Mueller Is Coming for Trump

What happened to 'RUSSIAN COLLUSION' which is what all of these 18 months of surveillance, and 10 months of Investigations, through 5 different teams was supposed to be about?

Now they are looking if someone forgot to log a phone call, or forgot to check off the right deduction?

Now we are looking at how the Russians attacked our elections.

And how did they "ATTACK OUR ELECTIONS"?

Be specific.....and please provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

And don't say "alleged mean Tweets and Facebook posts about Hillary"

You need to check with the CIA and the FBI for those answers. You don't think they would appoint Mueller to run a new investigative committee on my word, do you?


What happened to 'RUSSIAN COLLUSION' which is what all of these 18 months of surveillance, and 10 months of Investigations, through 5 different teams was supposed to be about?

Now they are looking if someone forgot to log a phone call, or forgot to check off the right deduction?

It's still being investgated. But it seems that there are more things coming up with this. .Trump is going to get the same treatment all other presidents have gotten.

You mean he will be called out if he lies? We all know Obama and Hillary covered up Benghazi. It wasn't enough to impeach them but we all know they did it for political reasons.

We cannot say whether the administration was intentionally misleading the public. We cannot prove intent. There is also more information to come — both from the FBI, which is conducting an investigation, and Congress, which has been holding hearings.

But, at this point, we do know that Obama and others in the administration were quick to cite the anti-Muslim video as the underlying cause for the attack in Benghazi that killed four U.S. diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. And they were slow to acknowledge it was a premeditated terrorist attack, and they downplayed reports that it might have been.

Just don't forget all the investigations you guys had over Ben Ghazi. Now consider all the shady shit Trump and his team are going to try to pull the next 3 years. We will be all over them watching and waiting. And that's why the Trump team is going to be real secretive.

White House press briefing goes off-camera, no audio broadcast allowed
Be specific.....and please provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

All you have to do isuse your top secret echelon security clearance, codeword dark red, and you can look up the evidence for youself. Constantly asking for people to post NSA intercepts, knowing that's where the evidence is from is getting old.

Well, your friends at the NSA, CIA and 17 Intelligence agencies including The Treasury, and your Stooge James Comey when he was put under oath, already did that, and was forced to say NO COLLUSION?

But you still suck Putin's Dick?


You must like the way it tastes
What happened to 'RUSSIAN COLLUSION' which is what all of these 18 months of surveillance, and 10 months of Investigations, through 5 different teams was supposed to be about?

Now they are looking if someone forgot to log a phone call, or forgot to check off the right deduction?

Now we are looking at how the Russians attacked our elections.

And how did they "ATTACK OUR ELECTIONS"?

Be specific.....and please provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

And don't say "alleged mean Tweets and Facebook posts about Hillary"

Since you seem so far out of the loop...

What we know about the attempts of Russia to influence our election

  • They hacked the DNC server and slowly leaked the information to assist Trump
  • They made attempts to probe voting machines to see where they are vulnerable
As a citizen.....Doesn't that outrage you?
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What happened to 'RUSSIAN COLLUSION' which is what all of these 18 months of surveillance, and 10 months of Investigations, through 5 different teams was supposed to be about?

Now they are looking if someone forgot to log a phone call, or forgot to check off the right deduction?

Now we are looking at how the Russians attacked our elections.

And how did they "ATTACK OUR ELECTIONS"?

Be specific.....and please provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

And don't say "alleged mean Tweets and Facebook posts about Hillary"

Since you seem so far out of the loop...

What we know about the attempts of Russia to influence our election

  • They hacked the DNC server and slowly leaked the information to assist Trump
  • They made attempts to probe voting machines to see where they are vulnerable
As a citizen.....Doesn't that outrage you?

Where is the evidence?

[James Clapper] He stressed that he could only speak for the intelligence community, not for state or local agencies or for government entities authorized under Title Three of the 1968 “Wiretap Act.”
But Clapper then went on to say that to his knowledge there was “no evidence” of “collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians.”
“We did not include any evidence in our report – and I say ‘our,’ that’s NSA, FBI and CIA, with my office, the Director of National Intelligence – that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report.”
“I understand that,” said interviewer Chuck Todd. “But does it exist?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“If it existed, it would have been in this report?”
“This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government.,” Clapper replied, “but at the time I – we had no evidence of such collusion.”
Obama’s Intelligence Chief Says ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russian Collusion; Media Focus on Wiretap Denial
Be specific.....and please provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

All you have to do isuse your top secret echelon security clearance, codeword dark red, and you can look up the evidence for youself. Constantly asking for people to post NSA intercepts, knowing that's where the evidence is from is getting old.

Well, your friends at the NSA, CIA and 17 Intelligence agencies including The Treasury, and your Stooge James Comey when he was put under oath, already did that, and was forced to say NO COLLUSION?

But you still suck Putin's Dick?


You must like the way it tastes

.Np one has .come to any final conclusion that there was no collusion..
I honestly wonder how long its going to take all of the RW idiots to grasp " ongoing investigation"

are they really stupid enough to not understand that?
What happened to 'RUSSIAN COLLUSION' which is what all of these 18 months of surveillance, and 10 months of Investigations, through 5 different teams was supposed to be about?

Now they are looking if someone forgot to log a phone call, or forgot to check off the right deduction?

Now we are looking at how the Russians attacked our elections.

And how did they "ATTACK OUR ELECTIONS"?

Be specific.....and please provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

And don't say "alleged mean Tweets and Facebook posts about Hillary"

Since you seem so far out of the loop...

What we know about the attempts of Russia to influence our election

  • They hacked the DNC server and slowly leaked the information to assist Trump
  • They made attempts to probe voting machines to see where they are vulnerable
As a citizen.....Doesn't that outrage you?

Where is the evidence?

[James Clapper] He stressed that he could only speak for the intelligence community, not for state or local agencies or for government entities authorized under Title Three of the 1968 “Wiretap Act.”
But Clapper then went on to say that to his knowledge there was “no evidence” of “collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians.”
“We did not include any evidence in our report – and I say ‘our,’ that’s NSA, FBI and CIA, with my office, the Director of National Intelligence – that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report.”
“I understand that,” said interviewer Chuck Todd. “But does it exist?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“If it existed, it would have been in this report?”
“This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government.,” Clapper replied, “but at the time I – we had no evidence of such collusion.”
Obama’s Intelligence Chief Says ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russian Collusion; Media Focus on Wiretap Denial boys are so anxious
The investigation is in its infancy. Let it play out before you proclaim "no evidence"

Lets talk collusion. Flynn was recorded talking to the Russians about lifting sanctions. This was long before Trump was elected. WHY is he bargaining with Russia at this time? What was he getting in return? Was he sent by Trump? Did he inform Trump of what was happening?

Clapper would know none of this. Clapper has not interviewed Flynn. Nobody has. Until we find out what Flynn and company know, we cannot rule out collusion
We all know Obama and Hillary covered up Benghazi. It wasn't enough to impeach them but we all know they did it for political reasons.

We cannot say whether the administration was intentionally misleading the public. We cannot prove intent. There is also more information to come — both from the FBI, which is conducting an investigation, and Congress, which has been holding hearings.

First there was no coverup as you call it. Within hours the white house reported on the attack, and within days they attributed it as an act of terror. Compare to Trump and his associates, who have been trying to cover up the russian cyber attack(s) against america, lying about talking to the russians, and trying to hinder the investigation into the russian attacks.
“Not to my knowledge.”
“If it existed, it would have been in this report?”
“This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government.,” Clapper replied, “but at the time I – we had no evidence of such collusion.”l
Clapper later testified that as DNI he would not have received any results of an FBI criminal investigation. He's in charge of national security, not domestic criminal behavior. So his not seing evidence is not proof that none existed.
  • Thanks
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What happened to 'RUSSIAN COLLUSION' which is what all of these 18 months of surveillance, and 10 months of Investigations, through 5 different teams was supposed to be about?

Now they are looking if someone forgot to log a phone call, or forgot to check off the right deduction?

Now we are looking at how the Russians attacked our elections.

And how did they "ATTACK OUR ELECTIONS"?

Be specific.....and please provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

And don't say "alleged mean Tweets and Facebook posts about Hillary"

Since you seem so far out of the loop...

What we know about the attempts of Russia to influence our election

  • They hacked the DNC server and slowly leaked the information to assist Trump
  • They made attempts to probe voting machines to see where they are vulnerable
As a citizen.....Doesn't that outrage you?

Where is the evidence?

[James Clapper] He stressed that he could only speak for the intelligence community, not for state or local agencies or for government entities authorized under Title Three of the 1968 “Wiretap Act.”
But Clapper then went on to say that to his knowledge there was “no evidence” of “collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians.”
“We did not include any evidence in our report – and I say ‘our,’ that’s NSA, FBI and CIA, with my office, the Director of National Intelligence – that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report.”
“I understand that,” said interviewer Chuck Todd. “But does it exist?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“If it existed, it would have been in this report?”
“This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government.,” Clapper replied, “but at the time I – we had no evidence of such collusion.”
Obama’s Intelligence Chief Says ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russian Collusion; Media Focus on Wiretap Denial

You post in blue what you want to believe but you missed this:

This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government.,”

None of those who met with Russians in Trump campaign staff were made to testify as to what they were meeting Russians for. Until we get testimonies you can't say it was any kind of final say that there is no collusion and it's proven.

And when you cite something from CNS your citation has no credibility. All you are doing is posting up a story written with a conservative bias.
not only are RW's too stupid to know the meaning of ongoing, they're too damn stupid to understand Hillary lost the election and let go of Benghazi.

pathetic little creatures, pathetic
Let me get this straight.......the Lefts complaint is that a billionaire businessman who's become President is making profits from those business's while serving? Even though he and his family have signed the required documents to separate conflict from the Emolument clause, with Attorney's & other gvt officials approval??

But what about past Presidents that have done the same?

Founding Presidents

Bush sold oil on global markets
Carter sold peanuts....and don't forget his brother made beer profiting from the name/connection
Hoover was a mining engineer, who ran a global consulting firm
Both Andrew Johnson & Harry Truman were tailors
And George Washington owned a distillery

IF Kerry had won that election, he was profiting thru his wife's business...

Other Presidents were practicing lawyers before office who obviously couldn't practice while in office.....and not many returned to law after their terms, but IDK for sure.

Then there are the career politicians, that have only 'lived on taxpayers dime' and never made a dime on their own

wrong assumption ... keep trying

Is that so? Would you care to enlighten me where I was wrong???

sure thing..

So you're basically admitting that they have nothing on "collusion" or "obstruction of justice"

right there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

next question ..

HUH???? My post had to do with all Presidents financial status..........I said NOTHING about collusion or obstruction of justice. dipshit
so what's that got to do with the DNC server?

It doesn' previous comments were directed at Reasonable's comments about how Trumps family was prospering while living 'on the publics dime'

Moron still making excuses for his fuhrer violating the constitution and his family prospering greatly while on the public's dime.

So I had been pointing out that other Presidents had also had business's before during & after serving in office.....most of which were on a global scale of some sort and had continued to make profits. That point was to determine why & how would Trump be any different. I also included those career politicians that ONLY lived on the 'publics dime' :thup:

There's several different arguments going on here. You mention the DNC server, others still harping about collusion & obstruction & others still about something else altogether.
You post in blue what you want to believe but you missed this:

This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government.,”

In 1491 there was no evidence the earth was round.
In 1931 there was no evidence the atom could be split
In 1972 there was no evidence of the presidents involvement in watergate
In 2016 clapper had no evidence of russian collusion with americans

Things change
It doesn' previous comments were directed at Reasonable's comments about how Trumps family was prospering while living 'on the publics dime'

Moron still making excuses for his fuhrer violating the constitution and his family prospering greatly while on the public's dime.

So I had been pointing out that other Presidents had also had business's before during & after serving in office.....most of which were on a global scale of some sort and had continued to make profits. .

Most modern presidents have put their assets into a blind trust. Trump was not only one of the first exceptions, he continues to own Trump inc, but also the biggest holder of foreign assets.
Mueller terrifies Trump

He is Trumps worst nightmare. A stickler for details, leave no stone unturned, check, double check and then cross check your information

All this with Trump as a focal point. Trump is incapable of making a statement that does not fail on greater scrutiny. How lackadaisical was Trump's campaign in following the rules? How was Trump's record keeping? How loyal will Trump's minions be in protecting their master? And what about the money?

Mueller will get to the bottom of it....Trump may not be too happy
damn leftists keep quoting me directly......yet are arguing with someone else in the string. Care4all & Siete get your shit straight before calling on me
mine was a real mistake, and i tried to edit and fix it, but failed... :(

Now ya see.......I can appreciate that and when I had first checked it I could see the honest mistake & why I didn't say anything to begin with. You & I may not agree on many things, but I usually don't have a problem with you. Namely because you don't have a 'tude about so many others do. ;)

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