Mrs carter has passed

Yes....he cared......but he was a bad president.
Why he was a bad president I never understood until my friend told me exactly why.
I was also shocked to find out that his wife went along with just about everything Jimmy did, including the belief in different classes of people.

In the South there's the rich plantation owner and there's the servants.

Servants only speak when spoken to.
He was definitely a bad president. Really? Carter did a lot for habitat for humanity. That hardly lends to the upstairs downstairs mentality.
we're living the carter years again..............incompetence in and out

at least she got to see someone way worse than mr peanut

christ he has been dying for yrs
I disagree slightly. Biden is worse than the Carter years. Carter actually gave a damn he just couldn’t get his act together. Biden clearly doesn’t give a rats ass about anything unless it benefits his financial gain. Carter wore the worst president crown and honestly I never thought he’d have to hand it to another president but miracles do happen. Biden passed Carter in record time,before his first year in office was over! I’ve never seen the economy crash so fast. Biden wears that crown and it’s well deserved.

You are very dumb and quite clearly an AA aficionado.

I spoke for how I deal with the death of those I do not know and have never met. I mentioned my thoughts of ()bama using his middle finger to wipe away what I see as crocodile tears.

And Oofus? Deal with death in any way that you wish. I doubt you will leave any legacy. :thup:
No you are the idiot, who gives a damn what finger he uses to wipe away years. What if he would have used the back of his hand, what would you whine about?
No you are the idiot, who gives a damn what finger he uses to wipe away years. What if he would have used the back of his hand, what would you whine about?

You don't like what I said about ()bama using his middle finger to wipe away tears while I just give you the finger sans the psychopathic crocodile tears that are pretty clear to me.




Superbadbegger? You are the idiot who thinks that ()bama actually cared about you.
Most of the good he did was after he left office.
I agree. His work after he left office better expressed his personality. Being a governor and being a president are two very different things. He was over his head as President. I can’t fault him for that because how do you really know until you get there. He tried and failed but at least he genuinely tried. I’d take a Carter over an Obama or Biden any day.
compared to Ford, Reagan even Clinton, no he wasn’t the greatest president. To me the difference is he tried to get it right but his policies weren’t great. His foreign policy was weak as I recall and the economy sucked. However I never got the feeling that he didn’t care. I get that from Biden and Hillary all day long. I got that vibe from Obama and Bush Sr. as well although not as bad. Caring counts for something. Carter cared.
Carter was really the last Democrat that was at heart a decent man. The folks that followed, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and now Biden, all have horrible backgrounds that need a massive coverup by the media to keep it all secret. However, the media never failed to trash every Republican, (Reagan, Bush, and Trump) mercilessly.
I remember Gay activist Richard Melville Hall, known by some as Moby once said; "If we can't find any dirt on Trump, all we have to do is make something up".

Presidents usually had the media to cover up for them. That practice ended when Richard Nixon won the White House. We didn't find out till years later how screwed up LBJ was. He often used to talk to his aides while sitting on the toilet. He would go out back to piss on the bushes in the Rose Garden outside of the Oval Office. He was a vile man who liked throwing his weight around. I remember hating listening to him when he would give speeches. I was used to listening to JFK and all of the sudden we had to listen to this asshole with the Southern drawl.
Thank you . They were not in the public too much and I forgot about them.
That's because it used to be that former presidents left the White House and stayed out of politics.
Obama never left the White House.
He just moved to another mansion a few miles away.
The crap that he's been getting away with wouldn't be tolerated if he was a Republican.
I may also say that Carter got his bad press because he also was an outsider.
Carter got bad press because he deserved it. He made bad decisions and was not qualified for the job.
It’s because he was an outsider that he even got the job. Nixon created a bad image for the status quo. They wanted to distinguish themselves from the corruption of Nixon.
Carter was really the last Democrat that was at heart a decent man. The folks that followed, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and now Biden, all have horrible backgrounds that need a massive coverup by the media to keep it all secret. However, the media never failed to trash every Republican, (Reagan, Bush, and Trump) mercilessly.
I remember Gay activist Richard Melville Hall, known by some as Moby once said; "If we can't find any dirt on Trump, all we have to do is make something up".

Presidents usually had the media to cover up for them. That practice ended when Richard Nixon won the White House. We didn't find out till years later how screwed up LBJ was. He often used to talk to his aides while sitting on the toilet. He would go out back to piss on the bushes in the Rose Garden outside of the Oval Office. He was a vile man who liked throwing his weight around. I remember hating listening to him when he would give speeches. I was used to listening to JFK and all of the sudden we had to listen to this asshole with the Southern drawl.
I agree the democrats took a bad turn after Carter. There’s no integrity after that. It’s why the American public needs to clean house.

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