Mueller Is Coming for Trump

Trump is clearly able and willing to put himself in history as a first President to be impeached for being too fucking stupid.

Right. Ten billion dollars stupid who beat out a lifetime career politician with the whole world pushing to help her into office, only to take the top job in the world with no previous experience. Do you EVER consider that the man is on a plane about two magnitudes above you that he is just too far over your head to understand? He's made asses out of the entire political and media arena who ALL called him dead wrong at every turn, had them fooled right down to the night of the election, and people like you still have the arrogance to think you have even a FUCKING CLUE what this guy's game is?
like I told him. He's been
Liberals bring facts from valid sources. Deplorables eschew facts and still claim superiority.

There's been about a dozen times this month I wrote an obvious fact and was asked for a link by the bed setters.
After presenting them, they ran away.
like the WaPo? dude I'm still laughing my balls off, thanks,

what balls ?

Jc has his head in the sand about the HUGE conflict of interest of the pussy grabber's where he's in violation of the Constitution for the emolument clause.
He's getting richer on the tax payers dime and his sheep just look the other way..
Jc has his head in the sand about the HUGE conflict of interest of the pussy grabber's where he's in violation of the Constitution for the emolument clause.
He's getting richer on the tax payers dime and his sheep just look the other way..
I love so much WINNING
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Clearly Liberals are fine with wasting our tax dollars.
Coming from the hypocrite who cheered when the GOP spent millions on a semen stain.
And you still want to talk about wasting tax payers dollars?

I'm sure he'd rather pay for it himself, as he did with the campaign......but then that would be a conflict of interest of sorts (not sure the actual legal term is)
You aren't aware of his current multiple conflicts of interests?

You know as well as I do that for him to pay his own way thru term (travel, security, etc) is on a whole different level than any of those you've linked to.
Donald Trump: "I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director!”

If any dipshit claims Trump is not being investigated, just show the idiot Trump's own words.

Mueller's team consists of:
- Big Democrat Donors

- 1 Lawyer who defended Hillary in FOIA Violation case

- A Clinton Foundation Lawyer

- 1 lawyer who is notorious for hiding evidence, who hid evidence in tbe Enron case which resulted in 4 innocent people wrongly going to jail for a time, and who was rebuked by the USSC (in a 9-0 finding against his case) for hising evidence.

ZERO Credibility...100% Stacked Deck...100% 'Witch Hunt'

You should have nothing to worry about then

The team was picked by Republicans

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The Big Orange Head is in no danger. He has plenty of scapegoats that will go under the bus long before the prosecutors reach him. Jared-the-patsy will be one of the first to go. But, Ivanka will still have daddy to comfort her.


Since when does any prosecutor tell the public before their investigation is over, what they have....?


This is just normal procedure and protocol.....

Gossip and speculations and ALLEDGED leaks mean nothing....You have to wait till the Justice dept fat lady sings, to know the real end result.
We already know what the end result of this failed witch hunt is going to be.
Bernie Sanders said it best when speaking about the Democrat Party.

"The Democrat Party IS A Failed Party with Failed Leadership and Failed Policies that are headed for Future Of Failure!"

Ouch, that stings, doesn't it? Thrown under the bus by one of your most prominent figures.

You and your party should not have put all of your Eggs in a Failed Basket Of Lies.
So much for "The Leftist Inquisition." People are fighthing back when you expected them to lay down for you and your violent storm trooper intimidation and propaganda tactics.

You painted yourself in to a corner making false accusation after accusation of "Russian Collusion" in the "HOPES" of dragging a Failed and Corrupt candidate across the finish line. And once you failed to rig the election like you rigged your primary, you decided to stick with a Failed and False Narrative in the "HOPES" of Impeaching a President that had not even been sworn in to office.

The worst part of the whole thing was that your party KNEW....KNEW that there was NO HACKING of the DNC SERVER by Russia, and KNEW there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION....but they decided to "TRY TO MAKE IT HAPPEN" through desperate treasonous acts, Espionage, Wire Tapping, Unmasking, Leaking of Classified Information, and COLLUSION with THE MEDIA.

In Your ATTEMPTS to plunge a DAGGER in to the heart of Lady Liberty and The President, you have inflicted a mortal wound upon yourself.
Your Party will be slaughtered in 2018. It is being split in half by Bernie Sanders and his followers. In 20 years, The Democrat Party will be NO More because of this FOLLY and Comedy of Errors!

And I can't say you didn't deserve it, because you decided to Divide The Country with Lies, instead of Honestly Help To Govern It!
Oh Jebus, if you actually believe the crud and lies you've spouted, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you, comrade! :lol:

...well there is one thing Trump deserves credit for. He has made the Left even more crazy than they normally are, and they normally are really fucking CRAZY!!!
That is his best quality.

He did two things I wanted him to do. Stop the most corrupt lying skank in the history of politics from being elected, and nominated a conservative judge to replace Scalia on SCOTUS.
Everything else he does to make Libtards crazy is a bonus.
Corrupt lying skank?
You keep forgetting you voted for the biggest liar in history of politics. Hillary was a novice compared to him. 626 lies and counting since Jan 20. And he's already gaining on Reagan as the most corrupt president ever.
Why won't he release his tax returns? What's he hiding?

Trump’s Constantly Changing Lies Are Making Life Impossible for His Defenders
See? There is a perfect example of CRAZY!
Trump is clearly able and willing to put himself in history as a first President to be impeached for being too fucking stupid.

Right. Ten billion dollars stupid who beat out a lifetime career politician with the whole world pushing to help her into office, only to take the top job in the world with no previous experience. Do you EVER consider that the man is on a plane about two magnitudes above you that he is just too far over your head to understand? He's made asses out of the entire political and media arena who ALL called him dead wrong at every turn, had them fooled right down to the night of the election, and people like you still have the arrogance to think you have even a FUCKING CLUE what this guy's game is?


So what is your explanation of that completely crazy tweet?
I provided Jc with a crib sheet on Trump's conflicts of interest. He laughed at it w/o reading it.,
He's the stereotypical uneducated trump voter who refuses to learn anything, ever.
I provided Jc with a crib sheet on Trump's conflicts of interest. He laughed at it w/o reading it.,
He's the stereotypical uneducated trump voter who refuses to learn anything, ever.
well I know you don't care, cause you don't care that hitlery destroyed 33,000 emails and got four americans killed in Benghazi. So why is it you feel conflict of interest mean anything?
Follow the money and the dead Russians.

This is about Trump...not the Clintons
We know republicans never complain when it their thieves doing the stealing and this trump pos and his adviser lol his son in law are the worst
I bet you LOVE CNN. that CNN & several others have been proven to report fake news and have had to retract many can't get a Lefty to touch them with a 10ft pole.
Liberals bring facts from valid sources. Deplorables eschew facts and still claim superiority. There's been about a dozen times this month I wrote an obvious fact and was asked for a link by the bed setters.
After presenting them, they ran away.

Liberals drowning in fantasy to cover the bile of their defeat. Snowflakes eschew reality to try to hang onto a desperate need for security. Over a dozen times this month asked for any evidence at all to back up ridiculous claims and the Libtards cannot ever offer any proof! Best they ever come up with is ultimate fake news sites like NYT and WaPo, then when disproven, they run away and hide. The only thing the Resist movement is about is some people's resistance to ever facing reality.

They hate Trump so much not only because he won over their best candidate at their strongest moment with the most money spent, but they realize they have no answer for him now or in the future! So they dream some fantasy that they can invent a crime, charge him for it, then get him prosecuted, impeached and removed! What snowflakes!


well why don't you tell us - CAN YOU?

I mean how insanely stupid do you have to be to publicly say that you are being investigated while what you mean to say is that you aren't being investigated?

Trump is clearly able and willing to put himself in history as a first President to be impeached for being too fucking stupid.
because it is too complicated for your mind.


Try me asshole.
nah, cause you'd never understand like I stated.

just stfu already, you got nothing and everyone knows it.
fk dude, I got my guy in the White House, I got the guy I wanted in SCOTUS, I have my country headed back to where it came from after eight years of neglect, I'd say I've got most everything.

dodging and deflecting as usual

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