Mr Trump calls on President Putin to release dirt on Mr Biden's son Hunter

Actually, there are many investigations currently being done, and it looks like Trump HAS broken quite a few laws. I'm guessing in 6 months you won't be able to say Trump never broke any laws.

Trump was trying to prove fraud. You people call it "overturning" I call it censorship and intimidation replete with political persecution. You support fascists with no respect for due process or the rule of law. Period.

Thanks for the link. It's an opinion held by Gutfield who said that, and like a good little sheep, you are simply regurgitating talking points that you heard. Thanks for proving you don't know. Now if you had provided an actual news article and not an opinion piece, I might believe you. This ranks right up with the claims QAnon said about Dem leaders eating babies.
Thanks for the link. It's an opinion held by Gutfield who said that, and like a good little sheep, you are simply regurgitating talking points that you heard. Thanks for proving you don't know. Now if you had provided an actual news article and not an opinion piece, I might believe you. This ranks right up with the claims QAnon said about Dem leaders eating babies.
What the Hell are you doing but repeating lies and crap with no basis in fact?
Make me, you worthless lying sack of shit.:mm:
I already have made you. LOL! I've managed your debate to say nothing as always. First, I ask you a question you will never answer, then, it's all over for you. You become a worm on the side walk in the hot sun.
I already have made you. LOL! I've managed your debate to say nothing as always. First, I ask you a question you will never answer, then, it's all over for you. You become a worm on the side walk in the hot sun.
You have made nothing but a fool out of yourself. Congrats.
What the Hell are you doing but repeating lies and crap with no basis in fact?

Unlike you, when I am questioned as to the veracity of my claims, I link to real news articles or other facts to prove my point, I don't link to opinion pieces of what someone said that I want to believe is true. Link to a real news article to prove your point, not someone's opinion.
As President , of course he took calls and responded to them.

But its a big country, and the Capitol Building was under control of Nasty Pelosi and her Capitol Police goons that were shooting demonstrators including women and veterans at Pelosi's instruction.

There was nothing that the Trumpster could do, so he didn't do it.
What was on the call log?
As President , of course he took calls and responded to them.

But its a big country, and the Capitol Building was under control of Nasty Pelosi and her Capitol Police goons that were shooting demonstrators including women and veterans at Pelosi's instruction.

There was nothing that the Trumpster could do, so he didn't do it.
He could have canceled the riot/rally.
Unlike you, when I am questioned as to the veracity of my claims, I link to real news articles or other facts to prove my point, I don't link to opinion pieces of what someone said that I want to believe is true. Link to a real news article to prove your point, not someone's opinion.
The fact checkers you idiots constantly use are just opinions they claim are truth. So do not give me that line of shit. Thanks.
Wrong on both accounts.
The word "colluding" implies criminal conduct, and coordinating, consulting, or cooperating with a foreign is NOT at all illegal.
The main thing that is illegal about meeting with a foreign representative when campaigning, is if one accepts campaign contributions, which did not happen.

And NO, Russia is NOT invading a sovereign nation. Russia is punishing criminal acts by a nation that was created by a 1992 treaty, that the Ukraine violated. Technically then that treaty is void and the Ukraine is no longer independent or sovereign.
There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder What part of collude do you not understand?

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