Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no ****criminal conduct ***** occurred."'
The above statement is crystal clear, the exact opposite and a direct contradiction of what Barr declared on the Sunday that he gave his 4 page summary of the contents of Mueller's report.

There is no hope for these people as they either don't understand what they've read, what it means or simply don't care. I suspect the latter as well as willful ignorance, but one thing is clear. Barr lied, Giuliani lied, Trump lied, Huckabee-Sanders lied, Kellyanne Conway lied, they're all a bunch of liars. That's all anyone really needs to know about them other than they also denigrate and retaliate against those who don't swallow their BS lies hook line & sinker.

And just for the record, an alternative fact, by definition, is not a fact.
Prosecutors aren't paid to write Op-Ed's for Democrats, they either bring indictments or they shut their traps. If Dirty Bob thought he had enough evidence to charge criminal conduct, he would have. He doesn't. He left Democrats with just enough of a loophole to jump through, and off a cliff.
So what is The Mueller Report?

Nothing but Innuendo and Propaganda just like The Dirty Dossier!
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
that wasn't his job. fk I hate when you fks don't who does what.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.

LOL...that's amusing, McRocket! So the best that a Mueller "team" has after two plus years of investigations is that they couldn't come up with anything that Trump did but they still can't "exonerate" him? Are you serious? This is America...if you can't prove someone guilty...then they are presumed innocent! It's the bedrock principle that our entire legal system is based on!

You moron...can you not read? Where did I type 'exonerate'?

Where in the ENTIRE OP does the word 'exonerate' even come up?
no collusion, no obstruction=exonerated bub. no sealed criminal indictment. have to have one of those,
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.

According to the Mueller report Trump CLEARLY had the intention to obstruct the investigation. Trump's actions clearly demonstrate this. Mueller laid out in the report those actions by Trump himself & by Trump's instructions to subordinates, that demonstrate Trump was active in his attempts to circumvent Mueller's function as SC. There is no debating those facts. Thus Mueller's statement, "The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."
That statement has real potential to be both politically & legally damning for Trump.

It seems that those replying to your OP either refuse to acknowledge the fact, or they are just too stupid to understand that the so called 'collusion' issue is a completely different issue than the obstruction of justice concept. No surprises though as these folks typically seem to play stupid.
too funny, these schmucks would have just sat back and enjoyed the constant in the face of 90% of the MSM and demolosers daily. yep, knelt there. just would have said..

thank you sir may I have another.
I was talking about the report in general, and the complete lack of actual events or crimes against Trump and others that resulted.

I am generalizing about your TDS, and the TDS of others you dime store hack.

You specified, "YOU" in your post to me. That was directed at me. Next time say what you mean.

I don't do generalizations. That is the lazy ass man's way to do shit.

I didn't say you talked about it, I said its the best things you got out of the report.

How about you try reading comprehension you commie fucktard?

First, you reply to a post I made and you state the following: " ....... and the best you got is a press secretary making up something .... "
Whether you understand it, or not, you are addressing me directly in that post.
Like I have already stated, I made NO comment about any "press secretary."
Then you say you are "generalizing."
Then you proceed to offer me a tutorial on "reading comprehension."

Now I understand why Trump has the base of support he has: You people are ALL dumber than a goddamn fucking shit sandwich.

The response was to your claim of "massive" attempts to obstruct. My comment is about the two "best" things in the report, none of which are massive attempts to obstruct.

That you are quibbling over semantics shows you have nothing, you little shit.

Go back to DU or whatever other echo chamber you came from.

The English language is very specific. I am an educated person. Sure, I make mistakes like anyone else.
You addressed me directly with a claim. I stated I never said that.
Take your semantics and shove them up your ass., boi.

Wow, what butthurt.

You can imagine anything you want in your pathetic attempt to make yourself look like a victim here. Intersectionality at it's finest.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
It's not the Prosecutor's job to "clear" someone, in our system we are PRESUMED innocent and it's the prosecutor's job to determine if the investigated behavior satisfies the elements of the crime, likely beyond a reasonable doubt. All this diarrhea from Muller on "can't exonerate" and "can't clear" are political statements, from prosecutors, that in our system are NEVER to be political partisans in the discharge of their duties.

Mueller’s Preposterous Rationale for Tainting the President with ‘Obstruction’ Allegations

Dirty Bob Mueller, corrupt prosecutor, political smear artist

In gross violation of Justice Department policy and constitutional norms, Dirty Bob neither charges nor recommends charges against Trump, but proceeds to smear him by publishing 200 pages of obstruction allegations. Asked to explain why he did it, Dirty Bob says he was just trying to protect the suspect from being smeared. Let no one tell you that Dirty Bob isn't a lying son of a bitch.

The smear-but-don’t-charge outcome is the result of two wrongs:

(1) Mueller’s dizzying application of Justice Department guidance, written by the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), holding that a president may not be indicted while he is in office; and

(2) the media-Democrat complex’s demand that only laws they like — those that serve their anti-Trump political purposes — be enforced.
On the matter of the OLC guidance, the Mueller report exhibits the same sleight-of-hand detailed here in Dirty Bob's George Papadopoulos saga — in which Dirty Bob obscures the fact that the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation (“Crossfire Hurricane”) was opened on the false pretense that a Russian agent named Joseph Mifsud confided to Trump adviser Papadopoulos that Russia had thousands of Clinton emails, which Papadopoulos told Australian diplomat Alexander Downer the Kremlin planned to publish in a manner timed to damage Clinton for Trump’s benefit.

But then if you wade through the fine print of Dirty Bob's report, you learn that Mifsud was not a Russian agent; there’s a good chance he did not tell Papadopoulos anything about emails. In relating to Downer that Russia might have damaging information on Clinton, Papadopoulos said nothing about emails or about Russia trying to help Trump; but, two months after they spoke and the hacked DNC emails were published, Downer (in consultation with the Obama State Department) leapt to the overwrought conclusions that Papadopoulos must have been referring to those emails (he wasn’t) and that Russia and the Trump campaign must be collaborating to undermine the election (they weren’t).

The Dirty Bob narrative head fakes and legal mumbo-jumbo make you wonder what’s going on here.

Dirty Bob Mueller’s Preposterous Excuse for Airing ‘Obstruction’ Evidence
Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

I could explain the reason why 1000000000000000000000 times, and Trumpdrones are too F'n stupid to comprehend the truth.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice...
It's not Dirty Bob's job to "clear" Trump, it was his job to either charge him or decline to charge him. Instead, in violation of the Statute, regulation and practice, he punted and then engaged in a political smear. In our system the investigated is PRESUMED innocent, we don't need to be "cleared" by a corrupt prosecutor like Dirty Bob Mueller.

We tolerate a lot of politicking, but NEVER by our Prosecutors in the discharge of their duties. Dirty Bob is a shameful disgrace.

Dirty Bob has always been a rather stupid prosecutor of questionable ethics. Crooked Jim Comey is his protegee, the Whitey Bulgar Fiasco was a horrible miscarriage of justice as was his vicious persecution of an innocent man in his anthrax investigation where I believe the US taxpayers had to pony up $5-6 million in damages to Dirty Bob's innocent victim.

Dirty Bob just mangled application of Justice Department guidance, written by the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), holding that a president may not be indicted while he is in office.

Dirty Bob's Muddle-headed Excuse for Slandering The President In The Absence Of Indictment

If you can follow Dirty Bob's convoluted "reasoning", he twists himself into the position that it would have been unfairly prejudicial to Trump to recommend charges when the president would not have been able to defend himself in a judicial proceeding — but, somehow, it was perfectly fair to Trump for Dirty Bob to publish his "evidence" in a document manifestly written for exploitation by congressional Democrats and the media.

Nothing prevented Dirty Bob from indicting the president under seal. This is how the Justice Department routinely deals with cases in which

(a) a crime must be charged to prevent the statute of limitations from lapsing, but
(b) the indictment should not be publicized for some good policy reason.​

The OLC guidance’s objective is simply to delay prosecution in deference to the chief executive’s weighty responsibilities; it does not put the president above the law by giving him a statute-of-limitations defense that would not be available to the rest of us.

Consequently, if there is a truly serious offense and enough evidence to support prosecution, a president would be indicted under seal (i.e., under court-supervised secrecy). Then the indictment would be unsealed once a president is out of office, and the criminal case would proceed in the normal course.

The OLC guidance does not say a president may never be indicted; just that he can’t be indicted while serving.

Dirty Bob's Indefensible Decision Not to Decide

The OLC guidance is irrelevant to the prosecutor investigating the case. Even if we stipulate, for argument’s sake, that a president may not be indicted in the here and now, he may still be prosecuted for any indictable offense at some future point. Therefore, someone must decide if there is a crime worth charging. That someone, obviously, is the prosecutor assigned to investigate the case. Since there is no bar on investigating a sitting president, it makes no sense to refrain from making the prosecution judgment — to charge or not to charge — until later (potentially, years later) when witnesses’ memories have faded and evidence has gone stale or missing.

If there was sufficient evidence, then it was Dirty Bob's job to recommend indictment. The question of whether the OLC guidance should then be invoked to delay indictment should then be up to the attorney general. The guidance does not burden Dirty Bob's analysis of whether there is an indictable case.

Yet Dirty Bob demurred. His muddled thinking on the matter evolving over a few weeks’ time as he groped for a way to rationalize his failure to make a decision about whether obstruction should be charged.
Mueller told Barr that the fact that they couldn't charge a sitting president with a crime had nothing to do with the decision to not charge I guess Mueller was caught lying to Barr...what shall we do about that?.....Mueller is as guilty as Comey and is trying to hide in plain was a coup attempt and its still ongoing...
What did Mueller say today?

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that the DOJ OLC opinion that a President can't be indicted played no part in Mueller's findings

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that Mueller wanted BARR not Congress to make any further decisions as to charges or impeachment or further investigations

More importantly he said that Trump was lying when he said that Russia did nothing in the election. In fact it was a Russian military operation and a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated effort to help Trump get elected (despite what Trump claims to believe that came FROM Putin)
What did Mueller say today?

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that the DOJ OLC opinion that a President can't be indicted played no part in Mueller's findings

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that Mueller wanted BARR not Congress to make any further decisions as to charges or impeachment or further investigations

More importantly he said that Trump was lying when he said that Russia did nothing in the election. In fact it was a Russian military operation and a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated effort to help Trump get elected (despite what Trump claims to believe that came FROM Putin)
Robert Mueller says the report speaks for itself. He still needs to testify.

“That is a fairly stark departure from the long-standing legal tradition of not ‘dirtying up’ a person under investigation who is ultimately not charged.”

Recognizing that the dream of uncovered collusion has long since been exposed as so much hooey, they have shifted their hopes and dreams to one of obstruction of justice.

The special counsel was appointed to get to the bottom of the Russian interference case. If it led to a conspiracy with the Trump campaign, ferret it out, make a determination as to charge or not, and provide the findings to the attorney general.​

But Mueller ducked out on this. He again cited (as he did in the report) another longstanding DOJ Office of Legal Counsel protocol not to indict a sitting president. So, why does he continue to refuse to fully address this in plain language for us? As in, why didn't he say, "If we could indict this sitting president, we would or would not have indicted him."

But as the Washington Post recently reported: "Barr has said that in a private meeting with Mueller in early March, the special counsel made clear 'he was not saying but for the OLC opinion he would have found a crime.'"

So, is the attorney general lying about this private conversation with his long-time friend and colleague, Robert Mueller, or is Mueller saying something different in private conversation than he articulated in his report and today in front of the microphones and cameras?

The Mueller report and the subsequent special counsel statement resolved nothing. That is not what we need during these hyper-divided times, where so many tend to view almost everything through a partisan lens.

Though he announced his intention to return to private life, Robert Mueller must be subpoenaed to testify in front of Congress.​
Mueller told Barr that the fact that they couldn't charge a sitting president with a crime had nothing to do with the decision to not charge I guess Mueller was caught lying to Barr...what shall we do about that?.....Mueller is as guilty as Comey and is trying to hide in plain was a coup attempt and its still ongoing...
Dirty Bob Mueller decided to shoot up the town before he rode off into the sunset.


He said nothing that wasn't already in his report, however, Mueller quite consciously highlighted the portions of the report that fuel the Democrats’ calls for impeachment.

Mueller’s statement was a boon for pro-impeachment Democrats. Mueller has made life much tougher for Democrats from districts where Trump is popular. They’ve been walking a tightrope: To avoid offending progressives, they agree that the president has committed impeachable offenses; to avoid offending Trump-sympathetic constituents, they argue that there is no point proceeding with impeachment because there is no way the GOP-controlled Senate would remove the president.

To pull this off, they’ve been relying on the seeming ambiguity of Mueller’s treatment of the obstruction question: Was he saying there was not enough evidence, or was he saying the OLC guidance prevented him from charging? Today, he indicated it was the latter — and, for good measure, he added that in our system it is for Congress to take action against a sitting president. From that premise, the hardline anti-Trump Left will now argue that if Congress does not act, it is shirking its duty and placing the president above the law.

After Mueller finished speaking, a number of Democrats vying for the 2020 presidential nomination stridently called for impeachment. They are trying to appeal to the anti-Trump base of the party and distinguish themselves from the so-far-cautious front-runner Joe Biden. Expect lots more of this. It’s going to put a lot of pressure on Democrats who quietly believe that impeachment is a political loser.

Robert Mueller Press Conference Ups Impeachment Pressure on Reluctant Democrats | National Review
Mueller did not want to be suicided so he pussed out and handed it off to Barr and Barr wrapped it up.
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'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
It takes a special kind of stupid not to know that in America you are innocent until proven guilty. Mueller, of all people, should know that.
The trump team expected to benefit from the illegal actions of Russians, as laid out in the report. No call to the FBI.

And there is who is running the country -- well, not really, they are hardly governing at all. And, well, maybe we should be thankful for that.
It takes a special kind of stupid not to know that in America you are innocent until proven guilty
* in a court of law, regarding penalties from the government

In a political impeachment process and in the court of public opinion? The standard of proof is not so stringent.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
It takes a special kind of stupid not to know that in America you are innocent until proven guilty. Mueller, of all people, should know that.
Remember these are the same bastards that jailed Martha Stewart for denying that she committed a crime she was never charged with. There is a special place in hell for dirty prosecutors.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.

But what justice did he obstruct? Was there any Trump-Russia collusion? No. Was there any other crime? No. So.... you need to provide for me, what crime he was obstructing from justice.

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