Mueller Is Coming for Trump

What happened to 'RUSSIAN COLLUSION' which is what all of these 18 months of surveillance, and 10 months of Investigations, through 5 different teams was supposed to be about?

Now they are looking if someone forgot to log a phone call, or forgot to check off the right deduction?

It's still being investgated. But it seems that there are more things coming up with this. .Trump is going to get the same treatment all other presidents have gotten.
I just hope people are noticing how
We all know Obama and Hillary covered up Benghazi. It wasn't enough to impeach them but we all know they did it for political reasons.

We cannot say whether the administration was intentionally misleading the public. We cannot prove intent. There is also more information to come — both from the FBI, which is conducting an investigation, and Congress, which has been holding hearings.

First there was no coverup as you call it. Within hours the white house reported on the attack, and within days they attributed it as an act of terror. Compare to Trump and his associates, who have been trying to cover up the russian cyber attack(s) against america, lying about talking to the russians, and trying to hinder the investigation into the russian attacks.
Oh get over yourselves. Of course Obama and Hillary played politics with Benghazi. But it wasn't the gotcha moment you thought it would be. Because Bush had ten fucking benghazis you fucking morons.

Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?

13 Benghazi's before Benghazi.

But Trump and Russia hacked our political process. You think that's no biggy? Of course you don't. You let Bush do it in 2000 in Florida and 2004. As long as your side wins right?

Well Trump is dirty and we will easily catch him because everything he does is dirty. Then he has to battle Washington who like us liberals don't like the direction he's trying to go. So the establishment and liberals are against you Trumpfucks. Losers. Idiots. Pawns of the filthy rich. Drain the swamp? Yea, then release the crocks. LOL.

But we will never know.

The one truth Trump said Donald Trump says the election is ‘rigged.’ Here’s what his supporters think that means.

YOU QUOTE Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?
POLITIFACT is owned by the St. Pete' times also known as Pravda WEST!
Poltifact is 95% of the time BIASED against GOP!
Proof of that??

PolitiFact Bias
You admit that sometimes PolitiFact is unfair to Democrats. Doesn't that mean PolitiFact isn't biased?
No, it doesn't mean that at all, or at least it proves nothing of the kind. Ideological bias at PolitiFact is most likely expressed via a preponderance of unfair harm hitting Republicans rather than Democrats. If 95 out of 100 Democrat stories harm Democrats and 100 out of 100 Republican stories harm Republicans then that indicates a bias against Republicans, albeit a relatively insignificant bias. We think the liberal bias is far more pervasive than that, touching selection bias as well as ideological spin.

Were there 13 benghazi's before Benghazi? I think there were. So who cares what the source is. Don't expect the truth on your corporate media sources bucko.

Clapper would know none of this. Clapper has not interviewed Flynn. Nobody has. Until we find out what Flynn and company know, we cannot rule out collusion

Guilty before proven innocent eh?

We know that Flynn lied to Pense, to the FBI, and on his SF-86. Flynn also failed to register as a foreign agent, or report foreign payments.. So Flynn is guilty of several felonies before we even get into his russian invoolvement.
What? When has Trump EVER tried to keep the FBI from investigating Russia's involvement in hacking our election systems? What reason would he possibly have for doing so? It's already been confirmed by numerous people that the Russians didn't affect any voting machines or tallying machinery.

That's the reason Trump gave for firing Comey,.


Oh for God's sake...that again! Read the Lester Holt interview, Gene! At no time in that did Donald Trump say that he fired Comey because he wouldn't stop investigating Russia's hacking of the election. Read Comey's testimony where he stated that Trump encouraged him to investigate Russia thoroughly. How many times are you snow flakes going to claim the same thing when it's been shown to be nothing more than a distortion of what was said...cherry picking one part of something and claiming it has the meaning you need it to?
Its not a matter of what we think, sweetie pie, its all about the Justice dept, and their investigation.
Most modern presidents have put their assets into a blind trust. Trump was not only one of the first exceptions, he continues to own Trump inc, but also the biggest holder of foreign assets.

But wasn't that all that document signing was about either before or right after inauguration???

Seems to me the biggest problem with Trump is because he is just that rich......more than any other.

Nope. That was just Trump handing over control of Trump inc to his sons. Trump continues to own it, and to know exactly where his assets are invested. Which countries the Trump name is expanding into.

Trump said he would come down hard on China, but Trump inc just registgered several tradenames in China and is seeking to build a hotel there. Coincidence that Trump reversed himself on having China declared a currency manipulator?

But.......if Trump handed the control over to his sons......they are the ones expanding to China........not him
It doesn' previous comments were directed at Reasonable's comments about how Trumps family was prospering while living 'on the publics dime'

Moron still making excuses for his fuhrer violating the constitution and his family prospering greatly while on the public's dime.

So I had been pointing out that other Presidents had also had business's before during & after serving in office.....most of which were on a global scale of some sort and had continued to make profits. .

Most modern presidents have put their assets into a blind trust. Trump was not only one of the first exceptions, he continues to own Trump inc, but also the biggest holder of foreign assets.

But wasn't that all that document signing was about either before or right after inauguration???

Seems to me the biggest problem with Trump is because he is just that rich......more than any other.

No it seems that Trump is dishonest.

REALLY????????? WOW, what a shocker. Trump is the ONLY political figure EVER to tell a lie.....
Now we are looking at how the Russians attacked our elections.

And how did they "ATTACK OUR ELECTIONS"?

Be specific.....and please provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

And don't say "alleged mean Tweets and Facebook posts about Hillary"

Since you seem so far out of the loop...

What we know about the attempts of Russia to influence our election

  • They hacked the DNC server and slowly leaked the information to assist Trump
  • They made attempts to probe voting machines to see where they are vulnerable
As a citizen.....Doesn't that outrage you?

Where is the evidence?

[James Clapper] He stressed that he could only speak for the intelligence community, not for state or local agencies or for government entities authorized under Title Three of the 1968 “Wiretap Act.”
But Clapper then went on to say that to his knowledge there was “no evidence” of “collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians.”
“We did not include any evidence in our report – and I say ‘our,’ that’s NSA, FBI and CIA, with my office, the Director of National Intelligence – that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report.”
“I understand that,” said interviewer Chuck Todd. “But does it exist?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“If it existed, it would have been in this report?”
“This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government.,” Clapper replied, “but at the time I – we had no evidence of such collusion.”
Obama’s Intelligence Chief Says ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russian Collusion; Media Focus on Wiretap Denial

You post in blue what you want to believe but you missed this:

This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government.,”

None of those who met with Russians in Trump campaign staff were made to testify as to what they were meeting Russians for. Until we get testimonies you can't say it was any kind of final say that there is no collusion and it's proven.

And when you cite something from CNS your citation has no credibility. All you are doing is posting up a story written with a conservative bias.

Well that makes no sense then!

If I'm quoting a source with a conservative bias they why are you quoting it????

Plus you are saying CNS has a "conservative" bias?
What do you call this then:
But the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House, the Justice Department, the FBI and on Capitol Hill, as well as Trump confidants and other senior Republicans, paint a conflicting narrative centered on the president’s brewing personal animus toward Comey.
Many of those interviewed spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to candidly discuss internal deliberations.
Inside Trump’s anger and impatience — and his sudden decision to fire Comey

So what about the "few" that DIDN"T speak on condition of anonymity?
Who were they? If the Post and other MSM weren't so biased why not name the few that did NOT speak on condition of anonymity?
WHY? Because they don't exist! Anymore then "30 officials at the White House" EXIST!
So please don't tell me about biased news ok? I bet because of the MSM you think Trump and millions like me are "anti-immigrants" don't you?
Dummy! I have relatives that are "legal immigrants"...and Trump...DUH... he MARRIED a "Legal Immigrant" and you dummies think because the
MSM says so Trump and millions like me are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"... again a product of BIASED MSM!

Stop making excuses for Trump.. The MSM has nothing to do with this I have heard Trumps words coming from his f-ing mouth. I have read Trumps tweets Those are HIS WORDS. He is the one who said he fired Comey because of Russia. Not the MSM. Every president has had people speak about them in anonymity. Trump is getting no different. This is not anything new just for Trump. There is no one out to get Trump. Trump has just f-d up and he now faces the reality that the office of the president is not the office of the dictator. He must answer to the people, The people do not have to answer to him.
But.......if Trump handed the control over to his sons......they are the ones expanding to China........not him

Trump did a 180 on China as a currency manipulator at the same time his sons are trying to build a hotel in China. Trump told companies to buy Ivanka Trumps stuff. Trump continues to make money from foreigners.

Trump has changed policy in order to enrich his own assets.
It doesn' previous comments were directed at Reasonable's comments about how Trumps family was prospering while living 'on the publics dime'

Moron still making excuses for his fuhrer violating the constitution and his family prospering greatly while on the public's dime.

So I had been pointing out that other Presidents had also had business's before during & after serving in office.....most of which were on a global scale of some sort and had continued to make profits. .

Most modern presidents have put their assets into a blind trust. Trump was not only one of the first exceptions, he continues to own Trump inc, but also the biggest holder of foreign assets.

But wasn't that all that document signing was about either before or right after inauguration???

Seems to me the biggest problem with Trump is because he is just that rich......more than any other.

No it seems that Trump is dishonest.

REALLY????????? WOW, what a shocker. Trump is the ONLY political figure EVER to tell a lie.....
Probably the only one to lie, almost every single day. I can imagine your reaction of Obama told just a small fraction of trumps lies
REALLY????????? WOW, what a shocker. Trump is the ONLY political figure EVER to tell a lie.....

Bill Clinton lied about sex. Donald Trump lies about everything. Trump can't even tell why he fired Comey without changing stories three times.
Since the Justice Department has more holes in it than the average piece of Swiss doesn't take a genius to figure out that if their was proof that Trump had done something it would have been leaked to the media almost immediately! Since nothing has been leaked but allegations that usually have turned out to erroneous it's not too hard to arrive at the conclusion that Trump hasn't done anything!

Everybody is on the lookout for people leaking classified information. They just arrested a woman for leaking classified information that has nothing to do with the russian investigation. So the folks at the FBi who got briefed on classified information are in the crosshairs should any of it leak out. Which would explain why you haven't heard of such leaks as of late.

That doesn't explain why you haven't had a single leak in the past ten months that contained evidence that Donald Trump either colluded with the Russians or obstructed justice in any Russian investigation! They're in "the cross hairs" now because they've leaked so much in the past! Yet none of those leaks provided a single bit of proof that Trump did what you repeatedly have accused him of doing!
But.......if Trump handed the control over to his sons......they are the ones expanding to China........not him

Trump did a 180 on China as a currency manipulator at the same time his sons are trying to build a hotel in China. Trump told companies to buy Ivanka Trumps stuff. Trump continues to make money from foreigners.

Trump has changed policy in order to enrich his own assets.

Sooooooooo, if all that is REAL offenses against his position as President...then why hasn't that been called to the forefront especially if there are actual FACTS and hard data to back it up?
Why in the heck is so much time, money & effort spent on all the other bullshit that has NO hard facts or evidence to back it up????????
Since the Justice Department has more holes in it than the average piece of Swiss doesn't take a genius to figure out that if their was proof that Trump had done something it would have been leaked to the media almost immediately! Since nothing has been leaked but allegations that usually have turned out to erroneous it's not too hard to arrive at the conclusion that Trump hasn't done anything!

Everybody is on the lookout for people leaking classified information. They just arrested a woman for leaking classified information that has nothing to do with the russian investigation. So the folks at the FBi who got briefed on classified information are in the crosshairs should any of it leak out. Which would explain why you haven't heard of such leaks as of late.

That doesn't explain why you haven't had a single leak in the past ten months that contained evidence that Donald Trump either colluded with the Russians or obstructed justice in any Russian investigation! They're in "the cross hairs" now because they've leaked so much in the past! Yet none of those leaks provided a single bit of proof that Trump did what you repeatedly have accused him of doing!
So, if there are no leaks from the Justice Dept, then Trump is innocent? You have risen to an even higher level of stupidity
It doesn' previous comments were directed at Reasonable's comments about how Trumps family was prospering while living 'on the publics dime'

Moron still making excuses for his fuhrer violating the constitution and his family prospering greatly while on the public's dime.

So I had been pointing out that other Presidents had also had business's before during & after serving in office.....most of which were on a global scale of some sort and had continued to make profits. .

Most modern presidents have put their assets into a blind trust. Trump was not only one of the first exceptions, he continues to own Trump inc, but also the biggest holder of foreign assets.

But wasn't that all that document signing was about either before or right after inauguration???

Seems to me the biggest problem with Trump is because he is just that rich......more than any other.

No it seems that Trump is dishonest.

REALLY????????? WOW, what a shocker. Trump is the ONLY political figure EVER to tell a lie.....
Probably the only one to lie, almost every single day. I can imagine your reaction of Obama told just a small fraction of trumps lies

Obama's lies were about things like the Affordable Care Act...something that affected 1/6 of our economy. He repeated that "If you like your can keep your doctor...if you like your health care can keep your health care plan..." over and over for months even though he knew it was total bullshit!
But.......if Trump handed the control over to his sons......they are the ones expanding to China........not him

Trump did a 180 on China as a currency manipulator at the same time his sons are trying to build a hotel in China. Trump told companies to buy Ivanka Trumps stuff. Trump continues to make money from foreigners.

Trump has changed policy in order to enrich his own assets.

Sooooooooo, if all that is REAL offenses against his position as President...then why hasn't that been called to the forefront especially if there are actual FACTS and hard data to back it up?
Why in the heck is so much time, money & effort spent on all the other bullshit that has NO hard facts or evidence to back it up????????
Investigations take time, and they always lead to other matters than need to be investigated also.
  • Thanks
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Oh for God's sake...that again! Read the Lester Holt interview, Gene! At no time in that did Donald Trump say that he fired Comey because he wouldn't stop investigating Russia's hacking of the election.

This lester holt interview?

Trump says he was considering 'this Russia thing' when he fired Comey -

Trump told NBC's Lester Holt: "And in fact when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said 'you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won'."
It doesn' previous comments were directed at Reasonable's comments about how Trumps family was prospering while living 'on the publics dime'

Moron still making excuses for his fuhrer violating the constitution and his family prospering greatly while on the public's dime.

So I had been pointing out that other Presidents had also had business's before during & after serving in office.....most of which were on a global scale of some sort and had continued to make profits. .

Most modern presidents have put their assets into a blind trust. Trump was not only one of the first exceptions, he continues to own Trump inc, but also the biggest holder of foreign assets.

But wasn't that all that document signing was about either before or right after inauguration???

Seems to me the biggest problem with Trump is because he is just that rich......more than any other.

No it seems that Trump is dishonest.

REALLY????????? WOW, what a shocker. Trump is the ONLY political figure EVER to tell a lie.....

And you have refused to excuse dishonesty or presumed dishonesty in all other politicians. So why do you excuse it in Trump?

Is it because he promises you he will make America whit-oops, I mean great again?
Since the Justice Department has more holes in it than the average piece of Swiss doesn't take a genius to figure out that if their was proof that Trump had done something it would have been leaked to the media almost immediately! Since nothing has been leaked but allegations that usually have turned out to erroneous it's not too hard to arrive at the conclusion that Trump hasn't done anything!

Everybody is on the lookout for people leaking classified information. They just arrested a woman for leaking classified information that has nothing to do with the russian investigation. So the folks at the FBi who got briefed on classified information are in the crosshairs should any of it leak out. Which would explain why you haven't heard of such leaks as of late.

That doesn't explain why you haven't had a single leak in the past ten months that contained evidence that Donald Trump either colluded with the Russians or obstructed justice in any Russian investigation! They're in "the cross hairs" now because they've leaked so much in the past! Yet none of those leaks provided a single bit of proof that Trump did what you repeatedly have accused him of doing!
So, if there are no leaks from the Justice Dept, then Trump is innocent? You have risen to an even higher level of stupidity

God, you people are clueless! There have been pretty much non stop leaks from the Justice Department since Trump took office! What's telling is that even though many of those leaks accused Trump of wrong doing...not one has provided proof that he actually DID something illegal!
Most modern presidents have put their assets into a blind trust. Trump was not only one of the first exceptions, he continues to own Trump inc, but also the biggest holder of foreign assets.

But wasn't that all that document signing was about either before or right after inauguration???

Seems to me the biggest problem with Trump is because he is just that rich......more than any other.

No it seems that Trump is dishonest.

REALLY????????? WOW, what a shocker. Trump is the ONLY political figure EVER to tell a lie.....
Probably the only one to lie, almost every single day. I can imagine your reaction of Obama told just a small fraction of trumps lies

Obama's lies were about things like the Affordable Care Act...something that affected 1/6 of our economy. He repeated that "If you like your can keep your doctor...if you like your health care can keep your health care plan..." over and over for months even though he knew it was total bullshit!
You pick two supposed lies from 7 years ago, while trump lies every day about almost everything.
What happened to 'RUSSIAN COLLUSION' which is what all of these 18 months of surveillance, and 10 months of Investigations, through 5 different teams was supposed to be about?

Now they are looking if someone forgot to log a phone call, or forgot to check off the right deduction?

It's still being investgated. But it seems that there are more things coming up with this. .Trump is going to get the same treatment all other presidents have gotten.
I just hope people are noticing how
We all know Obama and Hillary covered up Benghazi. It wasn't enough to impeach them but we all know they did it for political reasons.

We cannot say whether the administration was intentionally misleading the public. We cannot prove intent. There is also more information to come — both from the FBI, which is conducting an investigation, and Congress, which has been holding hearings.

First there was no coverup as you call it. Within hours the white house reported on the attack, and within days they attributed it as an act of terror. Compare to Trump and his associates, who have been trying to cover up the russian cyber attack(s) against america, lying about talking to the russians, and trying to hinder the investigation into the russian attacks.
Oh get over yourselves. Of course Obama and Hillary played politics with Benghazi. But it wasn't the gotcha moment you thought it would be. Because Bush had ten fucking benghazis you fucking morons.

Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?

13 Benghazi's before Benghazi.

But Trump and Russia hacked our political process. You think that's no biggy? Of course you don't. You let Bush do it in 2000 in Florida and 2004. As long as your side wins right?

Well Trump is dirty and we will easily catch him because everything he does is dirty. Then he has to battle Washington who like us liberals don't like the direction he's trying to go. So the establishment and liberals are against you Trumpfucks. Losers. Idiots. Pawns of the filthy rich. Drain the swamp? Yea, then release the crocks. LOL.

But we will never know.

The one truth Trump said Donald Trump says the election is ‘rigged.’ Here’s what his supporters think that means.

YOU QUOTE Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?
POLITIFACT is owned by the St. Pete' times also known as Pravda WEST!
Poltifact is 95% of the time BIASED against GOP!
Proof of that??

PolitiFact Bias
You admit that sometimes PolitiFact is unfair to Democrats. Doesn't that mean PolitiFact isn't biased?
No, it doesn't mean that at all, or at least it proves nothing of the kind. Ideological bias at PolitiFact is most likely expressed via a preponderance of unfair harm hitting Republicans rather than Democrats. If 95 out of 100 Democrat stories harm Democrats and 100 out of 100 Republican stories harm Republicans then that indicates a bias against Republicans, albeit a relatively insignificant bias. We think the liberal bias is far more pervasive than that, touching selection bias as well as ideological spin.

You were fine with that "liberal" bias for the past 8 years of Obama
Since the Justice Department has more holes in it than the average piece of Swiss doesn't take a genius to figure out that if their was proof that Trump had done something it would have been leaked to the media almost immediately! Since nothing has been leaked but allegations that usually have turned out to erroneous it's not too hard to arrive at the conclusion that Trump hasn't done anything!

Everybody is on the lookout for people leaking classified information. They just arrested a woman for leaking classified information that has nothing to do with the russian investigation. So the folks at the FBi who got briefed on classified information are in the crosshairs should any of it leak out. Which would explain why you haven't heard of such leaks as of late.

That doesn't explain why you haven't had a single leak in the past ten months that contained evidence that Donald Trump either colluded with the Russians or obstructed justice in any Russian investigation! They're in "the cross hairs" now because they've leaked so much in the past! Yet none of those leaks provided a single bit of proof that Trump did what you repeatedly have accused him of doing!
So, if there are no leaks from the Justice Dept, then Trump is innocent? You have risen to an even higher level of stupidity

God, you people are clueless! There have been pretty much non stop leaks from the Justice Department since Trump took office! What's telling is that even though many of those leaks accused Trump of wrong doing...not one has provided proof that he actually DID something illegal!
Are Justice department leaks what determines the guilt or innocence of any individual?

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