Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.

That's OK, Mueller's two bosses did.

They sure did!!!

Now, they need to give Mueller early retirement. Oh, wait, he's already 74, they can just finalize his service with a gold watch or something. :rolleyes:

He was no longer a part of the DOJ when Rosenstein appointed him and he won't be after he released. I wonder why no one is mentioning Mueller was turned down for the FBI director job two days before he was appointed, his bias was obvious is the second part of the report.

You didn't finish the sentence of Mueller's thought. Attempt? No, he mentioned things to his advisers which they went against. He took their advice, and that was not impeachable at all. Everyone has thoughts when they're not understanding what the opponent is pulling. It's human to think bad thoughts and not act on them PRESIDENT TRUMP DID NOT ACT ON HIS THOUGHTS. He acted on good advice to do nothing that would get him in trouble.

You don't give a damn that he did the right thing. YOU want things to be judged by what people THINK before counsel. That makes you one of the most absurd people online, all 200 million of people online. IOW you are disconnected from the real world. Better get some help. TDS is eating you alive, and you're letting it.

In his report Mueller demonstrated 10 attempts by Trump to direct his staff to to obstruct the investigation. Subordinates refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation. This clearly demonstrates Trump's attempts & intent at obstructing the investigation. Mueller passed this issue to The US Congress with his words that Congress is responsible for the checks & balances concerning the POTUS attempts at obstruction. So the issue is in the hand of Congress to further investigate, if they so choose to do so.

That has nothing to do with your bullshit rant, or TDS.
Wouldn't you ask your staff or suggest to them not to get involved with any questioning coming from a witch hunt or false investigation (if you knew you were an innocent man), not guilty of the politically motivated charges that were being brought against you ???? Yes you would.

Mueller's investigation was a scipe hunt in hopes of exacting political retribution for his friend Comey's firing, and because he himself didn't like the outcome of the election based upon the insurance policy fails that his comrads had going in which he later had to depart from them before they were exposed.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about; Trump DID ORDER staff to obstruct the invetsigation.
You also clearly have not read the report.

The below is taken from Mueller's report.

"On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre."

"The President then met with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressured him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asked McGahn why he had told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refused to back away from what he remembered happening and perceived the President to be testing his mettle."

There are TWO instances in which Trump ordered Don McGahn to obstruct the investigation. That clearly demonstrates Trump's intent to obstruct the justice process.

You really just need to STFU if you don't know what you are talking about because all you are doing is blowing hot air up your own ass.
Attempting is not doing. Take another stupid pill.

Yes, I understand that. The attempts by Trump at obstruction clearly expose Trump's intent to obstruct.

Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress.
Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress.
Mueller followed his deep state directions to undermine Trump and trash his presidency by doing exactly what he did.
In his report Mueller demonstrated 10 attempts by Trump to direct his staff to to obstruct the investigation. Subordinates refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation. This clearly demonstrates Trump's attempts & intent at obstructing the investigation. Mueller passed this issue to The US Congress with his words that Congress is responsible for the checks & balances concerning the POTUS attempts at obstruction. So the issue is in the hand of Congress to further investigate, if they so choose to do so.

That has nothing to do with your bullshit rant, or TDS.
Wouldn't you ask your staff or suggest to them not to get involved with any questioning coming from a witch hunt or false investigation (if you knew you were an innocent man), not guilty of the politically motivated charges that were being brought against you ???? Yes you would.

Mueller's investigation was a scipe hunt in hopes of exacting political retribution for his friend Comey's firing, and because he himself didn't like the outcome of the election based upon the insurance policy fails that his comrads had going in which he later had to depart from them before they were exposed.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about; Trump DID ORDER staff to obstruct the invetsigation.
You also clearly have not read the report.

The below is taken from Mueller's report.

"On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre."

"The President then met with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressured him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asked McGahn why he had told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refused to back away from what he remembered happening and perceived the President to be testing his mettle."

There are TWO instances in which Trump ordered Don McGahn to obstruct the investigation. That clearly demonstrates Trump's intent to obstruct the justice process.

You really just need to STFU if you don't know what you are talking about because all you are doing is blowing hot air up your own ass.
Attempting is not doing. Take another stupid pill.

Yes, I understand that. The attempts by Trump at obstruction clearly expose Trump's intent to obstruct.

Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress.
Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress.
Mueller followed his deep state directions to undermine Trump and trash his presidency by doing exactly what he did.
Well, Report part #1 cleared Trump.
Mueller's Report part #2 came close to refuting Report #1.

I didn't realize there were 2 reports until I saw Levin's expose on youtube.

'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.

That's OK, Mueller's two bosses did.

They sure did!!!

Now, they need to give Mueller early retirement. Oh, wait, he's already 74, they can just finalize his service with a gold watch or something. :rolleyes:

He was no longer a part of the DOJ when Rosenstein appointed him and he won't be after he released. I wonder why no one is mentioning Mueller was turned down for the FBI director job two days before he was appointed, his bias was obvious is the second part of the report.

Thanks for explaining that, OKTexas.
Wouldn't you ask your staff or suggest to them not to get involved with any questioning coming from a witch hunt or false investigation (if you knew you were an innocent man), not guilty of the politically motivated charges that were being brought against you ???? Yes you would.

Mueller's investigation was a scipe hunt in hopes of exacting political retribution for his friend Comey's firing, and because he himself didn't like the outcome of the election based upon the insurance policy fails that his comrads had going in which he later had to depart from them before they were exposed.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about; Trump DID ORDER staff to obstruct the invetsigation.
You also clearly have not read the report.

The below is taken from Mueller's report.

"On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre."

"The President then met with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressured him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asked McGahn why he had told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refused to back away from what he remembered happening and perceived the President to be testing his mettle."

There are TWO instances in which Trump ordered Don McGahn to obstruct the investigation. That clearly demonstrates Trump's intent to obstruct the justice process.

You really just need to STFU if you don't know what you are talking about because all you are doing is blowing hot air up your own ass.
Attempting is not doing. Take another stupid pill.

Yes, I understand that. The attempts by Trump at obstruction clearly expose Trump's intent to obstruct.

Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress.
Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress.
Mueller followed his deep state directions to undermine Trump and trash his presidency by doing exactly what he did.
Well, Report part #1 cleared Trump.
Mueller's Report part #2 came close to refuting Report #1.

I didn't realize there were 2 reports until I saw Levin's expose on youtube.

Imagine that... It's like he thought to himself Ohhh crap I might have messed up, so let me try to soothe the deep state over before they catch my insubordination.. lol
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
Can't clear him of murder either, what's your point?
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about; Trump DID ORDER staff to obstruct the invetsigation.
You also clearly have not read the report.

The below is taken from Mueller's report.

"On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre."

"The President then met with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressured him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asked McGahn why he had told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refused to back away from what he remembered happening and perceived the President to be testing his mettle."

There are TWO instances in which Trump ordered Don McGahn to obstruct the investigation. That clearly demonstrates Trump's intent to obstruct the justice process.

You really just need to STFU if you don't know what you are talking about because all you are doing is blowing hot air up your own ass.
Attempting is not doing. Take another stupid pill.

Yes, I understand that. The attempts by Trump at obstruction clearly expose Trump's intent to obstruct.

Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress.
Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress.
Mueller followed his deep state directions to undermine Trump and trash his presidency by doing exactly what he did.
Well, Report part #1 cleared Trump.
Mueller's Report part #2 came close to refuting Report #1.

I didn't realize there were 2 reports until I saw Levin's expose on youtube.

Imagine that... It's like he thought to himself Ohhh crap I might have messed up, so let me try to soothe the deep state over before they catch my insubordination.. lol

I think you nailed it. :)

Edit: omitted last statement due to its irrelevancy. Sorry.
Last edited:
Mueller never found a crime of obstruction of justice either. If there was obstruction which authorities are having the manhunt looking for the guilty party.
Trump like everyone else has the presumption of innocence he does not need to cleared of obstruction of justice charges the prosecutor must prove him guilty of obstruction of justice if they do not bring the charges then you are cleared of the crime. He might have come close to obstruction of justice he might have gone right up to the line on it but if he didn't cross it he is innocent of it you can't charge someone with almost committing a crime.
Attempting is not doing. Take another stupid pill.

Yes, I understand that. The attempts by Trump at obstruction clearly expose Trump's intent to obstruct.

Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress.
Mueller referred the obstruction issue to The US Congress.
Mueller followed his deep state directions to undermine Trump and trash his presidency by doing exactly what he did.
Well, Report part #1 cleared Trump.
Mueller's Report part #2 came close to refuting Report #1.

I didn't realize there were 2 reports until I saw Levin's expose on youtube.

Imagine that... It's like he thought to himself Ohhh crap I might have messed up, so let me try to soothe the deep state over before they catch my insubordination.. lol

I think you nailed it. :) But have you seen any further press apologies?

Not yet, and I ain't holding my breath on that one. LOL.
Mueller never found a crime of obstruction of justice either. If there was obstruction which authorities are having the manhunt looking for the guilty party.
The kicker is that there were also no collusions, no obstructions found by a House committee and also a Senate committee. That's three reports with no collusion and two-and-a-half with no obstruction. Mueller wrote an add-on to his first report to vent his personal angst and sympathies with the Deep State Democrats who aren't so deep anymore, but they're still reasonably powerful until they are tried for various felonies they committed in using Federal Agents to take down a sitting President, and believe me, it ain't a-gonna be pretty.

As Senator Gowdy used to often say, "May Justice be Done though the Heavens fall."
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.

LOL...that's amusing, McRocket! So the best that a Mueller "team" has after two plus years of investigations is that they couldn't come up with anything that Trump did but they still can't "exonerate" him? Are you serious? This is America...if you can't prove someone guilty...then they are presumed innocent! It's the bedrock principle that our entire legal system is based on!

You moron...can you not read? Where did I type 'exonerate'?

Where in the ENTIRE OP does the word 'exonerate' even come up?

Not guilty. 41 million dollars wasted. How much wall would that buy?

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'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.

LOL...that's amusing, McRocket! So the best that a Mueller "team" has after two plus years of investigations is that they couldn't come up with anything that Trump did but they still can't "exonerate" him? Are you serious? This is America...if you can't prove someone guilty...then they are presumed innocent! It's the bedrock principle that our entire legal system is based on!

You moron...can you not read? Where did I type 'exonerate'?

Where in the ENTIRE OP does the word 'exonerate' even come up?

"Exonerate" is from the Mueller Report! You know...the thing that was supposed to sink Trump and hasn't?


You made the statement with 'exonerate' in it (plus, you put the word in quotations) and THEN you said 'Are you serious?'

Am I serious about what? I said NOTHING about 'exonerate'.

Here is a question even you can understand.

Did I use the word 'exonerate' ANYWHERE in the OP? Yes or no?

And where the fuck in the Mueller Report did it specifically say that Trump was 'exonerate'd of any crimes/wrong doing?

And, so EVERYONE is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? Fine....I agree. So you are saying that Hilary Clinton is presumed innocent of ANY wrongdoing when it comes to ANYTHING she did while in Obama's White House because she was not convicted of any wrongdoing/illegalities (like Benghazi)?

Yes or no?

It’s over Johnny. Your dyke queen lost. Give it up McLovin.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Muller would already be yapping or leaking to high heaven if he thought Barrs report and comments were in disagreement with Muellers product.
He would have also indicated if he felt any redactions were significant to Trump.
So, you obviously are OK with any POTUS making massive attempts to obstruct SC investigations.

Not surprised .......
So, you obviously are OK with any POTUS making massive attempts to obstruct SC investigations.
Tell us about some and throw in some proof, not opinion.

Mueller sighted at least 10 instances of attempts by Trump to obstruct. It's in the report.
I'm not reading it for you, or for anyone else.
It's like home work in school; do your own.
You didn't finish the sentence of Mueller's thought. Attempt? No, he mentioned things to his advisers which they went against. He took their advice, and that was not impeachable at all. Everyone has thoughts when they're not understanding what the opponent is pulling. It's human to think bad thoughts and not act on them PRESIDENT TRUMP DID NOT ACT ON HIS THOUGHTS. He acted on good advice to do nothing that would get him in trouble.

You don't give a damn that he did the right thing. YOU want things to be judged by what people THINK before counsel. That makes you one of the most absurd people online, all 200 million of people online. IOW you are disconnected from the real world. Better get some help. TDS is eating you alive, and you're letting it.

In his report Mueller demonstrated 10 attempts by Trump to direct his staff to to obstruct the investigation. Subordinates refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation. This clearly demonstrates Trump's attempts & intent at obstructing the investigation. Mueller passed this issue to The US Congress with his words that Congress is responsible for the checks & balances concerning the POTUS attempts at obstruction. So the issue is in the hand of Congress to further investigate, if they so choose to do so.
That has nothing to do with your bullshit rant, or TDS.
When you get talking points at DNC base, you're talking through your hat, doll.

well at least I aint talkin' outta ma ass ..........
Mueller sighted at least 10 instances of attempts by Trump to obstruct. It's in the report.
I'm not reading it for you, or for anyone else.
It's like home work in school; do your own.
You didn't finish the sentence of Mueller's thought. Attempt? No, he mentioned things to his advisers which they went against. He took their advice, and that was not impeachable at all. Everyone has thoughts when they're not understanding what the opponent is pulling. It's human to think bad thoughts and not act on them PRESIDENT TRUMP DID NOT ACT ON HIS THOUGHTS. He acted on good advice to do nothing that would get him in trouble.

You don't give a damn that he did the right thing. YOU want things to be judged by what people THINK before counsel. That makes you one of the most absurd people online, all 200 million of people online. IOW you are disconnected from the real world. Better get some help. TDS is eating you alive, and you're letting it.

In his report Mueller demonstrated 10 attempts by Trump to direct his staff to to obstruct the investigation. Subordinates refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation. This clearly demonstrates Trump's attempts & intent at obstructing the investigation. Mueller passed this issue to The US Congress with his words that Congress is responsible for the checks & balances concerning the POTUS attempts at obstruction. So the issue is in the hand of Congress to further investigate, if they so choose to do so.

That has nothing to do with your bullshit rant, or TDS.
Wouldn't you ask your staff or suggest to them not to get involved with any questioning coming from a witch hunt or false investigation (if you knew you were an innocent man), not guilty of the politically motivated charges that were being brought against you ???? Yes you would.

Mueller's investigation was a scipe hunt in hopes of exacting political retribution for his friend Comey's firing, and because he himself didn't like the outcome of the election based upon the insurance policy fails that his comrads had going in which he later had to depart from them before they were exposed.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about; Trump DID ORDER staff to obstruct the invetsigation.
You also clearly have not read the report.

The below is taken from Mueller's report.

"On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre."

"The President then met with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressured him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asked McGahn why he had told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refused to back away from what he remembered happening and perceived the President to be testing his mettle."

There are TWO instances in which Trump ordered Don McGahn to obstruct the investigation. That clearly demonstrates Trump's intent to obstruct the justice process.

You really just need to STFU if you don't know what you are talking about because all you are doing is blowing hot air up your own ass.
You are one crazy leftist.... Want to go back and read carefully the words you highlighted in my post ???? Do it real slow and carefully now.... Slow and very slowly even more so if needed, and then respond if you will. Comprehension your problem or is it more like apprehension ??

YOUR STATEMENT = "Wouldn't you ask your staff or suggest to them not to get involved with any questioning coming from a witch hunt or false investigation"

As I have already stated, Trumo DID order subordinates to obstruct the investigation.

It is NOT my fuckimng problem that you cannot comprehend that.
Mueller sighted at least 10 instances of attempts by Trump to obstruct. It's in the report.
I'm not reading it for you, or for anyone else.
It's like home work in school; do your own.
You didn't finish the sentence of Mueller's thought. Attempt? No, he mentioned things to his advisers which they went against. He took their advice, and that was not impeachable at all. Everyone has thoughts when they're not understanding what the opponent is pulling. It's human to think bad thoughts and not act on them PRESIDENT TRUMP DID NOT ACT ON HIS THOUGHTS. He acted on good advice to do nothing that would get him in trouble.

You don't give a damn that he did the right thing. YOU want things to be judged by what people THINK before counsel. That makes you one of the most absurd people online, all 200 million of people online. IOW you are disconnected from the real world. Better get some help. TDS is eating you alive, and you're letting it.

In his report Mueller demonstrated 10 attempts by Trump to direct his staff to to obstruct the investigation. Subordinates refused Trump's orders to obstruct the investigation. This clearly demonstrates Trump's attempts & intent at obstructing the investigation. Mueller passed this issue to The US Congress with his words that Congress is responsible for the checks & balances concerning the POTUS attempts at obstruction. So the issue is in the hand of Congress to further investigate, if they so choose to do so.

That has nothing to do with your bullshit rant, or TDS.
Wouldn't you ask your staff or suggest to them not to get involved with any questioning coming from a witch hunt or false investigation (if you knew you were an innocent man), not guilty of the politically motivated charges that were being brought against you ???? Yes you would.

Mueller's investigation was a scipe hunt in hopes of exacting political retribution for his friend Comey's firing, and because he himself didn't like the outcome of the election based upon the insurance policy fails that his comrads had going in which he later had to depart from them before they were exposed.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about; Trump DID ORDER staff to obstruct the invetsigation.
You also clearly have not read the report.

The below is taken from Mueller's report.

"On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre."

"The President then met with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressured him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asked McGahn why he had told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refused to back away from what he remembered happening and perceived the President to be testing his mettle."

There are TWO instances in which Trump ordered Don McGahn to obstruct the investigation. That clearly demonstrates Trump's intent to obstruct the justice process.

You really just need to STFU if you don't know what you are talking about because all you are doing is blowing hot air up your own ass.
Telling anyone not to cooperate with a witch hunt, and a bogus investigation conducted by the butt hurt Demon-crats ala their chosen one Mueller isn't obstructing justice at all, but it was more like refusing to be framed by a hostile political party that see's all republicans as their sworn enemy now.

Mueller is a product of the DOJ, period. You make the DUMBASS choice to make it a partisan issue. That is your goddamn fucking problem.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.

According to the Mueller report Trump CLEARLY had the intention to obstruct the investigation. Trump's actions clearly demonstrate this. Mueller laid out in the report those actions by Trump himself & by Trump's instructions to subordinates, that demonstrate Trump was active in his attempts to circumvent Mueller's function as SC. There is no debating those facts. Thus Mueller's statement, "The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."
That statement has real potential to be both politically & legally damning for Trump.

It seems that those replying to your OP either refuse to acknowledge the fact, or they are just too stupid to understand that the so called 'collusion' issue is a completely different issue than the obstruction of justice concept. No surprises though as these folks typically seem to play stupid.

What did Trump actually DO to "circumvent" Mueller's function as Special Counsel? Call it a witch hunt? It was! Rail about who was on the Mueller team? Who wouldn't be angry that a supposedly unbiased investigation was stacked with people that just did a smear campaign against you in the election that you won?

With a response such as that at least I know you are not playing stupid. :21:

And with your response it's quite obvious that you ARE playing stupid! It's a simple question, Caddo...what did Trump actually DO to prevent Mueller from investigating what he was charged with?

There are at least 10 instances that are clearly indicated in the report that demonstrate Trump's intent to obstruct the SC investigation.
Why don't you try reading the report & you may learn something; why ask me for my opinion?
All you will do is come back and sling shit like everyone else in the thread.
Go read the report yourself; the 10 incidents are in there for you to read about.

Intent to obstruct? LOL I asked what Trump DID to obstruct Mueller's investigation...and you can't name ANYTHING! Then you turn around and accuse me of slinging shit? Dude that's all you do on this board...24/7! You've been slinging shit at Trump for months now trying desperately to get stick and you've got nada...zilch...nothing!
Answer me this...if Trump really WAS interested in obstructing Mueller's investigation...then why didn't he invoke Executive Privilege? Duh? You don't have an answer for that one you?

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