Mr Trump calls on President Putin to release dirt on Mr Biden's son Hunter

Proving your own ignorance again?

Iodine is a disinfectant, we inject it IV in the form of Sodium Iodide to treat certain condtions.

We also use it internally to treat lesions on the esophagus and trachea.

"Washing" is Pulmonary Lavage and can be done with an iodine mist to treat infections directly.

"UV Light" can be delivered directly to the lung tissues via UV light Broncoscophy?

How does it feel to be dumber than Trump?
You are embarrassng yourself.

Don't do this to yourself. The orange slob is not worth it.
When you compare histories of invasion, murder, slavery, destruction of democracy, union busting, public health, % incarcerated, assassinations, censorship, etc., the US is vastly worse than Russia.
Russia doesn't even have a Democracy you idiot.
Obama let Putin take Crimea. You can't laugh away history, stupid.

Obama didn't "let" Putin do anything. Putin annexed Crimea, and Obama responded, but he did it without using military force. There was a response, and Obama did say that what Putin did was wrong. Obama didn't let Putin take Crimea as you claim. Matter of fact, Obama offered aid to Crimea, but not military solutions.

Guess you're too busy believing the bullshit laid out by Trump and echoed in the right wing talking chamber, you do seem to like opinions that reflect what you believe, even when it's not true.

However, it is your buddy Trump who has been knowtowing to Putin when it comes to Crimea and the Ukraine.

See what I did there? I provided links of actual proof of what happened to back up my point, not just someone else's opinion.
Obama didn't "let" Putin do anything. Putin annexed Crimea, and Obama responded, but he did it without using military force. There was a response, and Obama did say that what Putin did was wrong. Obama didn't let Putin take Crimea as you claim. Matter of fact, Obama offered aid, but not military solutions.

Guess you're too busy believing the bullshit laid out by Trump and echoed in the right wing talking chamber, you do seem to like opinions that reflect what you believe, even when it's not true.

However, it is your buddy Trump who has been knowtowing to Putin when it comes to Crimea and the Ukraine.

See what I did there? I provided links of actual proof of what happened to back up my point, not just someone else's opinion.
We are still waiting for his response on what should have been done. He's too weak and uniformed for any intelligent response.
No, coordination is not illegal at all, as long as the coordinated acts are not illegal and not harmful to the US.
For example, Reagan getting Iran to not release hostages in return for illegal arms, involved 2 criminal acts.
But Trump asking for Russia to NOT retaliate for illegal economic sanctions by Obama, is not illegal or harmful, but a very good idea to do.

Flynn and the Turkish political leader depends on how it effects the US?

It is also NOT a lie that Afghanistan was staging terrorist attacks on Russia.
These attacks are well known and the Mujahideen publicly took credit.
It was not a lie.

There is nothing wrong with anyone in government receiving foreign favors as long they are public, earned, and not harmful to US interests.
But I agree it is safer for there to be no personal dealings.
They were, as my link shows us.
Obama didn't "let" Putin do anything. Putin annexed Crimea, and Obama responded, but he did it without using military force. There was a response, and Obama did say that what Putin did was wrong. Obama didn't let Putin take Crimea as you claim. Matter of fact, Obama offered aid to Crimea, but not military solutions.

Guess you're too busy believing the bullshit laid out by Trump and echoed in the right wing talking chamber, you do seem to like opinions that reflect what you believe, even when it's not true.

However, it is your buddy Trump who has been knowtowing to Putin when it comes to Crimea and the Ukraine.

See what I did there? I provided links of actual proof of what happened to back up my point, not just someone else's opinion.
The sources you use only supply an opinion. Do not try to pass it of as anything else.

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