Mueller Probe Set To Fail Under Article II

I'm not saying that Mueller will try to indict Trump while he's President. In fact, I think it's incredibly unlikely that he will.

I'm just saying that there's no legal precedent, and no clear answer to the question.
There is only one way this goes to Trial.............In the Senate.

You're almost certainly correct.

I'm just saying, the law isn't as clear as you seem to think it is.
Which would require them to either make a motion to the Supreme Court.............or try to charge him and let them appeal to the Supreme Court for implied powers of the president.

This isn't going to happen...........Mueller has basically said so........So they can only gather for Impeachment........

Meaning.......unless Trump folds like Nixon............Nothing is really going to happen.

To be clear - Mueller didn't say that, Giuliani claimed that Mueller said that.

As I said already, I still don't think there's much of a chance that Mueller will attempt to criminally indict a sitting President.
Giuliani stated that Mueller told them so......sent them that information. I haven't seen them say otherwise.

Of course you haven't - because Mueller isn't playing silly games like Giuliani is.

If you haven't noticed, Mueller hasn't really been saying much of anything at all - just doing his job. He'll have something to say at the end of the investigation, I'm sure.
There is only one way this goes to Trial.............In the Senate.

You're almost certainly correct.

I'm just saying, the law isn't as clear as you seem to think it is.
Which would require them to either make a motion to the Supreme Court.............or try to charge him and let them appeal to the Supreme Court for implied powers of the president.

This isn't going to happen...........Mueller has basically said so........So they can only gather for Impeachment........

Meaning.......unless Trump folds like Nixon............Nothing is really going to happen.

To be clear - Mueller didn't say that, Giuliani claimed that Mueller said that.

As I said already, I still don't think there's much of a chance that Mueller will attempt to criminally indict a sitting President.
Giuliani stated that Mueller told them so......sent them that information. I haven't seen them say otherwise.

Of course you haven't - because Mueller isn't playing silly games like Giuliani is.

If you haven't noticed, Mueller hasn't really been saying much of anything at all - just doing his job. He'll have something to say at the end of the investigation, I'm sure.
Unlike Comey.........who ran walkabout running his mouth........suddenly quiet..........There are 2 sides to every story.

Mueller isn't gonna go public on Jack Squat.........he knows this is a high level affair.........he can't make mistakes..........could cost him.
You're almost certainly correct.

I'm just saying, the law isn't as clear as you seem to think it is.
Which would require them to either make a motion to the Supreme Court.............or try to charge him and let them appeal to the Supreme Court for implied powers of the president.

This isn't going to happen...........Mueller has basically said so........So they can only gather for Impeachment........

Meaning.......unless Trump folds like Nixon............Nothing is really going to happen.

To be clear - Mueller didn't say that, Giuliani claimed that Mueller said that.

As I said already, I still don't think there's much of a chance that Mueller will attempt to criminally indict a sitting President.
Giuliani stated that Mueller told them so......sent them that information. I haven't seen them say otherwise.

Of course you haven't - because Mueller isn't playing silly games like Giuliani is.

If you haven't noticed, Mueller hasn't really been saying much of anything at all - just doing his job. He'll have something to say at the end of the investigation, I'm sure.
Unlike Comey.........who ran walkabout running his mouth........suddenly quiet..........There are 2 sides to every story.

Mueller isn't gonna go public on Jack Squat.........he knows this is a high level affair.........he can't make mistakes..........could cost him.

Comey didn't start talking to the press until after he was fired.
Which would require them to either make a motion to the Supreme Court.............or try to charge him and let them appeal to the Supreme Court for implied powers of the president.

This isn't going to happen...........Mueller has basically said so........So they can only gather for Impeachment........

Meaning.......unless Trump folds like Nixon............Nothing is really going to happen.

To be clear - Mueller didn't say that, Giuliani claimed that Mueller said that.

As I said already, I still don't think there's much of a chance that Mueller will attempt to criminally indict a sitting President.
Giuliani stated that Mueller told them so......sent them that information. I haven't seen them say otherwise.

Of course you haven't - because Mueller isn't playing silly games like Giuliani is.

If you haven't noticed, Mueller hasn't really been saying much of anything at all - just doing his job. He'll have something to say at the end of the investigation, I'm sure.
Unlike Comey.........who ran walkabout running his mouth........suddenly quiet..........There are 2 sides to every story.

Mueller isn't gonna go public on Jack Squat.........he knows this is a high level affair.........he can't make mistakes..........could cost him.

Comey didn't start talking to the press until after he was fired.
He went public right before the election and leaked information after he was fired for the purpose of getting Trump investigated......................

Then sold a book with his Out of Body experiences with Trump. Boo boo.........

He's an idiot running his mouth all over the country which may very well be against him soon.

He's stupid.
You understand that's a student note, not a law - right?

Whether or not a sitting President can be prosecuted is an open legal question. It hasn't been answered yet, because no one has tried.
The FBI has basically said the same thing.............Or did you miss that............the Mueller investigation is only for a Impeachment proceeding..............They can take out players but charging the POTUS directly is unlikely.

Congress is the proper place for impeachment.......Senate the proper place for a trial.

If Trump is no longer President then he can be charged as normal.

I'm not saying that Mueller will try to indict Trump while he's President. In fact, I think it's incredibly unlikely that he will.

I'm just saying that there's no legal precedent, and no clear answer to the question.
There is only one way this goes to Trial.............In the Senate.

You're almost certainly correct.

I'm just saying, the law isn't as clear as you seem to think it is.
Which would require them to either make a motion to the Supreme Court.............or try to charge him and let them appeal to the Supreme Court for implied powers of the president.

This isn't going to happen...........Mueller has basically said so........So they can only gather for Impeachment........

Meaning.......unless Trump folds like Nixon............Nothing is really going to happen.
Meaning.......unless Trump folds like Nixon............Nothing is really going to happen.
Not necessarily true with this exception.

Amendment XXV, § 4;
"Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."

Once the President is removed, even temporarily as Amendment XXV states, his ass can be indicted, given he is not a SITTING PRESIDENT at the time! Palace intrigue anyone? That would be Constitutional and something that power hungry ass from Indiana just might be looking at with tRump going down the tubes. Pence could be rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Ship of State so he can be kept comfortable while remaining afloat! Stay tuned to see if Caesar crosses the Rubicon to ride down Pennsylvania Ave with his Legions behind!

They can only move to Impeach..............The FBI has openly said that.........the Dems don't own the house.........

So......all they can do is lay Seige to the WH in hopes he resigns...................
that really has not been settled yet.... it's simply opinion or rules set, and when challenged...the Supreme court will decide.

It's hard to say how it will come out, once said and done.

NO ONE is above the law....

even the President....or rather...especially the President, who took an oath to defend the constitution and laws derived from it.

As example, if a president shot and murdered in cold blood a person on 5th avenue....

will the justice department's hands be tied and really not charge him, if Congress critters in the majority are cult followers of the President and refuse to impeach him? I dunno? hard call....
That is a what IF scenario.............does not mesh to the current situation.

Mueller's hands are pretty much tied.............Unless you have a Blue Tidal Wave next election ............this is nothing but a political show.
yes, this is ALL 'what ifs'.... we do not know one itty bitty bit of what Mueller has on the president could be could be could be just his campaign team and not could be just the Russians manipulating others unwittingly.

Mueller would never think of bringing charges if it were just minor laws being broken, or just Trump's team being naive or incompetent or ignorant of the law..... it has to be WITH INTENT to break the law and something felonious or multiple felonies with intent before I think Mueller would ever even try to press charges on a president.

All the liberals, including myself, are simply speculating and giving it our best guesses on what we have been informed on by the investigations by the press.... or by whom Mueller has called as witnesses before the grand jury....and what these witnesses have said they were asked by investigators....

NOT by Mueller or his team that has not leaked a word... we are guessing....our best educated guesses, is what you are reading from us...they are opinions, based on what little we do know as facts.
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SC is going nowhere. A blue wave is gathering for a mighty sweep in the fall. Trump's popularity continues to sit around 40 to 42%, the Dems have been winning from state seats to national elections steadily since fall, and so forth.

Keep looking backwards, alt righties, and you will trip onto your faces.

not a chance, jakey boy, not a chance in hell. Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, Reid, Schumer, Waters, Wasserman-Schultz, Bernie, Lynch, Obama, and the left wing media have destroyed the dem party. The party of Kennedy and Truman no longer exists, it is now the party of Marx and Mao.

The FBI has basically said the same thing.............Or did you miss that............the Mueller investigation is only for a Impeachment proceeding..............They can take out players but charging the POTUS directly is unlikely.

Congress is the proper place for impeachment.......Senate the proper place for a trial.

If Trump is no longer President then he can be charged as normal.

I'm not saying that Mueller will try to indict Trump while he's President. In fact, I think it's incredibly unlikely that he will.

I'm just saying that there's no legal precedent, and no clear answer to the question.
There is only one way this goes to Trial.............In the Senate.

You're almost certainly correct.

I'm just saying, the law isn't as clear as you seem to think it is.
Which would require them to either make a motion to the Supreme Court.............or try to charge him and let them appeal to the Supreme Court for implied powers of the president.

This isn't going to happen...........Mueller has basically said so........So they can only gather for Impeachment........

Meaning.......unless Trump folds like Nixon............Nothing is really going to happen.
Meaning.......unless Trump folds like Nixon............Nothing is really going to happen.
Not necessarily true with this exception.

Amendment XXV, § 4;
"Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."

Once the President is removed, even temporarily as Amendment XXV states, his ass can be indicted, given he is not a SITTING PRESIDENT at the time! Palace intrigue anyone? That would be Constitutional and something that power hungry ass from Indiana just might be looking at with tRump going down the tubes. Pence could be rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Ship of State so he can be kept comfortable while remaining afloat! Stay tuned to see if Caesar crosses the Rubicon to ride down Pennsylvania Ave with his Legions behind!

Using the 25th is even less likely than impeachment.

They can only move to Impeach..............The FBI has openly said that.........the Dems don't own the house.........

So......all they can do is lay Seige to the WH in hopes he resigns...................

You understand that's a student note, not a law - right?

Whether or not a sitting President can be prosecuted is an open legal question. It hasn't been answered yet, because no one has tried.
The FBI has basically said the same thing.............Or did you miss that............the Mueller investigation is only for a Impeachment proceeding..............They can take out players but charging the POTUS directly is unlikely.

Congress is the proper place for impeachment.......Senate the proper place for a trial.

If Trump is no longer President then he can be charged as normal.

I'm not saying that Mueller will try to indict Trump while he's President. In fact, I think it's incredibly unlikely that he will.

I'm just saying that there's no legal precedent, and no clear answer to the question.
There is only one way this goes to Trial.............In the Senate.
Or after he leaves the Office of the President voluntarily or not.

They can only move to Impeach..............The FBI has openly said that.........the Dems don't own the house.........

So......all they can do is lay Seige to the WH in hopes he resigns...................
that really has not been settled yet.... it's simply opinion or rules set, and when challenged...the Supreme court will decide.

It's hard to say how it will come out, once said and done.

NO ONE is above the law....

even the President....or rather...especially the President, who took an oath to defend the constitution and laws derived from it.

As example, if a president shot and murdered in cold blood a person on 5th avenue....

will the justice department's hands be tied and really not charge him, if Congress critters in the majority are cult followers of the President and refuse to impeach him? I dunno? hard call....
That is a what IF scenario.............does not mesh to the current situation.

Mueller's hands are pretty much tied.............Unless you have a Blue Tidal Wave next election ............this is nothing but a political show.
yes, this is ALL 'what ifs'.... we do not know one itty bitty bit of what Mueller has on the president could be could be could be just his campaign team and not him....

Mueller would never think of bringing charges if it were just minor laws being broken, or just Trump's team being naive or incompetent or ignorant of the law..... it has to be WITH INTENT to break the law and something felonious or multiple felonies with intent before I think Mueller would ever even try to press charges on a president.

All the liberals, including myself, are simply speculating and giving it our best guesses on what we have been informed on by the investigations by the press.... or by whom Mueller has called as witnesses before the grand jury....and what these witnesses have said they were asked by investigators....

NOT by Mueller or his team that has not leaked a word... we are guessing....our best educated guesses, is what you are reading from us...they are opinions, based on what little we do know as facts.
aka All the threads on WE GOT TRUMP are pure speculation............They abound in this forum and the MSM....every day.................

Mueller is also keeping low as they are also under investigation.......which is why McCabe is gone just before retirement and is lawyering up..........there are 2 side to this story.

Comey........who knows if they will go after him..........but it was pure idiocy to run off at the mouth all over the country when they are themselves being investigated.

They can only move to Impeach..............The FBI has openly said that.........the Dems don't own the house.........

So......all they can do is lay Seige to the WH in hopes he resigns...................

You understand that's a student note, not a law - right?

Whether or not a sitting President can be prosecuted is an open legal question. It hasn't been answered yet, because no one has tried.
The FBI has basically said the same thing.............Or did you miss that............the Mueller investigation is only for a Impeachment proceeding..............They can take out players but charging the POTUS directly is unlikely.

Congress is the proper place for impeachment.......Senate the proper place for a trial.

If Trump is no longer President then he can be charged as normal.

I'm not saying that Mueller will try to indict Trump while he's President. In fact, I think it's incredibly unlikely that he will.

I'm just saying that there's no legal precedent, and no clear answer to the question.
There is only one way this goes to Trial.............In the Senate.
Or after he leaves the Office of the President voluntarily or not.
You don't have the numbers to impeach.......not gonna happen.
Your reply about impeachment has nothing to do with what happens are Trump leaves office. He can be indicted if the FBI can make the charges feasible.
Your reply about impeachment has nothing to do with what happens are Trump leaves office. He can be indicted if the FBI can make the charges feasible.
He is still in office now isn't he.....................Could be there 6 more years...............I think his age will play a factor there.
He could be in office six more years, and Bugs Bunny could come to life.

All things are possible, I supposed.
aka All the threads on WE GOT TRUMP are pure speculation............They abound in this forum and the MSM....every day.................
yep, just like all the WE GOT CLINTON NOW treads
Actually there is sufficient evidence to prosecute there........wasn't prosecuted before because of who owned the DOJ...........

Classified documents being an example outside of State Dept control is a Federal Offense..........but only pawns are going down here............on both sides.
He could be in office six more years, and Bugs Bunny could come to life.

All things are possible, I supposed.
I'd vote for Bugs Bunny............not a problem.........Elmer Fudd for VP.........

But your side has been so good in predictions.........nation seems pretty red to me...............your losing.
SC is going nowhere. A blue wave is gathering for a mighty sweep in the fall. Trump's popularity continues to sit around 40 to 42%, the Dems have been winning from state seats to national elections steadily since fall, and so forth.

Keep looking backwards, alt righties, and you will trip onto your faces.

not a chance, jakey boy, not a chance in hell. Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, Reid, Schumer, Waters, Wasserman-Schultz, Bernie, Lynch, Obama, and the left wing media have destroyed the dem party. The party of Kennedy and Truman no longer exists, it is now the party of Marx and Mao.
oh really...

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