Mr Trump calls on President Putin to release dirt on Mr Biden's son Hunter

Come on, Vlad! Your useful idiots are just sitting here with their mouths open, waiting for you to piss in their eager mouths. Make some shit up about Hunter!
and now cnn has admitted the laptop is real.

meaning your final place to hide this fantasy has poofed, leaving you looking as stupid as you are being.
Hey Tree, is this quote something you pulled outta your ass while reading a right wing blog, or do you have a link to back it up so we know it's real? I'm guessing it's something you read and are now regurgitating to say "Biden bad".
cnn just said it's real.

when do you give this up?
The fbi and DOJ already have all the evidence they need. Sooner or later they are going to have to arrest Hunter and Joe. Biden has the most corrupt administration in our history.

No that administration was voted out November 3rd 2020 and booted out January 20th 2021!!!!
Only a fool believes that Trump didn't take or make any calls for seven hours on 1/6.

Next you'll claim he was napping all day.
Who cares what calls he made? What time frame are we talking about? Perhaps it was past his bed time? You hatemongers are absurd.

Why is it your business to know every single thing that a president says, or the wife of a Supreme Court Justice has said?
No crimes have been committed. If you are asking for transparency and this is not just another political DemNazi witch hunt, then why isn't Nancy Pelosi turning over her texts and her emails? Why won't she release the video tapes from The Capital? Let's see what Joe Biden was doing during this. I want his texts and phone call records and emails too.

Are you running an investigation or just another smear campaign?

You turds are full of shit, and this is why no one respects you or your corrupt lying opinions.
NO ONE has to seek outside help to discredit President Biden, his brother, Hunter, or the rest of the cabal. At last the FBI, New York Times, Washington Post, and others are admitting that the three Hunter laptops are authentic and that they and devastating to the entire Biden cabal.

Now the MSM, Facebook, Twitter, and others are desperate to cover their behinds after their lies over the past six years are being exposed.

This isn't trivial. Numerous sources are now reporting that many Biden voters would NOT have voted for him had the Hunter laptops been authenticated when the FBI took possession.

They changed the outcome of the election and today we're in deep trouble because of their lies.
And so now you are saying that Biden won the election.

As to uncovering the laptop(s), it sounds like it could be true, but I'll have to check from a reliable source first to believe all of it.
What kind of activities did he have in Ukraine then?

Why was the Corrupt Burisma Corporation so anxious to pay him huge money for a no-show job when Hunter had no experience?
All the while, your king trump is calling Pootin a genius and calling Pootin's war wonderful. trump crawls on his belly to get dirt on his political opponents.

trump is an embarrassment to mankind

Clapper and Brennan knowingly lying about The Dirty Dossier and Russian Collusion which was verified as a lie and false before Moscow Mueller was ever ordered to take down President Trump.

Here is John Brennan LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH when he knew The Dossier was fake and there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

I can't imagine why anyone would think Trump colluded with the Russians.
Me either! But is has become obvious that he will crawl on his belly like a snake and drool for a war criminal in order to gain dirt on his political opponents. And the repub party sits silently as he provides aid and comfort to our enemies. The repub party is nothing but a crowd of amoeba...showing no clear sign of morality of spine.
Me either! But is has become obvious that he will crawl on his belly like a snake and drool for a war criminal in order to gain dirt on his political opponents. And the repub party sits silently as he provides aid and comfort to our enemies. The repub party is nothing but a crowd of amoeba...showing no clear sign of morality of spine.
Biden is a war criminal. He’s paying Russia to give Nukes to Iran. Millions of people will die because of Faux Biden.

He also is directly responsible for The Ukraine Russia Conflict when they sponsored a COUP and destabilized Ukraine Russian Relations during The Obama Bin Lying Regime.

Why is Joe Biden buying 20% of our Uranium from Russia and paying Putin $10 Billion to help Iran create a Nuclear Holocaust while creating back door deals for Putin to sell gas and oil to France and Launder money through Iran?
Me either! But is has become obvious that he will crawl on his belly like a snake and drool for a war criminal in order to gain dirt on his political opponents. And the repub party sits silently as he provides aid and comfort to our enemies. The repub party is nothing but a crowd of amoeba...showing no clear sign of morality of spine.

I don't see what is wrong with asking our friends to crack down on corruption- even when it is committed by liberal leaders like Sleepy Joe.

BTW, Biden hasn't yet declared war yet on the Russian Federation, so, no, they aren't our enemies.
I have a laptop....actually...I have three laptops counting my office machine. So what is the big deal? trump has shown he is scum by aiding and giving comfort to Pootin. If he is re-elected, he will invite the war criminal to the White House. And the repub party will swoon over the murderer.
Let me get this straight. You & your gullible mob th

Biden believes Putin can't remain office & said so publicly. And Putin has dirt on the Biden's? Gee, if Putin has all this dirt on the Biden's one would think that Biden would be kissing his ass. No?

Maybe Joe Biden should start kissing Putin's ass like Trump has been doing for the past few years.

How about it, Einstein?
Have you noticed how Joe Biden is not giving the Ukraine everything it needs to fight the Russians like the MiGs in Poland? Did you notice that Biden gave Putin the go ahead to invade Ukraine.

Perhaps Biden IS kissing Putin’s ass.

Let’s appoint a special counsel to investigate the Biden families ties to Russia and China. It shouldn’t take long. Lots of evidence on Hunter’s Laptop from Hell.


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