Mrs carter has passed

i will give peanut credit for egypt/ israel peace deal and it stuck....sadat paid for it with a bullet

I agree. He tried. But he was naive about the ME. People have memories credited to thousands of years. There will always be some extremists. The difference is that Jews are ~13 million worldwide. Muslims are 1.5 billion. If there's one extremist Jew, there's 100's of Muslim extremists for each Jew.


So did Rabin. Yigal Amir, who opposed the terms of the Oslo Accords shot him.
Jimmy Carter was positioned as this great Christian, but once he took up the cause of abortion, that facade was torn off. He later had a chance to redeem himself when the left went off-the-rails berserk with the trans stuff, the gay marriage, the anti-Christian stuff. But no, Carter went right along with it, giving his blessing to the nuttiest leftwing people out there. So in other words, Carter is no better and no different from, say, the Squad.

I always leave open the possibility of deathbed repentance, where a leftwinger publicly denounced say abortion and expressed regret for supporting it, but I've never seen it happen. It's always surprising to me that a supposed Catholic Democrat like Ted Kennedy would put leftwing values ahead of Catholic values, even on their deathbed. Why would someone trade eternal life for temporary praise from evil people? It really makes me think they were never since about their faith in the first place, that it's all a ruse.
You missed a couple of details about President Carter, but I doubt it would change your mind if I explained it. Even so, President Carter was an engineer with a peanut butter inheritance. Engineers put articles of interest in black and white. Firstly, as President he had to view all people as equal, and as a Christian, he was likely going by several scriptures--first, he may have believed that God is the judge of mankind, and he was subject to allowing God to be the judge of others, and not he himself. That is in the scriptures. The scriptures also teach at the same time that Christians are to live according to the scriptures as best they can, and if they err, to ask Jesus to straighten them out, forgive and to forsake that and other sins. He likely had a belief in the goodness that men can achieve when they live in the light of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and together with triune expectations. It isn't important that I disagreed with some of his rulings as President, but as a person who was reared among good folks, when he handed over the Panama Canal, he was not aware of the corruption that would cause the Panamanians in charge would sell us out, even though American men put themselves in harm's way (malaria) to build the canal yard by yard, and mile by long muddy mile, in heat and soggy stuff. 25,000 workers died working on the Panama Canal, and many bore lifelong fighting off the aftermath of exotic diseases, and had to take strong medicines for the duration of their pain-filled lives after the canal was done, and many came home on stretchers due to the hardships of building that geological benefit to trades industries to have a way to go from America to China without having to go around the Mariner's Graveyard Southwest of South America's Cape Horn, where hundreds of ships were lost due to the rocky shoals and a killer current between oceans. My husband's grandfather had to drink quinine every day of his life with his longsuffering life after he completed his tour of working on the Panama Canal for several years in his youth. Fortunate for him, he was strong and determined when he was young to fight off his case of malaria. they didn't have Off insect repellent back then to avoid mosquito bites, as mosquitos were the main vectors of the disease. All that for nothing.

Today, Panama sold the Canal operations to China, and more recently, Russia. We lost our rights to our laborers' gift to the continent when Jimmy Carter, in good faith, gave back the Canal we built to the Panamanians. We've had considerable trouble with canal passages when Panamanian leaders used the Canal to enrich themselves with deals with countries hostile to the United States of America. But in Carter's mind, all leaders were as honest as he, and it seemed to him it was the right thing to do. Unbeknownst to him, he gave it back before the all the workers who built it were in their senior years. I can't imagine the torment they felt after having lost their youthful health due to the prevalence of malaria in the Panama region where mosquitoes carry poisons in their bites and stings. And that's not all. Many men from America lost their limbs in gruesome accidents and were disabled for life thereafter: Why the Construction of the Panama Canal Was So Difficult—and Deadly | HISTORY
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You missed a couple of details about President Carter, but I doubt it would change your mind if I explained it. Even so, President Carter was an engineer with a peanut butter inheritance. Engineers put articles of interest in black and white. Firstly, as President he had to view all people as equal, and as a Christian, he was likely going by several scriptures--first, he may have believed that God is the judge of mankind, and he was subject to allowing God to be the judge of others, and not he himself. That is in the scriptures. The scriptures also teach at the same time that Christians are to live according to the scriptures as best they can, and if they err, to ask Jesus to straighten them out, forgive and to forsake that and other sins. He likely had a belief in the goodness that men can achieve when they live in the light of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and together with triune expectations. It isn't important that I disagreed with some of his rulings as President, but as a person who was reared among good folks, when he handed over the Panama Canal, he was not aware of the corruption that would cause the Panamanians in charge would sell us out, even though American men put themselves in harm's way (malaria) to build the canal yard by yard, and mile by long muddy mile, in heat and soggy stuff. 25,000 workers died working on the Panama Canal, and many bore lifelong fighting off the aftermath of exotic diseases, and had to take strong medicines for the duration of their pain-filled lives after the canal was done, and many came home on stretchers due to the hardships of building that geological benefit to trades industries to have a way to go from America to China without having to go around the Mariner's Graveyard Southwest of South America's Cape Horn, where hundreds of ships were lost due to the rocky shoals and a killer current between oceans. My husband's grandfather had to drink quinine every day of his life with his longsuffering life after he completed his tour of working on the Panama Canal for several years in his youth. Fortunate for him, he was strong and determined when he was young to fight off his case of malaria. they didn't have Off insect repellent back then to avoid mosquito bites, as mosquitos were the main vectors of the disease. All that for nothing.

Today, Panama sold the Canal operations to China, and more recently, Russia. We lost our rights to our laborers' gift to the continent when Jimmy Carter, in good faith, gave back the Canal we built to the Panamanians. We've had considerable trouble with canal passages when Panamanian leaders used the Canal to enrich themselves with deals with countries hostile to the United States of America. But in Carter's mind, all leaders were as honest as he, and it seemed to him it was the right thing to do. Unbeknownst to him, he gave it back before the all the workers who built it were in their senior years. I can't imagine the torment they felt after having lost their youthful health due to the prevalence of malaria in the Panama region where mosquitoes carry poisons in their bites and stings. And that's not all. Many men from America lost their limbs and were disabled for life thereafter: Why the Construction of the Panama Canal Was So Difficult—and Deadly | HISTORY
he was a very good human being and extremely intelligent......................but as a president he did so much harm to this country and every person would be best for all if he never lived

thank god for reagan
he was a very good human being and extremely intelligent......................but as a president he did so much harm to this country and every person would be best for all if he never lived

thank god for reagan
Well we were humbled alright by the outcome. My husband's family were the cream of the crop, always community-minded and doing good to others. Lucky me.
Well we were humbled alright by the outcome. My husband's family were the cream of the crop, always community-minded and doing good to others. Lucky me.
i look at a person by how much harm they have done....i know he felt so guilty of harming so many people..any good he did was way less than the people he harmed with his horrible policies
i look at a person by how much harm they have done....i know he felt so guilty of harming so many people..any good he did was way less than the people he harmed with his horrible policies
The only president in my lifetime with worse policies is Biden.

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