Most US Companies avoid paying income tax

keep In Mind This Is During The Time They Said That Companies Couldn't Afford To Do Business In America Because They Are Being Overtaxed.

and Mccain Wants To Give Corporations More Tax Breaks And Make Bush's Bullshit Tax Breaks To The Top 1% Perminant.
The Gop Will Lie To Us Ruthlessly Until November. Don't Believe A Word They Say. Just Go By How They Did For The Last 8 Years.

where's gunny, allie, charles, jreeves? All the people who think Corporations already pay too much in taxes. HA!!!

I love how you post all this shit, then when you click on the links on the site....It's always a dead link....kinda smells like your thoughts...

WASHINGTON, Aug 12, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- AP's Misreading of GAO Report Repeated Uncritically by Other Media
An AP article today on the GAO's new report on corporate tax liabilities contains a serious error that undermines the story's thesis.
The AP reported that, according to the GAO study comparing tax liabilities of corporations from 1998-2005, "about 25 percent of the U.S. corporations not paying corporate taxes [in 2005] were considered large corporations, meaning they had at least $250 million in assets or $50 million in receipts." Furthermore, this claim was repeated in numerous stories.
After careful review of the AP's story, Tax Foundation economist Josh Barro found that the AP significantly overstated the number of large corporations not paying corporate taxes.
"The actual report reflects that, of the 1.26 million U.S. corporations with no 2005 tax liability, just 3,565 were large," says Barro. "That's 0.28%, which is 90 times less than the figure reported by the AP. Policymakers and the public should not be deceived by this story that misrepresents the GAO report."
While the AP story quoted Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) citing this report in claiming that "it's time for big corporations to pay their fair share," Barro explains that, according to the GAO report, 75% of large corporations did pay corporate income tax in 2005. Furthermore, in the vast majority (85%) of cases where they did not, it was because they had zero or negative net income for 2005. For instance, American Airlines and General Motors avoided income tax for 2005 by losing $862 million and $10.5 billion, respectively, in 2005. [/B]"These facts significantly undercut the thrust of the AP's story, which is that significant numbers of corporations, especially large ones, are avoiding tax liability," Barro stated. "In fact, the GAO report shows that large, profitable corporations are paying taxes on their profits." The AP story can be found online at: Most companies in US avoid federal income taxes - Yahoo! News. The GAO report can be found at:
The Tax Foundation is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that has monitored fiscal policy at the federal, state and local levels since 1937.
SOURCE Tax Foundation

AP Makes Serious Error in Story on Corporate Income Tax - MarketWatch
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"John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan that will create millions of good American jobs, ensure our nation's energy security, get the government's budget and spending practices in order, and bring relief to American consumers. Read each of the sections below to learn how the McCain Economic Plan will help bring reform, prosperity and peace to America."

John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President

On McCain's Web site, visitors are invited to "Spread the Word" about the presumptive Republican nominee by sending campaign-supplied comments to blogs and Web sites under the visitor's screen name. The site offers sample comments ("John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan . . .") and a list of dozens of suggested destinations, conveniently broken down into "conservative," "liberal," "moderate" and "other" categories. Just cut and paste.

How many points was that post worth?
On McCain's Web site, visitors are invited to "Spread the Word" about the presumptive Republican nominee by sending campaign-supplied comments to blogs and Web sites under the visitor's screen name. The site offers sample comments ("John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan . . .") and a list of dozens of suggested destinations, conveniently broken down into "conservative," "liberal," "moderate" and "other" categories. Just cut and paste.

How many points was that post worth?

Ya cause passing information about anybody but Obama is racist right?
On McCain's Web site, visitors are invited to "Spread the Word" about the presumptive Republican nominee by sending campaign-supplied comments to blogs and Web sites under the visitor's screen name. The site offers sample comments ("John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan . . .") and a list of dozens of suggested destinations, conveniently broken down into "conservative," "liberal," "moderate" and "other" categories. Just cut and paste.

How many points was that post worth?

Yes, it's true that companies get rid of their profits every year...they buy things, they pass profits on to their employees, they pay their stock holders. All who pay a lower rate that the corporate rate. Is this a bad thing...not necessarily. But it does enable hugely bloated salaries for corporate America and less tax in the kitty for America.
tax credits and an ability to use transactions within the company to shift income to low tax countries.
What are the tax credits?
How and why are they shifting income to low tax countries?
Are you looking to pick an e-fight because that isn't close to what I said ...

You do not though have ANY problem with posts about Obama , or have I missed where you have asked similar questions of people like Kirk and Seallybobo?
I have been an Accountant for 30 years. Most businesses don't pay income tax. The reason? Because they buy luxury cars, boats, etc. etc. that are for personal use & write them off as business expenses, making sure they don't pay income tax on a company nor on a personal income tax level..

Well your view of that might be somewhat jaded given that your clients make enough money to buy your services.

But having watched MBNA spend money on art for no particular reason except they could write it off, your point has much merit, of course.

On the opposite side, an employee must pay income tax on every dime. This is the reason that most Americans are taxed more than they can afford

Add to that the fact that Americans cannot write off every cent they must spend just to work (driving, clothes and so forth) I could not possibly agree with that sentiment more.

The fact is that the tax system is still rigged to help those what's got and those what ain't are hard pressed by the system.

The people who REALLY get screwed are the most productive workers...the doctors, lawyers, engineers, small successful business owners, and so forth.

They are the middle classes.

They are carrying the American on their backs.

It is THEY, not the fabulously wealthy, who are the real ATLASES holding up our world.
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Well your view of that might be somewhat jaded given that your clients make enough money to buy your services.=, but having watched MBNA spend money on art for no particular reason except they could write it off, you point has much merit, of course.

Add to that the fact that Americans cannot write off every cent they must spend just to work (driving, clothes and so forth) I could not possibly agree with that sentiment more.

the fact is that the tax system is still rigged to help those what's got and those what ain't are hard pressed by the system.

The people who REALLY get screwed are the most productive workers...the doctors, lawyers, engineers, small successful business owners, and so forth.

They are the middle classes.

They are carrying the American on their backs.

It is THEY, not the fabulously wealthy, who are the real ATLASES holding up our world.

And yet we have this...
Yes, I well aware that the people making enormous amounts of money pay most of the FICA taxes...

Sadly those taxes only represent a small amount of the money our governmentS must spend to keep theis American society going.

You're going to be hard pressed to make me feel sorry for the absurdly rich, Sport.

I remember when that class was taxed at the rate of 90% of the incomes, I as a kid, I spent a lot of time in the manions because I wenet to school with their kids.

They were doing just fine then, too.

Not as well as they are now, but far better than you or I can ever hope to achieve.
Yes, I well aware that the people making enormous amounts of money pay most of the FICA taxes...

Sadly those taxes only represent a small amount of the money our governmentS must spend to keep theis American society going.

You're going to be hard pressed to make me feel sorry for the absurdly rich, Sport.

I remember when that class was taxed at the rate of 90% of the incomes, I as a kid, I spent a lot of time in the manions because I wenet to school with their kids.

They were doing just fine then, too.

Not as well as they are now, but far better than you or I can ever hope to achieve.

Wrong again. In fact this Country has seen an explosion of people learning to make MILLIONS. Do a little research on new millionaires and new Billionaires.

You ignore the fact that we CAN in fact do as good or better if we do the right things and have the right drive and a smattering of intestinal fortitude.

That will all change when BIG BROTHER runs everyones life cradle to grave. Then only the rich will stay rich and the rest will never have the chance to achieve anything.
Wrong again. In fact this Country has seen an explosion of people learning to make MILLIONS. Do a little research on new millionaires and new Billionaires.

You ignore the fact that we CAN in fact do as good or better if we do the right things and have the right drive and a smattering of intestinal fortitude.

That will all change when BIG BROTHER runs everyones life cradle to grave. Then only the rich will stay rich and the rest will never have the chance to achieve anything.

You don't realize that the rich are getting richer and the GOP made it so it will be tougher for the rest of us to achieve anything, don't you?

Where is the strong booming middle class? That's where the new millionaires usually come from.

PS. Imagine how we could pay down the debt if the 2/3 of Corporations that aren't paying any taxes would start paying? I'm not saying over tax them. Just tax them something. They pay ZERO in taxes. Isn't that unamerican?

The people who REALLY get screwed are the most productive workers...the doctors, lawyers, engineers, small successful business owners, and so forth.

They are the middle classes.

They are carrying the American on their backs.

It is THEY, not the fabulously wealthy, who are the real ATLASES holding up our world.

Most of the doctors, lawyers, engineers and small successful business owners that I know do work hard, but they are not holding up our world on their own. Without the underpaid lower classes and illegal immigrants doing all the shit jobs in harsh conditions no white collar worker would put up with, working 2 and 3 jobs just to pay the rent and keep their families fed this economy would come to a dead standstill.
jreeves, this chart shows the top earners paying the most taxes, but that is independent of the corporate taxes. The taxes the corps pay are different than the taxes their CEO's and board members, for example, are paying.

That would be because he has taken a tangent. He was quite clear about it. He is showing that the claim that the rich don't pay is false and that the Bush tax cuts in particular helped them out by cutting their share more than the poor and middle class.
You talking about the men or the women ? :lol:

I don't think there is much difference. I suspect that nearly as many women have extra marital affairs as men. Women are just more discrete about it because our society still has a double standard for men and women when it come to sexual behavior.
I don't think there is much difference. I suspect that nearly as many women have extra marital affairs as men. Women are just more discrete about it because our society still has a double standard for men and women when it come to sexual behavior.

True. Some married women I know that have cheated, you wouldn't have guessed in a million years that they would be doing that. But the guys? You kind of can tell.

I'm speaking in general of course. Not always true but often is.

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