Mr Trump calls on President Putin to release dirt on Mr Biden's son Hunter

Obama didn't "let" Putin do anything. Putin annexed Crimea, and Obama responded, but he did it without using military force. There was a response, and Obama did say that what Putin did was wrong. Obama didn't let Putin take Crimea as you claim. Matter of fact, Obama offered aid to Crimea, but not military solutions.

Guess you're too busy believing the bullshit laid out by Trump and echoed in the right wing talking chamber, you do seem to like opinions that reflect what you believe, even when it's not true.

However, it is your buddy Trump who has been knowtowing to Putin when it comes to Crimea and the Ukraine.

See what I did there? I provided links of actual proof of what happened to back up my point, not just someone else's opinion.
Obama did nothing that made any difference whatsoever and only begrudgingly put any sanctions at all on Russia for their theft of Crimea.

We don't have to engage in a war with Russia to stop their expansionism, all we had to do then just as now was provide Ukraine with the means to fight for themselves and he refused again and again to do so because he was too damned timid to stand up for that which he knew was right.
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Have you noticed that Biden has rebuilt NATO so that no nation acts unilaterally? Did you notice that NATO does not want to enforce no-fly zone for fear of widening the conflict? Did you notice that Biden announced $800,000,000 more military aid to Ukraine this morning...after the $2,000,000,000 he gave earlier?

Did you notice that Biden never withheld military aid in order to force them to announce an investigation on his political opponent? Did you remember how trump turned his back on the Kurds in Syria and allowed Putin to take that region?

No, I guess you didn't. You are just another MAGA Pootin Lover spreading lies and conspiracy theories. GROW A BRAIN!
That must be some awesome crack you're smoking.

Biden has done zero to "Rebuild NATO".

US Troops on presidential order Destroyed a Battalion of Russian Troops during that dust up in Syria and bombed their airfields destroying the field and their planes and ordnance when Putin resorted to using Chemical Weapons against Syrian Civilians.

For the first time in the entire conflict Trump took the gloves off and told our commanders on the ground to use whatever was at their disposal in combatting Syrian and Russian forces.

Our biggest conflict there was with the Turks when they decided to attack Kurds in Syria, not the Russians.

What were we supposed to do, go to war with a NATO ally?

We told our Kurdish allies what was coming and to bugout and our forces were ordered to pull back for their own protection.

What other options did we have specifically there?
Obama didn't "let" Putin do anything. Putin annexed Crimea, and Obama responded, but he did it without using military force. There was a response, and Obama did say that what Putin did was wrong. Obama didn't let Putin take Crimea as you claim. Matter of fact, Obama offered aid to Crimea, but not military solutions.

Guess you're too busy believing the bullshit laid out by Trump and echoed in the right wing talking chamber, you do seem to like opinions that reflect what you believe, even when it's not true.

However, it is your buddy Trump who has been knowtowing to Putin when it comes to Crimea and the Ukraine.

See what I did there? I provided links of actual proof of what happened to back up my point, not just someone else's opinion.
Obama did nothing that mattered and he sure did nothing to prevent Russia from Taking Crimea in spite of our promise to protect them from invasion as part of their giving up their nuclear weapons in the 90's.

As usual he was spineless and did a magnificent job of portraying the US as a nation that cannot be counted on to keep it's word and that we were afraid to risk anything to protect an ally because Putin puffed out his chest again.

Trump didn't have a damned thing to do with it.
We are still waiting for his response on what should have been done. He's too weak and uniformed for any intelligent response.
That was always an easy answer. Fortify Ukraine against invasion and park a battle group or two within striking distance of Donbas and Crimea.

Putin has withdrawn or changed his plans every time he was faced with the possibility of going to war with any competent force especially the US.
That's an opinion loser. You still can't debate shit. You have no idea how pitiful you are.
If you think this is what qualifies as debate you should have spent two or three more years in the fourth grade. The first three tries obviously failed.
Sen. Grassley: 'There’s no middle man in this transaction. This is $100,000 from what is effectively an arm of the communist Chinese government direct to Hunter Biden. To the liberal media and my Democratic colleagues: is this official bank document Russian disinformation?'

How many burner phones do you own? Me? Not one. I don't need one because I'm not a criminal. Trump? He's in a league of his own.
President Trump owns No Burner phones. How may lies will you have to pay for in Hell? You are in a league of your own.
Hey retard, what crimes were Fauci, Comey etc charged with? Equal under the law? The only reason Stone wasen't locked up is because he was buddies with Trump who had the power to pardon him, retard.

So you can save your "equal under the law" arguement for rubes like yourself who know no better.
Stone committed no crimes. The Podesta emails came from Seth Rich who got them from The Pakistani Hackers Clinton hired to hack in to Congressional Records of her opponents and to illegally dig up dirt on people she wanted to manipulate. The reason they turned over the emails is because they found out The DNC were rigging the primaries against Sanders and they were Sanders supporters.

You are part of the corruption of our govenment because you continue to propagate their DemNazi propaganda.
Obama did nothing that made any difference whatsoever and only begrudgingly put any sanctions at all on Russia for their theft of Crimea.

We don't have to engage in a war with Russia to stop their expansionism, all we had to do then just as now was provide Ukraine with the means to fight for themselves and he refused again and again to do so because he was too damned timid to stand up for that which he knew was right.
After trump handed Syria to Pootin, he knew he could go forward and try to take back the old satellite countries of the USSR.
Stone committed no crimes. The Podesta emails came from Seth Rich who got them from The Pakistani Hackers Clinton hired to hack in to Congressional Records of her opponents and to illegally dig up dirt on people she wanted to manipulate. The reason they turned over the emails is because they found out The DNC were rigging the primaries against Sanders and they were Sanders supporters.

You are part of the corruption of our govenment because you continue to propagate their DemNazi propaganda.
It must have been rather difficult trying to remember what that voice in your head whispered to you & then post it here, amirite mouth breather?

How do you manage?
It must have been rather difficult trying to remember what that voice in your head whispered to you & then post it here, amirite mouth breather?

How do you manage?
Why would anyone listen to a thing you say? You serve the father of lies and when you speak, you speak in his Native Tongue, the language of lies.
Why is it that you deluded pathological liars think anyone believes a single word of what you say? And why do you think God will ignore your crimes on judgment day?
It must have been rather difficult trying to remember what that voice in your head whispered to you & then post it here, amirite mouth breather?

How do you manage?
Why did The Deep state and DemNazi Party kill Seth Rich? Why is Julian Assange deprived of his Civil Liberties? Why have you sold your soul to The Pit of Hell and come here lying every day?
CNN says there is no 7 hour gap

American Thinker

April 1, 2022

Oops! Another 'walls closing in' narrative about Trump hiding phone records with a 7-hour 'gap' falls apart​

By Monica Showalter


A couple days ago, the press was wildly celebrating the demise of Donald Trump over Jan. 6 matters. They breathlesslyclaimed there was a seven-hour stretch of congressionally subpoenaed phone records that was missing from the White House transcripts on Jan. 6. It had to have been removed. There had to be a coverup! It's the coverup that'll getcha. The walls were once again closing in on Trump. Gotcha.

They made fools of themselves with tweets like these:



CNN admission is at the bottom of the article.

Maybe in year 2037 Leftists will finally stop trying to corner Trump with bogus claims?

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