MSM Spinning for Islam in Germany Terrorist Attack


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
In just a few hours the Lame Stream Media has the motive all figured out.
How do you distinguish between a Psychotic Bat-Shit Crazy Muslim....and a regular Bat-Shit Crazy Muslim?
Interesting, they supposedly know nothing about him yet but Yahoo claims it was "likely" mental issues and not religion....yeah that's some BS spin
Interesting, they supposedly know nothing about him yet but Yahoo claims it was "likely" mental issues and not religion....yeah that's some BS spin

It is a matter of MINDSET-----it is hard for the non-muslim mind to comprehend the fact that running around a train station killing people for the glory of muhummad
can POSSIBLY be the actions of anything but a REALLY INSANE NUT-JOB----
the muslim mind construes it as "LOVE OF ALLAH"
More lib hypocrisy. The "Planned parenthood shooter" guy who didn't even shoot a planned parenthood, and he mumbled a whole bunch of nonsense, but as soon as he mumbled "abortion" then libs suddenly "knew" what his motivation was. but shouting allahu akhbar and strying to slaughter people, well that's mental illness!

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