Mueller Is Coming for Trump

Donald J. Trump on Twitter


Stop it - this tweet cannot be. It's fake.
nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can rationally evaluate it.
Someone this weekend said it best: Trump loves campaigning. He hates "presidenting". consistently can't tell correctly wtf is going.

JC456 (and you by the way too) can't explain Trump's insane tweet as anything less than crazy or incredibly stupid.

Also, in the photograph in my avatar, what you see is POST impact, the service ball was certainly not missed by the greatest tennis player of all time.
If it made you crazy, and angry and full of hate, it was BRILLIANT.
Go back to Mexico and try to enter the country legally.
And lay off THE METH.

I'm not angry, I'm not full of hate, I don't consume illicit drugs and I'm an American.

That's the truth...can you deal with it?
then why aren't you angry that Hitlery deleted 33,000 emails after benghazi? didn't you want justice for the four dead americans?

Yea, I'm totally pissed that Hillary is covering up how she murdered her friend at the Libyan embassy. :rolleyes:

Why are you in this constant pathetic deflection mode and are completely unable to address discussion directly?
Hillary did what? We need to investigate her! (-:
yep, her and loretta and Bill and James and many other staffers that pleaded the fifth. I'm good, let's go, come on Mueller go get em. we know that a special counsel can do many things. let's have this one added. Oh yeah, let's do it!! full steam ahead.
REPORT: Donald Trump just spent another $4 million of taxpayer money to go golfing for the 28th time.

nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can read it and rationally evaluate it. Because right now it looks like your Trumpsters simply let your mind do an emergency U-turn and run off to deflections.
well first off, it wasn't meant for you or the left. The tweet was to let his supporters know that another leak supposedly occurred. And that Anonymous was back. it was something to the point of "would you take a fking look at this" to his supporters. but alas, like I said, you'd never understand it. It's hilarious to me.
REPORT: Donald Trump just spent another $4 million of taxpayer money to go golfing for the 28th time.


Actually, this is in the B-B-B-B-B-B-BUT OBAMA! category.
If it made you crazy, and angry and full of hate, it was BRILLIANT.
Go back to Mexico and try to enter the country legally.
And lay off THE METH.

I'm not angry, I'm not full of hate, I don't consume illicit drugs and I'm an American.

That's the truth...can you deal with it?
then why aren't you angry that Hitlery deleted 33,000 emails after benghazi? didn't you want justice for the four dead americans?

Yea, I'm totally pissed that Hillary is covering up how she murdered her friend at the Libyan embassy. :rolleyes:

Why are you in this constant pathetic deflection mode and are completely unable to address discussion directly?
Hillary did what? We need to investigate her! (-:
yep, her and loretta and Bill and James and many other staffers that pleaded the fifth. I'm good, let's go, come on Mueller go get em. we know that a special counsel can do many things. let's have this one added. Oh yeah, let's do it!! full steam ahead.
BTW, you want to know what obstruction looks like it's in full colors here.
nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can read it and rationally evaluate it. Because right now it looks like your Trumpsters simply let your mind do an emergency U-turn and run off to deflections.
well first off, it wasn't meant for you or the left. The tweet was to let his supporters know that another leak supposedly occurred. And that Anonymous was back. it was something to the point of "would you take a fking look at this" to his supporters. but alas, like I said, you'd never understand it. It's hilarious to me.

Can you find me any words in that tweet that would reference leaking or even so much a hint that the allegation that he is being investigated is not true?

There isn't - if Trump wanted to dispute that he is being investigated then he DID EXACTLY OPPOSITE of what he wanted to do.

And then he talks about 1. His Deputy AG who penned the letter recommending Comey firing and . 2 Special Investigator who is investigating him (allegedly, acc. to Trump) yet somehow manages to find a way to say that they are the same person.

Why would non-crazy, non-stupid President of the United States of America say this?
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nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can read it and rationally evaluate it. Because right now it looks like your Trumpsters simply let your mind do an emergency U-turn and run off to deflections.
well first off, it wasn't meant for you or the left. The tweet was to let his supporters know that another leak supposedly occurred. And that Anonymous was back. it was something to the point of "would you take a fking look at this" to his supporters. but alas, like I said, you'd never understand it. It's hilarious to me.

Can you find me any words in that tweet that would reference leaking or suggest that the allegation that he is being investigated is not true? you also do too much meth in mornings?
dude, I told you you'd never understand. See, that away to fullfill my expectations. dude, it is implied. Nothing he does is ever without some implication. it's what you don't get. you get stu'd everytime along with every other left nut job.

FAKE NEWS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

PARROTS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

TRUMP: I wanted to fire him over this Russia thing, actually. Then I asked Sessions and Rosenstein to give me some cover.

WHITE HOUSE: Yeah, we fired Comey because we wanted this investigation into Russia's attacks on our country halted.

We want this to come to its conclusion, we want it to come to its conclusion with integrity,” deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said about the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. “And we think that we’ve actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to make that happen.”

FAKE NEWS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

PARROTS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

TRUMP: I wanted to fire him over this Russia thing, actually. Then I asked Sessions and Rosenstein to give me some cover.

WHITE HOUSE: Yeah, we fired Comey because we wanted this investigation into Russia's attacks on our country halted.

We want this to come to its conclusion, we want it to come to its conclusion with integrity,” deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said about the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. “And we think that we’ve actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to make that happen.”

so you don't want it to ever come to its conclusion? what is it you do want then? is this a wink wink nudge nudge story?
We want this to come to its conclusion, we want it to come to its conclusion with integrity,” deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said about the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. “And we think that we’ve actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to make that happen.

“We want this to come to its conclusion”: White House delivers smoking gun on James Comey’s firing

that the Russia investigation is viewed as a “crisis” within the FBI and that “there is a whole lot of interfering” when it comes to completing it with integrity.
FAKE NEWS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

PARROTS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

TRUMP: I wanted to fire him over this Russia thing, actually. Then I asked Sessions and Rosenstein to give me some cover.

WHITE HOUSE: Yeah, we fired Comey because we wanted this investigation into Russia's attacks on our country halted.

We want this to come to its conclusion, we want it to come to its conclusion with integrity,” deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said about the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. “And we think that we’ve actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to make that happen.”

so you don't want it to ever come to its conclusion? what is it you do want then? is this a wink wink nudge nudge story?
I want a complete investigation into the attacks by a hostile enemy on our country. Why don't you, traitor?

Silence From The Great Babbler

FAKE NEWS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

PARROTS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

TRUMP: I wanted to fire him over this Russia thing, actually. Then I asked Sessions and Rosenstein to give me some cover.

WHITE HOUSE: Yeah, we fired Comey because we wanted this investigation into Russia's attacks on our country halted.

We want this to come to its conclusion, we want it to come to its conclusion with integrity,” deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said about the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. “And we think that we’ve actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to make that happen.”

so you don't want it to ever come to its conclusion? what is it you do want then? is this a wink wink nudge nudge story?
I want a complete investigation into the attacks by a hostile enemy on our country. Why don't you, traitor?

Silence From The Great Babbler

isn't that a conclusion? what is different?
Stop it - this tweet cannot be. It's fake.
nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can read it and rationally evaluate it. Because right now it looks like your Trumpsters simply let your mind do an emergency U-turn and run off to deflections.
well first off, it wasn't meant for you or the left. The tweet was to let his supporters know that another leak supposedly occurred. And that Anonymous was back. it was something to the point of "would you take a fking look at this" to his supporters. but alas, like I said, you'd never understand it. It's hilarious to me.

Can you find me any words in that tweet that would reference leaking or suggest that the allegation that he is being investigated is not true? you also do too much meth in mornings?
dude, I told you you'd never understand. See, that away to fullfill my expectations. dude, it is implied. Nothing he does is ever without some implication. it's what you don't get. you get stu'd everytime along with every other left nut job.

I'm just saying you have to do some serious drugs to think that there is ANY such hint or implication in his tweet.

It is not there by any stretch of imagination.

The saddest part is that you probably aren't doing drugs, you are just willing to suspend even basic brain functions to maintain a politically necessary position.
If true jackass, then you have just proven this is a witch hunt and Mueller is a bum. Mueller is there to investigate SPECIFIC charges and to determine whether they have any basis or not, whether or not any of the findings are criminal in nature, not to do a proctology exploration just fishing around trying to find something not knowing what you seek to find! Anything Mueller investigates he needs to tie its relevance to the case and give good reason why he needs to look there, not turn up an unpaid parking ticket from 1994 and say: BUSTED! WE FOUND SOMETHING ON TRUMP!

The question is: Did anyone involved within the Trump Campaign conspire to work with the Russian Federation to affect the outcome of the election? Why ask? Because anyone doing this could likely do it again and it is a felony violation of US Code § 18.

Was there any deliberate effort to criminally impede the investigation of General Flynn? First, you have to determine that Flynn was involved in criminal activities to be covered up that one might wish to impede. If so, then you need to determine whether the impeding was deliberate (criminal) in nature. One might impede (obstruct) an investigation for many valid, legitimate, legal or innocent reasons. The obstruction has to be shown done for conscious and deliberate reasons in the commission of a crime, concealing a crime, personal gain, profit, etc.

As to the little fiction story you copy, pure crap written just to stir up little fuckheads like you who get wet spots in your shorts dreaming of revenge against a democratically elected president because his election short circuited all of your little commie ambitions! Good luck with that asshole! When it all falls through, I hope you don't look like your little hero there all messed up in his wheelchair!
I think the money could be the entire reason for any "funny business." So of course Mueller has to look there. Not saying there's funny business, but if there is, my money would be on...the money.
I provided Jc with a crib sheet on Trump's conflicts of interest. He laughed at it w/o reading it.,
He's the stereotypical uneducated trump voter who refuses to learn anything, ever.
well I know you don't care, cause you don't care that hitlery destroyed 33,000 emails and got four americans killed in Benghazi. So why is it you feel conflict of interest mean anything?
Moron forgot Hillary was exonerated with Benghazi.
Moron still making excuses for his fuhrer violating the constitution and his family prospering greatly while on the public's dime.
Trump could be caught with Kiddie porn and this ass kisser would still support him.

Let me get this straight.......the Lefts complaint is that a billionaire businessman who's become President is making profits from those business's while serving? Even though he and his family have signed the required documents to separate conflict from the Emolument clause, with Attorney's & other gvt officials approval??

But what about past Presidents that have done the same?

Founding Presidents

Bush sold oil on global markets
Carter sold peanuts....and don't forget his brother made beer profiting from the name/connection
Hoover was a mining engineer, who ran a global consulting firm
Both Andrew Johnson & Harry Truman were tailors
And George Washington owned a distillery

IF Kerry had won that election, he was profiting thru his wife's business...

Other Presidents were practicing lawyers before office who obviously couldn't practice while in office.....and not many returned to law after their terms, but IDK for sure.

Then there are the career politicians, that have only 'lived on taxpayers dime' and never made a dime on their own
Willing to wait for Facts, agree that "money" could be the problem, just have to wait for the FACTS.
I provided Jc with a crib sheet on Trump's conflicts of interest. He laughed at it w/o reading it.,
He's the stereotypical uneducated trump voter who refuses to learn anything, ever.
well I know you don't care, cause you don't care that hitlery destroyed 33,000 emails and got four americans killed in Benghazi. So why is it you feel conflict of interest mean anything?
Moron forgot Hillary was exonerated with Benghazi.
Moron still making excuses for his fuhrer violating the constitution and his family prospering greatly while on the public's dime.
Trump could be caught with Kiddie porn and this ass kisser would still support him.

Let me get this straight.......the Lefts complaint is that a billionaire businessman who's become President is making profits from those business's while serving? Even though he and his family have signed the required documents to separate conflict from the Emolument clause, with Attorney's & other gvt officials approval??

But what about past Presidents that have done the same?

Founding Presidents

Bush sold oil on global markets
Carter sold peanuts....and don't forget his brother made beer profiting from the name/connection
Hoover was a mining engineer, who ran a global consulting firm
Both Andrew Johnson & Harry Truman were tailors
And George Washington owned a distillery

IF Kerry had won that election, he was profiting thru his wife's business...

Other Presidents were practicing lawyers before office who obviously couldn't practice while in office.....and not many returned to law after their terms, but IDK for sure.

Then there are the career politicians, that have only 'lived on taxpayers dime' and never made a dime on their own

wrong assumption ... keep trying
nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can read it and rationally evaluate it. Because right now it looks like your Trumpsters simply let your mind do an emergency U-turn and run off to deflections.
well first off, it wasn't meant for you or the left. The tweet was to let his supporters know that another leak supposedly occurred. And that Anonymous was back. it was something to the point of "would you take a fking look at this" to his supporters. but alas, like I said, you'd never understand it. It's hilarious to me.

Can you find me any words in that tweet that would reference leaking or suggest that the allegation that he is being investigated is not true? you also do too much meth in mornings?
dude, I told you you'd never understand. See, that away to fullfill my expectations. dude, it is implied. Nothing he does is ever without some implication. it's what you don't get. you get stu'd everytime along with every other left nut job.

I'm just saying you have to do some serious drugs to think that there is ANY such hint or implication in his tweet.

It is not there by any stretch of imagination.

The saddest part is that you probably aren't doing drugs, you are just willing to suspend even basic brain functions to maintain a politically necessary position.
and there you go. Like I said, you'd never get it. so many have though. you know that much right?

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