MTG back on Twitter....Damn that Musk!

MTG will show herself to the public on Twitter and that's probably a good thing. Everyone will be able to see how stupid she is.
I see how smart and objectively right she is

(I have some college behind me and an above avg IQ so... there's that)
Is that you Q?

The forum is reassured that QAnon is out there guarding pizza eating children everywhere.
Except the underground ones.

Pedophile = QAnon'rs
Some might say.
I ain't one to say that.....but I can see how some would come to that conclusion.
Whatever you say Disney
Musk would not be considered of African American ethnicity. Get as mad as you like. It's what it is.

When one reduces human beings to nothing more than the color of their skin, as you do, one must accept the fact that, sometimes, you're going to look like an ignorant, racist asshole. This is one of those times.
This Elon Musk takeover is terrifying. We can't just have people going around and saying what they think. The best way to avoid this fascism is for a team of unaccountable progressives to decide which thoughts are correct via some vague, mysterious & subjective terms of service
A few months ago I was at a loss to figure out where the turning point would be with the massive push from the left to take the country into the wilderness of lurid and pointless progressiveness. I mean you could see signs here and there that people were beginning to fight back but I knew there would need to be some Earth shattering event upon which to create a pivot that would reach across the entire culture. I think Musk's acquisition of Twitter might actually be that event.

Leading a charge from the conservative right that reminds me of a scene from Lord of the rings.

I already sent her several messages. She wants dirt on the Democrats and I want to help her.
This Elon Musk takeover is terrifying. We can't just have people going around and saying what they think. The best way to avoid this fascism is for a team of unaccountable progressives to decide which thoughts are correct via some vague, mysterious & subjective terms of service
It’s very scary to consider we will now be allowed to see the info or opinion and decide for ourselves the merit of it. I hope we are up to it🤪
Luke 11:21 When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe.

Why risk the safety of one's family and 'possessions' to live in a neighborhood that requires armed vigilance.

That is, if one doesn't have to because of one's financial reality?
Poverty spreads for a number of reasons. Higher taxes for corporations and the wealthy isn't one of them.
Really don't how things work, do you?
Yeah, I do. I have messed up in life also. So spewing my threads is not of superiority. Poverty is caused by inferior schools and teenage girls as part of groups groups in areas having children with no father figure. That is how it works. Two and half to three generations in what most groups have in two generations.
It’s very scary to consider we will now be allowed to see the info or opinion and decide for ourselves the merit of it. I hope we are up to it🤪
Only evil people cheer censorship.

Democrats are the totalitarian fascist they claim to hate.

all the groomers leaving Twitter will make it a better place.
That jackass has accused me of pedophilia. I've reported him. What a sick SOB.
But you can spout all sorts of bullshit accusations. You assholes accuse Trump supporters of racism, misogynist tendencies and all sorts of other things just because they support Trump. Sucks when you’re own standards get used against you doesn’t it?

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