Mother And Daughter Lesbian Relationship

Yeah, you won't see any progressives condemn this.

For one thing, they're too busy encouraging physical attacks on the Palins, and calling them *trailer trash*.

Why should anyone bother to "condemn" an entirely fictional story that you were silly enough to believe?

Jerry Springer isn't real, either. Hate to burst your bubble.

I didn't even read the link. I just know that progressives are okay with this behavior. As this thread shows in spades.
I am sorry but why should any of this be your concern? They are consenting adults.

Did the animals consent, dumbass? Anytime animals are abused it's the concern of all civilized human beings. So a pair of degenerate queers "consent" to bugger animals, kids, or whatever else they can get their hands on, and that makes it OK in your view? Because the queers consent? You're a sick all queers.

There was a case in Portland, Oregon awhile back of two queers who'd adopted a little boy and then like all queers who get their hands on children, set about raping him almost as soon as they got him. Social services found out from a neighbor, the queers were arrested, and were soon back out on the street since they'd met bail. Meanwhile a recently released convict found out about the case, hunted the queers down, and shot them both. He was convicted of murder and is back in prison for the rest of his days.

I'm not an anarchist and I don't encourage vigilantism; we're a nation of law or we're a nation of nothing. But in the case of a convict gunning down degenerate child raping queers, I can understand the hatred such behavior can inflame in much of America's hardcore inmate population...because so many of them were sexually abused as children. Queers are kept isolated from the general prison population in nearly all of America's large county jails and state penitentiaries. They live over with the rest of the child rapers who're also kept isolated, because if the general convict population could get their hands on any of them, they'd be dead in a New York minute.

Of course there's always the Latin American expedient, especially in places like Colombia, Peru, etc. Don't kill the queers; kill the judges who grant them custody of children. After 15-20 of those reprobates are murdered in a year, it starts getting very difficult to find a judge who'll grant custody of a child to queers. Terrorism it is, but terrorism works, doesn't it? Especially where degenerate sissies are involved.

Your nonsense is duly noted. The idea that all gays molest children is almost amusing, if it weren't so disturbing.

If you would like to start shooting judges who granted custody to loving parents who give a child a good home, feel free. And i'm not referring to child molesters, but gays and lesbians who make great parents as often as straights do. I would enjoy following the news of your trial. It might be the one occasion I would change my mind about capital punishment.

Or if you would like to murder the gay couple raising a child, I have some lesbian friends who are wonderful parents. Oh, and nevermind that glint in the distance. That is just the sun reflecting off the scope of my rifle.
What's sad..they aren't smart enough to be the Onion.

And those aren't great minds running that show, believe me.
I am sorry but why should any of this be your concern? They are consenting adults.

Did the animals consent, dumbass? Anytime animals are abused it's the concern of all civilized human beings. So a pair of degenerate queers "consent" to bugger animals, kids, or whatever else they can get their hands on, and that makes it OK in your view? Because the queers consent? You're a sick all queers.

There was a case in Portland, Oregon awhile back of two queers who'd adopted a little boy and then like all queers who get their hands on children, set about raping him almost as soon as they got him. Social services found out from a neighbor, the queers were arrested, and were soon back out on the street since they'd met bail. Meanwhile a recently released convict found out about the case, hunted the queers down, and shot them both. He was convicted of murder and is back in prison for the rest of his days.

I'm not an anarchist and I don't encourage vigilantism; we're a nation of law or we're a nation of nothing. But in the case of a convict gunning down degenerate child raping queers, I can understand the hatred such behavior can inflame in much of America's hardcore inmate population...because so many of them were sexually abused as children. Queers are kept isolated from the general prison population in nearly all of America's large county jails and state penitentiaries. They live over with the rest of the child rapers who're also kept isolated, because if the general convict population could get their hands on any of them, they'd be dead in a New York minute.

Of course there's always the Latin American expedient, especially in places like Colombia, Peru, etc. Don't kill the queers; kill the judges who grant them custody of children. After 15-20 of those reprobates are murdered in a year, it starts getting very difficult to find a judge who'll grant custody of a child to queers. Terrorism it is, but terrorism works, doesn't it? Especially where degenerate sissies are involved.

Your nonsense is duly noted. The idea that all gays molest children is almost amusing, if it weren't so disturbing.

If you would like to start shooting judges who granted custody to loving parents who give a child a good home, feel free. And i'm not referring to child molesters, but gays and lesbians who make great parents as often as straights do. I would enjoy following the news of your trial. It might be the one occasion I would change my mind about capital punishment.

Or if you would like to murder the gay couple raising a child, I have some lesbian friends who are wonderful parents. Oh, and nevermind that glint in the distance. That is just the sun reflecting off the scope of my rifle.

It's unfortunate that homosexual AIDS carriers keep infecting the 13 year old crowd. It sort of keeps that unfortunate meme (about homosexuals being predatory) going...
I am sorry but why should any of this be your concern? They are consenting adults.

Did the animals consent, dumbass? Anytime animals are abused it's the concern of all civilized human beings. So a pair of degenerate queers "consent" to bugger animals, kids, or whatever else they can get their hands on, and that makes it OK in your view? Because the queers consent? You're a sick all queers.

There was a case in Portland, Oregon awhile back of two queers who'd adopted a little boy and then like all queers who get their hands on children, set about raping him almost as soon as they got him. Social services found out from a neighbor, the queers were arrested, and were soon back out on the street since they'd met bail. Meanwhile a recently released convict found out about the case, hunted the queers down, and shot them both. He was convicted of murder and is back in prison for the rest of his days.

I'm not an anarchist and I don't encourage vigilantism; we're a nation of law or we're a nation of nothing. But in the case of a convict gunning down degenerate child raping queers, I can understand the hatred such behavior can inflame in much of America's hardcore inmate population...because so many of them were sexually abused as children. Queers are kept isolated from the general prison population in nearly all of America's large county jails and state penitentiaries. They live over with the rest of the child rapers who're also kept isolated, because if the general convict population could get their hands on any of them, they'd be dead in a New York minute.

Of course there's always the Latin American expedient, especially in places like Colombia, Peru, etc. Don't kill the queers; kill the judges who grant them custody of children. After 15-20 of those reprobates are murdered in a year, it starts getting very difficult to find a judge who'll grant custody of a child to queers. Terrorism it is, but terrorism works, doesn't it? Especially where degenerate sissies are involved.

Your nonsense is duly noted. The idea that all gays molest children is almost amusing, if it weren't so disturbing.

If you would like to start shooting judges who granted custody to loving parents who give a child a good home, feel free. And i'm not referring to child molesters, but gays and lesbians who make great parents as often as straights do. I would enjoy following the news of your trial. It might be the one occasion I would change my mind about capital punishment.

Or if you would like to murder the gay couple raising a child, I have some lesbian friends who are wonderful parents. Oh, and nevermind that glint in the distance. That is just the sun reflecting off the scope of my rifle.

It's unfortunate that homosexual AIDS carriers keep infecting the 13 year old crowd. It sort of keeps that unfortunate meme (about homosexuals being predatory) going...

And those people who molest children should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But the claim that all gays molest children is ridiculous.
Who said that?

I've never heard anybody say that. That's a progressive myth, meant to intimidate homosexuals and keep them in line with progressive politics.
That settles it. I was born in the wrong century. Nothing is sacred anymore.
Who said that?

I've never heard anybody say that. That's a progressive myth, meant to intimidate homosexuals and keep them in line with progressive politics.

Tom Sweetnam just said it. He doesn't seem particularly progressive.
That settles it. I was born in the wrong century. Nothing is sacred anymore.

At least, nothing is sacred based on a faith they do not believe, or based solely on the fact that someone else doesn't like it.

Be well, you won't see me advocating sending those two psychos to prison or a mental institution. I just find it a sad state of affairs that such debauchery is praised.

Truly disgusting.
Who said that?

I've never heard anybody say that. That's a progressive myth, meant to intimidate homosexuals and keep them in line with progressive politics.

Tom Sweetnam just said it. He doesn't seem particularly progressive.

No, he did not say that. Good to see the progressives are working hard to keep that lie going.
There was a case in Portland, Oregon awhile back of two queers who'd adopted a little boy and then like all queers who get their hands on children, set about raping him almost as soon as they got him.

That settles it. I was born in the wrong century. Nothing is sacred anymore.

At least, nothing is sacred based on a faith they do not believe, or based solely on the fact that someone else doesn't like it.

Be well, you won't see me advocating sending those two psychos to prison or a mental institution. I just find it a sad state of affairs that such debauchery is praised.

Truly disgusting.

And here's the ugly little secret that the pro-degenerates won't talk about...if you have a mother/daughter incest you honestly believe there was no sexual coercion/abuse of the girl when she was very young?

And in fact, how can one have sex with a parent and say with a straight face that there is no coercion? Parents are by definition AUTHORITY figures to their children...grown, not grown...

But the nugget of the thread is...progressives honestly don't care.
Who said that?

I've never heard anybody say that. That's a progressive myth, meant to intimidate homosexuals and keep them in line with progressive politics.

Tom Sweetnam just said it. He doesn't seem particularly progressive.

No, he did not say that. Good to see the progressives are working hard to keep that lie going.
There was a case in Portland, Oregon awhile back of two queers who'd adopted a little boy and then like all queers who get their hands on children, set about raping him almost as soon as they got him.


Oh well. So sad. A little hyperbole. Horrors.

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