Most Religions Today Accept Evolution

Acceptance of evolution by religious groups - Wikipedia

They do not support Intelligent Design. How come, if ID is religion and the designer is supposedly God?
For the same reason that most accept a globe earth even though there is a small contingency that still cling to false interpretations of ancient texts.

The rejection of evolution is on the same level of believing in a flat earth.
For the same reason that most accept a globe earth even though there is a small contingency that still cling to false interpretations of ancient texts.

The rejection of evolution is on the same level of believing in a flat earth.
you have that backwards,,
the acceptance of evolution is the same as believing in a flat earth due to all the evidence to the contrary,,
The "Prime Mover" concept was first articulated by Thomas Aquinas. It is consistent with the theory of Evolution.

Not a big deal.
Actually, the concept of a Prime Mover originates with Aristotle. The Thomistic concept is the ontological variant of classical theism. Just saying.
For the same reason that most accept a globe earth even though there is a small contingency that still cling to false interpretations of ancient texts.

The rejection of evolution is on the same level of believing in a flat earth.
False. The hypothesis of evolution is predicated on the presupposition of naturalism.
In fact, it doesn't. It claims that cows, whales, T-Rex's, and Chickens have common ancestors.

There is no hocus-pocus where biology is concerned.
But why do you assume that the biological naturalism of a common ancestry is true in the first place?
but at the end of the day they are still deer and not a completely different animal,,

evolution claims cows turned into whales and T-rex turned into a chicken,, and many other claims just as crazy,,
An example of the profound ignorance of the science illiterate.
But why do you assume that the biological naturalism of a common ancestry is true in the first place?

I'd be fascinated to hear another theory that doesn't involve supernatural intervention.
I'd be fascinated to hear another theory that doesn't involve supernatural intervention.
evolution requires supernatural intervention,, one kind of animal suddenly turns into another totally different kind which has never been observed or reproduced,,

lack of an option doesnt mean evo is true,,
I'd be fascinated to hear another theory that doesn't involve supernatural intervention.
You suppose that from the beginning God preprogramed nature to produce all forms of life sans further intervention.

Now you want to hear another theory that doesn't involve supernatural intervention?!

You seemed to be confused. Do you presuppose naturalism or ontological naturalism?

You suppose that from the beginning God preprogramed nature to produce all forms of life sans further intervention.

Now you want to hear another theory that doesn't involve supernatural intervention?!

You seemed to be confused. Do you presuppose naturalism or ontological naturalism?


I don't have a workable theory (nor does anyone else) on how The Universe came into being. I understand The Big Bang but the question remains is what created the singularity that started The Big Bang. Additionally, The Universe must be endless, in both space and time, else we would have to explain what existed beyond the periphery of existing time and space. There are many unanswered questions and none of that precludes the existence of a divine being. When it comes to the creation of The Universe (not just OUR Universe), there is equal evidence for both a natural or supernatural origin -- that is no evidence at all.

However, When it comes to the development of life on our Earth, the fossil evidence that species evolve and even become more complex over time is indisputable. Are there unanswered questions? Of course. Can we prove it by experiment? That remains difficult due to the extreme time scales and randomness involved. But, we understand both biological forces behind evolution and the discovery of DNA and our ability to catalog DNA only continues to support evolution as the driving force behind development of life on this planet. Evolution is, to put it bluntly, the best theory fitting all the known data. No other theory can even compete with it.

Belief in a deity doesn't preclude a belief in a natural explanation of life on Earth, or vice versa. There is absolutely no reason for naturalists and theists to be at war with each other. At the end of the day, our beliefs, one way or another, don't impact anything or anyone. Life will continue to evolve as long as there is an ecosphere to sustain it and we are merely a bus stop on the way to whatever may be the final destination of life on this planet.
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It is a very big deal when atheists the world over have used Darwinism as their excuse to commit atrocities and deny God.
View attachment 638822

- and religious fanatics who worship the false desert religions and insist the heavens are monotheistic are not themselves the same as their fictitious adversaries in their own mindless and selfish pursuits.
but at the end of the day they are still deer and not a completely different animal,,

evolution claims cows turned into whales and T-rex turned into a chicken,, and many other claims just as crazy,,
No it doesn't make such a claim.
I don't have a workable theory (nor does anyone else) on how The Universe came into being. I understand The Big Bang but the question remains is what created the singularity that started The Big Bang. Additionally, The Universe must be endless, in both space and time, else we would have to explain what existed beyond the periphery of existing time and space. There are many unanswered questions and none of that precludes the existence of a divine being. When it comes to the creation of The Universe (not just OUR Universe), there is equal evidence for both a natural or supernatural origin -- that is no evidence at all.

However, When it comes to the development of life on our Earth, the fossil evidence that species evolve and even become more complex over time is indisputable. Are there unanswered questions? Of course. Can we prove it by experiment? That remains difficult due to the extreme time scales and randomness involved. But, we understand both biological forces behind evolution and the discovery of DNA and our ability to catalog DNA only continues to support evolution as the driving force behind development of life on this planet. Evolution is, to put it bluntly, the best theory fitting all the known data. No other theory can even compete with it.

Belief in a deity doesn't preclude a belief in a natural explanation of life on Earth, or vice versa. There is absolutely no reason for naturalists and theists to be at war with each other. At the end of the day, our beliefs, one way or another, don't impact anything or anyone. Life will continue to evolve as long as there is an ecosphere to sustain it and we are merely a bus stop on the way to whatever may be the final destination of life on this planet.
sorry spanky but that is easily disputed since it takes a supernatural event for evolution to happen,,

no one has observed it or reproduced it which are the two main rules of science,,
but feel free to believe in magic since it is your right, just dont push you religion on other people until you have some real evidence,,

OH your fossil record is a joke that uses circular logic,,
the rocks tell the age of the fossil and the fossil tells the age of the rock,,

I'd be fascinated to hear another theory that doesn't involve supernatural intervention.

You make the terribly ignorant DEMAND that biologists scream:

The point is, if Darwinism fails, you must reject it, and it does fail miserably.
Science does not hold beliefs that are demonstrably false for fear of not "Having a theory."

What fascinating ignorance.

There is absolutely no reason for naturalists and theists to be at war with each other.

Yeah, right. Richard Dawkins and his millions of acolytes mock, ridicule, and maliciously attack "fundies," "flat-earthers," "believers in that archaic, ancient book of myths" and now you try to make nice. YOU KNOW-IT-ALLS call everyone else "stupid" while calling yourselves "brights."
Same as Democrats and college Marxists.
sorry spanky but that is easily disputed since it takes a supernatural event for evolution to happen,,

no one has observed it or reproduced it which are the two main rules of science,,
but feel free to believe in magic since it is your right, just dont push you religion on other people until you have some real evidence,,

OH your fossil record is a joke that uses circular logic,,
the rocks tell the age of the fossil and the fossil tells the age of the rock,,

evolution requires supernatural intervention,, one kind of animal suddenly turns into another totally different kind which has never been observed or reproduced,,

yes, someone has their eye on the ball ... and also that has been observed -


the spiritual content of the cicada transforms their physiology from a land creature to an avian being - the same process over time for one species to evolve into a distinctly different being or in a single generation that is then reproduced from the initial parent to sibling and reproduced for all future generations by the spiritual contents intuitive characteristics.

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