MSNBC Presidential Poll: Obama Fails

His numbers still remain high, of course they will fluctuate from time to time. Just like they did when they dipped and rised again by over 10 points. Once again, no indication of an impending backlash as you put it. Trust me there will be many more times in his term for you to post his approval dropping, only for you to be disappointed when it rises again. But you lost all credibility by getting all excited over a live poll. I suggest you more carefully filter what you take in on the "internets"

"rised" ??

-Please look up "steady decline" for us...

Lastly, you are correct, any poll on MSNBC has to be garbage...

Really, now all of a sudden any poll on MSNBC is garbage? I thought it was "fascinating"

Lastly, thanks for posting that garbage poll, you really displayed your true colors.

I think everyone and their mother knows all about MSNBC. Having said that...I don't want to step on your man, Keith Olbermann. :cuckoo:
MSNBC Presidential Poll Update:

Obama has surged to a grade of A for 30% of votes - a first!

The grade of F is holding steady at nearly 50% of all votes.

Over 223,000 votes have been case so far.

Stay tuned!
Heading toward 190,000 votes cast and Obama has improved a bit in the polls - now about 2/3 give him a grade of D or lower...

Live Vote: Give President Obama a grade - White House-

You Republicans lost all credibility with polls when last year you kept saying that it was close between McCain and Obama.

All of our polls proved to be accurate. We won all the states the polls told us we would win.

But we got nervous because of your polls. And they turned out to be absolute bullshit.

So fuck your polls today. Stop dragging the country down. Traitors.

Who's we?? You got a gerbal in your pocket? Stop dragging the country down?? That is just rich coming from a democrat. Does anyone see the irony?
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On his 51 day, Obama's ratings were higher than they were for Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Reagan on that same time in their presidencies.

nanny, nany boo, boo.:lol:
All of our polls proved to be accurate. We won all the states the polls told us we would win.

But we got nervous because of your polls. And they turned out to be absolute bullshit.

So fuck your polls today. Stop dragging the country down. Traitors.

The races in a lot of those states were close. The electorial votes were a blow out but the vote of the American People were much closer than you want to realize. How can you call someone a traitor just because they don't agree with the President or you? If this is the case however, you were a traitor for 8 years and I would dare say it takes one to know one.
50 days in? What a schmuck you must be.

You showed your hackyness when you said things like, "hey, we haven't been attacked since 9-11 so bush must be keeping us safe".

Obama is doing what he said he would do.

Now if you expected him to veto the economic stimulus bill because there was some pork in it, you are out of your mind.

But he is exposing fraud/waste/corruption.

Just the fact that you can now see all the pork, proves that change is taking place. And moving forward, you will see wasteful spending stripped from bills.

Are you a Republican?

1) Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va. -- $122,804,900

2) Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. -- $114,484,250

3) Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo. -- $85,691,491

4) Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. -- $76,899,425

5) Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss. -- $75,908,475

6) Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska -- $74,000,750

7) Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa -- $66,860,000

8) Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla. -- $53,133,500

9) Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. -- $51,186,000

10) Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii -- $46,380,205

11) Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash. -- $39,228,250

12) Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D. -- $36,547,100

13) Sen. Pat Leahy, D-Vt. -- $36,161,125

14) Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. -- $35,577,250

15) Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa. -- $27,169,750

16) Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev. -- $26,628,613

17) Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa. -- $25,320,000

18) Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis. -- $23,832,000

19) Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. -- $21,952,250

20) Former Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M. -- $19,588,625

Looks pretty even to me

RAW DATA: Top 20 Earmarking Senators in the $410 Billion Spending Bill - Presidential Politics | Political News -
hmmm, 12 democrats, and 8 republicans
yeah, thats even
only in the mind of a moron
well, it was bobo

and even then, fuck those republicans doing this shit
i'm tired of republicans that act like democrats
stop the wasteful spending

It isn't Republicans acting like Democrats you naive little bitch. They are acting like Republicans.

Look at who broke the pork records in 2005 and 2006 you lying little cock sucker.

Or do you actually believe the semen that spews out of your faggoty little mouth?

Now, do you really think it is worse if 12 Democrats spend a billion or if 8 Republicans spend a billion.

I would say that the 12 Democrats spending a billion spread the money around more than the 8 Republicans who spent the same amount.

So if you are off base on this one, imagine what else you are a fool about? :eusa_shhh:
you are such a fucking moron, nothing you say would EVER phase me
All of our polls proved to be accurate. We won all the states the polls told us we would win.

But we got nervous because of your polls. And they turned out to be absolute bullshit.

So fuck your polls today. Stop dragging the country down. Traitors.

The races in a lot of those states were close. The electorial votes were a blow out but the vote of the American People were much closer than you want to realize. How can you call someone a traitor just because they don't agree with the President or you? If this is the case however, you were a traitor for 8 years and I would dare say it takes one to know one.
bobo the moron doesnt understand simple things like that
I just love it when people show their mindless and blind partisanship, really Pole Rider ... your ignorance is showing. When even those of us who never supported Obama can see that this poll is pretty much no better than ... oh ... standing on a corner and asking everyone who passes you what they think, at least that way you would be able to note how many times the same people answer.

As for clearing your cookies ... you do realize that many people set their browsers to clear them every time they close them. Then at all public access computers when you log off your cookies are cleared automatically ... so why the hell did you even try to say people can't vote multiple times? Also, everytime you go through wi-fi you can get a new IP address ... then if you switch signals you can completely change the entire address ... and even a moron could do it that way. Seriously ... you know too little about computers or the internet to try that crap.

As for polls being accurate ... no poll is, they can get pretty decent cross sections but no matter how many people they poll it will never be accurate. According to the polls taken 4 years ago Jr. lost by a landslide ... but when the votes were tallied ... guess what? The polls were completely wrong, go figure.

Oh really kittenkunt? So why don't you write a quick note to MSNBC and tell them they've got a live poll running and you KNOW it's being manipulated, then get back to us and let us know what they said... K?

Until then, shut your puss hole. You're no more insightful than the next steaming bag of liberal pelosi hershey shit around here.

I just watched Pale Rider last night. Clint Eastwood is great.

One of my all time favorite movies, and yes, where my board nic came from.

Preacher: "There's nothing like a good piece of hickory."
Um ... first they know the polls are not accurate ... really, secondly anything that can be used to sensationalize something they will use to the fullest, no matter how far from fact or how inaccurate.
All of our polls proved to be accurate. We won all the states the polls told us we would win.

But we got nervous because of your polls. And they turned out to be absolute bullshit.

So fuck your polls today. Stop dragging the country down. Traitors.

The races in a lot of those states were close. The electorial votes were a blow out but the vote of the American People were much closer than you want to realize. How can you call someone a traitor just because they don't agree with the President or you? If this is the case however, you were a traitor for 8 years and I would dare say it takes one to know one.

Your polls and corporate media was saying that Michigan was close, and our polls showed differently. Next thing we knew, McCain was pulling out of Michigan.

And we knew we were going to win Ohio, Colorado, Florida, Pennsylvania, yet your polls showed different.

Our polls were all accurate and your polls were all wrong. That's all I'm saying.
I cant say the numbers are entirely accurate in ANY POLL.... but its interesting that when the Dem's are up in a poll, its claimed as a representation of how the public really feels. When the Dems are down in polls, then they are not accurate. Dems cant have it both ways...

Live poll or Gallup poll.... neither are more scientific than the other (other than procedure). It's the same thing... only live polls are not targeted like Gallup polls.... anyone can vote in a live poll. Gallup polls are only accurate with the people they ask because they choose who to ask where...

Come on dems... face it.... Obama's hope was false and his change was the wrong direction...
I cant say the numbers are entirely accurate in ANY POLL.... but its interesting that when the Dem's are up in a poll, its claimed as a representation of how the public really feels. When the Dems are down in polls, then they are not accurate. Dems cant have it both ways...

Live poll or Gallup poll.... neither are more scientific than the other (other than procedure). It's the same thing... only live polls are not targeted like Gallup polls.... anyone can vote in a live poll. Gallup polls are only accurate with the people they ask because they choose who to ask where...

Come on dems... face it.... Obama's hope was false and his change was the wrong direction...

If you need a poll to show the truth ... then you are not interested in facts.
With nearly 155,000 votes cast so far, well over two-thirds of voters are grading Obama's performance as president with a D or lower.


(thank you to WillowTree for originally located this fascinating poll)

Live Vote: Give President Obama a grade - White House-

I am surprised MSNBC hasn't taken this off their site yet...
i'm surprised anyone still runs online polls


It's laughable.
Obama poll update:

While nearly 50% of votes cast give the president a grade of f, obama supporters are attempting to close the gap, with 29% now giving obama a grade of a.

The next most voted grade for the president was that of d. (10%)

so far, nearly 220,000 votes have been cast.

Stay tuned!

Live Vote: Give President Obama a grade - White House-

It's one of two things... Ogerman is voting over and over again, or there is a chain e-mail going around to all Obama supporters telling people to vote for an A...
MSNBC Presidential Poll Update:

Obama support surging back!

Perhaps in light of the nice uptick in the stock market, or a more focused direction regarding strengthening the banking sector, Obama now has 35% giving him an A, and 44% gving him an F. Approximately 53% are giving the President a grade of D or lower.

Nearly 260,000 votes have been cast so far.

Stay tuned!

Live Vote: Give President Obama a grade - White House-
Obama poll update:

While nearly 50% of votes cast give the president a grade of f, obama supporters are attempting to close the gap, with 29% now giving obama a grade of a.

The next most voted grade for the president was that of d. (10%)

so far, nearly 220,000 votes have been cast.

Stay tuned!

Live Vote: Give President Obama a grade - White House-

It's one of two things... Ogerman is voting over and over again, or there is a chain e-mail going around to all Obama supporters telling people to vote for an A...
its happening on both the "A" and the "F"

This is the whole point I was trying to make, a live poll is useless. Now all of a sudden goes from overwhelming F, to a direct turnaround and surge in A's. Give me a break, to think some of you idiots buy this shit, I guess that is why MSNBC continues to run online polls. To give the two sides a chance to endlessly vote and possibly alter the outcome of the useless poll.

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