Mrs carter has passed

Everyone has a legacy when they die. It can be positive or negative.

Rosalyn shares her husband's legacy as well as her own just as Jimmy carries hers.

Where ya'all like to fuss about politics the truth is somewhat different.

Jimmy and his wife took advantage of the moving public opinion on a regular basis. That was their talent. It was not economics or foreign policy (despite the claims)

They were master propagandists....taught Yasser Arafat everything he needed to know to promote the "Palestinians ".
He never did a thing about the sad state of our military because he was still mindful of all the hippies from the hippie movement. So he kept their budget spending and purchases to a below minimum amount. He also decimated the auto industry....(Which has a major portion of the US manufacturing economy)
In fact this was the point (during his presidency) where all manufacturing left the USA and moved elsewhere. The cost of labor and taxes was much cheaper elsewhere than in the US. Import taxes (which used to be much more substantial) were essentially shrunk by being held static. So most manufacturers moved and international banking became much easier.
Exports also lagged as the US Dollar became so strong (on international exchange) that nobody could afford American goods anymore.
I am in my late 60s and I grew up in North Carolina. How old are you?
A lady doesn’t disclose her age.

If it’s true that you were born in the mid-50s and grew up in the segregated south, I would vote to give you reparations as long as you haven’t already gained from Affirmative Action.
A lady doesn’t disclose her age.

If it’s true that you were born in the mid-50s and grew up in the segregated south, I would vote to give you reparations as long as you haven’t already gained from Affirmative Action.
I am willing to bet the farm, that you have gained far more from AA than I ever could. Oh now a lady doesn't disclose her age, probably because it will show the hypocrisy.
How many black students graduated at the top of their class and were denied job offers because of the color of their skin? I'll tell you, many.
I don’t know. How many Jews graduated at the top of their class and were denied job offers because of their religion? PLENTY.
I don’t know. How many Jews graduated at the top of their class and were denied job offers because of their religion? PLENTY.
Tell me the bill that was passed for Jews to have basic Civil Rights in America.

Tell me the bill that was passed for Jews to have the right to vote in this country.

Tell me when Jewish folks were denied the right to attend Harvard, Yale, Univ of Alabama, etc.

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