Mother has kids kidnapped from her,she in return kills CPS agent.

Try kidnapping my kids and find out. :) Like I said if you aren't willing to die or kill for your kids you are HORRIBLE fucking parent.

Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
You do realize that you and your butt buddy St. Michael are, literally, the only two people fucking sick enough to support the heinous and cowardly murders this woman committed?
You haven't read the entire thread. I have no doubt you were leaping for joy when the FBI was gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I cheer when people defend themselves. You cheer when they are murdered.

That makes you the sick one.
Try kidnapping my kids and find out. :) Like I said if you aren't willing to die or kill for your kids you are HORRIBLE fucking parent.

Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
So now you are going to defend a Fascist Nazi pig??!! You who accuse me, who accuse liberals of being controlling and creating fear? Are you out of your fucking mind? Never mind, I know the answer:tank::tank::tank:
No, actually I was attacking a fascist nazi pig. Are you kidding? Nazis were the ones who forced themselves into people's homes, terrified them, separated them from their children, and then exploited or killed the children all by the power of government....JUST LIKE YOU. And you think Odium is the Nazi?

I don't think either you or Odium are Nazis- I think you are assholes who applaud murder and in your case a coward who kills a neighbors cat in revenge for a perceived slight.
Let me ask you, asshole, did you dance a jig when the FBI burned several families alive in Texas? How about when it shot a 14 year old boy in the back and his mother in the face as she held a baby in Northern Idaho? I have no doubt in my mind, sickly government sicophant that you are, that you are gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers. You have no problem with 50 million babies murdered but you're concerned about a stupid cat? You Leftists have no idea how evil you've become or how richly you've incurred the wrath of a just God. I'm going to put you on ignore for real now because you're a troll obsessed about a cat. You don't discuss the topic, you just post hate. Life is too short to put up with that.
"... gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers." Pot, meet kettle.
Good, then we're agreed that killing can be justified. The difference is you side with power and I with the oppressed.

You side with the Fascists and the criminally insane
Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
You do realize that you and your butt buddy St. Michael are, literally, the only two people fucking sick enough to support the heinous and cowardly murders this woman committed?
You haven't read the entire thread. I have no doubt you were leaping for joy when the FBI was gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I cheer when people defend themselves. You cheer when they are murdered.

That makes you the sick one.
You cheer for murder and you do a little murdering of people's pets yourself.
Try kidnapping my kids and find out. :) Like I said if you aren't willing to die or kill for your kids you are HORRIBLE fucking parent.

Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
So now you are going to defend a Fascist Nazi pig??!! You who accuse me, who accuse liberals of being controlling and creating fear? Are you out of your fucking mind? Never mind, I know the answer:tank::tank::tank:
No, actually I was attacking a fascist nazi pig. Are you kidding? Nazis were the ones who forced themselves into people's homes, terrified them, separated them from their children, and then exploited or killed the children all by the power of government....JUST LIKE YOU. And you think Odium is the Nazi?

I don't think either you or Odium are Nazis- I think you are assholes who applaud murder and in your case a coward who kills a neighbors cat in revenge for a perceived slight.
Let me ask you, asshole, did you dance a jig when the FBI burned several families alive in Texas? How about when it shot a 14 year old boy in the back and his mother in the face as she held a baby in Northern Idaho? I have no doubt in my mind, sickly government sicophant that you are, that you are gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers. You have no problem with 50 million babies murdered but you're concerned about a stupid cat? You Leftists have no idea how evil you've become or how richly you've incurred the wrath of a just God. I'm going to put you on ignore for real now because you're a troll obsessed about a cat. You don't discuss the topic, you just post hate. Life is too short to put up with that.
"... gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers." Pot, meet kettle.
Good, then we're agreed that killing can be justified. The difference is you side with power and I with the oppressed.
No. You think that coldblooded murder is OK. I know that it is always wrong. You are a sociopathic moron. You killed the cat because it gave you a hard-on. God knows what you do to your children when no one is looking.
Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
You do realize that you and your butt buddy St. Michael are, literally, the only two people fucking sick enough to support the heinous and cowardly murders this woman committed?
You haven't read the entire thread. I have no doubt you were leaping for joy when the FBI was gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I cheer when people defend themselves. You cheer when they are murdered.

That makes you the sick one.
And, exactly, how was this woman defending herself by sneaking up on the DFC worker and shooting her in the back? And what threat to her person did she oppose when she gunned down her aunts and cousin? Your idea of defending oneself is as fucked up as you are.
Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
You do realize that you and your butt buddy St. Michael are, literally, the only two people fucking sick enough to support the heinous and cowardly murders this woman committed?
You haven't read the entire thread. I have no doubt you were leaping for joy when the FBI was gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I cheer when people defend themselves. You cheer when they are murdered.

That makes you the sick one.

These people following you around?
Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
No, actually I was attacking a fascist nazi pig. Are you kidding? Nazis were the ones who forced themselves into people's homes, terrified them, separated them from their children, and then exploited or killed the children all by the power of government....JUST LIKE YOU. And you think Odium is the Nazi?

I don't think either you or Odium are Nazis- I think you are assholes who applaud murder and in your case a coward who kills a neighbors cat in revenge for a perceived slight.
Let me ask you, asshole, did you dance a jig when the FBI burned several families alive in Texas? How about when it shot a 14 year old boy in the back and his mother in the face as she held a baby in Northern Idaho? I have no doubt in my mind, sickly government sicophant that you are, that you are gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers. You have no problem with 50 million babies murdered but you're concerned about a stupid cat? You Leftists have no idea how evil you've become or how richly you've incurred the wrath of a just God. I'm going to put you on ignore for real now because you're a troll obsessed about a cat. You don't discuss the topic, you just post hate. Life is too short to put up with that.
"... gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers." Pot, meet kettle.
Good, then we're agreed that killing can be justified. The difference is you side with power and I with the oppressed.
No. You think that coldblooded murder is OK. I know that it is always wrong. You are a sociopathic moron. You killed the cat because it gave you a hard-on. God knows what you do to your children when no one is looking.

The cat's family finds Stmichaeldefendthem. Now, they would be justified.
Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
No, actually I was attacking a fascist nazi pig. Are you kidding? Nazis were the ones who forced themselves into people's homes, terrified them, separated them from their children, and then exploited or killed the children all by the power of government....JUST LIKE YOU. And you think Odium is the Nazi?

I don't think either you or Odium are Nazis- I think you are assholes who applaud murder and in your case a coward who kills a neighbors cat in revenge for a perceived slight.
Let me ask you, asshole, did you dance a jig when the FBI burned several families alive in Texas? How about when it shot a 14 year old boy in the back and his mother in the face as she held a baby in Northern Idaho? I have no doubt in my mind, sickly government sicophant that you are, that you are gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers. You have no problem with 50 million babies murdered but you're concerned about a stupid cat? You Leftists have no idea how evil you've become or how richly you've incurred the wrath of a just God. I'm going to put you on ignore for real now because you're a troll obsessed about a cat. You don't discuss the topic, you just post hate. Life is too short to put up with that.
"... gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers." Pot, meet kettle.
Good, then we're agreed that killing can be justified. The difference is you side with power and I with the oppressed.
No. You think that coldblooded murder is OK. I know that it is always wrong. You are a sociopathic moron. You killed the cat because it gave you a hard-on. God knows what you do to your children when no one is looking.
Here is Stmichaeldefendthem in Glasgow. The "Glasgow Cat Killer"

Glasgow cat killer is jailed

Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
You do realize that you and your butt buddy St. Michael are, literally, the only two people fucking sick enough to support the heinous and cowardly murders this woman committed?
You haven't read the entire thread. I have no doubt you were leaping for joy when the FBI was gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I cheer when people defend themselves. You cheer when they are murdered.

That makes you the sick one.

This you, stmichealdefendthem?
Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
No, actually I was attacking a fascist nazi pig. Are you kidding? Nazis were the ones who forced themselves into people's homes, terrified them, separated them from their children, and then exploited or killed the children all by the power of government....JUST LIKE YOU. And you think Odium is the Nazi?

I don't think either you or Odium are Nazis- I think you are assholes who applaud murder and in your case a coward who kills a neighbors cat in revenge for a perceived slight.
Let me ask you, asshole, did you dance a jig when the FBI burned several families alive in Texas? How about when it shot a 14 year old boy in the back and his mother in the face as she held a baby in Northern Idaho? I have no doubt in my mind, sickly government sicophant that you are, that you are gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers. You have no problem with 50 million babies murdered but you're concerned about a stupid cat? You Leftists have no idea how evil you've become or how richly you've incurred the wrath of a just God. I'm going to put you on ignore for real now because you're a troll obsessed about a cat. You don't discuss the topic, you just post hate. Life is too short to put up with that.
"... gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers." Pot, meet kettle.
Good, then we're agreed that killing can be justified. The difference is you side with power and I with the oppressed.
No. You think that coldblooded murder is OK. I know that it is always wrong. You are a sociopathic moron. You killed the cat because it gave you a hard-on. God knows what you do to your children when no one is looking.

You are a slacker, Stmichaeldefendthem. I bet you have this guy's picture on the wall of your mobile home.
Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
No, actually I was attacking a fascist nazi pig. Are you kidding? Nazis were the ones who forced themselves into people's homes, terrified them, separated them from their children, and then exploited or killed the children all by the power of government....JUST LIKE YOU. And you think Odium is the Nazi?

I don't think either you or Odium are Nazis- I think you are assholes who applaud murder and in your case a coward who kills a neighbors cat in revenge for a perceived slight.
Let me ask you, asshole, did you dance a jig when the FBI burned several families alive in Texas? How about when it shot a 14 year old boy in the back and his mother in the face as she held a baby in Northern Idaho? I have no doubt in my mind, sickly government sicophant that you are, that you are gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers. You have no problem with 50 million babies murdered but you're concerned about a stupid cat? You Leftists have no idea how evil you've become or how richly you've incurred the wrath of a just God. I'm going to put you on ignore for real now because you're a troll obsessed about a cat. You don't discuss the topic, you just post hate. Life is too short to put up with that.
"... gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers." Pot, meet kettle.
Good, then we're agreed that killing can be justified. The difference is you side with power and I with the oppressed.

You side with the Fascists and the criminally insane
Fascists and criminally insane are those that think they have a right to kidnap people's kids. That would be YOU.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
I don't think either you or Odium are Nazis- I think you are assholes who applaud murder and in your case a coward who kills a neighbors cat in revenge for a perceived slight.
Let me ask you, asshole, did you dance a jig when the FBI burned several families alive in Texas? How about when it shot a 14 year old boy in the back and his mother in the face as she held a baby in Northern Idaho? I have no doubt in my mind, sickly government sicophant that you are, that you are gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers. You have no problem with 50 million babies murdered but you're concerned about a stupid cat? You Leftists have no idea how evil you've become or how richly you've incurred the wrath of a just God. I'm going to put you on ignore for real now because you're a troll obsessed about a cat. You don't discuss the topic, you just post hate. Life is too short to put up with that.
"... gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers." Pot, meet kettle.
Good, then we're agreed that killing can be justified. The difference is you side with power and I with the oppressed.

You side with the Fascists and the criminally insane
Fascists and criminally insane are those that think they have a right to kidnap people's kids. That would be YOU.
Child abusers and child rapists, and their apologists, do not want the government interfering with their abuse or sexual assaults. I hope you are just an apologist.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
You do realize that you and your butt buddy St. Michael are, literally, the only two people fucking sick enough to support the heinous and cowardly murders this woman committed?
You haven't read the entire thread. I have no doubt you were leaping for joy when the FBI was gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I cheer when people defend themselves. You cheer when they are murdered.

That makes you the sick one.

This you, stmichealdefendthem?
And this is you

I'm not discussing anything other than the topic and will start reporting off topic posts.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
You do realize that you and your butt buddy St. Michael are, literally, the only two people fucking sick enough to support the heinous and cowardly murders this woman committed?
You haven't read the entire thread. I have no doubt you were leaping for joy when the FBI was gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I cheer when people defend themselves. You cheer when they are murdered.

That makes you the sick one.
And, exactly, how was this woman defending herself by sneaking up on the DFC worker and shooting her in the back? And what threat to her person did she oppose when she gunned down her aunts and cousin? Your idea of defending oneself is as fucked up as you are.
You mean CPS Nazis can use the power of the state and the threat of a gun but if someone fights back with stealth they're immoral? Maybe to a wicked state worshipper who believes the state can do whatever to whoever it wants, but not to me.
Yeah- those parents who are willing to die in order to be able to continue abusing their children are such wonderful parents.
^ stupidity overload. Only parents who abuse their kids would die or kill for them.....

You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
No, actually I was attacking a fascist nazi pig. Are you kidding? Nazis were the ones who forced themselves into people's homes, terrified them, separated them from their children, and then exploited or killed the children all by the power of government....JUST LIKE YOU. And you think Odium is the Nazi?

I don't think either you or Odium are Nazis- I think you are assholes who applaud murder and in your case a coward who kills a neighbors cat in revenge for a perceived slight.
Let me ask you, asshole, did you dance a jig when the FBI burned several families alive in Texas? How about when it shot a 14 year old boy in the back and his mother in the face as she held a baby in Northern Idaho? I have no doubt in my mind, sickly government sicophant that you are, that you are gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers. You have no problem with 50 million babies murdered but you're concerned about a stupid cat? You Leftists have no idea how evil you've become or how richly you've incurred the wrath of a just God. I'm going to put you on ignore for real now because you're a troll obsessed about a cat. You don't discuss the topic, you just post hate. Life is too short to put up with that.
"... gleeful about human death when you approve of the killers." Pot, meet kettle.
Good, then we're agreed that killing can be justified. The difference is you side with power and I with the oppressed.

You side with the Fascists and the criminally insane
Are you an idiot? (Rhetorical question) fascists used the power of government to exercise absolute power. Look in the mirror and you'll see a fascist.
You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
You do realize that you and your butt buddy St. Michael are, literally, the only two people fucking sick enough to support the heinous and cowardly murders this woman committed?
You haven't read the entire thread. I have no doubt you were leaping for joy when the FBI was gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I cheer when people defend themselves. You cheer when they are murdered.

That makes you the sick one.

This you, stmichealdefendthem?
And this is you

I'm not discussing anything other than the topic and will start reporting off topic posts.
Did you kill that horse too? Sending a message to its owner for reporting you cutting the grass in the nude?
You said it- not me.

But I agree with you.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
You do realize that you and your butt buddy St. Michael are, literally, the only two people fucking sick enough to support the heinous and cowardly murders this woman committed?
You haven't read the entire thread. I have no doubt you were leaping for joy when the FBI was gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I cheer when people defend themselves. You cheer when they are murdered.

That makes you the sick one.
And, exactly, how was this woman defending herself by sneaking up on the DFC worker and shooting her in the back? And what threat to her person did she oppose when she gunned down her aunts and cousin? Your idea of defending oneself is as fucked up as you are.
You mean CPS Nazis can use the power of the state and the threat of a gun but if someone fights back with stealth they're immoral? Maybe to a wicked state worshipper who believes the state can do whatever to whoever it wants, but not to me.
No. CPS can use the power of the law to protect children from parents like you who think they own their children and can do any disgusting thing they want with them. And if you resist violently, something you don't have the balls to do, they can use force.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
You do realize that you and your butt buddy St. Michael are, literally, the only two people fucking sick enough to support the heinous and cowardly murders this woman committed?
You haven't read the entire thread. I have no doubt you were leaping for joy when the FBI was gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I cheer when people defend themselves. You cheer when they are murdered.

That makes you the sick one.
And, exactly, how was this woman defending herself by sneaking up on the DFC worker and shooting her in the back? And what threat to her person did she oppose when she gunned down her aunts and cousin? Your idea of defending oneself is as fucked up as you are.
You mean CPS Nazis can use the power of the state and the threat of a gun but if someone fights back with stealth they're immoral? Maybe to a wicked state worshipper who believes the state can do whatever to whoever it wants, but not to me.
No. CPS can use the power of the law to protect children from parents like you who think they own their children and can do any disgusting thing they want with them. And if you resist violently, something you don't have the balls to do, they can use force.
Perhaps you were in a coma for most of this thread and missed the fact that children are hardly safer in the care of CPS. They are at high risk for sexual abuse, exploitation in the sex slave trade, and even death. All mothers should start gunning down CPS thugs to save their children from a fate worse than death.
Thats because its what you said. Just another of a dozen or more asinine statements from you.
You do realize that you and your butt buddy St. Michael are, literally, the only two people fucking sick enough to support the heinous and cowardly murders this woman committed?
You haven't read the entire thread. I have no doubt you were leaping for joy when the FBI was gunning down an entire family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I cheer when people defend themselves. You cheer when they are murdered.

That makes you the sick one.
And, exactly, how was this woman defending herself by sneaking up on the DFC worker and shooting her in the back? And what threat to her person did she oppose when she gunned down her aunts and cousin? Your idea of defending oneself is as fucked up as you are.
You mean CPS Nazis can use the power of the state and the threat of a gun but if someone fights back with stealth they're immoral? Maybe to a wicked state worshipper who believes the state can do whatever to whoever it wants, but not to me.
No. CPS can use the power of the law to protect children from parents like you who think they own their children and can do any disgusting thing they want with them. And if you resist violently, something you don't have the balls to do, they can use force.
Perhaps you were in a coma for most of this thread and missed the fact that children are hardly safer in the care of CPS. They are at high risk for sexual abuse, exploitation in the sex slave trade, and even death. All mothers should start gunning down CPS thugs to save their children from a fate worse than death.

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