Move over Jimmy Carter, Obama has my vote for worst president... ever... forever

biggest liar perhaps
there is one I can think of that set the precedent of COTUS ass fucking :eusa_whistle:
We're saying you're the worst, most brainwashed hater dupe voters in our history lol. YOUR BS WING OF THE GOP is the disaster. Thanks for cuts of growth of 1 per cent each for the first self inflicted debt crisis, the ensuing Sequester, and now 0.5 per cent for this stupid temper tantrum. Wrecking the recovery is a disastrous way to try and get your brainwashed shytte and die, ''no compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP''- TIME.
Ok, I am going to say it again, Carter was not the worse and I am not sure Obama is either. I give Clinton that award. But certainly Obama comes in close.

Obama is a frat boy who came in knowing nothing of government. He doesn't know how to negotiate nor does he care to try. It seems as if he is more worried about his next golf game then getting the economy back on track. His punishment over the American people because the Republicans think that our debt is high enough is despicable. But I still think Clinton was worse.

Clinton was worse because he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He was just a good old boy sticking it to the American people and any intern that would let him. He sullied the office and lied straight up to the American people. His free trade agreements doomed the working man and we are reaping the whirlwind today. It was predicted and it has happened there is no denying it. Clinton f'ed this country like no other.
You CAN'T negotiate with the ''no compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP''- TIME...but you can reveal them and split them, like now- they're a disgrace and deserve to die off...Obama tried for for years with them and their brainwashed hater dupes- only got disrespect, hate, smackdowns and mindless obstruction and bs...
Clinton's free trade strategy included training and education of our work force- which Pubs blocked. Nice bizarro world the dupes inhabit. The new bs GOP only cares about the greedy rich...
You CAN'T negotiate with the ''no compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP''- TIME...but you can reveal them and split them, like now- they're a disgrace and deserve to die off...Obama tried for for years with them and their brainwashed hater dupes- only got disrespect, hate, smackdowns and mindless obstruction and bs...

The bolded is the democrat theme song for the last 7 years. Ignore people, insult them, and marginalize them then when things go bad blame them for your own mistakes, that is the true hallmark of the last 7 + years. Meanwhile every economist states we can't continue what we are doing yet the democrats want to continue and they play those who do not have a stake in the game against those who do. Despicable the democrats.
Clinton's free trade strategy included training and education of our work force- which Pubs blocked. Nice bizarro world the dupes inhabit. The new bs GOP only cares about the greedy rich...

Franco, you lose on this and you damn well know it. His agreements could have included a new car for everyone but the results were predicted then and the exact prediction came true. Clinton ruined the middle class like no other, accept the fact.

As for the rich you are as laughable as always. Obama bails out the rich, GM and for that matter the rich unionists. Then he bails out the banks. Then he takes care of the Health Care rich fat cats along with the drug industry and YOU want to say that it is only the Republicans protecting the rich that is truly delusional. Just look at the vacations that Obama takes, not exactly middle class. Of course you and I are helping to pay for it so I doubt cost matters to Obama.
Jesus, you fright-wingers are a bunch of whiners.

Ha, that is pretty damn funny in its irony. Whining about whining that is really laughable as is most things liberal, in a sad pathetic way.

Scared anyone about GW lately?

Tried to scare someone about a little old lady with tea bags hanging from her hat?

Fright is all that the democrats have left.
Jesus, you fright-wingers are a bunch of whiners.

Ha, that is pretty damn funny in its irony. Whining about whining that is really laughable as is most things liberal, in a sad pathetic way.

You're confusing my ridicule of you with whining. Let me be more clear: you're all a bunch of sore loser crybabies, and I'm laughing at you.
Jesus, you fright-wingers are a bunch of whiners.

Ha, that is pretty damn funny in its irony. Whining about whining that is really laughable as is most things liberal, in a sad pathetic way.

You're confusing my ridicule of you with whining. Let me be more clear: you're all a bunch of sore loser crybabies, and I'm laughing at you.

I see you are double down on whining. I really don't see where my stating the facts is whining. Your come back is just more liberal idiocy.
Ha, that is pretty damn funny in its irony. Whining about whining that is really laughable as is most things liberal, in a sad pathetic way.

You're confusing my ridicule of you with whining. Let me be more clear: you're all a bunch of sore loser crybabies, and I'm laughing at you.

I see you are double down on whining. I really don't see where my stating the facts is whining. Your come back is just more liberal idiocy.

Right. I'm whining. In a thread about how Obama is the worst president ever FOREVER and infinity and stuff :lol:

Holy shit, you people are fucking stupid
And for the uninformed or those too young to remember Perot winning 19 percent of the vote, I voted for him. Here is an article questioning whether he was right or not. Too bad he didn't win the world would have been a much better place.

And so without further ado, let's answer the question Clinton ducked: Was Ross Perot right?

In 1993, the Clinton White House and an army of corporate lobbyists were selling NAFTA as a way to aid Mexican and American workers.

Perot, on the other hand, was predicting that because the deal included no basic labor standards, it would preserve a huge "wage differential between the United States and Mexico" that would result in "the giant sucking sound" of American jobs heading south of the border. Corporations, he said, would "close the factories in the U.S. [and] move the factories to Mexico [to] take advantage of the cheap labor."

The historical record is clear. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace reports, "Real wages for most Mexicans today are lower than when NAFTA took effect." Post-NAFTA, companies looking to exploit those low wages relocated factories to Mexico. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the net effect of NAFTA was the elimination of 1 million American jobs.

Score one for Perot.

What about immigration? In 1993, the Clinton administration pitched NAFTA as "the best hope for reducing illegal immigration." Perot, by contrast, said that after NAFTA depressed Mexican wages, many Mexicans "out of economic necessity" would "consider illegally immigrating into the U.S."

"In short," he wrote, "NAFTA has the potential to increase illegal immigration, not decrease it."

Again, the historical record tells the story. As NAFTA helped drive millions of Mexicans into poverty, The New York Times reports that "Mexican migration to the United States has risen to 500,000 a year from less than 400,000 in the early 1990s, before NAFTA," with a huge chunk of that increase coming from illegal immigration.

Score another one for Perot.

Clinton may continue to laugh at Perot and plead amnesia when asked about trade policy. And sure, she and her fellow Democrats in Washington can expand NAFTA and ignore the public's desire for reform. But these politicians shouldn't be surprised if that one other Perot prediction comes true again — the one accurately predicting that Democrats would lose the next national election if they sold America out and passed NAFTA.

Foreshadowing that historic Democratic loss in 1994, he warned, "We'll remember in November."

Yes, indeed, Ross. America probably will.
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vote for worst president... ever... Lincoln
A civil war started under his watch, So far that hasn't happened to Obama.....yet
"Obamaphones Jimmy"

Jimmy, Jimmy , who can I turn to?
Please give me somethin' I can hold on to
I know you think I'm like the others before
Who saw your number on the White House wall

Jimmy , I don't want to encumber
I need to get in your mind
Jimmy, arise from your slumber

"Fate tricks Heaven" why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined

Jimmy, Jimmy, will you unfurl that for me?
Oh, please help me understand your repartee
They wouldn't listen before, but they were disturbed
They started wars, now we're running off the curve

Jimmy , I don't want to encumber
I need to get in your mind
Jimmy, arise from your slumber

"Fate tricks Heaven,"
why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined

I got it, (I got it), I got it
I got your number on the wall
I got it, (I got it), I got it
"For good advice , for good advice call"

Jimmy, don't change your number
I need to get in your mind
Jimmy, awake from your slumber

"fate tricks Heaven,"
why he opined

Jimmy, Jimmy, who can I turn to?
"fate tricks Heaven," why he opined

Just like Bush 1 and 2, can I turn to you?
"fate tricks Heaven," why he opined

"Fate tricks Heaven," why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
vote for worst president... ever... Lincoln
A civil war started under his watch, So far that hasn't happened to Obama.....yet

Wait a second, using this logic wouldn't that make Jefferson Davis the worse president ever? After all if the south had not attacked the North the war may never have happened.

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