Mueler is shaking in his boots after Hannity opened his show by warning him to end the investigation

American Patriot Sean Hannity and American Patriot Steve McGarrett are on the same mindset. The House Intelligence FISA/Dossier memo is so devastating that Meuller's investigation has been exposed as a sham and it must now end.

Sean Hannity: I Have a Message Tonight for the Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over (VIDEO) #ReleaseTheMemo

You'd believe the Moon was made out of cheese if Trump's people told you it was so.

Normally I would agree. I know I am a Trump supporter myself and I defend him, though I do admit when he says something stupid. I'm more policy driven and considering the challenges if these policies make sense.

Something is different about this though. The fact that the Democrats voted to not release it, the fact that so many have come out, some openly mocking powerful people on Twitter.

It's brewing, and whatever this four page memo is, it will be public sooner rather than later. I haven't bought into the other stuff, always considering that so many would get a pass, this is a big one. Members of the U.S government, not biased media personalities liek Hannity or Maddow, are saying "people should lose their jobs, some might qualify for jail". That's serious. This isn't just "this Russia collusion story is bs", this is accusatios of the highest order.

I wonder if McCain has an opinion on all of this...

The federal govt has a culture of corruption. Some are just "unlucky" to get caught out.
American Patriot Sean Hannity and American Patriot Steve McGarrett are on the same mindset. The House Intelligence FISA/Dossier memo is so devastating that Meuller's investigation has been exposed as a sham and it must now end.

Sean Hannity: I Have a Message Tonight for the Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over (VIDEO) #ReleaseTheMemo

You'd believe the Moon was made out of cheese if Trump's people told you it was so.

Normally I would agree. I know I am a Trump supporter myself and I defend him, though I do admit when he says something stupid. I'm more policy driven and considering the challenges if these policies make sense.

Something is different about this though. The fact that the Democrats voted to not release it, the fact that so many have come out, some openly mocking powerful people on Twitter.

It's brewing, and whatever this four page memo is, it will be public sooner rather than later. I haven't bought into the other stuff, always considering that so many would get a pass or it was hyperbole, but this seems like a big one. Members of the U.S government, not biased media personalities liek Hannity or Maddow, are saying "people should lose their jobs, some might qualify for jail". That's serious. This isn't just "this Russia collusion story is bs", this is accusatios of the highest order.

I wonder if McCain has an opinion on all of this...
I'm hoping it will be released in tomorrow's Friday news dump or Monday.
American Patriot Sean Hannity and American Patriot Steve McGarrett are on the same mindset. The House Intelligence FISA/Dossier memo is so devastating that Meuller's investigation has been exposed as a sham and it must now end.

Sean Hannity: I Have a Message Tonight for the Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over (VIDEO) #ReleaseTheMemo

You'd believe the Moon was made out of cheese if Trump's people told you it was so.

Normally I would agree. I know I am a Trump supporter myself and I defend him, though I do admit when he says something stupid. I'm more policy driven and considering the challenges if these policies make sense.

Something is different about this though. The fact that the Democrats voted to not release it, the fact that so many have come out, some openly mocking powerful people on Twitter.

It's brewing, and whatever this four page memo is, it will be public sooner rather than later. I haven't bought into the other stuff, always considering that so many would get a pass, this is a big one. Members of the U.S government, not biased media personalities liek Hannity or Maddow, are saying "people should lose their jobs, some might qualify for jail". That's serious. This isn't just "this Russia collusion story is bs", this is accusatios of the highest order.

I wonder if McCain has an opinion on all of this...

The federal govt has a culture of corruption. Some are just "unlucky" to get caught out.

No. The vast majority love their country. Yes, you have some hanger ons and rat bast.ards, but most love their country and do whats right. CIA just caught an agent spying for China who impacted dozens of operatives and as one former agent said, "made us blind in China". That's the kind of danger unpatriotic citizens can cause. These aren't just bad guys, these are some who are just evil, anti-American and against your values and constitution.

Was this the last administration stacking the deck for Clinton. In a way that potentially might have ensured Democrat rule for a long time. We've talked about this (or I have read about it in most cases) on this forum ad nauseam, but these guys almost seemed shell shocked when they were doing an interview on Fox. Two of the government officials in the House who saw the memo looked liked they saw a ghost.
American Patriot Sean Hannity and American Patriot Steve McGarrett are on the same mindset. The House Intelligence FISA/Dossier memo is so devastating that Meuller's investigation has been exposed as a sham and it must now end.

Sean Hannity: I Have a Message Tonight for the Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over (VIDEO) #ReleaseTheMemo

Kremlin-linked network amplifies 'alt-right' media - USA Today
Aug 24, 2017 - The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign ...
Your desperation to slander Gateway Pundit, a distinguished member of the White House Press Pool, is noted.

Breitbart is a member of the white house press pool too, so you can forget that distinguished part.

Breitbart is also a distinguished news outlet.
American Patriot Sean Hannity and American Patriot Steve McGarrett are on the same mindset. The House Intelligence FISA/Dossier memo is so devastating that Meuller's investigation has been exposed as a sham and it must now end.

Sean Hannity: I Have a Message Tonight for the Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over (VIDEO) #ReleaseTheMemo

Kremlin-linked network amplifies 'alt-right' media - USA Today
Aug 24, 2017 - The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign ...
Your desperation to slander Gateway Pundit, a distinguished member of the White House Press Pool, is noted.

Breitbart is a member of the white house press pool too, so you can forget that distinguished part.

Breitbart is also a distinguished news outlet.

You bet. The check is also in the mail. and I promise to pull out before it's too late.
American Patriot Sean Hannity and American Patriot Steve McGarrett are on the same mindset. The House Intelligence FISA/Dossier memo is so devastating that Meuller's investigation has been exposed as a sham and it must now end.

Sean Hannity: I Have a Message Tonight for the Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over (VIDEO) #ReleaseTheMemo

Kremlin-linked network amplifies 'alt-right' media - USA Today
Aug 24, 2017 - The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign ...
Your desperation to slander Gateway Pundit, a distinguished member of the White House Press Pool, is noted.

That is a funny joke. The Gateway Pundit makes the msm look like Edward R Morrow. Even Sean Hannity has had to retract statements he made based on the Gateway Pundit. Trump wanted to put a clown into the WH Press Pool and he succeeded.
American Patriot Sean Hannity and American Patriot Steve McGarrett are on the same mindset. The House Intelligence FISA/Dossier memo is so devastating that Meuller's investigation has been exposed as a sham and it must now end.

Sean Hannity: I Have a Message Tonight for the Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over (VIDEO) #ReleaseTheMemo

You'd believe the Moon was made out of cheese if Trump's people told you it was so.

Normally I would agree. I know I am a Trump supporter myself and I defend him, though I do admit when he says something stupid. I'm more policy driven and considering the challenges if these policies make sense.

Something is different about this though. The fact that the Democrats voted to not release it, the fact that so many have come out, some openly mocking powerful people on Twitter.

It's brewing, and whatever this four page memo is, it will be public sooner rather than later. I haven't bought into the other stuff, always considering that so many would get a pass, this is a big one. Members of the U.S government, not biased media personalities liek Hannity or Maddow, are saying "people should lose their jobs, some might qualify for jail". That's serious. This isn't just "this Russia collusion story is bs", this is accusatios of the highest order.

I wonder if McCain has an opinion on all of this...

The federal govt has a culture of corruption. Some are just "unlucky" to get caught out.

No. The vast majority love their country. Yes, you have some hanger ons and rat bast.ards, but most love their country and do whats right. CIA just caught an agent spying for China who impacted dozens of operatives and as one former agent said, "made us blind in China". That's the kind of danger unpatriotic citizens can cause. These aren't just bad guys, these are some who are just evil, anti-American and against your values and constitution.

Was this the last administration stacking the deck for Clinton. In a way that potentially might have ensured Democrat rule for a long time. We've talked about this (or I have read about it in most cases) on this forum ad nauseam, but these guys almost seemed shell shocked when they were doing an interview on Fox. Two of the government officials in the House who saw the memo looked liked they saw a ghost.

What you're talking about seems to be something else.

Trump loves his country. Why wouldn't he?

I met a guy in South Africa. He was from Swaziland and wanted to buy a place in Tanzania. He said he much preferred southern Africa to Europe because in southern Africa, if you wanted something, you could go and get it. It'd just take a bribe or two to get it.

In the US it seems like that too. You want to make a shit load of money, just bribe the politicians. "Hey, I'll put into your campaign fund" "Hey, I'll lobby you", plenty of ways of passing money over. Half of the politicians in DC are making far, far, far more money that their wages give them.

Who wouldn't love a system where they can bribe someone with X amount of money and make X*100,000 within a few years?
American Patriot Sean Hannity and American Patriot Steve McGarrett are on the same mindset. The House Intelligence FISA/Dossier memo is so devastating that Meuller's investigation has been exposed as a sham and it must now end.

Sean Hannity: I Have a Message Tonight for the Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over (VIDEO) #ReleaseTheMemo

You'd believe the Moon was made out of cheese if Trump's people told you it was so.

Normally I would agree. I know I am a Trump supporter myself and I defend him, though I do admit when he says something stupid. I'm more policy driven and considering the challenges if these policies make sense.

Something is different about this though. The fact that the Democrats voted to not release it, the fact that so many have come out, some openly mocking powerful people on Twitter.

It's brewing, and whatever this four page memo is, it will be public sooner rather than later. I haven't bought into the other stuff, always considering that so many would get a pass, this is a big one. Members of the U.S government, not biased media personalities liek Hannity or Maddow, are saying "people should lose their jobs, some might qualify for jail". That's serious. This isn't just "this Russia collusion story is bs", this is accusatios of the highest order.

I wonder if McCain has an opinion on all of this...

The federal govt has a culture of corruption. Some are just "unlucky" to get caught out.

No. The vast majority love their country. Yes, you have some hanger ons and rat bast.ards, but most love their country and do whats right. CIA just caught an agent spying for China who impacted dozens of operatives and as one former agent said, "made us blind in China". That's the kind of danger unpatriotic citizens can cause. These aren't just bad guys, these are some who are just evil, anti-American and against your values and constitution.

Was this the last administration stacking the deck for Clinton. In a way that potentially might have ensured Democrat rule for a long time. We've talked about this (or I have read about it in most cases) on this forum ad nauseam, but these guys almost seemed shell shocked when they were doing an interview on Fox. Two of the government officials in the House who saw the memo looked liked they saw a ghost.

What you're talking about seems to be something else.

Trump loves his country. Why wouldn't he?

I met a guy in South Africa. He was from Swaziland and wanted to buy a place in Tanzania. He said he much preferred southern Africa to Europe because in southern Africa, if you wanted something, you could go and get it. It'd just take a bribe or two to get it.

In the US it seems like that too. You want to make a shit load of money, just bribe the politicians. "Hey, I'll put into your campaign fund" "Hey, I'll lobby you", plenty of ways of passing money over. Half of the politicians in DC are making far, far, far more money that their wages give them.

Who wouldn't love a system where they can bribe someone with X amount of money and make X*100,000 within a few years?

No way. Bribery is everywhere on this planet. From the local distributor in a business to organized crime to politicians. The difference is how seriously it is taken by the authorities and the public at large.

America was number one in the world in enforcing bribery and corruption over a 15 year period, well ahead of France who was ranked second. In short, the FBI generally do a good job and wisely view these sob's as threats to your country. As it were Canada as dead last (thanks for the great work RCMP), second last was England.

Now of course these activities still go on, but many lose their careers when they are caught. Compared to the level of corruption and bribery going on in shyteholes, America is an angel.

Consider how much money Putin is worth. Some suggest he is actually the richest man on earth. He has so many shell companies and a maze of business networks that it's impossible to know how much cash he is worth, some suggested north of $100B and that estimate was about 5 years ago.

THAT'S corruption. Ditto for so many other nations that exploit their citizens to the nth degree.
You'd believe the Moon was made out of cheese if Trump's people told you it was so.

Normally I would agree. I know I am a Trump supporter myself and I defend him, though I do admit when he says something stupid. I'm more policy driven and considering the challenges if these policies make sense.

Something is different about this though. The fact that the Democrats voted to not release it, the fact that so many have come out, some openly mocking powerful people on Twitter.

It's brewing, and whatever this four page memo is, it will be public sooner rather than later. I haven't bought into the other stuff, always considering that so many would get a pass, this is a big one. Members of the U.S government, not biased media personalities liek Hannity or Maddow, are saying "people should lose their jobs, some might qualify for jail". That's serious. This isn't just "this Russia collusion story is bs", this is accusatios of the highest order.

I wonder if McCain has an opinion on all of this...

The federal govt has a culture of corruption. Some are just "unlucky" to get caught out.

No. The vast majority love their country. Yes, you have some hanger ons and rat bast.ards, but most love their country and do whats right. CIA just caught an agent spying for China who impacted dozens of operatives and as one former agent said, "made us blind in China". That's the kind of danger unpatriotic citizens can cause. These aren't just bad guys, these are some who are just evil, anti-American and against your values and constitution.

Was this the last administration stacking the deck for Clinton. In a way that potentially might have ensured Democrat rule for a long time. We've talked about this (or I have read about it in most cases) on this forum ad nauseam, but these guys almost seemed shell shocked when they were doing an interview on Fox. Two of the government officials in the House who saw the memo looked liked they saw a ghost.

What you're talking about seems to be something else.

Trump loves his country. Why wouldn't he?

I met a guy in South Africa. He was from Swaziland and wanted to buy a place in Tanzania. He said he much preferred southern Africa to Europe because in southern Africa, if you wanted something, you could go and get it. It'd just take a bribe or two to get it.

In the US it seems like that too. You want to make a shit load of money, just bribe the politicians. "Hey, I'll put into your campaign fund" "Hey, I'll lobby you", plenty of ways of passing money over. Half of the politicians in DC are making far, far, far more money that their wages give them.

Who wouldn't love a system where they can bribe someone with X amount of money and make X*100,000 within a few years?

No way. Bribery is everywhere on this planet. From the local distributor in a business to organized crime to politicians. The difference is how seriously it is taken by the authorities and the public at large.

America was number one in the world in enforcing bribery and corruption over a 15 year period, well ahead of France who was ranked second. In short, the FBI generally do a good job and wisely view these sob's as threats to your country. As it were Canada as dead last (thanks for the great work RCMP), second last was England.

Now of course these activities still go on, but many lose their careers when they are caught. Compared to the level of corruption and bribery going on in shyteholes, America is an angel.

Consider how much money Putin is worth. Some suggest he is actually the richest man on earth. He has so many shell companies and a maze of business networks that it's impossible to know how much cash he is worth, some suggested north of $100B and that estimate was about 5 years ago.

THAT'S corruption. Ditto for so many other nations that exploit their citizens to the nth degree.

The problem in the US is that they're legitimized bribery for politicians. So, they can't clamp down on it, it's LEGAL.

Yes, Putin's Russia is more corrupt than the USA. But is Putin going to get caught doing illegal activities? No. Why not? Because he is the power.

In the US power is shared a lot more, meaning more people are taking slices of the pie.
Normally I would agree. I know I am a Trump supporter myself and I defend him, though I do admit when he says something stupid. I'm more policy driven and considering the challenges if these policies make sense.

Something is different about this though. The fact that the Democrats voted to not release it, the fact that so many have come out, some openly mocking powerful people on Twitter.

It's brewing, and whatever this four page memo is, it will be public sooner rather than later. I haven't bought into the other stuff, always considering that so many would get a pass, this is a big one. Members of the U.S government, not biased media personalities liek Hannity or Maddow, are saying "people should lose their jobs, some might qualify for jail". That's serious. This isn't just "this Russia collusion story is bs", this is accusatios of the highest order.

I wonder if McCain has an opinion on all of this...

The federal govt has a culture of corruption. Some are just "unlucky" to get caught out.

No. The vast majority love their country. Yes, you have some hanger ons and rat bast.ards, but most love their country and do whats right. CIA just caught an agent spying for China who impacted dozens of operatives and as one former agent said, "made us blind in China". That's the kind of danger unpatriotic citizens can cause. These aren't just bad guys, these are some who are just evil, anti-American and against your values and constitution.

Was this the last administration stacking the deck for Clinton. In a way that potentially might have ensured Democrat rule for a long time. We've talked about this (or I have read about it in most cases) on this forum ad nauseam, but these guys almost seemed shell shocked when they were doing an interview on Fox. Two of the government officials in the House who saw the memo looked liked they saw a ghost.

What you're talking about seems to be something else.

Trump loves his country. Why wouldn't he?

I met a guy in South Africa. He was from Swaziland and wanted to buy a place in Tanzania. He said he much preferred southern Africa to Europe because in southern Africa, if you wanted something, you could go and get it. It'd just take a bribe or two to get it.

In the US it seems like that too. You want to make a shit load of money, just bribe the politicians. "Hey, I'll put into your campaign fund" "Hey, I'll lobby you", plenty of ways of passing money over. Half of the politicians in DC are making far, far, far more money that their wages give them.

Who wouldn't love a system where they can bribe someone with X amount of money and make X*100,000 within a few years?

No way. Bribery is everywhere on this planet. From the local distributor in a business to organized crime to politicians. The difference is how seriously it is taken by the authorities and the public at large.

America was number one in the world in enforcing bribery and corruption over a 15 year period, well ahead of France who was ranked second. In short, the FBI generally do a good job and wisely view these sob's as threats to your country. As it were Canada as dead last (thanks for the great work RCMP), second last was England.

Now of course these activities still go on, but many lose their careers when they are caught. Compared to the level of corruption and bribery going on in shyteholes, America is an angel.

Consider how much money Putin is worth. Some suggest he is actually the richest man on earth. He has so many shell companies and a maze of business networks that it's impossible to know how much cash he is worth, some suggested north of $100B and that estimate was about 5 years ago.

THAT'S corruption. Ditto for so many other nations that exploit their citizens to the nth degree.

The problem in the US is that they're legitimized bribery for politicians. So, they can't clamp down on it, it's LEGAL.

Yes, Putin's Russia is more corrupt than the USA. But is Putin going to get caught doing illegal activities? No. Why not? Because he is the power.

In the US power is shared a lot more, meaning more people are taking slices of the pie.

Legal in the sense that they accept donations, it's not the same degree though. As much as this system is imperfect due to the influence of money (which we have in Canada as well to a lesser degree due to lower donation limits), but, you have to use a work around such as Hillary did with her Foundation,to really achieve massive wealth. Or, use really creative accounting to avoid detection. Doesn't mean all of this is legal.

Anyways, I;m tired and must get my beauty sleep.
The federal govt has a culture of corruption. Some are just "unlucky" to get caught out.

No. The vast majority love their country. Yes, you have some hanger ons and rat bast.ards, but most love their country and do whats right. CIA just caught an agent spying for China who impacted dozens of operatives and as one former agent said, "made us blind in China". That's the kind of danger unpatriotic citizens can cause. These aren't just bad guys, these are some who are just evil, anti-American and against your values and constitution.

Was this the last administration stacking the deck for Clinton. In a way that potentially might have ensured Democrat rule for a long time. We've talked about this (or I have read about it in most cases) on this forum ad nauseam, but these guys almost seemed shell shocked when they were doing an interview on Fox. Two of the government officials in the House who saw the memo looked liked they saw a ghost.

What you're talking about seems to be something else.

Trump loves his country. Why wouldn't he?

I met a guy in South Africa. He was from Swaziland and wanted to buy a place in Tanzania. He said he much preferred southern Africa to Europe because in southern Africa, if you wanted something, you could go and get it. It'd just take a bribe or two to get it.

In the US it seems like that too. You want to make a shit load of money, just bribe the politicians. "Hey, I'll put into your campaign fund" "Hey, I'll lobby you", plenty of ways of passing money over. Half of the politicians in DC are making far, far, far more money that their wages give them.

Who wouldn't love a system where they can bribe someone with X amount of money and make X*100,000 within a few years?

No way. Bribery is everywhere on this planet. From the local distributor in a business to organized crime to politicians. The difference is how seriously it is taken by the authorities and the public at large.

America was number one in the world in enforcing bribery and corruption over a 15 year period, well ahead of France who was ranked second. In short, the FBI generally do a good job and wisely view these sob's as threats to your country. As it were Canada as dead last (thanks for the great work RCMP), second last was England.

Now of course these activities still go on, but many lose their careers when they are caught. Compared to the level of corruption and bribery going on in shyteholes, America is an angel.

Consider how much money Putin is worth. Some suggest he is actually the richest man on earth. He has so many shell companies and a maze of business networks that it's impossible to know how much cash he is worth, some suggested north of $100B and that estimate was about 5 years ago.

THAT'S corruption. Ditto for so many other nations that exploit their citizens to the nth degree.

The problem in the US is that they're legitimized bribery for politicians. So, they can't clamp down on it, it's LEGAL.

Yes, Putin's Russia is more corrupt than the USA. But is Putin going to get caught doing illegal activities? No. Why not? Because he is the power.

In the US power is shared a lot more, meaning more people are taking slices of the pie.

Legal in the sense that they accept donations, it's not the same degree though. As much as this system is imperfect due to the influence of money (which we have in Canada as well to a lesser degree due to lower donation limits), but, you have to use a work around such as Hillary did with her Foundation,to really achieve massive wealth. Or, use really creative accounting to avoid detection. Doesn't mean all of this is legal.

Anyways, I;m tired and must get my beauty sleep.

No, not the same degree, but potentially bigger.

Take Trump. He got given like $885 million from New York

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Here it talks about Trump opening a hotel. He was given a FORTY YEAR tax break. That is basically $360 million given to him for a property that cost $120 million to build. Bribery? Well, New York essentially paid for a Hotel to be built and for operational costs for how many years? Seriously.

How much did Trump pay to get this in place?

Trump bragged that his money bought off politicians. Just not this time.

"“When you give,” he said last year, “they do whatever the hell you want them to do.”"

Trump Won Tax Breaks While Donating Tens Of Thousands To Corrupt Official | HuffPost

"Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gave at least $45,000 to the campaign of Alan Hevesi, a New York state comptroller who later went to prison for his role in a pay-to-play bribery scandal, according to a Huffington Post review of campaign finance records."

I can't find out stuff he did in 1980, the internet was a twinkle in the eye, and the information is hard to find. But no doubt he paid to play.
Yeah, the tax system is crazy.


Democrats, CVS is stocked up with Prep H to help y'all get through the weekend. :p

American Patriot Sean Hannity and American Patriot Steve McGarrett are on the same mindset. The House Intelligence FISA/Dossier memo is so devastating that Meuller's investigation has been exposed as a sham and it must now end.

Sean Hannity: I Have a Message Tonight for the Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over (VIDEO) #ReleaseTheMemo

Kremlin-linked network amplifies 'alt-right' media - USA Today
Aug 24, 2017 - The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign ...
Your desperation to slander Gateway Pundit, a distinguished member of the White House Press Pool, is noted.

Gatewaypundit = fake news.

They claimed Roy Moore’s accuser was lying because she misspelled the name of the Old Hickory House restaurant. You, being the abject idiot you are, believed them and spread their fake news here on the forum. It was later proven the Olde Hickory House was the correct name. Being the fake news site they are, they never issued a correction or a retraction.

Then there was the time when the gatewaypundit falsely claimed Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter, reportedly liked Liberals like Maddow and When they were embarrassingly wrong that time, they simply deleted the web page for that story as though they never posted it and again, never issued a retraction or a correction.

You, being the devoted sycophant you are, continue swallow everything they say regardless of how many of their articles prove to be fake.
With Hannity breaking this blockbuster news story, I'm sure we'll see Mueller immediately close the case and hide in shame any minute now.
Trust me McRacist --- Hateway Plunderer slanders itself every time it puts another diarrhea post up.

Sometimes it gets sued for it too.

Stevie must have gotten so upset that I remind other posters that Gateway is just an extension of Russian propaganda, that he told the powers that be to takeout my retort.....Thank you for re-posting it.
American Patriot Sean Hannity and American Patriot Steve McGarrett are on the same mindset. The House Intelligence FISA/Dossier memo is so devastating that Meuller's investigation has been exposed as a sham and it must now end.

Sean Hannity: I Have a Message Tonight for the Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over (VIDEO) #ReleaseTheMemo

Kremlin-linked network amplifies 'alt-right' media - USA Today
Aug 24, 2017 - The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign ...
Your desperation to slander Gateway Pundit, a distinguished member of the White House Press Pool, is noted.

Breitbart is a member of the white house press pool too, so you can forget that distinguished part.

Breitbart is also a distinguished news outlet.

Haha you spelled "disastrous" wrong.
Fox News host Sean Hannity declared that the “witch hunt” against President Trump headed up by special counsel Robert Mueller is “over” in the wake of a memo circulating among lawmakers that reportedly details surveillance abuses by the U.S. government.
Hannity Tells Mueller: ‘Your Witch Hunt Is Now Over’

It's surprise we have a msm that is even allow this talk, why any other source would have had their news reporter fired by now. I'm sure we will see made up lies about Hannity next and the sheep will fall for it like a rock falling from the sky.
Let Mewler play his game...the economy is screaming and Trump is dismantling Ears's reign of error.

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