Mother of 4 deported

Not the point.

Is your head as soft as your heart?

She broke the law.

Despite attempts, she is finally being held responsible for breaking the law.

You're crying because it is breaking up the family.

When a rapist, murderer, drug dealer, etc goes to prison, they are separated from their families.

I see no reason she can't be separated from hers.
The fact that you are equating her to a rapist, murderer, drug dealer just highlights the problem. It's where the word deplorable came from. I'm sure that makes you proud
There is truth to your words. BUT where do we draw the line?
We draw the line through intelligent debate and an honest analysis about the situation to decide what is best for our country as a whole. Unfortunately with the partisan boneheads we have running this country and the even bigger partisan boneheads that support them the odds of achieving productive policy get further from reachable. I do agree with you that there needs to be a line

We don't need a new policy. We already have one in place, and until people like this came along, it was working just fine. Actually, it still works fine, but some Americans think that foreigners should make the decision if our policies are good enough for them.
You are making the mistake of confusing policy with law.
The policy of not deporting a mother of American children was working fine until Donald Trump became president.
The policy of not deporting a mother of American children was working fine until Donald Trump became president.

Right, never happened before Trump took office...

a mother deported and a child left behind - Yahoo Search Results
You think everything was fine in the 80s? You did hear about the millions that were here illegally that Reagan gave amnesty to right?

Was that the system working as it should in your opinion?

Reagan later regretted that action, but as others have pointed out, that was 2 million. Today, it's estimated over 20 million. That's besides the fact they were not here changing our language as they are today. Signs were all in English, ballots were in English only, you never had to press any button on the phone to speak your language, I never seen heroin in my life because it was not around at the time. Only a select few people had problems with opiates. Today, people are dropping like flies from those drugs. In my county, we are setting new records all the time.
So now illegal immigration is responsible for heroin in Ohio? Damn man, you like to stretch it

So where do you suppose it comes from--Canada?
Cut it off from Mexico and the people who want to use it will find it from somewhere else, or they will do something different. Prescription pills are probably a bigger problem in most areas of our country than heroine.

Then why don't we have record deaths of people using prescriptions? We certainly have them with opiate drugs today.
You're kidding right? Do a little more research... Most prescription drugs are opiates by the way.
One way to look at it is that the government allowed them to stay, but another way to look at it is that they chose to stay on a year to year basis knowing each year they may not be allowed to stay for a second year. The important issue to my mind is what sends the proper policy message to all the millions who want to come here but who will never be eligible for an immigration visa: allowing them to stay or deporting them?
You are confusing people who have been here for years with people who might come here illegally in the future. Border security/enforcement vs. undocumented residents. These are two separate issues. And there is something to be said to the fact that our government has allowed many undocumented people to live here for so long. Are you familiar with adverse possession? It is written law common in real estate which actually does give ownership rights to people who occupy land for a specified period of time even if they are not the title owners. I realize this is not the same situation but it is similar in precedent.
It is all one issue, controlling illegal immigration. Most of those who want to come to the US will never even become eligible to apply for an immigration visa, so their only hope of ever living here to enter the US illegally, and if we allow others who have done that in the past to stay, we are inviting these new illegals to try to replicate their experience.
Who are you kidding? if they want to come they will come. It has been illegal for decades and they have still come. Tech is better and enforcement capabilities are better so we can focus on cracking down on the crossers and visa overstays. But the fact that it is so hard to come here the legal way is also a problem that needs to be dealt with. You're idea is a dud and will not work in the long term... Time for you to open your mind a little bit and think of the greater good

Of course they'll come. If there was no enforced penalty for robbing a bank, wouldn't you give it a try if you didn't have enough money? If there was no enforced penalty for speeding, how fast would you drive on the highway?
I never said there shouldn't be an enforcement penalty for people who illegally cross the border. Border enforcement is a different issue than undocumented residents who have been living here for years/decades. Try and keep up man, i'm getting tire of this constant clarification for those of you who can't understand simple points.
What "penalty" are you referring to? If they are allowed to stay, they are being rewarded.

How about this for a penalty: 5 years in prison?
Reagan later regretted that action, but as others have pointed out, that was 2 million. Today, it's estimated over 20 million. That's besides the fact they were not here changing our language as they are today. Signs were all in English, ballots were in English only, you never had to press any button on the phone to speak your language, I never seen heroin in my life because it was not around at the time. Only a select few people had problems with opiates. Today, people are dropping like flies from those drugs. In my county, we are setting new records all the time.
So now illegal immigration is responsible for heroin in Ohio? Damn man, you like to stretch it

So where do you suppose it comes from--Canada?
Cut it off from Mexico and the people who want to use it will find it from somewhere else, or they will do something different. Prescription pills are probably a bigger problem in most areas of our country than heroine.

Then why don't we have record deaths of people using prescriptions? We certainly have them with opiate drugs today.
You're kidding right? Do a little more research... Most prescription drugs are opiates by the way.

Not true.
Not the point.

Is your head as soft as your heart?

She broke the law.

Despite attempts, she is finally being held responsible for breaking the law.

You're crying because it is breaking up the family.

When a rapist, murderer, drug dealer, etc goes to prison, they are separated from their families.

I see no reason she can't be separated from hers.
The fact that you are equating her to a rapist, murderer, drug dealer just highlights the problem. It's where the word deplorable came from. I'm sure that makes you proud
There is truth to your words. BUT where do we draw the line?
We draw the line through intelligent debate and an honest analysis about the situation to decide what is best for our country as a whole. Unfortunately with the partisan boneheads we have running this country and the even bigger partisan boneheads that support them the odds of achieving productive policy get further from reachable. I do agree with you that there needs to be a line

We don't need a new policy. We already have one in place, and until people like this came along, it was working just fine. Actually, it still works fine, but some Americans think that foreigners should make the decision if our policies are good enough for them.
You are making the mistake of confusing policy with law.
The policy of not deporting a mother of American children was working fine until Donald Trump became president.

Any policy in conflict with the law is an illegal policy.
You are confusing people who have been here for years with people who might come here illegally in the future. Border security/enforcement vs. undocumented residents. These are two separate issues. And there is something to be said to the fact that our government has allowed many undocumented people to live here for so long. Are you familiar with adverse possession? It is written law common in real estate which actually does give ownership rights to people who occupy land for a specified period of time even if they are not the title owners. I realize this is not the same situation but it is similar in precedent.
It is all one issue, controlling illegal immigration. Most of those who want to come to the US will never even become eligible to apply for an immigration visa, so their only hope of ever living here to enter the US illegally, and if we allow others who have done that in the past to stay, we are inviting these new illegals to try to replicate their experience.
Who are you kidding? if they want to come they will come. It has been illegal for decades and they have still come. Tech is better and enforcement capabilities are better so we can focus on cracking down on the crossers and visa overstays. But the fact that it is so hard to come here the legal way is also a problem that needs to be dealt with. You're idea is a dud and will not work in the long term... Time for you to open your mind a little bit and think of the greater good

Of course they'll come. If there was no enforced penalty for robbing a bank, wouldn't you give it a try if you didn't have enough money? If there was no enforced penalty for speeding, how fast would you drive on the highway?
I never said there shouldn't be an enforcement penalty for people who illegally cross the border. Border enforcement is a different issue than undocumented residents who have been living here for years/decades. Try and keep up man, i'm getting tire of this constant clarification for those of you who can't understand simple points.

There is no simpler point than if you are here illegally, you may be kicked out one day. It's YOU that can't keep up.
You are right it is a very simple point, however the problem is more complex than the law and if we want progress on this problem then changes need to be made. I guess it is at this point where it starts to get a little overwhelming for you. Its ok
It is all one issue, controlling illegal immigration. Most of those who want to come to the US will never even become eligible to apply for an immigration visa, so their only hope of ever living here to enter the US illegally, and if we allow others who have done that in the past to stay, we are inviting these new illegals to try to replicate their experience.
Who are you kidding? if they want to come they will come. It has been illegal for decades and they have still come. Tech is better and enforcement capabilities are better so we can focus on cracking down on the crossers and visa overstays. But the fact that it is so hard to come here the legal way is also a problem that needs to be dealt with. You're idea is a dud and will not work in the long term... Time for you to open your mind a little bit and think of the greater good
"If they want to come they will come" if the government were to grant amnesty to those illegals who are already here. There was a 40% decline in the expected level of illegal border crossings in Feb. and everyone involved attributes this to President Trump's tough policies on the illegals already here so how we deal with the illegals already here clearly has a significant effect on attempts to cross our borders illegally.
You're right on that point, except it wasn't policy that caused the decline it was fear caused by the rhetoric. It's all speculation, same with the stock market. We can follow through with the rhetoric and let fear and intimidation drive the policy. It is a very effective method. You have every right to support that. I just think we can do it in a smarter and better way
It is fear the rhetoric will turn into policies that will make being an illegal in the US so unpleasant that most will not try to enter illegally. If we are to control illegal immigration there is no other way to proceed, let alone a smarter or better way.
Unfortunately for you the country is way to divided on this issue... We have elections every 4 years and you are no where near a consensus on this issue. You start playing tough guy and more stories like the one in the OP start popping up, then next election you have a leader that is ready to tear apart the tough guy policies. This is why you are short sighted and this is why the undocumented in this country will always wait out the next election. So the only way to really do something significant is to find a way to unify on a way to tackle this issue. That requires compromise from both sides. You can keep doubling down on the tough guy method, but its a road to nowhere.
More bullshit. All you are proposing is another amnesty which we all know from experience leads to more illegal immigrants which leads to new calls for new amnesties.

President Trump was elected because he promised to do exactly what he is doing and already his actions have significantly reduced the number of illegals trying to cross our borders. By the time the next election comes around he will be able show significant progress in solving the illegal immigration problem and it will become an even stronger issue for him.
Unfortunately for you the country is way to divided on this issue... We have elections every 4 years and you are no where near a consensus on this issue. You start playing tough guy and more stories like the one in the OP start popping up, then next election you have a leader that is ready to tear apart the tough guy policies. This is why you are short sighted and this is why the undocumented in this country will always wait out the next election.

No, this is why Donald Trump is our President today.
I thought he was president because people hated Obamacare

Every Republican running hated Obama Care. But only one campaigned on strict enforcement of our immigration laws and building the wall. The other Republican candidates sounded like you, and that's why Trump won.
Thats a fine theory... I think it was more about saying fuck you to politics as usual and people wanting a business guy who can grow or economy... unfortunately Trump fooled them into thinking he was that guy. Also he was running against a very bad candidate.
You are confusing people who have been here for years with people who might come here illegally in the future. Border security/enforcement vs. undocumented residents. These are two separate issues. And there is something to be said to the fact that our government has allowed many undocumented people to live here for so long. Are you familiar with adverse possession? It is written law common in real estate which actually does give ownership rights to people who occupy land for a specified period of time even if they are not the title owners. I realize this is not the same situation but it is similar in precedent.
It is all one issue, controlling illegal immigration. Most of those who want to come to the US will never even become eligible to apply for an immigration visa, so their only hope of ever living here to enter the US illegally, and if we allow others who have done that in the past to stay, we are inviting these new illegals to try to replicate their experience.
Who are you kidding? if they want to come they will come. It has been illegal for decades and they have still come. Tech is better and enforcement capabilities are better so we can focus on cracking down on the crossers and visa overstays. But the fact that it is so hard to come here the legal way is also a problem that needs to be dealt with. You're idea is a dud and will not work in the long term... Time for you to open your mind a little bit and think of the greater good

Of course they'll come. If there was no enforced penalty for robbing a bank, wouldn't you give it a try if you didn't have enough money? If there was no enforced penalty for speeding, how fast would you drive on the highway?
I never said there shouldn't be an enforcement penalty for people who illegally cross the border. Border enforcement is a different issue than undocumented residents who have been living here for years/decades. Try and keep up man, i'm getting tire of this constant clarification for those of you who can't understand simple points.
What "penalty" are you referring to? If they are allowed to stay, they are being rewarded.

How about this for a penalty: 5 years in prison?
What good does that do? How about 5 years of military service or community service cleaning up our cities and building infrastructure or working in youth programs?? Yall really do have rocks for brains don't you?
The fact that you are equating her to a rapist, murderer, drug dealer just highlights the problem. It's where the word deplorable came from. I'm sure that makes you proud
There is truth to your words. BUT where do we draw the line?
We draw the line through intelligent debate and an honest analysis about the situation to decide what is best for our country as a whole. Unfortunately with the partisan boneheads we have running this country and the even bigger partisan boneheads that support them the odds of achieving productive policy get further from reachable. I do agree with you that there needs to be a line

We don't need a new policy. We already have one in place, and until people like this came along, it was working just fine. Actually, it still works fine, but some Americans think that foreigners should make the decision if our policies are good enough for them.
You are making the mistake of confusing policy with law.
The policy of not deporting a mother of American children was working fine until Donald Trump became president.

Any policy in conflict with the law is an illegal policy.
Laws change dude, its how our country works
Who are you kidding? if they want to come they will come. It has been illegal for decades and they have still come. Tech is better and enforcement capabilities are better so we can focus on cracking down on the crossers and visa overstays. But the fact that it is so hard to come here the legal way is also a problem that needs to be dealt with. You're idea is a dud and will not work in the long term... Time for you to open your mind a little bit and think of the greater good
"If they want to come they will come" if the government were to grant amnesty to those illegals who are already here. There was a 40% decline in the expected level of illegal border crossings in Feb. and everyone involved attributes this to President Trump's tough policies on the illegals already here so how we deal with the illegals already here clearly has a significant effect on attempts to cross our borders illegally.
You're right on that point, except it wasn't policy that caused the decline it was fear caused by the rhetoric. It's all speculation, same with the stock market. We can follow through with the rhetoric and let fear and intimidation drive the policy. It is a very effective method. You have every right to support that. I just think we can do it in a smarter and better way
It is fear the rhetoric will turn into policies that will make being an illegal in the US so unpleasant that most will not try to enter illegally. If we are to control illegal immigration there is no other way to proceed, let alone a smarter or better way.
Unfortunately for you the country is way to divided on this issue... We have elections every 4 years and you are no where near a consensus on this issue. You start playing tough guy and more stories like the one in the OP start popping up, then next election you have a leader that is ready to tear apart the tough guy policies. This is why you are short sighted and this is why the undocumented in this country will always wait out the next election. So the only way to really do something significant is to find a way to unify on a way to tackle this issue. That requires compromise from both sides. You can keep doubling down on the tough guy method, but its a road to nowhere.
More bullshit. All you are proposing is another amnesty which we all know from experience leads to more illegal immigrants which leads to new calls for new amnesties.

President Trump was elected because he promised to do exactly what he is doing and already his actions have significantly reduced the number of illegals trying to cross our borders. By the time the next election comes around he will be able show significant progress in solving the illegal immigration problem and it will become an even stronger issue for him.
Great we will see about that. If he loses the next election then i'll expect you to admit that you were wrong
There is truth to your words. BUT where do we draw the line?
We draw the line through intelligent debate and an honest analysis about the situation to decide what is best for our country as a whole. Unfortunately with the partisan boneheads we have running this country and the even bigger partisan boneheads that support them the odds of achieving productive policy get further from reachable. I do agree with you that there needs to be a line

We don't need a new policy. We already have one in place, and until people like this came along, it was working just fine. Actually, it still works fine, but some Americans think that foreigners should make the decision if our policies are good enough for them.
You are making the mistake of confusing policy with law.
The policy of not deporting a mother of American children was working fine until Donald Trump became president.

Any policy in conflict with the law is an illegal policy.
Laws change dude, its how our country works
Until they do, policies that conflict with the ones on the books are illegal. Current law calls for all illegals to be deported.
"If they want to come they will come" if the government were to grant amnesty to those illegals who are already here. There was a 40% decline in the expected level of illegal border crossings in Feb. and everyone involved attributes this to President Trump's tough policies on the illegals already here so how we deal with the illegals already here clearly has a significant effect on attempts to cross our borders illegally.
You're right on that point, except it wasn't policy that caused the decline it was fear caused by the rhetoric. It's all speculation, same with the stock market. We can follow through with the rhetoric and let fear and intimidation drive the policy. It is a very effective method. You have every right to support that. I just think we can do it in a smarter and better way
It is fear the rhetoric will turn into policies that will make being an illegal in the US so unpleasant that most will not try to enter illegally. If we are to control illegal immigration there is no other way to proceed, let alone a smarter or better way.
Unfortunately for you the country is way to divided on this issue... We have elections every 4 years and you are no where near a consensus on this issue. You start playing tough guy and more stories like the one in the OP start popping up, then next election you have a leader that is ready to tear apart the tough guy policies. This is why you are short sighted and this is why the undocumented in this country will always wait out the next election. So the only way to really do something significant is to find a way to unify on a way to tackle this issue. That requires compromise from both sides. You can keep doubling down on the tough guy method, but its a road to nowhere.
More bullshit. All you are proposing is another amnesty which we all know from experience leads to more illegal immigrants which leads to new calls for new amnesties.

President Trump was elected because he promised to do exactly what he is doing and already his actions have significantly reduced the number of illegals trying to cross our borders. By the time the next election comes around he will be able show significant progress in solving the illegal immigration problem and it will become an even stronger issue for him.
Great we will see about that. If he loses the next election then i'll expect you to admit that you were wrong
Sure enough, but until the next election we will continue to make illegals unwelcome in this country as a part of the strategy to discourage new illegal immigrants.
It is all one issue, controlling illegal immigration. Most of those who want to come to the US will never even become eligible to apply for an immigration visa, so their only hope of ever living here to enter the US illegally, and if we allow others who have done that in the past to stay, we are inviting these new illegals to try to replicate their experience.
Who are you kidding? if they want to come they will come. It has been illegal for decades and they have still come. Tech is better and enforcement capabilities are better so we can focus on cracking down on the crossers and visa overstays. But the fact that it is so hard to come here the legal way is also a problem that needs to be dealt with. You're idea is a dud and will not work in the long term... Time for you to open your mind a little bit and think of the greater good

Of course they'll come. If there was no enforced penalty for robbing a bank, wouldn't you give it a try if you didn't have enough money? If there was no enforced penalty for speeding, how fast would you drive on the highway?
I never said there shouldn't be an enforcement penalty for people who illegally cross the border. Border enforcement is a different issue than undocumented residents who have been living here for years/decades. Try and keep up man, i'm getting tire of this constant clarification for those of you who can't understand simple points.
What "penalty" are you referring to? If they are allowed to stay, they are being rewarded.

How about this for a penalty: 5 years in prison?
What good does that do? How about 5 years of military service or community service cleaning up our cities and building infrastructure or working in youth programs?? Yall really do have rocks for brains don't you?

The good it does is the fact that it's a real penalty that would discourage further illegal immigration. Allowing them to join the service and even get paid by the taxpayers while they violate our laws is not a penalty. It's a reward.
Unfortunately for you the country is way to divided on this issue... We have elections every 4 years and you are no where near a consensus on this issue. You start playing tough guy and more stories like the one in the OP start popping up, then next election you have a leader that is ready to tear apart the tough guy policies. This is why you are short sighted and this is why the undocumented in this country will always wait out the next election.

No, this is why Donald Trump is our President today.
I thought he was president because people hated Obamacare

Every Republican running hated Obama Care. But only one campaigned on strict enforcement of our immigration laws and building the wall. The other Republican candidates sounded like you, and that's why Trump won.
Thats a fine theory... I think it was more about saying fuck you to politics as usual and people wanting a business guy who can grow or economy... unfortunately Trump fooled them into thinking he was that guy. Also he was running against a very bad candidate.

She was such a bad candidate that nearly every poll had her in the lead without almost no opposition?

Trump's message (the one that hit Americans the mosts) was immigration. Yes, Commie Care and the economy played a part. But you have to think of what Trump said that was so different than every other candidate that supported a better economy and the repeal of Commie Care as well.

What you refuse to admit is that Americans are about good and pissed off about this immigration thing. In fact, Trump set a record of new registration in the Republican party because of it.

Conscious Americans have realized the Democrat party is now the anti-white party. They are risking everything in effort to make whites a minority for the first time in the history of our country, and they responded.
Unfortunately for you the country is way to divided on this issue... We have elections every 4 years and you are no where near a consensus on this issue. You start playing tough guy and more stories like the one in the OP start popping up, then next election you have a leader that is ready to tear apart the tough guy policies. This is why you are short sighted and this is why the undocumented in this country will always wait out the next election.

No, this is why Donald Trump is our President today.
I thought he was president because people hated Obamacare

It's a combination of both, Slade. I'll also lack of job growth and increase of wages.
It is all one issue, controlling illegal immigration. Most of those who want to come to the US will never even become eligible to apply for an immigration visa, so their only hope of ever living here to enter the US illegally, and if we allow others who have done that in the past to stay, we are inviting these new illegals to try to replicate their experience.
Who are you kidding? if they want to come they will come. It has been illegal for decades and they have still come. Tech is better and enforcement capabilities are better so we can focus on cracking down on the crossers and visa overstays. But the fact that it is so hard to come here the legal way is also a problem that needs to be dealt with. You're idea is a dud and will not work in the long term... Time for you to open your mind a little bit and think of the greater good

Of course they'll come. If there was no enforced penalty for robbing a bank, wouldn't you give it a try if you didn't have enough money? If there was no enforced penalty for speeding, how fast would you drive on the highway?
I never said there shouldn't be an enforcement penalty for people who illegally cross the border. Border enforcement is a different issue than undocumented residents who have been living here for years/decades. Try and keep up man, i'm getting tire of this constant clarification for those of you who can't understand simple points.

There is no simpler point than if you are here illegally, you may be kicked out one day. It's YOU that can't keep up.
You are right it is a very simple point, however the problem is more complex than the law and if we want progress on this problem then changes need to be made. I guess it is at this point where it starts to get a little overwhelming for you. Its ok

Correct, changes need to be made, and it's happening right now.
Reagan later regretted that action, but as others have pointed out, that was 2 million. Today, it's estimated over 20 million. That's besides the fact they were not here changing our language as they are today. Signs were all in English, ballots were in English only, you never had to press any button on the phone to speak your language, I never seen heroin in my life because it was not around at the time. Only a select few people had problems with opiates. Today, people are dropping like flies from those drugs. In my county, we are setting new records all the time.
So now illegal immigration is responsible for heroin in Ohio? Damn man, you like to stretch it

So where do you suppose it comes from--Canada?
Cut it off from Mexico and the people who want to use it will find it from somewhere else, or they will do something different. Prescription pills are probably a bigger problem in most areas of our country than heroine.

Then why don't we have record deaths of people using prescriptions? We certainly have them with opiate drugs today.
You're kidding right? Do a little more research... Most prescription drugs are opiates by the way.

That may be, but people are not killing themselves over addition to prescription drugs. They are by buying illegal recreational narcotics.
Who are you kidding? if they want to come they will come. It has been illegal for decades and they have still come. Tech is better and enforcement capabilities are better so we can focus on cracking down on the crossers and visa overstays. But the fact that it is so hard to come here the legal way is also a problem that needs to be dealt with. You're idea is a dud and will not work in the long term... Time for you to open your mind a little bit and think of the greater good

Of course they'll come. If there was no enforced penalty for robbing a bank, wouldn't you give it a try if you didn't have enough money? If there was no enforced penalty for speeding, how fast would you drive on the highway?
I never said there shouldn't be an enforcement penalty for people who illegally cross the border. Border enforcement is a different issue than undocumented residents who have been living here for years/decades. Try and keep up man, i'm getting tire of this constant clarification for those of you who can't understand simple points.
What "penalty" are you referring to? If they are allowed to stay, they are being rewarded.

How about this for a penalty: 5 years in prison?
What good does that do? How about 5 years of military service or community service cleaning up our cities and building infrastructure or working in youth programs?? Yall really do have rocks for brains don't you?

The good it does is the fact that it's a real penalty that would discourage further illegal immigration. Allowing them to join the service and even get paid by the taxpayers while they violate our laws is not a penalty. It's a reward.
Allowing them to stay under any circumstances is antithetical to the principles on which our immigration policy is based. In 1965, the most liberal president in American history signed into law immigration reform legislation that is based on the principle that immigration into the US should be based on what America and Americans need from the rest of the world and not what the rest of the world needs from us.

As a result of this reform, the vast majority of illegals now in the country would never have been permitted to even apply for an immigration visa and would never have been welcome in this country under any circumstances because we simply don't need them. There is no way these people can be allowed to stay without contradicting and violating the very principles on which our immigration policies are based. No rational compromise is possible.
We draw the line through intelligent debate and an honest analysis about the situation to decide what is best for our country as a whole. Unfortunately with the partisan boneheads we have running this country and the even bigger partisan boneheads that support them the odds of achieving productive policy get further from reachable. I do agree with you that there needs to be a line

We don't need a new policy. We already have one in place, and until people like this came along, it was working just fine. Actually, it still works fine, but some Americans think that foreigners should make the decision if our policies are good enough for them.
You are making the mistake of confusing policy with law.
The policy of not deporting a mother of American children was working fine until Donald Trump became president.

Any policy in conflict with the law is an illegal policy.
Laws change dude, its how our country works
Until they do, policies that conflict with the ones on the books are illegal. Current law calls for all illegals to be deported.
The law also says that Pot is illegal... Are you also calling for the Feds to raid all the Medical Marijuana shops and all the recreational growers and shops in the many states that have legalized it?

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