Mr. President, The Freedom Caucus is not your enemy!

You implied Paul Ryan was trumps enemy, so to speak.

I don't know if he's necessarily his enemy, I don't think he's his friend. The only candidate the establishment may have hated more was Cruz. With Trump being an outsider, they at least had a chance of controlling him, and it looks like they're doing fine with that plan so far.

No... The Enemy is very definitely the left-wing-socialist-marxist-kookadoodle-sjw-neo-progressive-fascist-democrats! The Jackass Party.
You can call them many things, some of them may be "Never Trumpers" and some of them campaigned rigorously for you to defeat Secretary Clinton in November. But at this point, none of them want to see your presidency fail. If anything, the Freedom Caucus is your rudder.

They are there to help you keep your promises to the American people. When Swamp Critters like Paul Ryan come crawling out with cobbled together nonsense, greased up with all the establishment pork to clear the Senate with ease and give you a big first "victory" ...We're there to actually point out that it's a crap sandwich and we don't want it hung around your neck or ours. You should THANK the Freedom Caucus from saving your bacon on this monstrosity.

Mr. President, I will point out that it was Paul Ryan who stood before the American people and proclaimed that he would never support you. In many ways, Paul Ryan launched the "Never Trump" movement. He is not your friend, and neither is Reince Priebus! These are Establishment swamp creatures and they are not cool with you succeeding. Neither is Mitch McConnell or John McCain (and his Siamese twin, Lindsey Graham.)

Some people who supported you and who are represented by the members of the Freedom Caucus, may not have agreed with you 100% on everything, we may not have been behind you in the primary, we may have different opinions on certain aspects of policy but we share the intentions of making America great again. The Freedom Caucus has your back on so many things, they are more than willing to work with you for your success as a president.

There is a diametric difference in Establishment types and the honest representatives of the people who want to do what the people elected them to do. Mr. President, I hope you were the right man for the job. It seems you are being swayed way too much by the creatures of the swamp. Threatening to go after Freedom Caucus members in their upcoming reelections is disturbingly symptomatic of someone listening to the Establishment. If you do that, Mr. President, you will destroy your presidency.

You speak of "reaching across the aisle" and working with Democrats. Again, this smacks familiar to someone who is listening to the Establishment. It's difficult for me to even imagine more than two or three on the Democrat side who would work with you. There is no "moderate" wing of their party. So... good luck with that... I think you'd do better to be nice to Freedom Caucus. At least they don't hate your ever-loving guts.
They want to allow states to remove coverage of maternity care and hospitalization and insurance companies to be allowed to charge MORE for the sick. They are an enemy of America and Americans. Unfortunately their head clown extremist is my congressman and its pretty sad because we live in an area with a old of elderly folks and poor folks who depend on medicaid and they for SOME reason vote for this jackass.

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