Mrs carter has passed

Normally I would be really sad about a First Lady's passing.....but I've talked to a guy who worked in the White House when the Carters took over from Ford.....and he said that the Carter's were not very nice people. He was in White House communications....and was the same MOS that I was before I went SF.

I was monitoring the radio while at the JSOTF on the US Embassy in Mogadishu Somalia in 93'.

He said that "It was like a cold wind coming down the hall to the West Wing when Jimmy or Rosalyne was coming."

"You were to speak only when spoken too."

This was kind of a shock to me when I heard it, because I always believed the nice image that the media presented about Jimmy and the First Lady.

I think this comes from Jimmy being a Southern Peanut Farmer in Georgia.....when he grew up during the Depression....the people living in the big White House at the top of the hill were treated like VIPs everywhere in town. Everyone else in town was Middle-Class working folks or poor folks digging in the dirt or working the fields.
Cold wind spooky blood. One can still see the bat houses (to help with the blood-sucker problem) in that area of southern Georgia. They look like those watchtowers along the walls of Nazi concentration camps, though there were no Indigenes there to speak of as White Eyes began to colonize it. A bit further south, the Timucua were practicing cannibalism.
I was hoping he would wait till after the election.

Democrats will just use his funeral to campaign.
Carter and Biden. Both had astronomical inflation. Both had major blunders in the Middle East. They both were incompetent as hell and shitty Presidents. The only difference is that Carter had a high IQ and Biden is an idiot.

Carter did two very destructive things as President above and beyond his inflation and weakness in foreign policy. He pardoned the chickenshit Vietnam draft dodgers and he opened up immigration to third world Black and Brown welfare queens. You can thank that Carter asshole for all the Muslims, Africans, Beaners, Indians, Pakistanis and only god knows who else that have come here to displace Whites.
That's another double-standard.
Trump had the Abraham accords....Carter had the Arab/Israeli Peace Deal.
Guess which one got a Nobel Peace Prize?
Both of these are variations on toying with the triplicity of Abrahamic religions, though the xian mafia likely knew long before 7 Oct that Hamas would attack.
Carter and Biden. Both had astronomical inflation. Both had major blunders in the Middle East. They both were incompetent as hell and shitty Presidents. The only difference is that Carter had a high IQ and Biden is an idiot.

Carter did two very destructive things as President above and beyond his inflation and weakness in foreign policy. He pardoned the chickenshit Vietnam draft dodgers and he opened up immigration to third world Black and Brown welfare queens. You can thank that Carter asshole for all the Muslims, Africans, Beaners, Indians, Pakistanis and only god knows who else that have come here to displace Whites.
Treasonously enough, ironically enough: Carters were amongst those who did not have to worry about other humans when they colonized that part of southern Georgia.
Carter and Biden. Both had astronomical inflation. Both had major blunders in the Middle East. They both were incompetent as hell and shitty Presidents. The only difference is that Carter had a high IQ and Biden is an idiot.

Carter did two very destructive things as President above and beyond his inflation and weakness in foreign policy. He pardoned the chickenshit Vietnam draft dodgers and he opened up immigration to third world Black and Brown welfare queens. You can thank that Carter asshole for all the Muslims, Africans, Beaners, Indians, Pakistanis and only god knows who else that have come here to displace Whites.
No.....the idea to replace whites in America was something Ted Kennedy dreamed up to flip California from Red to Blue back in the 70s.
Democrats are just taking it to a more horrific level, literally flooding states with criminals that hate America that have no intention of assimilating or blending into America society.
I never understood the wailing and sudden teary eyed caring about someone you never knew. The rush to the casket. The cost, the waste.
They never knew you and could care less if you or your entire family were burned alive by muslim Invaders. Or all killed in a head-on with a wrong way illegal in ARIZ. Fact.
A great example of that would be Reagan's two week long funeral procession.
Then a lot of liberals on here are going to die a horrible death. After Limbaugh died there was a circle jerk. But rip Mrs Carter.
Not me. No matter how despicable I find a person to be, I shut up when they pass away. The horrible death line is something that my Mother told me when I was quite young. I've never forgotten.
You don't like what I said about ()bama using his middle finger to wipe away tears while I just give you the finger sans the psychopathic crocodile tears that are pretty clear to me.

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Superbadbegger? You are the idiot who thinks that ()bama actually cared about you.
Sorry Dopey, I don't sit around and bitch and moan about how a man grieves. It is little bitches like you that probably whines about what toilet paper he uses.
Ah Dopey Ropey, you think you have merit?
Merit enough.

I'm not begging like you.

I've got a family and all my children own their own houses and have fine long term plans.
So now restitution for crimes committed is begging, fool you are a joke.
Yes, it's low-merit begging.

And the opinion of a low-merit beggar is pretty much fluff. :cool:

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