Most US Companies avoid paying income tax

why would a company, corporation or whatever type you want, decide to take tax savings and produce more when there is not sufficient demand to cause customers to buy the additional production. .

100% stupid of course!! There is no demand for a car that gets 1 MPG but unlimited demand for a car that gets 200 MPG, especially is a recession. 1+1=2
Thank you, me poor ignorant troll, for proving you are a congenital idiot.
I just don't get how they can not see the assault happening to the middle class. I heard tonight that in the future 40% of us will be independent contractors and temps. That's almost half our workforce that won't have insurance, workers comp benefits, unemployment insurance, paid vacations, 401k match, or all the other benefits a normal full time employee gets. Our parents had a right to their job and even got pensions. Today we don't have a right to our job and we won't get pensions. The next generation will have it worse than us. Maybe those young people will wake up and start voting every two years.

I also think the next generation is not having nearly enough kids and eventually our low birth rates are going to hurt us economically. We may have to tear down trumps wall and beg Mexicans to come. Arabs too.
Look at what your party has done to the economy and say we are stupid.

Thank you for Econ 101 retard. So is the solution that Corporations should never pay taxes because if we tax them, they'll just pass on the costs to us consumers? Well then don't buy their fucking products. Then they'll lower their prices to a level that you can afford.

What is it that you just have to have that you will pay whatever they ask? Dildo's?

You guys are funny. Income tax started out as being something companies paid. It is unconstitutional to tax individuals income. Yet somehow they convinced you that it is not good to tax the corporations and it is patriotic to pay income tax. They won. We lost. We can't win with guys like you on our team.

Your ignorance is really stunning!

I'm not sure how to simplify this for you.

If the taxes go up on corporations (sheer insanity), they go up on all corporations so all corporations pass those taxes on to their only source of income, the consumer. So if the tax on each razor scooter goes up by $1.00 per unit from company "A", it will go up by $1.00 per unit from company "B". This is not high mathematics, more like third-grade arithmetic.

Even you don't believe the malarkey you pedal, you just love stirring the pot.
You're so dumb. Maybe instead of passing the costs on to us the CEO just doesn't get as big of a bonus.

Razor scooter companies charge what the market will bare. If they charge consumers too much they won't buy.

And if you can afford $3000 for a scooter you can afford $3100. Pay your fucking taxes. It's patriotic

Poor Markle wants in the worst way to be believed. And he has been told by his loved source that corporations should not have to pay taxes. Rather, those taxes should be paid by us. The customers, and the middle class. Because the corporations do not have enough money to pay taxes. Their drain on the environment, the infrastructure by the corporations, is fine. Let the middle class pay, the corporations need to get richer and more powerful. So, that way the working class will have need for multiple jobs at starvation wages to pay their taxes, and the corporations will be richer, and more and more powerful. A conservative wet dream.
But con tools like Markle have no idea of how the corporate portion of the taxes will be paid. Because, well, studying the issue is beyond them. It takes rational thought.
why would a company, corporation or whatever type you want, decide to take tax savings and produce more when there is not sufficient demand to cause customers to buy the additional production. .

100% stupid of course!! There is no demand for a car that gets 1 MPG but unlimited demand for a car that gets 200 MPG, especially is a recession. 1+1=2
Thank you, me poor ignorant troll, for proving you are a congenital idiot.
I just don't get how they can not see the assault happening to the middle class. I heard tonight that in the future 40% of us will be independent contractors and temps. That's almost half our workforce that won't have insurance, workers comp benefits, unemployment insurance, paid vacations, 401k match, or all the other benefits a normal full time employee gets. Our parents had a right to their job and even got pensions. Today we don't have a right to our job and we won't get pensions. The next generation will have it worse than us. Maybe those young people will wake up and start voting every two years.

I also think the next generation is not having nearly enough kids and eventually our low birth rates are going to hurt us economically. We may have to tear down trumps wall and beg Mexicans to come. Arabs too.

It is truly their belief system. They believe what they want to believe, and what their group believe. And so, they do not have to deal at all with what is true. They do not see what is going on because their beliefs are provided to them like it was to pavlov's dogs. They do not care in the slightest about truth, and they believe completely what the makers of the emails, the writers of the hundreds of paid for bat shit crazy con web sites, and what the talking points delivered daily, say. It is unbelievable to rational people, but when you study where the bs that cons believe comes from, how it was originated, and how it is run, you begin to see the problem we have.
Luckily, there are not quite enough of the people who can believe what they are told to believe, and who require no proof or facts, to run our world. But they are trying, and the results are truly scary. My simple proof of what I say is one word: TRUMP!
Look at what your party has done to the economy and say we are stupid.

Thank you for Econ 101 retard. So is the solution that Corporations should never pay taxes because if we tax them, they'll just pass on the costs to us consumers? Well then don't buy their fucking products. Then they'll lower their prices to a level that you can afford.

What is it that you just have to have that you will pay whatever they ask? Dildo's?

You guys are funny. Income tax started out as being something companies paid. It is unconstitutional to tax individuals income. Yet somehow they convinced you that it is not good to tax the corporations and it is patriotic to pay income tax. They won. We lost. We can't win with guys like you on our team.

Your ignorance is really stunning!

I'm not sure how to simplify this for you.

If the taxes go up on corporations (sheer insanity), they go up on all corporations so all corporations pass those taxes on to their only source of income, the consumer. So if the tax on each razor scooter goes up by $1.00 per unit from company "A", it will go up by $1.00 per unit from company "B". This is not high mathematics, more like third-grade arithmetic.

Even you don't believe the malarkey you pedal, you just love stirring the pot.
You're so dumb. Maybe instead of passing the costs on to us the CEO just doesn't get as big of a bonus.

Razor scooter companies charge what the market will bare. If they charge consumers too much they won't buy.

And if you can afford $3000 for a scooter you can afford $3100. Pay your fucking taxes. It's patriotic

So glad to see a far left Progressive concede that it is the consumer who pays corporate taxes.

Thank you for your support!
why would a company, corporation or whatever type you want, decide to take tax savings and produce more when there is not sufficient demand to cause customers to buy the additional production. .

100% stupid of course!! There is no demand for a car that gets 1 MPG but unlimited demand for a car that gets 200 MPG, especially is a recession. 1+1=2
Thank you, me poor ignorant troll, for proving you are a congenital idiot.
I just don't get how they can not see the assault happening to the middle class. I heard tonight that in the future 40% of us will be independent contractors and temps. That's almost half our workforce that won't have insurance, workers comp benefits, unemployment insurance, paid vacations, 401k match, or all the other benefits a normal full time employee gets. Our parents had a right to their job and even got pensions. Today we don't have a right to our job and we won't get pensions. The next generation will have it worse than us. Maybe those young people will wake up and start voting every two years.

I also think the next generation is not having nearly enough kids and eventually our low birth rates are going to hurt us economically. We may have to tear down trumps wall and beg Mexicans to come. Arabs too.

I worked for over 40 years as a Realtor. An independent contractor. I LOVE my profession. I chose to be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE. Yep, I had no insurance, no workers comp benefits, no unemployment insurance, no paid vacations, 401K match or any other benefits. There were also no withholding taxes, no SS withheld nor for Medicare.

There was also no one to tell me how much I should earn, when I had days off or when I could take a vacation or for how long. I LOVED it and can't imagine any other life. I do deeply wish that NO ONE had any withholding for income tax, FICA or anything else. Just imagine how much lower our spending would be if everyone had to write a check to the IRS every quarter instead of being hoodwinked into thinking they were getting FREE MONEY when they got a refund on the taxes they had overpaid!

By the way, your parents had no "right" to a job, pensions nor anything else. Just as their parents got diddly squat. Why do you think you're ENTITLED to anything but your worth?
Look at what your party has done to the economy and say we are stupid.

Thank you for Econ 101 retard. So is the solution that Corporations should never pay taxes because if we tax them, they'll just pass on the costs to us consumers? Well then don't buy their fucking products. Then they'll lower their prices to a level that you can afford.

What is it that you just have to have that you will pay whatever they ask? Dildo's?

You guys are funny. Income tax started out as being something companies paid. It is unconstitutional to tax individuals income. Yet somehow they convinced you that it is not good to tax the corporations and it is patriotic to pay income tax. They won. We lost. We can't win with guys like you on our team.

Your ignorance is really stunning!

I'm not sure how to simplify this for you.

If the taxes go up on corporations (sheer insanity), they go up on all corporations so all corporations pass those taxes on to their only source of income, the consumer. So if the tax on each razor scooter goes up by $1.00 per unit from company "A", it will go up by $1.00 per unit from company "B". This is not high mathematics, more like third-grade arithmetic.

Even you don't believe the malarkey you pedal, you just love stirring the pot.
You're so dumb. Maybe instead of passing the costs on to us the CEO just doesn't get as big of a bonus.

Razor scooter companies charge what the market will bare. If they charge consumers too much they won't buy.

And if you can afford $3000 for a scooter you can afford $3100. Pay your fucking taxes. It's patriotic

Poor Markle wants in the worst way to be believed. And he has been told by his loved source that corporations should not have to pay taxes. Rather, those taxes should be paid by us. The customers, and the middle class. Because the corporations do not have enough money to pay taxes. Their drain on the environment, the infrastructure by the corporations, is fine. Let the middle class pay, the corporations need to get richer and more powerful. So, that way the working class will have need for multiple jobs at starvation wages to pay their taxes, and the corporations will be richer, and more and more powerful. A conservative wet dream.
But con tools like Markle have no idea of how the corporate portion of the taxes will be paid. Because, well, studying the issue is beyond them. It takes rational thought.

Sad you can't comprehend where every corporation's revenue originates. You're so cute with these things! You refuse to accept that every bit of tax a corporation pays...comes from you, the consumer.

why would a company, corporation or whatever type you want, decide to take tax savings and produce more when there is not sufficient demand to cause customers to buy the additional production. .

100% stupid of course!! There is no demand for a car that gets 1 MPG but unlimited demand for a car that gets 200 MPG, especially is a recession. 1+1=2
Thank you, me poor ignorant troll, for proving you are a congenital idiot.
I just don't get how they can not see the assault happening to the middle class. I heard tonight that in the future 40% of us will be independent contractors and temps. That's almost half our workforce that won't have insurance, workers comp benefits, unemployment insurance, paid vacations, 401k match, or all the other benefits a normal full time employee gets. Our parents had a right to their job and even got pensions. Today we don't have a right to our job and we won't get pensions. The next generation will have it worse than us. Maybe those young people will wake up and start voting every two years.

I also think the next generation is not having nearly enough kids and eventually our low birth rates are going to hurt us economically. We may have to tear down trumps wall and beg Mexicans to come. Arabs too.

It is because of their screwed up belief system. These are trivial souls who want to be highly thought of. I went to a tax day tea party meet a couple years ago where a large number of the clowns were holding signs and banners protesting the high taxes that Obama had created for them. These clowns were really angry. Coincidentally, that very day, the local paper had printed an article explaining that at the time we had the lowest taxes since the early 1950's. So, I asked several of the toads if they could tell me where they got the idea that their taxes were high, and how high they thought they were. They were all certain that the income tax rates were extremely high, because of Obama, and NONE knew where they learned that.
The same group had signs calling Obama a socialist, and others calling him a nazi. I asked them to educate me about the definition of the two terms. NONE could do so. Their local expert descended on me and requested my definition. Which I provided. He said that maybe that was true but their definition (which he finally admitted they did not know) was EQUALLY TRUE.
So, I mention that to explain their belief system. It truly is what they are told to believe, and what they want to believe. And most importantly, it is because they are stupid, so any knowledge they have is both what they are told to believe, and it is all that they have. So, they are quite happy to have it.
Look at what your party has done to the economy and say we are stupid.

Thank you for Econ 101 retard. So is the solution that Corporations should never pay taxes because if we tax them, they'll just pass on the costs to us consumers? Well then don't buy their fucking products. Then they'll lower their prices to a level that you can afford.

What is it that you just have to have that you will pay whatever they ask? Dildo's?

You guys are funny. Income tax started out as being something companies paid. It is unconstitutional to tax individuals income. Yet somehow they convinced you that it is not good to tax the corporations and it is patriotic to pay income tax. They won. We lost. We can't win with guys like you on our team.

Your ignorance is really stunning!

I'm not sure how to simplify this for you.

If the taxes go up on corporations (sheer insanity), they go up on all corporations so all corporations pass those taxes on to their only source of income, the consumer. So if the tax on each razor scooter goes up by $1.00 per unit from company "A", it will go up by $1.00 per unit from company "B". This is not high mathematics, more like third-grade arithmetic.

Even you don't believe the malarkey you pedal, you just love stirring the pot.
You're so dumb. Maybe instead of passing the costs on to us the CEO just doesn't get as big of a bonus.

Razor scooter companies charge what the market will bare. If they charge consumers too much they won't buy.

And if you can afford $3000 for a scooter you can afford $3100. Pay your fucking taxes. It's patriotic

Poor Markle wants in the worst way to be believed. And he has been told by his loved source that corporations should not have to pay taxes. Rather, those taxes should be paid by us. The customers, and the middle class. Because the corporations do not have enough money to pay taxes. Their drain on the environment, the infrastructure by the corporations, is fine. Let the middle class pay, the corporations need to get richer and more powerful. So, that way the working class will have need for multiple jobs at starvation wages to pay their taxes, and the corporations will be richer, and more and more powerful. A conservative wet dream.
But con tools like Markle have no idea of how the corporate portion of the taxes will be paid. Because, well, studying the issue is beyond them. It takes rational thought.

So Markle, having no understanding of how business is run, but fully believing in con talking points, says:
Sad you can't comprehend where every corporation's revenue originates. You're so cute with these things! You refuse to accept that every bit of tax a corporation pays...comes from you, the consumer.

No, Markle, being a simple real estate agent, you just are not capable of understanding something like taxes. Everyone know, me poor ignorant con tool, that corporate revenue comes from sales to customers. Even before econ 101. You are instead simply posting con talking points, as usual. And believing that revenue from customers is a profound idea. When, of course, it simply proves you to be stupid. Butt stupid.

Try your best to follow this:
A corporation has revenue. That revenue has to cover costs. What is left is called Profit. (I am trying to keep this at a 2nd grade level so you have a chance of keeping up). Now, you need to understand this, so try to pay attention. Corporations, like individuals, pay taxes ONLY ON PROFITS. So a profitable organization is thought by those with a rational mind to need to pay taxes on the things they do. Use of roads, other resources, government services, etc.
Then, if you understand anything about business, any business be it corporation, partnership, or single proprietorship, has to determine where to get money to pay taxes. Your statement is that they simply get it from their customers. By raising their prices. Which is great, if they can do so. But that assumes something that is known to be wrong if the company is a competitive entity. It can not simply raise prices, because doing so causes the customer to go to one of the many other companies that offer the good or service in question.

I suspect I just lost you. But the net is, since companies of any type do not like loosing customers, nearly all companies will take taxes from PROFITS. Look some day at a corporate tax return, or their balance sheet, or their income statement, or their source and application of funds report, and you will see profits, estimate for taxes, and profits after taxes. Net Profit. What you will not see is any mention of added revenue from price increases for taxes.

So, do they pass the cost on? Not really, though the money they use to pay taxes did come from their customer base. But it is from profits. Plain and simple. And when they can not make a profit, they do not raise their prices to pay taxes. They simply do not pay taxes, and maybe go out of business.

You could really use a course in Business. Any general college business class to help you understand.

But here is another issue, me boy. You want what cons have always wanted. An end to corporate taxes. Because you say they simply pass those costs on. So lets allow them to maximize their profits, and keep all of their profits, and see that consumers pay all taxes.
But did you ever consider that consumers are employees, and that they can not afford to pay more taxes? So they will not pay taxes. So government services will be curtailed. Which is another con wet dream. So, your job is to determine what gov services to eliminate, and get the public to agree to eliminate those services. And if you are a politician, you need to start looking for your next job. Because eliminating gov services will cause them to loose their nice cushy political postition.
And did you ever wonder why people should have to pay taxes at all. Maybe it would be better to simply have the corporations pay the taxes and pass the cost on to consumers.

Have you any idea how much of an idiot you are? Posting con tool talking points and believing you are smart is, me boy, STUPID.
What those with thinking minds do know, me boy, is that corporations and other types of business entities are run by people interested in maximizing profits and revenues. And as such, if you take their tax liabilities away, you simply pay higher prices for the goods and services you used to pay less for, while seeing your tax liability go through the roof. Another con wet dream.
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why would a company, corporation or whatever type you want, decide to take tax savings and produce more when there is not sufficient demand to cause customers to buy the additional production. .

100% stupid of course!! There is no demand for a car that gets 1 MPG but unlimited demand for a car that gets 200 MPG, especially is a recession. 1+1=2
Thank you, me poor ignorant troll, for proving you are a congenital idiot.
I just don't get how they can not see the assault happening to the middle class. I heard tonight that in the future 40% of us will be independent contractors and temps. That's almost half our workforce that won't have insurance, workers comp benefits, unemployment insurance, paid vacations, 401k match, or all the other benefits a normal full time employee gets. Our parents had a right to their job and even got pensions. Today we don't have a right to our job and we won't get pensions. The next generation will have it worse than us. Maybe those young people will wake up and start voting every two years.

I also think the next generation is not having nearly enough kids and eventually our low birth rates are going to hurt us economically. We may have to tear down trumps wall and beg Mexicans to come. Arabs too.

I worked for over 40 years as a Realtor. An independent contractor. I LOVE my profession. I chose to be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE. Yep, I had no insurance, no workers comp benefits, no unemployment insurance, no paid vacations, 401K match or any other benefits. There were also no withholding taxes, no SS withheld nor for Medicare.

There was also no one to tell me how much I should earn, when I had days off or when I could take a vacation or for how long. I LOVED it and can't imagine any other life. I do deeply wish that NO ONE had any withholding for income tax, FICA or anything else. Just imagine how much lower our spending would be if everyone had to write a check to the IRS every quarter instead of being hoodwinked into thinking they were getting FREE MONEY when they got a refund on the taxes they had overpaid!

By the way, your parents had no "right" to a job, pensions nor anything else. Just as their parents got diddly squat. Why do you think you're ENTITLED to anything but your worth?
Of course a person like you who doesn't get any benefits from a corporation doesn't think we should get those benefits. And many of those corporations would love to stop paying sick days vacation days insurance maternity leaveunemployment taxes social security etc.

And they are headed in that direction.

In the past companies had a social contract with its employees. They did a reasonable job and they would not be fired but today corporations will cut 30,000 jobs just to hit their quarterly goal. They don't do this stuff in Europe YET. What happens here will happen there next.

So don't you and trump say you want to make America great again because that was when corporations valued workers.

No we don't want future Americans to not be a bunch of real estate agents. For evey 1 successful real estate agent I know 10 who aren't. My one buddy was a baller now he's renting because he lost his home and I don't see him ever going to retire. GOP wet dream.
why would a company, corporation or whatever type you want, decide to take tax savings and produce more when there is not sufficient demand to cause customers to buy the additional production. .

100% stupid of course!! There is no demand for a car that gets 1 MPG but unlimited demand for a car that gets 200 MPG, especially is a recession. 1+1=2
Thank you, me poor ignorant troll, for proving you are a congenital idiot.
I just don't get how they can not see the assault happening to the middle class. I heard tonight that in the future 40% of us will be independent contractors and temps. That's almost half our workforce that won't have insurance, workers comp benefits, unemployment insurance, paid vacations, 401k match, or all the other benefits a normal full time employee gets. Our parents had a right to their job and even got pensions. Today we don't have a right to our job and we won't get pensions. The next generation will have it worse than us. Maybe those young people will wake up and start voting every two years.

I also think the next generation is not having nearly enough kids and eventually our low birth rates are going to hurt us economically. We may have to tear down trumps wall and beg Mexicans to come. Arabs too.

I worked for over 40 years as a Realtor. An independent contractor. I LOVE my profession. I chose to be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE. Yep, I had no insurance, no workers comp benefits, no unemployment insurance, no paid vacations, 401K match or any other benefits. There were also no withholding taxes, no SS withheld nor for Medicare.

There was also no one to tell me how much I should earn, when I had days off or when I could take a vacation or for how long. I LOVED it and can't imagine any other life. I do deeply wish that NO ONE had any withholding for income tax, FICA or anything else. Just imagine how much lower our spending would be if everyone had to write a check to the IRS every quarter instead of being hoodwinked into thinking they were getting FREE MONEY when they got a refund on the taxes they had overpaid!

By the way, your parents had no "right" to a job, pensions nor anything else. Just as their parents got diddly squat. Why do you think you're ENTITLED to anything but your worth?
Of course a person like you who doesn't get any benefits from a corporation doesn't think we should get those benefits. And many of those corporations would love to stop paying sick days vacation days insurance maternity leaveunemployment taxes social security etc.

And they are headed in that direction.

In the past companies had a social contract with its employees. They did a reasonable job and they would not be fired but today corporations will cut 30,000 jobs just to hit their quarterly goal. They don't do this stuff in Europe YET. What happens here will happen there next.

So don't you and trump say you want to make America great again because that was when corporations valued workers.

No we don't want future Americans to not be a bunch of real estate agents. For evey 1 successful real estate agent I know 10 who aren't. My one buddy was a baller now he's renting because he lost his home and I don't see him ever going to retire. GOP wet dream.

You're right, I have no clue as to how anyone could live being dependent on what others say they will do for them. Seem foolish to me.

You're right too about the percentage of successful Realtors. The vast majority of the people entering the profession refuse to do what is necessary in order to be successful. Like you and most others they NEED someone to tell them what is expected and what to do. Nothing denigrating about that statement, the manager of the largest mall in your city or mine, answers to someone else regarding occupancy rates, promotions etc., etc., etc....

True too about spouses and families. Many cannot adjust to the erratic income or large, counted on commissions falling through the day of closing. I've had husbands make their wives quit because they were making more money than the husband. Male ego is a terribly fragile thing. If I was contemplating hiring a newbie, I would take them out to dinner. I wanted to learn about their dynamics and know that they were all aware that when one spouse was a Realtor, EVERYONE in the family was in the profession. I had immense success in hiring successful people and several went on to also be president of our local association and District Vice Presidents for the State Assn. and several active, like myself in the National Association.

Like most people in sales, 20 percent of the folks earn 80 percent of the money.

I sincerely do believe that withholding taxes should be repealed and everyone has to file a quarterly return, actually write that check and drop it in the mail. Imagine how much of a cut in spending people would be eager to accept if they only knew how much they were paying.
100% stupid of course!! There is no demand for a car that gets 1 MPG but unlimited demand for a car that gets 200 MPG, especially is a recession. 1+1=2
Thank you, me poor ignorant troll, for proving you are a congenital idiot.
I just don't get how they can not see the assault happening to the middle class. I heard tonight that in the future 40% of us will be independent contractors and temps. That's almost half our workforce that won't have insurance, workers comp benefits, unemployment insurance, paid vacations, 401k match, or all the other benefits a normal full time employee gets. Our parents had a right to their job and even got pensions. Today we don't have a right to our job and we won't get pensions. The next generation will have it worse than us. Maybe those young people will wake up and start voting every two years.

I also think the next generation is not having nearly enough kids and eventually our low birth rates are going to hurt us economically. We may have to tear down trumps wall and beg Mexicans to come. Arabs too.

I worked for over 40 years as a Realtor. An independent contractor. I LOVE my profession. I chose to be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE. Yep, I had no insurance, no workers comp benefits, no unemployment insurance, no paid vacations, 401K match or any other benefits. There were also no withholding taxes, no SS withheld nor for Medicare.

There was also no one to tell me how much I should earn, when I had days off or when I could take a vacation or for how long. I LOVED it and can't imagine any other life. I do deeply wish that NO ONE had any withholding for income tax, FICA or anything else. Just imagine how much lower our spending would be if everyone had to write a check to the IRS every quarter instead of being hoodwinked into thinking they were getting FREE MONEY when they got a refund on the taxes they had overpaid!

By the way, your parents had no "right" to a job, pensions nor anything else. Just as their parents got diddly squat. Why do you think you're ENTITLED to anything but your worth?
Of course a person like you who doesn't get any benefits from a corporation doesn't think we should get those benefits. And many of those corporations would love to stop paying sick days vacation days insurance maternity leaveunemployment taxes social security etc.

And they are headed in that direction.

In the past companies had a social contract with its employees. They did a reasonable job and they would not be fired but today corporations will cut 30,000 jobs just to hit their quarterly goal. They don't do this stuff in Europe YET. What happens here will happen there next.

So don't you and trump say you want to make America great again because that was when corporations valued workers.

No we don't want future Americans to not be a bunch of real estate agents. For evey 1 successful real estate agent I know 10 who aren't. My one buddy was a baller now he's renting because he lost his home and I don't see him ever going to retire. GOP wet dream.

You're right, I have no clue as to how anyone could live being dependent on what others say they will do for them. Seem foolish to me.

You're right too about the percentage of successful Realtors. The vast majority of the people entering the profession refuse to do what is necessary in order to be successful. Like you and most others they NEED someone to tell them what is expected and what to do. Nothing denigrating about that statement, the manager of the largest mall in your city or mine, answers to someone else regarding occupancy rates, promotions etc., etc., etc....

True too about spouses and families. Many cannot adjust to the erratic income or large, counted on commissions falling through the day of closing. I've had husbands make their wives quit because they were making more money than the husband. Male ego is a terribly fragile thing. If I was contemplating hiring a newbie, I would take them out to dinner. I wanted to learn about their dynamics and know that they were all aware that when one spouse was a Realtor, EVERYONE in the family was in the profession. I had immense success in hiring successful people and several went on to also be president of our local association and District Vice Presidents for the State Assn. and several active, like myself in the National Association.

Like most people in sales, 20 percent of the folks earn 80 percent of the money.

I sincerely do believe that withholding taxes should be repealed and everyone has to file a quarterly return, actually write that check and drop it in the mail. Imagine how much of a cut in spending people would be eager to accept if they only knew how much they were paying.
Thank you, me poor ignorant troll, for proving you are a congenital idiot.
I just don't get how they can not see the assault happening to the middle class. I heard tonight that in the future 40% of us will be independent contractors and temps. That's almost half our workforce that won't have insurance, workers comp benefits, unemployment insurance, paid vacations, 401k match, or all the other benefits a normal full time employee gets. Our parents had a right to their job and even got pensions. Today we don't have a right to our job and we won't get pensions. The next generation will have it worse than us. Maybe those young people will wake up and start voting every two years.

I also think the next generation is not having nearly enough kids and eventually our low birth rates are going to hurt us economically. We may have to tear down trumps wall and beg Mexicans to come. Arabs too.

I worked for over 40 years as a Realtor. An independent contractor. I LOVE my profession. I chose to be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE. Yep, I had no insurance, no workers comp benefits, no unemployment insurance, no paid vacations, 401K match or any other benefits. There were also no withholding taxes, no SS withheld nor for Medicare.

There was also no one to tell me how much I should earn, when I had days off or when I could take a vacation or for how long. I LOVED it and can't imagine any other life. I do deeply wish that NO ONE had any withholding for income tax, FICA or anything else. Just imagine how much lower our spending would be if everyone had to write a check to the IRS every quarter instead of being hoodwinked into thinking they were getting FREE MONEY when they got a refund on the taxes they had overpaid!

By the way, your parents had no "right" to a job, pensions nor anything else. Just as their parents got diddly squat. Why do you think you're ENTITLED to anything but your worth?
Of course a person like you who doesn't get any benefits from a corporation doesn't think we should get those benefits. And many of those corporations would love to stop paying sick days vacation days insurance maternity leaveunemployment taxes social security etc.

And they are headed in that direction.

In the past companies had a social contract with its employees. They did a reasonable job and they would not be fired but today corporations will cut 30,000 jobs just to hit their quarterly goal. They don't do this stuff in Europe YET. What happens here will happen there next.

So don't you and trump say you want to make America great again because that was when corporations valued workers.

No we don't want future Americans to not be a bunch of real estate agents. For evey 1 successful real estate agent I know 10 who aren't. My one buddy was a baller now he's renting because he lost his home and I don't see him ever going to retire. GOP wet dream.

You're right, I have no clue as to how anyone could live being dependent on what others say they will do for them. Seem foolish to me.

You're right too about the percentage of successful Realtors. The vast majority of the people entering the profession refuse to do what is necessary in order to be successful. Like you and most others they NEED someone to tell them what is expected and what to do. Nothing denigrating about that statement, the manager of the largest mall in your city or mine, answers to someone else regarding occupancy rates, promotions etc., etc., etc....

True too about spouses and families. Many cannot adjust to the erratic income or large, counted on commissions falling through the day of closing. I've had husbands make their wives quit because they were making more money than the husband. Male ego is a terribly fragile thing. If I was contemplating hiring a newbie, I would take them out to dinner. I wanted to learn about their dynamics and know that they were all aware that when one spouse was a Realtor, EVERYONE in the family was in the profession. I had immense success in hiring successful people and several went on to also be president of our local association and District Vice Presidents for the State Assn. and several active, like myself in the National Association.

Like most people in sales, 20 percent of the folks earn 80 percent of the money.

I sincerely do believe that withholding taxes should be repealed and everyone has to file a quarterly return, actually write that check and drop it in the mail. Imagine how much of a cut in spending people would be eager to accept if they only knew how much they were paying.


100% stupid of course!! There is no demand for a car that gets 1 MPG but unlimited demand for a car that gets 200 MPG, especially is a recession. 1+1=2
Thank you, me poor ignorant troll, for proving you are a congenital idiot.
I just don't get how they can not see the assault happening to the middle class. I heard tonight that in the future 40% of us will be independent contractors and temps. That's almost half our workforce that won't have insurance, workers comp benefits, unemployment insurance, paid vacations, 401k match, or all the other benefits a normal full time employee gets. Our parents had a right to their job and even got pensions. Today we don't have a right to our job and we won't get pensions. The next generation will have it worse than us. Maybe those young people will wake up and start voting every two years.

I also think the next generation is not having nearly enough kids and eventually our low birth rates are going to hurt us economically. We may have to tear down trumps wall and beg Mexicans to come. Arabs too.

I worked for over 40 years as a Realtor. An independent contractor. I LOVE my profession. I chose to be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE. Yep, I had no insurance, no workers comp benefits, no unemployment insurance, no paid vacations, 401K match or any other benefits. There were also no withholding taxes, no SS withheld nor for Medicare.

There was also no one to tell me how much I should earn, when I had days off or when I could take a vacation or for how long. I LOVED it and can't imagine any other life. I do deeply wish that NO ONE had any withholding for income tax, FICA or anything else. Just imagine how much lower our spending would be if everyone had to write a check to the IRS every quarter instead of being hoodwinked into thinking they were getting FREE MONEY when they got a refund on the taxes they had overpaid!

By the way, your parents had no "right" to a job, pensions nor anything else. Just as their parents got diddly squat. Why do you think you're ENTITLED to anything but your worth?
Of course a person like you who doesn't get any benefits from a corporation doesn't think we should get those benefits. And many of those corporations would love to stop paying sick days vacation days insurance maternity leaveunemployment taxes social security etc.

And they are headed in that direction.

In the past companies had a social contract with its employees. They did a reasonable job and they would not be fired but today corporations will cut 30,000 jobs just to hit their quarterly goal. They don't do this stuff in Europe YET. What happens here will happen there next.

So don't you and trump say you want to make America great again because that was when corporations valued workers.

No we don't want future Americans to not be a bunch of real estate agents. For evey 1 successful real estate agent I know 10 who aren't. My one buddy was a baller now he's renting because he lost his home and I don't see him ever going to retire. GOP wet dream.

You're right, I have no clue as to how anyone could live being dependent on what others say they will do for them. Seem foolish to me.

You're right too about the percentage of successful Realtors. The vast majority of the people entering the profession refuse to do what is necessary in order to be successful. Like you and most others they NEED someone to tell them what is expected and what to do. Nothing denigrating about that statement, the manager of the largest mall in your city or mine, answers to someone else regarding occupancy rates, promotions etc., etc., etc....

True too about spouses and families. Many cannot adjust to the erratic income or large, counted on commissions falling through the day of closing. I've had husbands make their wives quit because they were making more money than the husband. Male ego is a terribly fragile thing. If I was contemplating hiring a newbie, I would take them out to dinner. I wanted to learn about their dynamics and know that they were all aware that when one spouse was a Realtor, EVERYONE in the family was in the profession. I had immense success in hiring successful people and several went on to also be president of our local association and District Vice Presidents for the State Assn. and several active, like myself in the National Association.

Like most people in sales, 20 percent of the folks earn 80 percent of the money.

I sincerely do believe that withholding taxes should be repealed and everyone has to file a quarterly return, actually write that check and drop it in the mail. Imagine how much of a cut in spending people would be eager to accept if they only knew how much they were paying.

What's more Tax day should be the day before election day so people can vote right after the government takes a big wet bite out of their asses
Thank you, me poor ignorant troll, for proving you are a congenital idiot.
I just don't get how they can not see the assault happening to the middle class. I heard tonight that in the future 40% of us will be independent contractors and temps. That's almost half our workforce that won't have insurance, workers comp benefits, unemployment insurance, paid vacations, 401k match, or all the other benefits a normal full time employee gets. Our parents had a right to their job and even got pensions. Today we don't have a right to our job and we won't get pensions. The next generation will have it worse than us. Maybe those young people will wake up and start voting every two years.

I also think the next generation is not having nearly enough kids and eventually our low birth rates are going to hurt us economically. We may have to tear down trumps wall and beg Mexicans to come. Arabs too.

I worked for over 40 years as a Realtor. An independent contractor. I LOVE my profession. I chose to be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE. Yep, I had no insurance, no workers comp benefits, no unemployment insurance, no paid vacations, 401K match or any other benefits. There were also no withholding taxes, no SS withheld nor for Medicare.

There was also no one to tell me how much I should earn, when I had days off or when I could take a vacation or for how long. I LOVED it and can't imagine any other life. I do deeply wish that NO ONE had any withholding for income tax, FICA or anything else. Just imagine how much lower our spending would be if everyone had to write a check to the IRS every quarter instead of being hoodwinked into thinking they were getting FREE MONEY when they got a refund on the taxes they had overpaid!

By the way, your parents had no "right" to a job, pensions nor anything else. Just as their parents got diddly squat. Why do you think you're ENTITLED to anything but your worth?
Of course a person like you who doesn't get any benefits from a corporation doesn't think we should get those benefits. And many of those corporations would love to stop paying sick days vacation days insurance maternity leaveunemployment taxes social security etc.

And they are headed in that direction.

In the past companies had a social contract with its employees. They did a reasonable job and they would not be fired but today corporations will cut 30,000 jobs just to hit their quarterly goal. They don't do this stuff in Europe YET. What happens here will happen there next.

So don't you and trump say you want to make America great again because that was when corporations valued workers.

No we don't want future Americans to not be a bunch of real estate agents. For evey 1 successful real estate agent I know 10 who aren't. My one buddy was a baller now he's renting because he lost his home and I don't see him ever going to retire. GOP wet dream.

You're right, I have no clue as to how anyone could live being dependent on what others say they will do for them. Seem foolish to me.

You're right too about the percentage of successful Realtors. The vast majority of the people entering the profession refuse to do what is necessary in order to be successful. Like you and most others they NEED someone to tell them what is expected and what to do. Nothing denigrating about that statement, the manager of the largest mall in your city or mine, answers to someone else regarding occupancy rates, promotions etc., etc., etc....

True too about spouses and families. Many cannot adjust to the erratic income or large, counted on commissions falling through the day of closing. I've had husbands make their wives quit because they were making more money than the husband. Male ego is a terribly fragile thing. If I was contemplating hiring a newbie, I would take them out to dinner. I wanted to learn about their dynamics and know that they were all aware that when one spouse was a Realtor, EVERYONE in the family was in the profession. I had immense success in hiring successful people and several went on to also be president of our local association and District Vice Presidents for the State Assn. and several active, like myself in the National Association.

Like most people in sales, 20 percent of the folks earn 80 percent of the money.

I sincerely do believe that withholding taxes should be repealed and everyone has to file a quarterly return, actually write that check and drop it in the mail. Imagine how much of a cut in spending people would be eager to accept if they only knew how much they were paying.

What's more Tax day should be the day before election day so people can vote right after the government takes a big wet bite out of their asses
And we should pass gun legislation right after a mass shooting and we should rush to war right after a terror attack
I just don't get how they can not see the assault happening to the middle class. I heard tonight that in the future 40% of us will be independent contractors and temps. That's almost half our workforce that won't have insurance, workers comp benefits, unemployment insurance, paid vacations, 401k match, or all the other benefits a normal full time employee gets. Our parents had a right to their job and even got pensions. Today we don't have a right to our job and we won't get pensions. The next generation will have it worse than us. Maybe those young people will wake up and start voting every two years.

I also think the next generation is not having nearly enough kids and eventually our low birth rates are going to hurt us economically. We may have to tear down trumps wall and beg Mexicans to come. Arabs too.

I worked for over 40 years as a Realtor. An independent contractor. I LOVE my profession. I chose to be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE. Yep, I had no insurance, no workers comp benefits, no unemployment insurance, no paid vacations, 401K match or any other benefits. There were also no withholding taxes, no SS withheld nor for Medicare.

There was also no one to tell me how much I should earn, when I had days off or when I could take a vacation or for how long. I LOVED it and can't imagine any other life. I do deeply wish that NO ONE had any withholding for income tax, FICA or anything else. Just imagine how much lower our spending would be if everyone had to write a check to the IRS every quarter instead of being hoodwinked into thinking they were getting FREE MONEY when they got a refund on the taxes they had overpaid!

By the way, your parents had no "right" to a job, pensions nor anything else. Just as their parents got diddly squat. Why do you think you're ENTITLED to anything but your worth?
Of course a person like you who doesn't get any benefits from a corporation doesn't think we should get those benefits. And many of those corporations would love to stop paying sick days vacation days insurance maternity leaveunemployment taxes social security etc.

And they are headed in that direction.

In the past companies had a social contract with its employees. They did a reasonable job and they would not be fired but today corporations will cut 30,000 jobs just to hit their quarterly goal. They don't do this stuff in Europe YET. What happens here will happen there next.

So don't you and trump say you want to make America great again because that was when corporations valued workers.

No we don't want future Americans to not be a bunch of real estate agents. For evey 1 successful real estate agent I know 10 who aren't. My one buddy was a baller now he's renting because he lost his home and I don't see him ever going to retire. GOP wet dream.

You're right, I have no clue as to how anyone could live being dependent on what others say they will do for them. Seem foolish to me.

You're right too about the percentage of successful Realtors. The vast majority of the people entering the profession refuse to do what is necessary in order to be successful. Like you and most others they NEED someone to tell them what is expected and what to do. Nothing denigrating about that statement, the manager of the largest mall in your city or mine, answers to someone else regarding occupancy rates, promotions etc., etc., etc....

True too about spouses and families. Many cannot adjust to the erratic income or large, counted on commissions falling through the day of closing. I've had husbands make their wives quit because they were making more money than the husband. Male ego is a terribly fragile thing. If I was contemplating hiring a newbie, I would take them out to dinner. I wanted to learn about their dynamics and know that they were all aware that when one spouse was a Realtor, EVERYONE in the family was in the profession. I had immense success in hiring successful people and several went on to also be president of our local association and District Vice Presidents for the State Assn. and several active, like myself in the National Association.

Like most people in sales, 20 percent of the folks earn 80 percent of the money.

I sincerely do believe that withholding taxes should be repealed and everyone has to file a quarterly return, actually write that check and drop it in the mail. Imagine how much of a cut in spending people would be eager to accept if they only knew how much they were paying.

What's more Tax day should be the day before election day so people can vote right after the government takes a big wet bite out of their asses
And we should pass gun legislation right after a mass shooting and we should rush to war right after a terror attack

Except your gun legislation would restrict a constitutional right changing tax day would not
I worked for over 40 years as a Realtor. An independent contractor. I LOVE my profession. I chose to be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE. Yep, I had no insurance, no workers comp benefits, no unemployment insurance, no paid vacations, 401K match or any other benefits. There were also no withholding taxes, no SS withheld nor for Medicare.

There was also no one to tell me how much I should earn, when I had days off or when I could take a vacation or for how long. I LOVED it and can't imagine any other life. I do deeply wish that NO ONE had any withholding for income tax, FICA or anything else. Just imagine how much lower our spending would be if everyone had to write a check to the IRS every quarter instead of being hoodwinked into thinking they were getting FREE MONEY when they got a refund on the taxes they had overpaid!

By the way, your parents had no "right" to a job, pensions nor anything else. Just as their parents got diddly squat. Why do you think you're ENTITLED to anything but your worth?
Of course a person like you who doesn't get any benefits from a corporation doesn't think we should get those benefits. And many of those corporations would love to stop paying sick days vacation days insurance maternity leaveunemployment taxes social security etc.

And they are headed in that direction.

In the past companies had a social contract with its employees. They did a reasonable job and they would not be fired but today corporations will cut 30,000 jobs just to hit their quarterly goal. They don't do this stuff in Europe YET. What happens here will happen there next.

So don't you and trump say you want to make America great again because that was when corporations valued workers.

No we don't want future Americans to not be a bunch of real estate agents. For evey 1 successful real estate agent I know 10 who aren't. My one buddy was a baller now he's renting because he lost his home and I don't see him ever going to retire. GOP wet dream.

You're right, I have no clue as to how anyone could live being dependent on what others say they will do for them. Seem foolish to me.

You're right too about the percentage of successful Realtors. The vast majority of the people entering the profession refuse to do what is necessary in order to be successful. Like you and most others they NEED someone to tell them what is expected and what to do. Nothing denigrating about that statement, the manager of the largest mall in your city or mine, answers to someone else regarding occupancy rates, promotions etc., etc., etc....

True too about spouses and families. Many cannot adjust to the erratic income or large, counted on commissions falling through the day of closing. I've had husbands make their wives quit because they were making more money than the husband. Male ego is a terribly fragile thing. If I was contemplating hiring a newbie, I would take them out to dinner. I wanted to learn about their dynamics and know that they were all aware that when one spouse was a Realtor, EVERYONE in the family was in the profession. I had immense success in hiring successful people and several went on to also be president of our local association and District Vice Presidents for the State Assn. and several active, like myself in the National Association.

Like most people in sales, 20 percent of the folks earn 80 percent of the money.

I sincerely do believe that withholding taxes should be repealed and everyone has to file a quarterly return, actually write that check and drop it in the mail. Imagine how much of a cut in spending people would be eager to accept if they only knew how much they were paying.

What's more Tax day should be the day before election day so people can vote right after the government takes a big wet bite out of their asses
And we should pass gun legislation right after a mass shooting and we should rush to war right after a terror attack

Except your gun legislation would restrict a constitutional right changing tax day would not
Are you so dumb you forget in November what you paid 7 months ago?
Of course a person like you who doesn't get any benefits from a corporation doesn't think we should get those benefits. And many of those corporations would love to stop paying sick days vacation days insurance maternity leaveunemployment taxes social security etc.

And they are headed in that direction.

In the past companies had a social contract with its employees. They did a reasonable job and they would not be fired but today corporations will cut 30,000 jobs just to hit their quarterly goal. They don't do this stuff in Europe YET. What happens here will happen there next.

So don't you and trump say you want to make America great again because that was when corporations valued workers.

No we don't want future Americans to not be a bunch of real estate agents. For evey 1 successful real estate agent I know 10 who aren't. My one buddy was a baller now he's renting because he lost his home and I don't see him ever going to retire. GOP wet dream.

You're right, I have no clue as to how anyone could live being dependent on what others say they will do for them. Seem foolish to me.

You're right too about the percentage of successful Realtors. The vast majority of the people entering the profession refuse to do what is necessary in order to be successful. Like you and most others they NEED someone to tell them what is expected and what to do. Nothing denigrating about that statement, the manager of the largest mall in your city or mine, answers to someone else regarding occupancy rates, promotions etc., etc., etc....

True too about spouses and families. Many cannot adjust to the erratic income or large, counted on commissions falling through the day of closing. I've had husbands make their wives quit because they were making more money than the husband. Male ego is a terribly fragile thing. If I was contemplating hiring a newbie, I would take them out to dinner. I wanted to learn about their dynamics and know that they were all aware that when one spouse was a Realtor, EVERYONE in the family was in the profession. I had immense success in hiring successful people and several went on to also be president of our local association and District Vice Presidents for the State Assn. and several active, like myself in the National Association.

Like most people in sales, 20 percent of the folks earn 80 percent of the money.

I sincerely do believe that withholding taxes should be repealed and everyone has to file a quarterly return, actually write that check and drop it in the mail. Imagine how much of a cut in spending people would be eager to accept if they only knew how much they were paying.

What's more Tax day should be the day before election day so people can vote right after the government takes a big wet bite out of their asses
And we should pass gun legislation right after a mass shooting and we should rush to war right after a terror attack

Except your gun legislation would restrict a constitutional right changing tax day would not
Are you so dumb you forget in November what you paid 7 months ago?

I know exactly what I pay in income taxes every year because I have to actually write 5 figure checks quarterly.

Tell me do you know exactly how much you paid in income taxes last year? I bet you don't because they were taken out of your pay and like most people you never even look at the numbers

So get rid of payroll withholding and make everyone write a check every quarter and move tax day moved to the day before election day
You're right, I have no clue as to how anyone could live being dependent on what others say they will do for them. Seem foolish to me.

You're right too about the percentage of successful Realtors. The vast majority of the people entering the profession refuse to do what is necessary in order to be successful. Like you and most others they NEED someone to tell them what is expected and what to do. Nothing denigrating about that statement, the manager of the largest mall in your city or mine, answers to someone else regarding occupancy rates, promotions etc., etc., etc....

True too about spouses and families. Many cannot adjust to the erratic income or large, counted on commissions falling through the day of closing. I've had husbands make their wives quit because they were making more money than the husband. Male ego is a terribly fragile thing. If I was contemplating hiring a newbie, I would take them out to dinner. I wanted to learn about their dynamics and know that they were all aware that when one spouse was a Realtor, EVERYONE in the family was in the profession. I had immense success in hiring successful people and several went on to also be president of our local association and District Vice Presidents for the State Assn. and several active, like myself in the National Association.

Like most people in sales, 20 percent of the folks earn 80 percent of the money.

I sincerely do believe that withholding taxes should be repealed and everyone has to file a quarterly return, actually write that check and drop it in the mail. Imagine how much of a cut in spending people would be eager to accept if they only knew how much they were paying.

What's more Tax day should be the day before election day so people can vote right after the government takes a big wet bite out of their asses
And we should pass gun legislation right after a mass shooting and we should rush to war right after a terror attack

Except your gun legislation would restrict a constitutional right changing tax day would not
Are you so dumb you forget in November what you paid 7 months ago?

I know exactly what I pay in income taxes every year because I have to actually write 5 figure checks quarterly.

Tell me do you know exactly how much you paid in income taxes last year? I bet you don't because they were taken out of your pay and like most people you never even look at the numbers

So get rid of payroll withholding and make everyone write a check every quarter and move tax day moved to the day before election day

I think you should get to pay zero for taxes, and get no services of any kind. No roads, no parks, no police services, no fire services, no legal services of any kind. No protection from the military, no ability to buy food that is safety checked. No hunting, no fishing, And we could all watch you and see how it works out.
What's more Tax day should be the day before election day so people can vote right after the government takes a big wet bite out of their asses
And we should pass gun legislation right after a mass shooting and we should rush to war right after a terror attack

Except your gun legislation would restrict a constitutional right changing tax day would not
Are you so dumb you forget in November what you paid 7 months ago?

I know exactly what I pay in income taxes every year because I have to actually write 5 figure checks quarterly.

Tell me do you know exactly how much you paid in income taxes last year? I bet you don't because they were taken out of your pay and like most people you never even look at the numbers

So get rid of payroll withholding and make everyone write a check every quarter and move tax day moved to the day before election day

I think you should get to pay zero for taxes, and get no services of any kind. No roads, no parks, no police services, no fire services, no legal services of any kind. No protection from the military, no ability to buy food that is safety checked. No hunting, no fishing, And we could all watch you and see how it works out.
Paygo for people like this. I know so many Republicans on disability. Sickening. I'm for safety nets and hopefully never have to use them. They are against the very safety nets that saved them.

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