Mueler is shaking in his boots after Hannity opened his show by warning him to end the investigation

American Patriot Sean Hannity and American Patriot Steve McGarrett are on the same mindset. The House Intelligence FISA/Dossier memo is so devastating that Meuller's investigation has been exposed as a sham and it must now end.

Sean Hannity: I Have a Message Tonight for the Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over (VIDEO) #ReleaseTheMemo

Kremlin-linked network amplifies 'alt-right' media - USA Today
Aug 24, 2017 - The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign ...
Your desperation to slander Gateway Pundit, a distinguished member of the White House Press Pool, is noted.

Gateway Pundit is your favorite because it's as racist as you are?
How does Hannity get to declare when Muellers investigation is over?

He hasn't even seen the evidence
Trust me McRacist --- Hateway Plunderer slanders itself every time it puts another diarrhea post up.

Sometimes it gets sued for it too.

Stevie must have gotten so upset that I remind other posters that Gateway is just an extension of Russian propaganda, that he told the powers that be to takeout my retort.....Thank you for re-posting it.

What proof do you have that Gateway Pundit has any connection with Russia?
Trust me McRacist --- Hateway Plunderer slanders itself every time it puts another diarrhea post up.

Sometimes it gets sued for it too.

Stevie must have gotten so upset that I remind other posters that Gateway is just an extension of Russian propaganda, that he told the powers that be to takeout my retort.....Thank you for re-posting it.

What proof do you have that Gateway Pundit has any connection with Russia?

Then again what proof do we have that Hateway Plunder has any connection with Reality?
I'm hoping we can hit 300 threads on this.

Then we'll really have this thing covered.
Trust me McRacist --- Hateway Plunderer slanders itself every time it puts another diarrhea post up.

Sometimes it gets sued for it too.

Stevie must have gotten so upset that I remind other posters that Gateway is just an extension of Russian propaganda, that he told the powers that be to takeout my retort.....Thank you for re-posting it.

What proof do you have that Gateway Pundit has any connection with Russia?

Then again what proof do we have that Hateway Plunder has any connection with Reality?

What proof do we have that you aren't some poorly programed bot?
How is Hannity explaining Trumps ties to Russian money laundering?
How is Hannity explaining Trumps ties to Russian money laundering?

Trust me McRacist --- Hateway Plunderer slanders itself every time it puts another diarrhea post up.

Sometimes it gets sued for it too.

Stevie must have gotten so upset that I remind other posters that Gateway is just an extension of Russian propaganda, that he told the powers that be to takeout my retort.....Thank you for re-posting it.

What proof do you have that Gateway Pundit has any connection with Russia?

Then again what proof do we have that Hateway Plunder has any connection with Reality?

What proof do we have that you aren't some poorly programed bot?

My avi clearly identifies me as the President of Asia.
What proof do we have that you're not a bratty little kid with jelly smeared all over his face?

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