST PRACTICAL in a monetary system. Hmmmmm?

Actually, communism doesn't work on paper. It's full of contradictions. Ludwig von Mises pointed out the logical flaws in socialist theory almost 100 years ago.

I hate it when people who support capitalism say that communism works "in theory" or "on paper."

Let me be a bit more clear by my claim when I say it works on paper. The mythology and utopian version of what is sold to the useful idiots (Stalin term) who are on the left today "works on paper." That was suppose to be sarcastic.

The left, like the moron op, buy into the fairy tale version. Either way it does not work for the reasons I mentioned. It does not acknowledge the part of the human that cannot be measured.

There is no system that can ever be devised that will be fair for everyone. Then again the free market system does provide opportunity for everyone. Even the underprivileged. So, even though the underprivileged may have disadvantages, it is still fair since opportunities still exist.
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Sure, that works great...back to work houses and potters fields.[/QUOTE]

That is exactly where we will be if we continue on the path we are now. With Obama's emphasis on redistribution of wealth and income we have seen a rise in poverty, increased welfare rolls, bigger gap between the rich and the poor and declining family income. Then there is that $18 trillion in debt. We even have more people on the government dole than we have with real jobs.

There is a price to pay for the welfare state and it is devastating to an economy. That is why socialist countries usually fail or have stagnant growth. Their ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
Total bullshit. Laissez faire capitalism has succeeded spectacularly every time it has been tried.
You'll be able to list those occasions then.
The United States prior to 1914. Hong Kong. Singapore.
Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!". Lots of pictures.The good old days SUQQED, except for the gilded class. Reagan and his chumps have a bs fantasy. Tenements, hobos, nonstop toil on farms, potters fields, poorhouses, poisonous food etc etc.

They may have been terrible compared to now, but they were a vast improvement over what existed previously. Most of your complaints are pure bullshit, BTW, or they were characteristics of pre-capitalist society.
Nope, the industrial age sucked, that's why communism had a chance. But the embourgeoisement of the working class through reform, unionism, and socialism headed that off. Which greedy idiot Reaganist billionaires, their bought off lying pundits, and the hater dupes are busy dismantling.

The industrial age was far better than what came before it. People had more than one set of clean cheap cotton clothing so they could wash their clothing on a regular basis. They didn't wallow in filth all the time, in other words. Famine disappeared. People were well fed. On the farm in the previous age people worked from before sun up to after sun down. There were plenty of goods that simply didn't exist previously like electricity, motor cars, telephones, trains. People could travel from one end of the country to the other in the matter of a few days. Previously it would have taken months.

I could go on and on about all the benefits of capitalism. All you can do is spout communist propaganda.

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