Mueller Is Coming for Trump

nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can read it and rationally evaluate it. Because right now it looks like your Trumpsters simply let your mind do an emergency U-turn and run off to deflections.
well first off, it wasn't meant for you or the left. The tweet was to let his supporters know that another leak supposedly occurred. And that Anonymous was back. it was something to the point of "would you take a fking look at this" to his supporters. but alas, like I said, you'd never understand it. It's hilarious to me.

Can you find me any words in that tweet that would reference leaking or even so much a hint that the allegation that he is being investigated is not true?

There isn't - if Trump wanted to dispute that he is being investigated then he DID EXACTLY OPPOSITE of what he wanted to do.

And then he talks about 1. His Deputy AG who penned the letter recommending Comey firing and . 2 Special Investigator who is investigating him (allegedly, acc. to Trump) yet somehow manages to find a way to say that they are the same person.

Why would non-crazy, non-stupid President of the United States of America say this?

I'll use a Lib's favorite word here: "Prove" to us that you have the psychic power to KNOW what Trumps wants at any given time.

BTW, you keep forgetting to add the "L" to the end of "antontoo"

I'll use Trumpster's least favorite word - THINK.

Seriously, no sane person willing to consider what Trump has said in that tweet would find it anything less than totally bizzare.

I don't know what is in Trump's head, but I do know that what he says points to total disarray and intellectual depravity.
dude, as I stated earlier today, you wouldn't get it. you don't, why do you continue to go on. we get it, you don't understand, we told you you wouldn't. we know what he meant. and you can't accept that. whoop-ti-do
JC. It's not so much that nobody has anything on Trump. It's that you don't accept anything they have about Trump. By any objective standard, Trump has done more then enough to earn, scorn, ridicule and to instill fear into people. You have chosen to not be objective about it because like I said, Trump speaks to how you see reality. I don't think you are stupid , but I do think you have preconceptions you are unable to shed.
so you're asking me to respond to nothing and confused as to why I can't? wow, the stupid is hanging off your lip.
There were 2 responses possible to what I said. -I do hold Trump accountable
-I don't hold Trump accountable
You choose to deflect. The reason is I think because you don't hold Trump accountable for anything he does, because you feel that what he says vindicates your view on reality and find that fact completely overrides anything else he does.
when you can prove something he's done wrong, i will look at that and determine whether to or not, but right now he's been amazingly good for the country and you don't like that. let's just call a spade a spade bubba.
I can prove that he feels grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable if your a celebrity. I can prove he feels it's Ok to walk into a dressing room filled with teenage girls , as long as you are the organizer of the pageant they are participating in. I can prove he attacked parents of a fallen soldier who spoke out against him. I can prove he screwed the US intelligence gathering capability by screwing Israel. I can prove he shoved the PM of Montenegro aside to be in the center of a photo opp. I can go on and on. Let's do this. Mueller finds a smoking gun proving the campaign worked with the Russians against Hilary. Is that enough? There is plenty of stuff that is proven or nearly proven, why does none of it make you go Hmms?
well first off, I don't think the russians did anything. so can we start there? so me going hmmmm is due to the misrepresentation of the election win by Trump. I have Assange who stated it wasn't the russians and that is about the only information that is out there and you all think russia even though there is zero evidence. zip, nadda. but hey you can see something that isn't there. me I have a confirmation from the guy that had the actual documentation. And you think he is wrong. and that makes me go hmmmmmmmm
I didn't ask for what you think happened with the Russians. I asked would you hold Trump accountable IF mueller would find proof?
And as I stated, regardless of Russian collusion. Trump's behavior and actions, PROVEN behavior and actions would have destroyed any previous public official, why do YOU think he shouldn't adhere to the standards of politicians or for that matter decent human beings?
so you're asking me to respond to nothing and confused as to why I can't? wow, the stupid is hanging off your lip.
There were 2 responses possible to what I said. -I do hold Trump accountable
-I don't hold Trump accountable
You choose to deflect. The reason is I think because you don't hold Trump accountable for anything he does, because you feel that what he says vindicates your view on reality and find that fact completely overrides anything else he does.
when you can prove something he's done wrong, i will look at that and determine whether to or not, but right now he's been amazingly good for the country and you don't like that. let's just call a spade a spade bubba.
I can prove that he feels grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable if your a celebrity. I can prove he feels it's Ok to walk into a dressing room filled with teenage girls , as long as you are the organizer of the pageant they are participating in. I can prove he attacked parents of a fallen soldier who spoke out against him. I can prove he screwed the US intelligence gathering capability by screwing Israel. I can prove he shoved the PM of Montenegro aside to be in the center of a photo opp. I can go on and on. Let's do this. Mueller finds a smoking gun proving the campaign worked with the Russians against Hilary. Is that enough? There is plenty of stuff that is proven or nearly proven, why does none of it make you go Hmms?
well first off, I don't think the russians did anything. so can we start there? so me going hmmmm is due to the misrepresentation of the election win by Trump. I have Assange who stated it wasn't the russians and that is about the only information that is out there and you all think russia even though there is zero evidence. zip, nadda. but hey you can see something that isn't there. me I have a confirmation from the guy that had the actual documentation. And you think he is wrong. and that makes me go hmmmmmmmm
I didn't ask for what you think happened with the Russians. I asked would you hold Trump accountable IF mueller would find proof?
And as I stated, regardless of Russian collusion. Trump's behavior and actions, PROVEN behavior and actions would have destroyed any previous public official, why do YOU think he shouldn't adhere to the standards of politicians or for that matter decent human beings?
Pal, you got shit. I gave you my response. you get no more.
JC. It's not so much that nobody has anything on Trump. It's that you don't accept anything they have about Trump. By any objective standard, Trump has done more then enough to earn, scorn, ridicule and to instill fear into people. You have chosen to not be objective about it because like I said, Trump speaks to how you see reality. I don't think you are stupid , but I do think you have preconceptions you are unable to shed.
so you're asking me to respond to nothing and confused as to why I can't? wow, the stupid is hanging off your lip.
There were 2 responses possible to what I said. -I do hold Trump accountable
-I don't hold Trump accountable
You choose to deflect. The reason is I think because you don't hold Trump accountable for anything he does, because you feel that what he says vindicates your view on reality and find that fact completely overrides anything else he does.
when you can prove something he's done wrong, i will look at that and determine whether to or not, but right now he's been amazingly good for the country and you don't like that. let's just call a spade a spade bubba.
I can prove that he feels grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable if your a celebrity. I can prove he feels it's Ok to walk into a dressing room filled with teenage girls , as long as you are the organizer of the pageant they are participating in. I can prove he attacked parents of a fallen soldier who spoke out against him. I can prove he screwed the US intelligence gathering capability by screwing Israel. I can prove he shoved the PM of Montenegro aside to be in the center of a photo opp. I can go on and on. Let's do this. Mueller finds a smoking gun proving the campaign worked with the Russians against Hilary. Is that enough? There is plenty of stuff that is proven or nearly proven, why does none of it make you go Hmms?
well first off, I don't think the russians did anything. so can we start there? so me going hmmmm is due to the misrepresentation of the election win by Trump. I have Assange who stated it wasn't the russians and that is about the only information that is out there and you all think russia even though there is zero evidence. zip, nadda. but hey you can see something that isn't there. me I have a confirmation from the guy that had the actual documentation. And you think he is wrong. and that makes me go hmmmmmmmm

And yet The American People have not been shown ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE!
We found out about more evidence even with Clinton and Nixon than we have after 18 months of Surveillance, 10 months of investigation, 4 Investigative bodies and an Independent Counsel....has shown us.

You'd think someone would be able to LEAK EVIDENCE.
Shit, everything BUT EVIDENCE has been leaked.

We aren't even allowed to see the so called evidence that THE DEMOCRAT PARTY's DNC Server Was Hacked. Not even that is getting leaked?
You think someone would want to leak that, RIGHT?
nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can read it and rationally evaluate it. Because right now it looks like your Trumpsters simply let your mind do an emergency U-turn and run off to deflections.
well first off, it wasn't meant for you or the left. The tweet was to let his supporters know that another leak supposedly occurred. And that Anonymous was back. it was something to the point of "would you take a fking look at this" to his supporters. but alas, like I said, you'd never understand it. It's hilarious to me.

Can you find me any words in that tweet that would reference leaking or even so much a hint that the allegation that he is being investigated is not true?

There isn't - if Trump wanted to dispute that he is being investigated then he DID EXACTLY OPPOSITE of what he wanted to do.

And then he talks about 1. His Deputy AG who penned the letter recommending Comey firing and . 2 Special Investigator who is investigating him (allegedly, acc. to Trump) yet somehow manages to find a way to say that they are the same person.

Why would non-crazy, non-stupid President of the United States of America say this?

I'll use a Lib's favorite word here: "Prove" to us that you have the psychic power to KNOW what Trumps wants at any given time.

BTW, you keep forgetting to add the "L" to the end of "antontoo"

I'll use Trumpster's least favorite word - THINK.

Seriously, no sane person willing to consider what Trump has said in that tweet would find it anything less than totally bizzare.

I don't know what is in Trump's head, but I do know that what he says points to total disarray and intellectual depravity.

I asked you to prove that you "know" what Trump wants, or doesn't want, and you respond with this? I didn't ask you what you think he means when he says something.

You're floundering here antontoo(l).
Donald Trump: "I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director!”

If any dipshit claims Trump is not being investigated, just show the idiot Trump's own words.

Responding to the WP that he was being investigated


Boris Badenov eeeeeeeeeeeees better than I thought. You stupeeeeeeeeeed good lookinks how much money how much times and you find nuthink!

Trump called it a "witch hunt." How is it a witch hunt if he's not being "hunted?"
There were 2 responses possible to what I said. -I do hold Trump accountable
-I don't hold Trump accountable
You choose to deflect. The reason is I think because you don't hold Trump accountable for anything he does, because you feel that what he says vindicates your view on reality and find that fact completely overrides anything else he does.
when you can prove something he's done wrong, i will look at that and determine whether to or not, but right now he's been amazingly good for the country and you don't like that. let's just call a spade a spade bubba.
I can prove that he feels grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable if your a celebrity. I can prove he feels it's Ok to walk into a dressing room filled with teenage girls , as long as you are the organizer of the pageant they are participating in. I can prove he attacked parents of a fallen soldier who spoke out against him. I can prove he screwed the US intelligence gathering capability by screwing Israel. I can prove he shoved the PM of Montenegro aside to be in the center of a photo opp. I can go on and on. Let's do this. Mueller finds a smoking gun proving the campaign worked with the Russians against Hilary. Is that enough? There is plenty of stuff that is proven or nearly proven, why does none of it make you go Hmms?
well first off, I don't think the russians did anything. so can we start there? so me going hmmmm is due to the misrepresentation of the election win by Trump. I have Assange who stated it wasn't the russians and that is about the only information that is out there and you all think russia even though there is zero evidence. zip, nadda. but hey you can see something that isn't there. me I have a confirmation from the guy that had the actual documentation. And you think he is wrong. and that makes me go hmmmmmmmm
I didn't ask for what you think happened with the Russians. I asked would you hold Trump accountable IF mueller would find proof?
And as I stated, regardless of Russian collusion. Trump's behavior and actions, PROVEN behavior and actions would have destroyed any previous public official, why do YOU think he shouldn't adhere to the standards of politicians or for that matter decent human beings?
Pal, you got shit. I gave you my response. you get no more.
You deflected, which isn't the same as answering, in fact it's what you do when you don't want to answer. My reply to this threat started with my assertion that you feel that Trump shouldn't be held accountable for anything. You vaguely denied it but aren't willing to answer why the stuff we know about Trump isn't bad enough, nor are you prepared to specify anything specific you would hold him accountable for. JC if you aren't willing to clearly state what you believe, you should wonder if what you believe is right.
well then why don't you demand that the fbi look at the DNC server?


Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

On December 29, 2016, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released an unclassified Joint Analysis Report titled "GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity".[100] It gave new technical details regarding methods used by Russian intelligence services for affecting the U.S. election, government, political organizations and private sector.[125][126]

If so, then this FBI doesn't need know nothings like you telling them how to do their damn job.
DNC server never looked at. You look foolish right now. but you don't mind right?

Comey: FBI denied repeated requests to access DNC servers, Podesta’s device

"Comey: FBI denied repeated requests to access DNC servers, Podesta’s device"

I think you're in error. but hey you know more than the FBI.

FBI states in no uncertain terms that DNC Server was hacked by Russians.

What part of this don't you fucking understand? You perhaps have some grand conspiracy theory about that fact or maybe you are going to claim that FBI doesn't know what they are doing?

Seriously nutbag, this is not rocket science, all you have to do is get your head out of your ass for a few min to see that what you post is total nonsense.
View attachment 134230
Spoken like a real champ whose got so little himself that he uses a picture of him swinging and missing a tennis ball as his own avatar! consistently can't tell correctly wtf is going. JC456 (and you by the way too) can't explain Trump's insane tweet as anything less than crazy or incredibly stupid.

Also, in the photograph in my avatar what you see is POST impact, the service ball was certainly not missed by the greatest tennis player of all time.
I really want to explain it to you, but you'd just tell me something stupid in reply. So why waste my time? You don't get Trump. As such, anything else is useless for your brain to absorb.
We get Trump exactly how he is. An incompetent buffoon which is how the world also sees him.
record highs in the stock market, jobs coming to fruition. what's not to like? The world doesn't like him cause he's not them. he proved it. They didn't like it, I give two fking shits.
When the stock market was soaring under Obama, you idiots kept saying the prez isn't responsible for those numbers.
It's a life's work pointing out your hypocrisies.
And the jobs numbers weren't real. :lmao:
OK Conservatives...

I am willing to accept Muellers findings if he says.....I have thoroughly investigated the Russian hacking and found that the Trump campaign was in no way involved

Are you willing to accept his findings if he finds some involvement?
Donald J. Trump on Twitter


Stop it - this tweet cannot be. It's fake.
nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can read it and rationally evaluate it. Because right now it looks like your Trumpsters simply let your mind do an emergency U-turn and run off to deflections.
well first off, it wasn't meant for you or the left. The tweet was to let his supporters know that another leak supposedly occurred. And that Anonymous was back. it was something to the point of "would you take a fking look at this" to his supporters. but alas, like I said, you'd never understand it. It's hilarious to me.
Trump loooooooves leakers. He really does.

OK Conservatives...

I am willing to accept Muellers findings if he says.....I have thoroughly investigated the Russian hacking and found that the Trump campaign was in no way involved

Are you willing to accept his findings if he finds some involvement?
Seriously?? You have to ask?
The Big Orange Head is in no danger. He has plenty of scapegoats that will go under the bus long before the prosecutors reach him. Jared-the-patsy will be one of the first to go. But, Ivanka will still have daddy to comfort her.

"Scapegats" for what, douche bag? What crime has he committed, other than winning the election?

"Scapegats" for what, douche bag? What crime has he committed, other than winning the election?

What's a scapegat? Also your last sentence here says you believe he committed a crime by winning the election. So you the biggest douche on USMB admit it.
Don't play stupid. Harping on technical gaffs is the sure sign of someone who knows he's losing the debate.

Also, don't play stupid by pretending you don't know sarcasm when you see it.
Why? You play stupid, well idiotic with every little stroke of the keyboard with your stubby little fingers.
nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can read it and rationally evaluate it. Because right now it looks like your Trumpsters simply let your mind do an emergency U-turn and run off to deflections.
well first off, it wasn't meant for you or the left. The tweet was to let his supporters know that another leak supposedly occurred. And that Anonymous was back. it was something to the point of "would you take a fking look at this" to his supporters. but alas, like I said, you'd never understand it. It's hilarious to me.
Trump loooooooves leakers. He really does.

Trump colludes with Russia's attacks by his silent consent and inaction. He hasn't even done so much as send out a single tweet in response to Russia's multiple attacks on the US, much less retaliated or done anything to prevent future attacks.

Trump BEGGED Russia to interfere in our election! Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. - Vladimir Trump

And then he thanked them for interfering:

Trump is a traitor to America.
Since when does any prosecutor tell the public before their investigation is over, what they have....?


This is just normal procedure and protocol.....

Gossip and speculations and ALLEDGED leaks mean nothing....You have to wait till the Justice dept fat lady sings, to know the real end result.
Mewler isn't a prosecutor. He's an investigator, and no one has been charged with any crimes.
His title is SPECIAL PROSECUTOR, idiot
No, it's special counsel
same exact thing, putz. He has full legal authority

No he does not you need to read the rules of both instead of listening to Lying liberal BS MSM.
Tell us the rules, putz.
33k deleted emails were personal emails

This has been proven false. Someone happened to "find" some of the supposed deleted emails and discovered secret State interspersed among them.

"Approximately 30 of the 14,900 deleted emails recovered by the FBI from Hillary Clinton’s private email server may involve the 2012 attack on Benghazi, Libya, State Department lawyers said on Tuesday."

FBI recovers 30 deleted Clinton emails involving Benghazi attack


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Approximately 30 of the 14,900 deleted emails recovered by the FBI from Hillary Clinton’s private email server may involve the 2012 attack on Benghazi, Libya, State Department lawyers said on Tuesday.
oh my God! 30 out of the FIFTEEN THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!

And in those 30, NOTHING was nefarious or criminal!!! AND there was already a govt record with who she was emailing with,

AND Comey said those 30 emails were deleted and or jumbled in a server upgrade transfer, and NOT DONE INTENTIONALLY!

you and the right wing media and right wing alledged unknown sources in the govt, for TWO YEARS tried your hardest, to make something... out of nothing at all....
Trump colludes with Russia's attacks by his silent consent and inaction. He hasn't even done so much as send out a single tweet in response to Russia's multiple attacks on the US, much less retaliated or done anything to prevent future attacks.

Trump BEGGED Russia to interfere in our election! Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. - Vladimir Trump

And then he thanked them for interfering:

Trump is a traitor to America.

well then why don't you demand that the fbi look at the DNC server?


Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

On December 29, 2016, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released an unclassified Joint Analysis Report titled "GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity".[100] It gave new technical details regarding methods used by Russian intelligence services for affecting the U.S. election, government, political organizations and private sector.[125][126]

If so, then this FBI doesn't need know nothings like you telling them how to do their damn job.
DNC server never looked at. You look foolish right now. but you don't mind right?

Comey: FBI denied repeated requests to access DNC servers, Podesta’s device

"Comey: FBI denied repeated requests to access DNC servers, Podesta’s device"

I think you're in error. but hey you know more than the FBI.

FBI states in no uncertain terms that DNC Server was hacked by Russians.

What part of this don't you fucking understand? You perhaps have some grand conspiracy theory about that fact or maybe you are going to claim that FBI doesn't know what they are doing?

Seriously nutbag, this is not rocket science, all you have to do is get your head out of your ass for a few min to see that what you post is total nonsense.
Comey: FBI denied repeated requests to access DNC servers, Podesta’s device

"Comey: FBI denied repeated requests to access DNC servers, Podesta’s device"
OK Conservatives...

I am willing to accept Muellers findings if he says.....I have thoroughly investigated the Russian hacking and found that the Trump campaign was in no way involved

Are you willing to accept his findings if he finds some involvement?

Just as when the election was going on they asked Donald if he would accept the outcome of the election if he lost.

Just as when things don't go the democrat's way, they keep doing things over and over until they get the answer they want on climate change, et al., we will just have to keep redoing the investigation until we get the right outcome.

It isn't a matter of Trump being innocent, it is much more a matter of the 15 or so Democrats that are SO GUILTY.

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