Mueller Is Coming for Trump

If true jackass, then you have just proven this is a witch hunt and Mueller is a bum. Mueller is there to investigate SPECIFIC charges and to determine whether they have any basis or not, whether or not any of the findings are criminal in nature, not to do a proctology exploration just fishing around trying to find something not knowing what you seek to find! Anything Mueller investigates he needs to tie its relevance to the case and give good reason why he needs to look there, not turn up an unpaid parking ticket from 1994 and say: BUSTED! WE FOUND SOMETHING ON TRUMP!

The question is: Did anyone involved within the Trump Campaign conspire to work with the Russian Federation to affect the outcome of the election? Why ask? Because anyone doing this could likely do it again and it is a felony violation of US Code § 18.

Was there any deliberate effort to criminally impede the investigation of General Flynn? First, you have to determine that Flynn was involved in criminal activities to be covered up that one might wish to impede. If so, then you need to determine whether the impeding was deliberate (criminal) in nature. One might impede (obstruct) an investigation for many valid, legitimate, legal or innocent reasons. The obstruction has to be shown done for conscious and deliberate reasons in the commission of a crime, concealing a crime, personal gain, profit, etc.

As to the little fiction story you copy, pure crap written just to stir up little fuckheads like you who get wet spots in your shorts dreaming of revenge against a democratically elected president because his election short circuited all of your little commie ambitions! Good luck with that asshole! When it all falls through, I hope you don't look like your little hero there all messed up in his wheelchair!
I think the money could be the entire reason for any "funny business." So of course Mueller has to look there. Not saying there's funny business, but if there is, my money would be on...the money.
what the fk are you mumbling about with this post?
I provided Jc with a crib sheet on Trump's conflicts of interest. He laughed at it w/o reading it.,
He's the stereotypical uneducated trump voter who refuses to learn anything, ever.
well I know you don't care, cause you don't care that hitlery destroyed 33,000 emails and got four americans killed in Benghazi. So why is it you feel conflict of interest mean anything?
Moron forgot Hillary was exonerated with Benghazi.
Moron still making excuses for his fuhrer violating the constitution and his family prospering greatly while on the public's dime.
Trump could be caught with Kiddie porn and this ass kisser would still support him.

Let me get this straight.......the Lefts complaint is that a billionaire businessman who's become President is making profits from those business's while serving? Even though he and his family have signed the required documents to separate conflict from the Emolument clause, with Attorney's & other gvt officials approval??

But what about past Presidents that have done the same?

Founding Presidents

Bush sold oil on global markets
Carter sold peanuts....and don't forget his brother made beer profiting from the name/connection
Hoover was a mining engineer, who ran a global consulting firm
Both Andrew Johnson & Harry Truman were tailors
And George Washington owned a distillery

IF Kerry had won that election, he was profiting thru his wife's business...

Other Presidents were practicing lawyers before office who obviously couldn't practice while in office.....and not many returned to law after their terms, but IDK for sure.

Then there are the career politicians, that have only 'lived on taxpayers dime' and never made a dime on their own

wrong assumption ... keep trying
dude, it was spot on.
I provided Jc with a crib sheet on Trump's conflicts of interest. He laughed at it w/o reading it.,
He's the stereotypical uneducated trump voter who refuses to learn anything, ever.
I love so much WINNING
This is why. JC doesn't care about Trump's conflict of interests. He doesn't care if he would be in bed with the Russians. He wouldn't care if to quote Trump ,"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,". He cares that for the first time somebody got elected, who talks like a drunk guy in a bar talks. "Everything is easily solved if the people in Washington show some balls ". At least that's how JC sees it. He feels Trump vindicates him. Politics through beer goggles. It's simplistic, morally questionable, but don't underestimate its potency.
and I can't tell you the justification it gives me to see your flat out hate of man you have absolutely nothing on. need some more white noise? here,

JC. It's not so much that nobody has anything on Trump. It's that you don't accept anything they have about Trump. By any objective standard, Trump has done more then enough to earn, scorn, ridicule and to instill fear into people. You have chosen to not be objective about it because like I said, Trump speaks to how you see reality. I don't think you are stupid , but I do think you have preconceptions you are unable to shed.

so you're asking me to respond to nothing and confused as to why I can't? wow, the stupid is hanging off your lip.

There were 2 responses possible to what I said. -I do hold Trump accountable
-I don't hold Trump accountable
You choose to deflect. The reason is I think because you don't hold Trump accountable for anything he does, because you feel that what he says vindicates your view on reality and find that fact completely overrides anything else he does.
I provided Jc with a crib sheet on Trump's conflicts of interest. He laughed at it w/o reading it.,
He's the stereotypical uneducated trump voter who refuses to learn anything, ever.
I love so much WINNING
This is why. JC doesn't care about Trump's conflict of interests. He doesn't care if he would be in bed with the Russians. He wouldn't care if to quote Trump ,"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,". He cares that for the first time somebody got elected, who talks like a drunk guy in a bar talks. "Everything is easily solved if the people in Washington show some balls ". At least that's how JC sees it. He feels Trump vindicates him. Politics through beer goggles. It's simplistic, morally questionable, but don't underestimate its potency.
and I can't tell you the justification it gives me to see your flat out hate of man you have absolutely nothing on. need some more white noise? here,

JC. It's not so much that nobody has anything on Trump. It's that you don't accept anything they have about Trump. By any objective standard, Trump has done more then enough to earn, scorn, ridicule and to instill fear into people. You have chosen to not be objective about it because like I said, Trump speaks to how you see reality. I don't think you are stupid , but I do think you have preconceptions you are unable to shed.

so you're asking me to respond to nothing and confused as to why I can't? wow, the stupid is hanging off your lip.

There were 2 responses possible to what I said. -I do hold Trump accountable
-I don't hold Trump accountable
You choose to deflect. The reason is I think because you don't hold Trump accountable for anything he does, because you feel that what he says vindicates your view on reality and find that fact completely overrides anything else he does.

when you can prove something he's done wrong, i will look at that and determine whether to or not, but right now he's been amazingly good for the country and you don't like that. let's just call a spade a spade bubba.
FAKE NEWS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

PARROTS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

TRUMP: I wanted to fire him over this Russia thing, actually. Then I asked Sessions and Rosenstein to give me some cover.

WHITE HOUSE: Yeah, we fired Comey because we wanted this investigation into Russia's attacks on our country halted.

We want this to come to its conclusion, we want it to come to its conclusion with integrity,” deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said about the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. “And we think that we’ve actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to make that happen.”

so you don't want it to ever come to its conclusion? what is it you do want then? is this a wink wink nudge nudge story?
I want a complete investigation into the attacks by a hostile enemy on our country. Why don't you, traitor?

Silence From The Great Babbler


That's fine if it involves the MASSIVE conflicts of interest with Russians that Podesta and CLintons had. AND the possible collusion of the Green Party with Moscow. Since they did actually STEAL VOTES from Clinton and their nominee was at the same table with Putin in Moscow for RT ---

BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Since NONE of THAT is even considered for inclusion into "the attacks by a hostile enemy" farce you're backing.. I don't give a shit WHAT you call it -- it's a farce...
"the attacks by a hostile enemy" farce
This right here is why the investigation must continue, so that even willfully blind tards like yourself will be forced to admit we were attacked.

It is downright traitorous that you tards are deliberately turning a blind eye to this fact, and that you are not demanding our government take punitive and preventive action.
This is why. JC doesn't care about Trump's conflict of interests. He doesn't care if he would be in bed with the Russians. He wouldn't care if to quote Trump ,"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,". He cares that for the first time somebody got elected, who talks like a drunk guy in a bar talks. "Everything is easily solved if the people in Washington show some balls ". At least that's how JC sees it. He feels Trump vindicates him. Politics through beer goggles. It's simplistic, morally questionable, but don't underestimate its potency.
and I can't tell you the justification it gives me to see your flat out hate of man you have absolutely nothing on. need some more white noise? here,

JC. It's not so much that nobody has anything on Trump. It's that you don't accept anything they have about Trump. By any objective standard, Trump has done more then enough to earn, scorn, ridicule and to instill fear into people. You have chosen to not be objective about it because like I said, Trump speaks to how you see reality. I don't think you are stupid , but I do think you have preconceptions you are unable to shed.

so you're asking me to respond to nothing and confused as to why I can't? wow, the stupid is hanging off your lip.

There were 2 responses possible to what I said. -I do hold Trump accountable
-I don't hold Trump accountable
You choose to deflect. The reason is I think because you don't hold Trump accountable for anything he does, because you feel that what he says vindicates your view on reality and find that fact completely overrides anything else he does.

when you can prove something he's done wrong, i will look at that and determine whether to or not, but right now he's been amazingly good for the country and you don't like that. let's just call a spade a spade bubba.

I can prove that he feels grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable if your a celebrity. I can prove he feels it's Ok to walk into a dressing room filled with teenage girls , as long as you are the organizer of the pageant they are participating in. I can prove he attacked parents of a fallen soldier who spoke out against him. I can prove he screwed the US intelligence gathering capability by screwing Israel. I can prove he shoved the PM of Montenegro aside to be in the center of a photo opp. I can go on and on. Let's do this. Mueller finds a smoking gun proving the campaign worked with the Russians against Hilary. Is that enough? There is plenty of stuff that is proven or nearly proven, why does none of it make you go Hmms?
Last edited:
"the attacks by a hostile enemy" farce
This right here is why the investigation must continue, so that even willfully blind tards like yourself will be forced to admit we were attacked.

It is downright traitorous that you tards are deliberately turning a blind eye to this fact, and that you are not demanding our government take punitive and preventive action.
well then why don't you demand that the fbi look at the DNC server?
"the attacks by a hostile enemy" farce
This right here is why the investigation must continue, so that even willfully blind tards like yourself will be forced to admit we were attacked.

It is downright traitorous that you tards are deliberately turning a blind eye to this fact, and that you are not demanding our government take punitive and preventive action.
well then why don't you demand that the fbi look at the DNC server?
A contractor with expertise in that area already did that for them.
well then why don't you demand that the fbi look at the DNC server?


Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

On December 29, 2016, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released an unclassified Joint Analysis Report titled "GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity".[100] It gave new technical details regarding methods used by Russian intelligence services for affecting the U.S. election, government, political organizations and private sector.[125][126]

If so, then this FBI doesn't need know nothings like you telling them how to do their damn job.
and I can't tell you the justification it gives me to see your flat out hate of man you have absolutely nothing on. need some more white noise? here,

JC. It's not so much that nobody has anything on Trump. It's that you don't accept anything they have about Trump. By any objective standard, Trump has done more then enough to earn, scorn, ridicule and to instill fear into people. You have chosen to not be objective about it because like I said, Trump speaks to how you see reality. I don't think you are stupid , but I do think you have preconceptions you are unable to shed.

so you're asking me to respond to nothing and confused as to why I can't? wow, the stupid is hanging off your lip.

There were 2 responses possible to what I said. -I do hold Trump accountable
-I don't hold Trump accountable
You choose to deflect. The reason is I think because you don't hold Trump accountable for anything he does, because you feel that what he says vindicates your view on reality and find that fact completely overrides anything else he does.

when you can prove something he's done wrong, i will look at that and determine whether to or not, but right now he's been amazingly good for the country and you don't like that. let's just call a spade a spade bubba.

I can prove that he feels grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable if your a celebrity. I can prove it's Ok to walk into a dressing room filled with teenage girls , as long as you are the organizer of the pageant they are participating in. I can prove he attacked parents of a fallen soldier who spoke out against him. I can prove he screwed the US intelligence gathering capability by screwing Israel. I can prove he shoved the PM of Montenegro aside to be in the center of a photo opp. I can go on and on. Let's do this. Mueller finds a smoking gun proving the campaign worked with the Russians against Russia. Is that enough? There is plenty of stuff that is proven or nearly proven, why does none of it make you go Hmms?

you don't think hollywood celebs don't love grabby women's privates? really, the most obnoxious industry in the country and you make that statement. wow. all hollywood is is about sex any kind. even with kids let's ask Corey Feldman. Oh that's right, he won't discuss what happens cause he's afraid for his life to.

Corey Feldman told cops he was molested and named his abusers but they did nothing | Daily Mail Online

"I would be out there, up front, doing something immediately to have this man given what was due to him.'

He alluded to this interview recently after a fan on Twitter asked him why he did not report the men to authorities.

'All names were given to police before statute had run out but they did zero,' he answered.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office did not respond to requests for comment."
"the attacks by a hostile enemy" farce
This right here is why the investigation must continue, so that even willfully blind tards like yourself will be forced to admit we were attacked.

It is downright traitorous that you tards are deliberately turning a blind eye to this fact, and that you are not demanding our government take punitive and preventive action.
well then why don't you demand that the fbi look at the DNC server?
A contractor with expertise in that area already did that for them.
they are not government nor do they have the authority to act as such. sorry bubba, you don't want transparency so your farce is nothing but a witch hunt.
JC. It's not so much that nobody has anything on Trump. It's that you don't accept anything they have about Trump. By any objective standard, Trump has done more then enough to earn, scorn, ridicule and to instill fear into people. You have chosen to not be objective about it because like I said, Trump speaks to how you see reality. I don't think you are stupid , but I do think you have preconceptions you are unable to shed.
so you're asking me to respond to nothing and confused as to why I can't? wow, the stupid is hanging off your lip.
There were 2 responses possible to what I said. -I do hold Trump accountable
-I don't hold Trump accountable
You choose to deflect. The reason is I think because you don't hold Trump accountable for anything he does, because you feel that what he says vindicates your view on reality and find that fact completely overrides anything else he does.
when you can prove something he's done wrong, i will look at that and determine whether to or not, but right now he's been amazingly good for the country and you don't like that. let's just call a spade a spade bubba.
I can prove that he feels grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable if your a celebrity. I can prove it's Ok to walk into a dressing room filled with teenage girls , as long as you are the organizer of the pageant they are participating in. I can prove he attacked parents of a fallen soldier who spoke out against him. I can prove he screwed the US intelligence gathering capability by screwing Israel. I can prove he shoved the PM of Montenegro aside to be in the center of a photo opp. I can go on and on. Let's do this. Mueller finds a smoking gun proving the campaign worked with the Russians against Russia. Is that enough? There is plenty of stuff that is proven or nearly proven, why does none of it make you go Hmms?
you don't think hollywood celebs don't love grabby women's privates? really, the most obnoxious industry in the country and you make that statement. wow. all hollywood is is about sex any kind. even with kids let's ask Corey Feldman. Oh that's right, he won't discuss what happens cause he's afraid for his life to.

Corey Feldman told cops he was molested and named his abusers but they did nothing | Daily Mail Online

"I would be out there, up front, doing something immediately to have this man given what was due to him.'

He alluded to this interview recently after a fan on Twitter asked him why he did not report the men to authorities.

'All names were given to police before statute had run out but they did zero,' he answered.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office did not respond to requests for comment."
You replied to one of the things I said, in my view pretty lamely. Citing other people's bad behavior is no justification for your own. You didn't reply to the main questions. I made it a point to emphasise them.
"the attacks by a hostile enemy" farce
This right here is why the investigation must continue, so that even willfully blind tards like yourself will be forced to admit we were attacked.

It is downright traitorous that you tards are deliberately turning a blind eye to this fact, and that you are not demanding our government take punitive and preventive action.
well then why don't you demand that the fbi look at the DNC server?
A contractor with expertise in that area already did that for them.
they are not government nor do they have the authority to act as such. sorry bubba, you don't want transparency so your farce is nothing but a witch hunt.
You're talking out of your ass, retard. The government contracts out to expert civilians all the time.

Additionally, the DNC server was a private entity's server, not a government server.

Jesus, you tards have no idea how our government works!
Follow the money and the dead Russians.

This is about Trump...not the Clintons
We know republicans never complain when it their thieves doing the stealing and this trump pos and his adviser lol his son in law are the worst
wow, 33,000 emails being deleted doesn't bother you, but something you've never seen sends you into a frenzy. funny. I'd say you just proved your hypocrisy.
the 33k deleted emails were personal emails, and it was required by the National Archives that she and any employee should NOT send their personal emails to be archived by the National delete them before forwarding the Archives their government records.

You just bought in to a stupid, ignorant lie...the FBI FOUND NOTHING nefarious, even in the emails that were recovered from her servers that were deleted and not sent to the archives that they found...nothing nefarious was in them, just a hard working person, doing their job....

They archived and recovered 50,000 plus emails for the government to save and NOTHING, NADA, NIENTE, ZIP, was found that involved any criminality.

Now THAT is what is called a WITCH HUNT!

you have been played a fool, by your beloved liar an chief and beloved right wing media.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter


Stop it - this tweet cannot be. It's fake.
nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can read it and rationally evaluate it. Because right now it looks like your Trumpsters simply let your mind do an emergency U-turn and run off to deflections.
well first off, it wasn't meant for you or the left. The tweet was to let his supporters know that another leak supposedly occurred. And that Anonymous was back. it was something to the point of "would you take a fking look at this" to his supporters. but alas, like I said, you'd never understand it. It's hilarious to me.

Can you find me any words in that tweet that would reference leaking or even so much a hint that the allegation that he is being investigated is not true?

There isn't - if Trump wanted to dispute that he is being investigated then he DID EXACTLY OPPOSITE of what he wanted to do.

And then he talks about 1. His Deputy AG who penned the letter recommending Comey firing and . 2 Special Investigator who is investigating him (allegedly, acc. to Trump) yet somehow manages to find a way to say that they are the same person.

Why would non-crazy, non-stupid President of the United States of America say this?

I'll use a Lib's favorite word here: "Prove" to us that you have the psychic power to KNOW what Trumps wants at any given time.

BTW, you keep forgetting to add the "L" to the end of "antontoo"
33k deleted emails were personal emails

This has been proven false. Someone happened to "find" some of the supposed deleted emails and discovered secret State interspersed among them.

"Approximately 30 of the 14,900 deleted emails recovered by the FBI from Hillary Clinton’s private email server may involve the 2012 attack on Benghazi, Libya, State Department lawyers said on Tuesday."

FBI recovers 30 deleted Clinton emails involving Benghazi attack


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Approximately 30 of the 14,900 deleted emails recovered by the FBI from Hillary Clinton’s private email server may involve the 2012 attack on Benghazi, Libya, State Department lawyers said on Tuesday.
and I can't tell you the justification it gives me to see your flat out hate of man you have absolutely nothing on. need some more white noise? here,

JC. It's not so much that nobody has anything on Trump. It's that you don't accept anything they have about Trump. By any objective standard, Trump has done more then enough to earn, scorn, ridicule and to instill fear into people. You have chosen to not be objective about it because like I said, Trump speaks to how you see reality. I don't think you are stupid , but I do think you have preconceptions you are unable to shed.

so you're asking me to respond to nothing and confused as to why I can't? wow, the stupid is hanging off your lip.

There were 2 responses possible to what I said. -I do hold Trump accountable
-I don't hold Trump accountable
You choose to deflect. The reason is I think because you don't hold Trump accountable for anything he does, because you feel that what he says vindicates your view on reality and find that fact completely overrides anything else he does.

when you can prove something he's done wrong, i will look at that and determine whether to or not, but right now he's been amazingly good for the country and you don't like that. let's just call a spade a spade bubba.

I can prove that he feels grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable if your a celebrity. I can prove he feels it's Ok to walk into a dressing room filled with teenage girls , as long as you are the organizer of the pageant they are participating in. I can prove he attacked parents of a fallen soldier who spoke out against him. I can prove he screwed the US intelligence gathering capability by screwing Israel. I can prove he shoved the PM of Montenegro aside to be in the center of a photo opp. I can go on and on. Let's do this. Mueller finds a smoking gun proving the campaign worked with the Russians against Hilary. Is that enough? There is plenty of stuff that is proven or nearly proven, why does none of it make you go Hmms?

well first off, I don't think the russians did anything. so can we start there? so me going hmmmm is due to the misrepresentation of the election win by Trump. I have Assange who stated it wasn't the russians and that is about the only information that is out there and you all think russia even though there is zero evidence. zip, nadda. but hey you can see something that isn't there. me I have a confirmation from the guy that had the actual documentation. And you think he is wrong. and that makes me go hmmmmmmmm
Stop it - this tweet cannot be. It's fake.
nope real as real gets. no one ever claimed it wasn't. nice that you lie about us now. true american.

So does that crazy tweet tell you?

Trump does too much meth in the mornings?

Give me something that suggests that you can read it and rationally evaluate it. Because right now it looks like your Trumpsters simply let your mind do an emergency U-turn and run off to deflections.
well first off, it wasn't meant for you or the left. The tweet was to let his supporters know that another leak supposedly occurred. And that Anonymous was back. it was something to the point of "would you take a fking look at this" to his supporters. but alas, like I said, you'd never understand it. It's hilarious to me.

Can you find me any words in that tweet that would reference leaking or even so much a hint that the allegation that he is being investigated is not true?

There isn't - if Trump wanted to dispute that he is being investigated then he DID EXACTLY OPPOSITE of what he wanted to do.

And then he talks about 1. His Deputy AG who penned the letter recommending Comey firing and . 2 Special Investigator who is investigating him (allegedly, acc. to Trump) yet somehow manages to find a way to say that they are the same person.

Why would non-crazy, non-stupid President of the United States of America say this?

I'll use a Lib's favorite word here: "Prove" to us that you have the psychic power to KNOW what Trumps wants at any given time.

BTW, you keep forgetting to add the "L" to the end of "antontoo"

I'll use Trumpster's least favorite word - THINK.

Seriously, no sane person willing to consider what Trump has said in that tweet would find it anything less than totally bizzare.

I don't know what is in Trump's head, but I do know that what he says points to total disarray and intellectual depravity.
well then why don't you demand that the fbi look at the DNC server?


Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

On December 29, 2016, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released an unclassified Joint Analysis Report titled "GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity".[100] It gave new technical details regarding methods used by Russian intelligence services for affecting the U.S. election, government, political organizations and private sector.[125][126]

If so, then this FBI doesn't need know nothings like you telling them how to do their damn job.
DNC server never looked at. You look foolish right now. but you don't mind right?

Comey: FBI denied repeated requests to access DNC servers, Podesta’s device

"Comey: FBI denied repeated requests to access DNC servers, Podesta’s device"

I think you're in error. but hey you know more than the FBI.

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