MTG back on Twitter....Damn that Musk!

Stop saying the word comely. It denotes attractiveness. If you mean calmly, then no. The right, conservatives, Republicans, and the alt-right haven't discussed anything calmly for over a decade.
Weaponizing the words "woke", "CRT", and "groomer" are just a very small sample.
My apologies. Autocorrect doesn't always correct as expected. Not sure why you bring up the alt-right. You do know that the alt-right is not some Republican or conservative right wing group? The most attacked person by the alt-right last year was Ben Shapiro, one of the most conservative individuals on the planet. Also, there is no "Weaponing" those words. We use those words based in reality. If we say "Disney is woke" that is an accurate statement. If we spell out what CRT is that is an accurate statement. Those are ideologies that stand on their own self destruction and are "dirty words" by their content. But enjoy calling anyone who doesn't agree with you a bigot, racist, homophone, etc. (yes words you all have weaponized and redefined).
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Accusing half the country of pedophilia or enabling pedophiles is pretty desperate and disgusting. Means you guys are losers like Trump.
You get upset about the pedophilia statement, and in the next sentence call someone a "loser". I am guessing you don't see the hypocrisy/irony here?
"Again, if the disgusting people you support stay away from kids ......there wouldn’t be this issue would there? And shove your bullshit of “it isn’t happening”. If it’s wasn’t, you wouldn’t be in such an uproar."
Ah good poster, lantern2814, 'tis good to see you back on this forum.
You've been missed.
My avatar truly doesn't know why you've been so absent. Being banned? Or in juvie? Or a maybe a long break in the Keys chasing bonefish?
We dunno.
Regardless, your contributions, such as they are, are always entertaining.

So, let's do a little batting practice, OK?


"if the disgusting people you support stay away from kids"

  • Ummm? That's a puzzler.
    Just who does my avatar support?
    Please name names and titles.
    And how do you define 'support'?
    And how would you know?
    And why would they be 'disgusting'?
    And what would you know anything about 'staying away from kids'?

"And shove your bullshit of “it isn’t happening”"

  • Be our sherpa here, good poster Lantern.
    What isn't happening?
    Just what are you struggling to communicate?

  • " you wouldn’t be in such an uproar."
    My avatar in an 'uproar'?
    That's another puzzler.
    My avatar is blessed to never be in an uproar.
    In fact, he's blessed with sort of a surfer dude vibe.....for a farmer, that is.
    You know, like Spicoli in Carhart's.
    Your poor avatar seemingly is befuddled yet again, or so it seems.
    We are sure you yourself are smart, educated, responsible and aware, but....
    ........but the avatar you've got representing you is, well, sort of making you look a bit directionless, ineffective and silly. No disrespect intended.
    You can do better.

    Good luck. 🖖😉

And amazingly, all of the people who say they would never use Twitter will suddenly start reading every tweet.

Its hilarious to see the duplicity.
well yeah i’m sure folks will come back and partake now that it’s under new ownership
Accusing half the country of pedophilia or enabling pedophiles is pretty desperate and disgusting. Means you guys are losers like Trump.
You're really a basket case with the Trump obsession.


well yeah i’m sure folks will come back and partake now that it’s under new ownership
The lefties will be on in no time, spewing their bullshit.

We'll see what Mr Musk does about THAT.

(Probably nothing, is my guess, if he's making money off it, which he is).
It's not about what I think. The ethnicity is defined. Have all the little hissy fits you want. You're just wrong.
Words mean things. African American means an American whose roots are in Africa. Irish American doesn't mean you have red hair and freckles.
First, we take back Twitter.

Next, we take back Congress.

Then, we take back the White House.

*Howard Dean scream*

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