Most Walmart protesters NOT employees

I'll simply say that if the great Sam Walton was alive he would not stand for some of this shit. Sam never needed an armed posse with automatic weapons to protect him when he was running it.
I'd wager, no, I'd guarantee, most retailers lock their doors at night when they stock the stores. Why wouldn't they when there are flash mobs running around, serial killers and so on? You're being deliberately obtuse again. It's sad.

Because you're a liberal union loving democreep Wal-Mart makes a great target but I'll tell you what is going to happen if Wal-Mart unionizes. Wally will follow the lead of their UK competitors and corner the market on RFID from the dock to the register. The only people with a job will be managers and store stock clerks. They'll fully automate all of it which is their goal anyway. Completely automated, cashless shopping experience and the other retailers will push to keep up.

... most retailers lock their doors at night when they stock the stores. ...

D:cuckoo:on't change the subject.

I didn't change the subject you dork. Will you please explain to the viewing audience what is wrong with locking the doors at night? Do you honestly believe that Wal-Mart would allow an employee to not leave the store?

Let me give you a hint twerp. I was a Wal-Mart claims adjuster which means I had an intimate knowledge about their rules which have of course changed over the years since I worked in that field before going to IT.

They try to cover their asses legally from dumb shits who would abuse the system by pretending to slip and break something. That's 1 of the main reasons they have so much video surveillance but not all of it. That's not to say they give a shit about anyone because they don't. Employees yes, bean counters no.

Further, I didn't agree with everything they did back then nor do I now comrade, but it was all legal.

That link I sent you to the post from 2007 was NOT legal, and they threw him under the bus for it.

The fact is you don't know jack shit about what you're rambling on about. You'd do better trying to teach calculus to children in the Congo rather than weighing in on this.

Just fuck off and do us (you) a favor. Thanks.
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PBS - STORE WARS: Wal-Mart Business Practices

Wal-Mart employs more people than any other company in the United States outside of the Federal government, yet the majority of its employees with children live below the poverty line. "Buy American" banners are prominently placed throughout its stores; however, the majority of its goods are made outside the U.S. and often in sweatshops. Critics believe that Wal-Mart opens stores to saturate the marketplace and clear out the competition, then closes the stores and leaves them sitting empty. Freedom of speech issues also come into play. Musicians are at the mercy of Wal-Mart's stringent content rules, forcing many to create "sanitized" versions of their albums specifically for the discount chain.

The sentiment behind Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton's promise of a "better life for all" belies questionable business practices - many that have been challenged by employees, unions, environmentalists, recording artists and human rights organizations.

Oh look more unfounded bullshit.

tapatalk post
Last year there was a one day wage protest at the local Walmart.

None of the protesters worked at Walmart.

And none of the protesters lived in the town where the Walmart protest was taking place.

They were all bussed in from other cities/states. ... :cool:

Why do you people post like this is a good thing? Or that you actually expected something else?

You're watching and applauding the return of the Great Depression, when people worked AND shopped at the company store and didn't dare open their mouths to complain. WalMart hires illegals to clean and stock at night, locks the doors and let them out in the morning. Pays them shit and they're thrilled to get it. Even if they're citizens, they're thrilled to get it.

You really think they'll speak up against the company that screws them over? You think they want to choose between a shitty job or no job at all?

Either way, you still get food stamps because, either way, you still qualify. Just as you're in favor of subsidizing huge agri-business who feeds your children carcinogens and just just as you'll happily vote for Rs who subsidize oil companies, you're all just fine with subsidizing WalMart. How stupid can you get?

tiny dancer already has her drunk on and posts with such touching nostalgia about a turkey dinner. Right after she posts garbage lies about people who also need to eat.

Lets go start an abortion thread who you can all pretend you give a damn. Fact is, you don't. Many of you have said you would vote for Ted Cruz - IOW, would will vote against the interests of your own country, again.

Keep China green, dupes.
Are you through?
You have hitched your wagon to a lost cause.
Oh, where you get your info is a mystery. Most Walmarts are open 24 hours.

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