Mr Trump calls on President Putin to release dirt on Mr Biden's son Hunter

Have you noticed how Joe Biden is not giving the Ukraine everything it needs to fight the Russians like the MiGs in Poland? Did you notice that Biden gave Putin the go ahead to invade Ukraine.

Perhaps Biden IS kissing Putin’s ass.

Let’s appoint a special counsel to investigate the Biden families ties to Russia and China. It shouldn’t take long. Lots of evidence on Hunter’s Laptop from Hell.

Have you noticed that Biden has rebuilt NATO so that no nation acts unilaterally? Did you notice that NATO does not want to enforce no-fly zone for fear of widening the conflict? Did you notice that Biden announced $800,000,000 more military aid to Ukraine this morning...after the $2,000,000,000 he gave earlier?

Did you notice that Biden never withheld military aid in order to force them to announce an investigation on his political opponent? Did you remember how trump turned his back on the Kurds in Syria and allowed Putin to take that region?

No, I guess you didn't. You are just another MAGA Pootin Lover spreading lies and conspiracy theories. GROW A BRAIN!
Taking bribes and extortion are both crimes here in the US regardless of what the Ukraine does or doesn't do. Hunter and his daddy and atleast 5 others in the Biden clan have CLEARLY been selling out Biden's various public offices for bribes and even at times using extortion tactics to get these bribes. On top of this, they also weren't paying taxes on the bribes...

Anyone else would be in prison for a minimum of 20 years...
According to the rumors.
Can we ask the same about Trump? Six years and you cannot find one law he broke.

Actually, there are many investigations currently being done, and it looks like Trump HAS broken quite a few laws. I'm guessing in 6 months you won't be able to say Trump never broke any laws.


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