Mother changes diaper in middle of restaurant. Asked to leave. Files complaint

Asclepias said:
I didnt read the link. I assumed the woman was Black considering the person that started the thread so no. How would it be the owners fault just because the person was Black? Changing a baby in a restaurant is nasty no matter what color the person is.

Because white restaurant owners are out to get the bruthas, maybe???

Oh, I am pretty sure that if the woman was black, Asclepias would be screaming racism.

On what grounds would I do that?

We all often wonder the exact same thing — but you always seem to find a way to do it, man.

Just sayin'.

Regardless of if a white owner would be out to get the bruthas or not, that has nothing to do with changing a childs diaper in a eating area.

When have I ever called something racist that wasn't racist? Can you provide a quote or is just a feeling you have? Just sayin'
Some people are just animals.

Mom complains after restaurant kicks her out for changing diaper at table - Parents -

Aug. 12, 2014 at 3:45 PM ET

A Texas woman has filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau after the staff of a pizzeria reportedly kicked her out for changing her baby’s diaper on a chair in the middle of the restaurant.

In the report filed Thursday, Miranda Sowers informed the Houston branch of the BBB that she and her three daughters, including a 3-month-old, had visited Brothers Pizza Express in Spring, Texas.

“When I asked about a changing table in the restroom, the girl working there was very rude about it,” reads a portion of Sowers’ customer-service report. “Therefore I laid out my changing pad on a chair and changed her diaper in the restaurant. I blocked anyone from seeing what was going on. When they brought my food, they asked me to leave for changing a diaper.”

Today people think that they should be able to do whatever they want. When I had to change my kids, most places didn't have changing tables, I did it on the floor in the bathroom using a mat I brought with me. What kind of idiot thinks it's okay to change diapers where people eat?

I went to the car and changed the diaper on the seat.

It is not okay to change diapers in a restaurant. The health department has laws against it.
^^^ Why should everyone else in the place have to pay because one person decided to be rude to the woman with the baby? The woman still could have gone to the ladies room.

God bless you always!!!


One person was rude to the lady??? Think you have that backwards!
When I am in Montréal restaurant a lady she breast feed the baby. I don't see nothing wrong with this and nobody there complain about it


Breast feeding and exposing urine and feces to the eating area are two different things.

I have no problem with a woman breast feeding in public, especially if she is hot.

I, personally, think she should be discreet, and cover her feeding babe with a shawl or blanket.
Was she living in a freaking barn? Nobody want's to smell baby shit while they are eating a pizza. Change it in the car or find a bathroom.
Why is a baby's shit any better than adult's shit?

Playing around with either in public is repulsive and antisocial!!!

The woman is an inconsiderate mother who thinks the sun shines out of her baby's bum!

Well, I have news for her: IT DOESN'T

One person was rude to the lady??? Think you have that backwards!
According to what is said in the first message in this chat, the woman said that a person who worked at the place was rude to her when she asked the person about the restroom. That is what I was referring to.

Who want's to smell nasty, formula baby sh*t in a restaurant?
I don't know what has given you such an impression, but no I would not.

God bless you always!!!

[ What kind of idiot thinks it's okay to change diapers where people eat?

Negros and hispos.

You had raised a legitimate issue without any racial bias you just had to go and revert to your normal racist self, without any provocation to boot. Do you see a hint of any "race" in the photo included with the article, other than caucasian? Asshole.

That is unsanitary. I wouldnt have a problem with a woman breastfeeding but waste is something entirely different.

Even if she were black, Asclepias?

Wouldn't it be the white restaurant owner's fault, then?

Might it be even be George W. Bush's????? :badgrin:

I didnt read the link. I assumed the woman was Black considering the person that started the thread so no. How would it be the owners fault just because the person was Black? Changing a baby in a restaurant is nasty no matter what color the person is.

appear to be white if that really makes a difference to anyone deciding if it was a very nasty thoughtless act. Photo from link....


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