Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

Intent to obstruct? LOL I asked what Trump DID to obstruct Mueller's investigation...and you can't name ANYTHING! Then you turn around and accuse me of slinging shit? Dude that's all you do on this board...24/7! You've been slinging shit at Trump for months now trying desperately to get stick and you've got nada...zilch...nothing!

I'll do you one better...I'll give you 11.

Here are the 11 instances of potential obstruction of justice by Trump outlined in the Mueller report

"Potential obstruction"? Here's a radical concept...why don't you list the ACTUAL obstructions of justice by Trump?



Mueller Tells Trump Team He Won’t Indict President: Giuliani

And the goal of the report was NEVER to indict Trump...only to gather information for others to deal with the Congress.

Mueller is a good 'cop'. And good cops don't decide innocence or guilt..they just collect evidence and present it to the necessary authorities...which is what Mueller did.

But he was - like police do - state if he thought there was NO EVIDENCE OF OBSTRUCTION. And he clearly stated that he could not do that.

So let me see how this works...

"Good cop" Bob Mueller does an extensive investigation into Donald Trump and comes up with no evidence of a crime taking place...but you think THAT means that the Congress should "deal with the situation"? How exactly? How does Congress go ahead with indictments when Mueller found no evidence of criminal acts? Wouldn't Mueller have SAID he found evidence of criminal acts but it wasn't in his power to indict a sitting President and therefore the Congress should act?

What the hell are you asking me this for? I don't really care...that's up to Congress to decide.

Again...'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Apparently you do not understand this.

Why...I do not know. It is crystal clear....Mueller would have said 'Trump is innocent' if they found that he was. They could not say that.

The conclusion is STAGGERINGLY obvious. Mueller found evidence that Trump obstructed justice. But he is leaving it up to others to determine if that evidence is sufficient to bring charges.

I have wasted too much time with you.

The details are SIMPLE to understand and have been laid out before you. But you just don;t seem to want to see them.


We are done on this (for now). Go and waste someone else's time, please.

Good day.
Prosecutors never find anyone innocent.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
Worse than that...Mueller laid out numerous instances of obstruction
Intent to obstruct? LOL I asked what Trump DID to obstruct Mueller's investigation...and you can't name ANYTHING! Then you turn around and accuse me of slinging shit? Dude that's all you do on this board...24/7! You've been slinging shit at Trump for months now trying desperately to get stick and you've got nada...zilch...nothing!

I'll do you one better...I'll give you 11.

Here are the 11 instances of potential obstruction of justice by Trump outlined in the Mueller report

"Potential obstruction"? Here's a radical concept...why don't you list the ACTUAL obstructions of justice by Trump?



Mueller Tells Trump Team He Won’t Indict President: Giuliani

And the goal of the report was NEVER to indict Trump...only to gather information for others to deal with the Congress.

Mueller is a good 'cop'. And good cops don't decide innocence or guilt..they just collect evidence and present it to the necessary authorities...which is what Mueller did.

But he was - like police do - state if he thought there was NO EVIDENCE OF OBSTRUCTION. And he clearly stated that he could not do that.

So let me see how this works...

"Good cop" Bob Mueller does an extensive investigation into Donald Trump and comes up with no evidence of a crime taking place...but you think THAT means that the Congress should "deal with the situation"? How exactly? How does Congress go ahead with indictments when Mueller found no evidence of criminal acts? Wouldn't Mueller have SAID he found evidence of criminal acts but it wasn't in his power to indict a sitting President and therefore the Congress should act?

What the hell are you asking me this for? That's up to Congress to decide.

Again...'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Apparently you do not understand this.

Why...I do not know. It is crystal clear....Mueller would have said 'Trump is innocent' if they found that he was. They could not say that.

The conclusion is STAGGERINGLY obvious. Mueller found evidence that Trump obstructed justice. But he is leaving it up to others to determine if that evidence is sufficient to bring charges.

The details are SIMPLE to understand and have been laid out before you. But you just don't seem to want to see them.

I try not to waste my time on people whose minds appear to be closed on an issue. So we are done on this (for now).
Good day.

GOOD, McRatchet-brain, you keep right on thinking that. Then tell us how you declare someone innocent of something that they were never charged with in the first place. JUDGES declare you innocent, jackass, after having been charged and prosecuted. This was merely an investigation, Toots. Prosecutors either find sufficient grounds to recommend prosecution and charges or THEY SAY NOTHING.

GOOD FREEKIN' God, so sick of having to explain basic law to people who don't know their belly button from their butthole.

Then also go out and find us a case ever where a prosecutor investigating a case to determine if a crime was committed dec
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
Worse than that...Mueller laid out numerous instances of obstruction

NO HE DIDN'T IDIOT, he laid out a number of instances with which he said he could not fully exonerate as not involving potential obstruction and left it to congress to review and decide for themselves. Again: IT IS NOT THE ROLE AND DUTY OF A PROSECUTOR to CLEAR ANYONE OF ANYTHING! His job is finding of fact and to bring charges where evidence is overwhelming. Mueller brought no charges against Trump. Part Two is a bullshit media play to the press he never should have written because none of it has been tested in a court of law. I can't wait for them to now drag Mueller in to testify so it can blow up in the Dimiwit's faces.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
Worse than that...Mueller laid out numerous instances of obstruction

NO HE DIDN'T IDIOT, he laid out a number of instances with which he said he could not fully exonerate as not involving potential obstruction and left it to congress to review and decide for themselves. Again: IT IS NOT THE ROLE AND DUTY OF A PROSECUTOR to CLEAR ANYONE OF ANYTHING! His job is finding of fact and to bring charges where evidence is overwhelming. Mueller brought no charges against Trump. Part Two is a bullshit media play to the press he never should have written because none of it has been tested in a court of law. I can't wait for them to now drag Mueller in to testify so it can blow up in the Dimiwit's faces.
You didn't finish the sentence of Mueller's thought. Attempt? No, he mentioned things to his advisers which they went against. He took their advice, and that was not impeachable at all. Everyone has thoughts when they're not understanding what the opponent is pulling. It's human to think bad thoughts and not act on them PRESIDENT TRUMP DID NOT ACT ON HIS THOUGHTS. He acted on good advice to do nothing that would get him in trouble.

You don't give a damn that he did the right thing. YOU want things to be judged by what people THINK before counsel. That makes you one of the most absurd people online, all 200 million of people online. IOW you are disconnected from the real world. Better get some help. TDS is eating you alive, and you're letting it.

In his report Mueller demonstrated 10 attempts by Trump to direct his staff to to obstruct the investigation. Subordinates refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation. This clearly demonstrates Trump's attempts & intent at obstructing the investigation. Mueller passed this issue to The US Congress with his words that Congress is responsible for the checks & balances concerning the POTUS attempts at obstruction. So the issue is in the hand of Congress to further investigate, if they so choose to do so.

That has nothing to do with your bullshit rant, or TDS.
Wouldn't you ask your staff or suggest to them not to get involved with any questioning coming from a witch hunt or false investigation (if you knew you were an innocent man), not guilty of the politically motivated charges that were being brought against you ???? Yes you would.

Mueller's investigation was a scipe hunt in hopes of exacting political retribution for his friend Comey's firing, and because he himself didn't like the outcome of the election based upon the insurance policy fails that his comrads had going in which he later had to depart from them before they were exposed.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about; Trump DID ORDER staff to obstruct the invetsigation.
You also clearly have not read the report.

The below is taken from Mueller's report.

"On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre."

"The President then met with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressured him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asked McGahn why he had told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refused to back away from what he remembered happening and perceived the President to be testing his mettle."

There are TWO instances in which Trump ordered Don McGahn to obstruct the investigation. That clearly demonstrates Trump's intent to obstruct the justice process.

You really just need to STFU if you don't know what you are talking about because all you are doing is blowing hot air up your own ass.
Tell it to a judge, ... and good luck.


Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress. If you would have been paying attention & would have read the report, then you would have already known this fact.

Yet again another Trump supporter exposes the 'Cult of Trump' being the lazy, uneducated, assholes they truly are.

Judge. LOFL ..........

How can Mueller defer the “obstruction” charge to Congress? HE was the investigator, he should know whether or not he was obstructed on his investigation.
In his report Mueller demonstrated 10 attempts by Trump to direct his staff to to obstruct the investigation. Subordinates refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation. This clearly demonstrates Trump's attempts & intent at obstructing the investigation. Mueller passed this issue to The US Congress with his words that Congress is responsible for the checks & balances concerning the POTUS attempts at obstruction. So the issue is in the hand of Congress to further investigate, if they so choose to do so.

That has nothing to do with your bullshit rant, or TDS.
Wouldn't you ask your staff or suggest to them not to get involved with any questioning coming from a witch hunt or false investigation (if you knew you were an innocent man), not guilty of the politically motivated charges that were being brought against you ???? Yes you would.

Mueller's investigation was a scipe hunt in hopes of exacting political retribution for his friend Comey's firing, and because he himself didn't like the outcome of the election based upon the insurance policy fails that his comrads had going in which he later had to depart from them before they were exposed.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about; Trump DID ORDER staff to obstruct the invetsigation.
You also clearly have not read the report.

The below is taken from Mueller's report.

"On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre."

"The President then met with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressured him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asked McGahn why he had told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refused to back away from what he remembered happening and perceived the President to be testing his mettle."

There are TWO instances in which Trump ordered Don McGahn to obstruct the investigation. That clearly demonstrates Trump's intent to obstruct the justice process.

You really just need to STFU if you don't know what you are talking about because all you are doing is blowing hot air up your own ass.
Tell it to a judge, ... and good luck.


Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress. If you would have been paying attention & would have read the report, then you would have already known this fact.

Yet again another Trump supporter exposes the 'Cult of Trump' being the lazy, uneducated, assholes they truly are.

Judge. LOFL ..........

How can Mueller defer the “obstruction” charge to Congress? HE was the investigator, he should know whether or not he was obstructed on his investigation.
Mueller is 74 years old and is likely not in the first stages of his apparent advancing dementia... :dunno:
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
Worse than that...Mueller laid out numerous instances of obstruction

NO HE DIDN'T IDIOT, he laid out a number of instances with which he said he could not fully exonerate as not involving potential obstruction and left it to congress to review and decide for themselves. Again: IT IS NOT THE ROLE AND DUTY OF A PROSECUTOR to CLEAR ANYONE OF ANYTHING! His job is finding of fact and to bring charges where evidence is overwhelming. Mueller brought no charges against Trump. Part Two is a bullshit media play to the press he never should have written because none of it has been tested in a court of law. I can't wait for them to now drag Mueller in to testify so it can blow up in the Dimiwit's faces.

^^^^ It means Trump acknowledged his counsel's wisdom ^^^^
No more and no less.​
Intent to obstruct? LOL I asked what Trump DID to obstruct Mueller's investigation...and you can't name ANYTHING! Then you turn around and accuse me of slinging shit? Dude that's all you do on this board...24/7! You've been slinging shit at Trump for months now trying desperately to get stick and you've got nada...zilch...nothing!

I'll do you one better...I'll give you 11.

Here are the 11 instances of potential obstruction of justice by Trump outlined in the Mueller report

"Potential obstruction"? Here's a radical concept...why don't you list the ACTUAL obstructions of justice by Trump?



Mueller Tells Trump Team He Won’t Indict President: Giuliani

And the goal of the report was NEVER to indict Trump...only to gather information for others to deal with the Congress.

Mueller is a good 'cop'. And good cops don't decide innocence or guilt..they just collect evidence and present it to the necessary authorities...which is what Mueller did.

But he was - like police do - state if he thought there was NO EVIDENCE OF OBSTRUCTION. And he clearly stated that he could not do that.

So let me see how this works...

"Good cop" Bob Mueller does an extensive investigation into Donald Trump and comes up with no evidence of a crime taking place...but you think THAT means that the Congress should "deal with the situation"? How exactly? How does Congress go ahead with indictments when Mueller found no evidence of criminal acts? Wouldn't Mueller have SAID he found evidence of criminal acts but it wasn't in his power to indict a sitting President and therefore the Congress should act?

What the hell are you asking me this for? That's up to Congress to decide.

Again...'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Apparently you do not understand this.

Why...I do not know. It is crystal clear....Mueller would have said 'Trump is innocent' if they found that he was. They could not say that.

The conclusion is STAGGERINGLY obvious. Mueller found evidence that Trump obstructed justice. But he is leaving it up to others to determine if that evidence is sufficient to bring charges.

The details are SIMPLE to understand and have been laid out before you. But you just don't seem to want to see them.

I try not to waste my time on people whose minds appear to be closed on an issue. So we are done on this (for now).

Good day.

Why did we even have Mueller DO an investigation if he wasn't willing to determine whether the facts called for an indictment? Mueller was supposed to be the guy who was going to get to the bottom of all these charges that you liberals have been making for the past two years! So now you're telling me that he's NOT that guy? That Congress is REALLY the guy? So who's going to pay back the 41 million dollars that you ass clowns just WASTED with this farce?
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
Worse than that...Mueller laid out numerous instances of obstruction

No, actually he didn't! What he did was list some things that could potentially be obstruction. So tell me what the fuck Mueller and his merry band of Clinton minions have been doing for the past two years if they still can't make a determination that obstruction took place?
No, actually he didn't! What he did was list some things that could potentially be obstruction. So tell me what the fuck Mueller and his merry band of Clinton minions have been doing for the past two years if they still can't make a determination that obstruction took place?

Mueller specifically notes that a President can't be indicted for Obstruction...which leaves it up to Congress

But he spelled out actions and intent very clearly
No, actually he didn't! What he did was list some things that could potentially be obstruction. So tell me what the fuck Mueller and his merry band of Clinton minions have been doing for the past two years if they still can't make a determination that obstruction took place?

Mueller specifically notes that a President can't be indicted for Obstruction...which leaves it up to Congress

But he spelled out actions and intent very clearly
Actions and intent that was determined by Mueller's highly corrupt and politically charged tainted investigation ??

Yeah congress better look at it, and when they do, they better consider all the conflicts of interest that spoiled the whole effort...

It should determine that going after Trump for a party engaged in a coup to undermine the American people, and to undermine the American elections for a few groups with a long term vision for America, and an agenda for this nation going forward in which sat upon their queen Hillary, would be a look see just for starters that should determine intent alright.

Yeah this nation needs to get to the bottom of what was taking place in this nation prior too or that was in play way before Trump was considering the run for president of this nation.

The Obama administration needs to be investigated upon how it was setting the stage, and upon how it had put the players in place to do exactly what was thwarted on the day Trump won out over the corruption that was slowly creeping over the nation.

All we've seen is the backlash of the plans that were ruined in which was the agenda of the Democrats for this nation, yet against the nation's will. The nation said no, and the Democrats went crazy.
No, actually he didn't! What he did was list some things that could potentially be obstruction. So tell me what the fuck Mueller and his merry band of Clinton minions have been doing for the past two years if they still can't make a determination that obstruction took place?

Mueller specifically notes that a President can't be indicted for Obstruction...which leaves it up to Congress

But he spelled out actions and intent very clearly

First of do you even qualify "obstruction" when what you're talking about was never anything other than a smear attack by the opposition party and high ranking officials of the FBI and our intelligence agencies? Bottom line that you liberals never seem to that there never was a crime to obstruct in the first place. The only crimes that took place were perpetrated by Clinton, Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Page, Strozk, McCabe and Loretta Lynch! Trump didn't do anything other than fight to protect his reputation from an all out assault by the above and the main stream media!

As for what Mueller spelled out? It would appear that he admitted that HE came up with nothing and then handed the baton off to Democrats in Congress for THEM to take their best shot! So my question to you is this...supposedly Mueller was going to determine whether collusion took if he came up with zero on that despite repeated attempts to get someone to turn on Trump...isn't it time to admit that there never was any collusion and that you on the left have been lying about that for years? Isn't it ALSO time to investigate how that smear campaign was orchestrated...who knew about it...when they knew about it...and if it wasn't actually THEM that colluded to affect our election?
No, actually he didn't! What he did was list some things that could potentially be obstruction. So tell me what the fuck Mueller and his merry band of Clinton minions have been doing for the past two years if they still can't make a determination that obstruction took place?

Mueller specifically notes that a President can't be indicted for Obstruction...which leaves it up to Congress

But he spelled out actions and intent very clearly

First of do you even qualify "obstruction" when what you're talking about was never anything other than a smear attack by the opposition party and high ranking officials of the FBI and our intelligence agencies? Bottom line that you liberals never seem to that there never was a crime to obstruct in the first place. The only crimes that took place were perpetrated by Clinton, Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Page, Strozk, McCabe and Loretta Lynch! Trump didn't do anything other than fight to protect his reputation from an all out assault by the above and the main stream media!

As for what Mueller spelled out? It would appear that he admitted that HE came up with nothing and then handed the baton off to Democrats in Congress for THEM to take their best shot! So my question to you is this...supposedly Mueller was going to determine whether collusion took if he came up with zero on that despite repeated attempts to get someone to turn on Trump...isn't it time to admit that there never was any collusion and that you on the left have been lying about that for years? Isn't it ALSO time to investigate how that smear campaign was orchestrated...who knew about it...when they knew about it...and if it wasn't actually THEM that colluded to affect our election?
They worried about Trump being blackmailed by Russia or as we saw in the Stormy case with her sleezy lawyer, in which proved that the only ones we should all be worried about blackmailing the white house, was porn stars and Demon-crats.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
It's not Mueller's job to "clear" Trump of Obstruction. It's Mueller's job to bring indictments or shut his trap. No one gives a damn about his dicta.


"Possible" obstruction of justice accusations for an alleged crime that was never committed with an investigation started by a bogus "Trump Dossier" that was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign using Fusion GPS as a proxy and paying (along with be FBI) and bankrolling former MI5 agent Steele whom wouldn't even testify under oath to the veracity of the claims he was paid to either conjure up or intel received by the very ones that Trump was accused of "colluding with?" by using Carter Page, a known FBI informant stooge thus justifying FISA warrants to spy on any and everyone connected with the Trump campaign???? The jokes practically write themselves. I didn't vote for Trump as I do not participate in the utter joke of what passes for elections in this banana republic (and has been for at the very minimum, the last fifty six years) but anyone that can't see this for what it most certainly is? Well, let's just say that they are part of the "double digit I.Q Score Club".....
"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no ****criminal conduct ***** occurred."'
The above statement is crystal clear, the exact opposite and a direct contradiction of what Barr declared on the Sunday that he gave his 4 page summary of the contents of Mueller's report.

There is no hope for these people as they either don't understand what they've read, what it means or simply don't care. I suspect the latter as well as willful ignorance, but one thing is clear. Barr lied, Giuliani lied, Trump lied, Huckabee-Sanders lied, Kellyanne Conway lied, they're all a bunch of liars. That's all anyone really needs to know about them other than they also denigrate and retaliate against those who don't swallow their BS lies hook line & sinker.

And just for the record, an alternative fact, by definition, is not a fact.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
This whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing is really spanking you, isn't it?

Mueller, translated: "We spent two years investigating everyone and everything we could think of, and came up empty. This doesn't mean Trump is innocent, we just can't find anything he's guilty of."

These are the words of a partisan hack, afraid the Dems are going to turn on him. No respectable judge would ever utter such nonsense.
"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no ****criminal conduct ***** occurred."'
The above statement is crystal clear, the exact opposite and a direct contradiction of what Barr declared on the Sunday that he gave his 4 page summary of the contents of Mueller's report.

There is no hope for these people as they either don't understand what they've read, what it means or simply don't care. I suspect the latter as well as willful ignorance, but one thing is clear. Barr lied, Giuliani lied, Trump lied, Huckabee-Sanders lied, Kellyanne Conway lied, they're all a bunch of liars. That's all anyone really needs to know about them other than they also denigrate and retaliate against those who don't swallow their BS lies hook line & sinker.

And just for the record, an alternative fact, by definition, is not a fact.
Prosecutors aren't paid to write Op-Ed's for Democrats, they either bring indictments or they shut their traps. If Dirty Bob thought he had enough evidence to charge criminal conduct, he would have. He doesn't. He left Democrats with just enough of a loophole to jump through, and off a cliff.
Mueller put enough stilted innuendo in there to assure he is not the next Seth Rich.

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