Mueller informs Trump lawyers that POTUS will Not be indicted

Let the sky screaming commence


You can't indict a President they have to be impeached.

For more on this go to this link and you can read one article watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

Go to this link on this board then scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

Then if that peaks your interest a great book to read is.


Very well written, easy to follow & hard to put down.

This book will prepare the reader for the open public hearings & testimony that will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. Then the impeachment proceedings will start.
Keeping hope alive... nice. Glad to see you’re still holding on

McCabe was the first victim because he put a clock on it by filing for retirement. There will be more.

You do realize that you can’t make fun of those going after Trump for the Russia thing and then do the same thing to Hillary and the Dems in the next breath. Just makes you a big Ol hypocrite playing petty partisan games

Unless you think anyone who engages in misconduct should be punished, then you're just consistent. Put that in your pipe and puff on it.

Wonderful then why are you so quick to dismiss, divert and excuse all the bullshit coming from our dear leader and his band of idiots?

And your evidence of misconduct would be what?

My evidence is an FBI investigation and a basket of lies from the Trumpsters. Those things don’t happen over nothing
McCabe was the first victim because he put a clock on it by filing for retirement. There will be more.

You do realize that you can’t make fun of those going after Trump for the Russia thing and then do the same thing to Hillary and the Dems in the next breath. Just makes you a big Ol hypocrite playing petty partisan games

Unless you think anyone who engages in misconduct should be punished, then you're just consistent. Put that in your pipe and puff on it.

Wonderful then why are you so quick to dismiss, divert and excuse all the bullshit coming from our dear leader and his band of idiots?

And your evidence of misconduct would be what?

My evidence is an FBI investigation and a basket of lies from the Trumpsters. Those things don’t happen over nothing

In other words all you have is speculation, supposition and innuendo. I think I'll wait on something a bit more substantiative.

You do realize that you can’t make fun of those going after Trump for the Russia thing and then do the same thing to Hillary and the Dems in the next breath. Just makes you a big Ol hypocrite playing petty partisan games

Unless you think anyone who engages in misconduct should be punished, then you're just consistent. Put that in your pipe and puff on it.

Wonderful then why are you so quick to dismiss, divert and excuse all the bullshit coming from our dear leader and his band of idiots?

And your evidence of misconduct would be what?

My evidence is an FBI investigation and a basket of lies from the Trumpsters. Those things don’t happen over nothing

In other words all you have is speculation, supposition and innuendo. I think I'll wait on something a bit more substantiative.

Yes I have the same thing that you have when you are trying to lock up hillary or the Dems. The difference is Hillary’s case has been investigated and is over now. Trumps case is still being investigated. I’m not delusional, I don’t think this thing is going to end withTrump behind bars and I sure as hell hope it doesn’t end in impeachment. But I do hope the facts come out and if it turns out that he has been lying, which we know he has been, then I hope it shows enough to discredit the man so that he has no chance of being elected next cycle.
Let the sky screaming commence


That is just DOJ protocol from 1973, when they were asked about indicting Nixon, who in Watergate was entered as an unindicted co-conspirator.

But don't rest easy, because Rosenstein as acting AG can override DOJ protocol.
You can't indict a President they have to be impeached.

Not indicting a president is more of a process than a constitutional question. A sitting president is prevented from being prosecuted, except by impeachment. And an indictment starts a prosecution clock which if it runs out bars further legal action. So indicting a sitting president can have the effect of protecting them from prosecution if they're impeached and removed from office.

18 U.S. Code § 3161 - Time limits and exclusions

This sets a 70 day time limit to bring them to trial.
But I do hope the facts come out and if it turns out that he has been lying, which we know he has been, then I hope it shows enough to discredit the man so that he has no chance of being elected next cycle.

One can't take the limits of Trumps followers lightly. He's been counted out more times than anyone. Yet he remains viable.
Unless you think anyone who engages in misconduct should be punished, then you're just consistent. Put that in your pipe and puff on it.

Wonderful then why are you so quick to dismiss, divert and excuse all the bullshit coming from our dear leader and his band of idiots?

And your evidence of misconduct would be what?

My evidence is an FBI investigation and a basket of lies from the Trumpsters. Those things don’t happen over nothing

In other words all you have is speculation, supposition and innuendo. I think I'll wait on something a bit more substantiative.

Yes I have the same thing that you have when you are trying to lock up hillary or the Dems. The difference is Hillary’s case has been investigated and is over now. Trumps case is still being investigated. I’m not delusional, I don’t think this thing is going to end withTrump behind bars and I sure as hell hope it doesn’t end in impeachment. But I do hope the facts come out and if it turns out that he has been lying, which we know he has been, then I hope it shows enough to discredit the man so that he has no chance of being elected next cycle.

Yeah, the bitch was investigated, the question is if the case was properly adjudicated. It was reported last night that the DOJ IG has completed his draft report, so that answer should be coming in the near future. My guess is it will contain several criminal referrals.

Wonderful then why are you so quick to dismiss, divert and excuse all the bullshit coming from our dear leader and his band of idiots?

And your evidence of misconduct would be what?

My evidence is an FBI investigation and a basket of lies from the Trumpsters. Those things don’t happen over nothing

In other words all you have is speculation, supposition and innuendo. I think I'll wait on something a bit more substantiative.

Yes I have the same thing that you have when you are trying to lock up hillary or the Dems. The difference is Hillary’s case has been investigated and is over now. Trumps case is still being investigated. I’m not delusional, I don’t think this thing is going to end withTrump behind bars and I sure as hell hope it doesn’t end in impeachment. But I do hope the facts come out and if it turns out that he has been lying, which we know he has been, then I hope it shows enough to discredit the man so that he has no chance of being elected next cycle.

Yeah, the bitch was investigated, the question is if the case was properly adjudicated. It was reported last night that the DOJ IG has completed his draft report, so that answer should be coming in the near future. My guess is it will contain several criminal referrals.

Again, more speculation and diversion. You are doing the exact same thing that you are critiquing Dems for doing. Hope you see that.
But I do hope the facts come out and if it turns out that he has been lying, which we know he has been, then I hope it shows enough to discredit the man so that he has no chance of being elected next cycle.

One can't take the limits of Trumps followers lightly. He's been counted out more times than anyone. Yet he remains viable.
Sad but true. People are angry at Washington and are willing to ignore a lot to get a fighter in there. It’s just too bad that fighter is as dirty and dishonest as the institution he claims to be fighting against
And your evidence of misconduct would be what?

My evidence is an FBI investigation and a basket of lies from the Trumpsters. Those things don’t happen over nothing

In other words all you have is speculation, supposition and innuendo. I think I'll wait on something a bit more substantiative.

Yes I have the same thing that you have when you are trying to lock up hillary or the Dems. The difference is Hillary’s case has been investigated and is over now. Trumps case is still being investigated. I’m not delusional, I don’t think this thing is going to end withTrump behind bars and I sure as hell hope it doesn’t end in impeachment. But I do hope the facts come out and if it turns out that he has been lying, which we know he has been, then I hope it shows enough to discredit the man so that he has no chance of being elected next cycle.

Yeah, the bitch was investigated, the question is if the case was properly adjudicated. It was reported last night that the DOJ IG has completed his draft report, so that answer should be coming in the near future. My guess is it will contain several criminal referrals.

Again, more speculation and diversion. You are doing the exact same thing that you are critiquing Dems for doing. Hope you see that.

Actually I'm not, I admitted it was my guess, many commiecrats portray their guesses as facts. I can show where Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence against the bitch, I can also show you in congressional testimony where Comey said the bitch used false exculpatory statements, which any decent prosecutor uses to prove intent. Comey didn't even consider them, even after congress sent a referral to DOJ. I could lay out many more facts about the case, which my guesses are based on, but I'm content with waiting on the IG report.

Let the sky screaming commence


Isn't that 'special' nice. Mueller, who has ZERO evidence of any crime involving Trump has let Trump's lawyers know that he and his team will not indict the President....which he can not do to a sitting US President anyway based on established DOJ policy.

"The House of Representatives, as it did during the Clinton administration, can bring misconduct charges against a president through the process of impeachment. That is not in question.

But then-Assistant Attorney General Randolph D. Moss, with the Office of Legal Counsel, determined in his October 2000 memo: “Our view remains that a sitting President is constitutionally immune from indictment and criminal prosecution.”

Here's why Giuliani says Mueller can't indict the president: Read the memo
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My evidence is an FBI investigation and a basket of lies from the Trumpsters. Those things don’t happen over nothing

In other words all you have is speculation, supposition and innuendo. I think I'll wait on something a bit more substantiative.

Yes I have the same thing that you have when you are trying to lock up hillary or the Dems. The difference is Hillary’s case has been investigated and is over now. Trumps case is still being investigated. I’m not delusional, I don’t think this thing is going to end withTrump behind bars and I sure as hell hope it doesn’t end in impeachment. But I do hope the facts come out and if it turns out that he has been lying, which we know he has been, then I hope it shows enough to discredit the man so that he has no chance of being elected next cycle.

Yeah, the bitch was investigated, the question is if the case was properly adjudicated. It was reported last night that the DOJ IG has completed his draft report, so that answer should be coming in the near future. My guess is it will contain several criminal referrals.

Again, more speculation and diversion. You are doing the exact same thing that you are critiquing Dems for doing. Hope you see that.

Actually I'm not, I admitted it was my guess, many commiecrats portray their guesses as facts. I can show where Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence against the bitch, I can also show you in congressional testimony where Comey said the bitch used false exculpatory statements, which any decent prosecutor uses to prove intent. Comey didn't even consider them, even after congress sent a referral to DOJ. I could lay out many more facts about the case, which my guesses are based on, but I'm content with waiting on the IG report.

And I see a president and administration that has laid out a series of lies about involvement with Russia. First it was no meetings, then it was meetings about nothing, lie after lie. The firing of Flynn, the recusal of Sessions both for lying, a false story writen by the president to cover up a meeting his son had with a Russian, the firing of the lead investigator because he wouldn’t drop the case. Just take a breath and look at all of that, all of which is true and not even debatable.

I don’t think there is going to be a smoking gun that showed Trump working with Russia to change the election results. He won and he is our president. I don’t think he committed any crimes that will send him to jail either. But I think he has been grossly dishonest and deceptive with the American people, I think he has abused the power of the office he holds and I think he needs to be held accountable for it. That is the purpose of the investigation in my eyes.

Yes it is being way over politicized by the Left. It is Trumps version of Benghazi or his email server. I don’t agree with the hype and think it’s time to end the investigation. But all this fake news and witch hunt talk is complete BS.
Has Giuliani been right about anything so far?

Mark Levin went through this on his radio show today...... The Department of Justice has a standing policy, going back to the Nixon Administration and renewed during Clinton......they will not indict a sitting President...if Mueller tried to indict Trump, they would take it to the Supreme Court and state to the court the DOJ policy...and Mueller would be in violation of that policy if he tried to indict...
It's also department policy to not publicize investigations into a political candidate running for office within a certain time frame before an election -- yet we saw the department go against that policy in 2016.

And while I don't expect they will this time around, they could and citing department policy to Supreme Court would fail miserably as an argument as the Supreme Court considers matters based on the Constitution, not some Department's procedures (unless such rules/procedures violate the Constitution.

The argument to make would be that it's unconstitutional to indict a sitting president but that question has never been settled by the Supreme Court, so that could swing either way.
You do realize that you can’t make fun of those going after Trump for the Russia thing and then do the same thing to Hillary and the Dems in the next breath. Just makes you a big Ol hypocrite playing petty partisan games

Unless you think anyone who engages in misconduct should be punished, then you're just consistent. Put that in your pipe and puff on it.

Wonderful then why are you so quick to dismiss, divert and excuse all the bullshit coming from our dear leader and his band of idiots?

And your evidence of misconduct would be what?

My evidence is an FBI investigation and a basket of lies from the Trumpsters. Those things don’t happen over nothing

In other words all you have is speculation, supposition and innuendo. I think I'll wait on something a bit more substantiative.

I’m afraid Mueller will come up with more than that

The Trump circle is collapsing
In other words all you have is speculation, supposition and innuendo. I think I'll wait on something a bit more substantiative.

Yes I have the same thing that you have when you are trying to lock up hillary or the Dems. The difference is Hillary’s case has been investigated and is over now. Trumps case is still being investigated. I’m not delusional, I don’t think this thing is going to end withTrump behind bars and I sure as hell hope it doesn’t end in impeachment. But I do hope the facts come out and if it turns out that he has been lying, which we know he has been, then I hope it shows enough to discredit the man so that he has no chance of being elected next cycle.

Yeah, the bitch was investigated, the question is if the case was properly adjudicated. It was reported last night that the DOJ IG has completed his draft report, so that answer should be coming in the near future. My guess is it will contain several criminal referrals.

Again, more speculation and diversion. You are doing the exact same thing that you are critiquing Dems for doing. Hope you see that.

Actually I'm not, I admitted it was my guess, many commiecrats portray their guesses as facts. I can show where Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence against the bitch, I can also show you in congressional testimony where Comey said the bitch used false exculpatory statements, which any decent prosecutor uses to prove intent. Comey didn't even consider them, even after congress sent a referral to DOJ. I could lay out many more facts about the case, which my guesses are based on, but I'm content with waiting on the IG report.

And I see a president and administration that has laid out a series of lies about involvement with Russia. First it was no meetings, then it was meetings about nothing, lie after lie. The firing of Flynn, the recusal of Sessions both for lying, a false story writen by the president to cover up a meeting his son had with a Russian, the firing of the lead investigator because he wouldn’t drop the case. Just take a breath and look at all of that, all of which is true and not even debatable.

I don’t think there is going to be a smoking gun that showed Trump working with Russia to change the election results. He won and he is our president. I don’t think he committed any crimes that will send him to jail either. But I think he has been grossly dishonest and deceptive with the American people, I think he has abused the power of the office he holds and I think he needs to be held accountable for it. That is the purpose of the investigation in my eyes.

Yes it is being way over politicized by the Left. It is Trumps version of Benghazi or his email server. I don’t agree with the hype and think it’s time to end the investigation. But all this fake news and witch hunt talk is complete BS.

First the director of the FBI supervises investigators, he is not himself an investigator. So to claim he was the lead investigator is disingenuous. His leaving the FBI had no effect on the investigation. Firing Comey for his previous misconduct and his refusal to tell the public what he told the president in private. The president was well within his Article 2 powers to fire Comey and it gave him the opportunity to make public, Comey's previous statements, which Comey confirmed I might add.

Also Sessions reused himself because of his involvement in the campaign, not because he lied about anything. I also disagree with your abuse of power assessment, do you have any examples of this?

Unless you think anyone who engages in misconduct should be punished, then you're just consistent. Put that in your pipe and puff on it.

Wonderful then why are you so quick to dismiss, divert and excuse all the bullshit coming from our dear leader and his band of idiots?

And your evidence of misconduct would be what?

My evidence is an FBI investigation and a basket of lies from the Trumpsters. Those things don’t happen over nothing

In other words all you have is speculation, supposition and innuendo. I think I'll wait on something a bit more substantiative.

I’m afraid Mueller will come up with more than that

The Trump circle is collapsing

Feel free to convince me, all you need is evidence.

Yes I have the same thing that you have when you are trying to lock up hillary or the Dems. The difference is Hillary’s case has been investigated and is over now. Trumps case is still being investigated. I’m not delusional, I don’t think this thing is going to end withTrump behind bars and I sure as hell hope it doesn’t end in impeachment. But I do hope the facts come out and if it turns out that he has been lying, which we know he has been, then I hope it shows enough to discredit the man so that he has no chance of being elected next cycle.

Yeah, the bitch was investigated, the question is if the case was properly adjudicated. It was reported last night that the DOJ IG has completed his draft report, so that answer should be coming in the near future. My guess is it will contain several criminal referrals.

Again, more speculation and diversion. You are doing the exact same thing that you are critiquing Dems for doing. Hope you see that.

Actually I'm not, I admitted it was my guess, many commiecrats portray their guesses as facts. I can show where Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence against the bitch, I can also show you in congressional testimony where Comey said the bitch used false exculpatory statements, which any decent prosecutor uses to prove intent. Comey didn't even consider them, even after congress sent a referral to DOJ. I could lay out many more facts about the case, which my guesses are based on, but I'm content with waiting on the IG report.

And I see a president and administration that has laid out a series of lies about involvement with Russia. First it was no meetings, then it was meetings about nothing, lie after lie. The firing of Flynn, the recusal of Sessions both for lying, a false story writen by the president to cover up a meeting his son had with a Russian, the firing of the lead investigator because he wouldn’t drop the case. Just take a breath and look at all of that, all of which is true and not even debatable.

I don’t think there is going to be a smoking gun that showed Trump working with Russia to change the election results. He won and he is our president. I don’t think he committed any crimes that will send him to jail either. But I think he has been grossly dishonest and deceptive with the American people, I think he has abused the power of the office he holds and I think he needs to be held accountable for it. That is the purpose of the investigation in my eyes.

Yes it is being way over politicized by the Left. It is Trumps version of Benghazi or his email server. I don’t agree with the hype and think it’s time to end the investigation. But all this fake news and witch hunt talk is complete BS.

First the director of the FBI supervises investigators, he is not himself an investigator. So to claim he was the lead investigator is disingenuous. His leaving the FBI had no effect on the investigation. Firing Comey for his previous misconduct and his refusal to tell the public what he told the president in private. The president was well within his Article 2 powers to fire Comey and it gave him the opportunity to make public, Comey's previous statements, which Comey confirmed I might add.

Also Sessions reused himself because of his involvement in the campaign, not because he lied about anything. I also disagree with your abuse of power assessment, do you have any examples of this?

Yes lead investigator was the wrong term, he was director of the FBI and in charge of the investigation. Trump wanted him to squash it and when he refused Trump fired him. That in my opinion was an abuse of his power. If he was firing him for his pre election conduct then he should have done so after he was elected, not after Comey refused to play ball. Also when he tells regular lies to the American people that is an abuse of the power that POTUS possesses.

Sessions did lie about meetings with the Russians and yes he recused himself from the investigation because of his involvement with the campaign. Thanks for straightening that out.
Yeah, the bitch was investigated, the question is if the case was properly adjudicated. It was reported last night that the DOJ IG has completed his draft report, so that answer should be coming in the near future. My guess is it will contain several criminal referrals.

Again, more speculation and diversion. You are doing the exact same thing that you are critiquing Dems for doing. Hope you see that.

Actually I'm not, I admitted it was my guess, many commiecrats portray their guesses as facts. I can show where Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence against the bitch, I can also show you in congressional testimony where Comey said the bitch used false exculpatory statements, which any decent prosecutor uses to prove intent. Comey didn't even consider them, even after congress sent a referral to DOJ. I could lay out many more facts about the case, which my guesses are based on, but I'm content with waiting on the IG report.

And I see a president and administration that has laid out a series of lies about involvement with Russia. First it was no meetings, then it was meetings about nothing, lie after lie. The firing of Flynn, the recusal of Sessions both for lying, a false story writen by the president to cover up a meeting his son had with a Russian, the firing of the lead investigator because he wouldn’t drop the case. Just take a breath and look at all of that, all of which is true and not even debatable.

I don’t think there is going to be a smoking gun that showed Trump working with Russia to change the election results. He won and he is our president. I don’t think he committed any crimes that will send him to jail either. But I think he has been grossly dishonest and deceptive with the American people, I think he has abused the power of the office he holds and I think he needs to be held accountable for it. That is the purpose of the investigation in my eyes.

Yes it is being way over politicized by the Left. It is Trumps version of Benghazi or his email server. I don’t agree with the hype and think it’s time to end the investigation. But all this fake news and witch hunt talk is complete BS.

First the director of the FBI supervises investigators, he is not himself an investigator. So to claim he was the lead investigator is disingenuous. His leaving the FBI had no effect on the investigation. Firing Comey for his previous misconduct and his refusal to tell the public what he told the president in private. The president was well within his Article 2 powers to fire Comey and it gave him the opportunity to make public, Comey's previous statements, which Comey confirmed I might add.

Also Sessions reused himself because of his involvement in the campaign, not because he lied about anything. I also disagree with your abuse of power assessment, do you have any examples of this?

Yes lead investigator was the wrong term, he was director of the FBI and in charge of the investigation. Trump wanted him to squash it and when he refused Trump fired him. That in my opinion was an abuse of his power. If he was firing him for his pre election conduct then he should have done so after he was elected, not after Comey refused to play ball. Also when he tells regular lies to the American people that is an abuse of the power that POTUS possesses.

Sessions did lie about meetings with the Russians and yes he recused himself from the investigation because of his involvement with the campaign. Thanks for straightening that out.

You claiming Trump wanted to squash the investigation is also disingenuous, he told Comey if any of his satellites had done something wrong he wanted to know about it, I wouldn't call that trying to quash anything. Also Sessions didn't lie about any meetings with Russians, you can't call being in the same room or a casual hello a meeting. He did exclude meetings he had in relation to his senate duties form his clearance forms because he was told to by the FBI, that's not lying either.


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