Mueller Probe Set To Fail Under Article II

The "Appointments Clause" provides that "principal officers" must be appointed by the President with the Senate's consent." But the Mueller team was given "special status" to several prosecutors on his team, by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in their probe of former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort, the entire investigation may be invalidated, thus "unconstitutional!"
The self-inflicted "catch-22" scenario by Rosenstein giving unlimited power to Mueller is exactly what the "Appointments Clause" under Article II of the Constitution was designed to prevent.
The Mueller attorneys presiding over the Manafort case before Federal Judge T.S. Ellis III, in Alexandria, VA., may have violated Article II of the Constitution because they not only represented the office of the special counsel, but also simultaneously considered "Special Assistant U.S. Attorneys." Therefore Mueller, (who's the direct supervisor) should be legally considered a "roving" U.S. Attorney.
Now here's where it gets dicey, under the Constitution only the President can nominate all "principal officers," including U.S. attorneys and cabinet members. However Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller as special counsel. Moreover, Rosenstein is a "political appointee" and as such was never "confirmed" by the Senate, as anyone serving as a U.S. attorney by law must, thus the entire investigation may be invalid. The case can be made that Rosenstein usurped the authority of the President of the United States to nominate whoever he wants as a prosecutor. Mr. Mueller is serving unconstitutionally in violation of the Appointments Clause of the U.S. Constitution because of the way Rod Rosenstein appointed him. All attorneys involved could openly challenge whatever subpoenas the Mueller team throws out, to raise as a defense, the Appointments Clause in court.
This Mueller probe has been illegal since the start and is set to ultimately fail. This isn't a dodge by the Right, just another example of how desperate the Left is to try to hang this President any way they can to nullify his election.
/——-/ “We now find out that the Obama Administration put the opposing campaigns presidential candidate, or his campaign, under investigation. That raises legitimate questions. I just find this really odd...this goes to the heart of our electoral system.” Jonathan Turley on @FoxNews
That is grounded only in the facts that potential criminal activity was occurring in Trump's campaign. Good for the DOJ.
The Special Counsel is exempted from Article II requirements.

No one can show where the President has the authority to interfere with Special Counsels.

Wrong.....he wasn't appointed through the normal Special Counsel procedure since no underlying crime was used to appoint him.....Mark Levin went through this argument in great detail....
Levin gave his opinion without factual supported objective evidence.

There is no Levin Axiom on this subject.
The Special Counsel is exempted from Article II requirements.

No one can show where the President has the authority to interfere with Special Counsels.

Wrong.....he wasn't appointed through the normal Special Counsel procedure since no underlying crime was used to appoint him.....Mark Levin went through this argument in great detail....
Levin gave his opinion without factual supported objective evidence.

There is no Levin Axiom on this subject.
Levin has forgotten more than you know..............
The Special Counsel is exempted from Article II requirements.

No one can show where the President has the authority to interfere with Special Counsels.
Link? Read above, what I posted. You can't show that Trump has such authority. There is no law, finding, rule, or regulation that permits him "to interfere with Special Counsels."

Yeah, let's just ignore the fact that all federal law enforcement authority is derived from the constitutional authority granted to the president as the chief executive.

Wrong.....he wasn't appointed through the normal Special Counsel procedure since no underlying crime was used to appoint him.....Mark Levin went through this argument in great detail....
Both of those idiots, Levine and yourself are stupidly wrong!

"ORDER NO. 3915-2017


By virtue of the authority vested in me as Acting Attorney General, including 28 U.S.C. §§ 509, 510, and 515, in order to discharge my responsibility to provide supervision and management of the Department of Justice, and to ensure a full and thorough investigation of the Russian govemmenfs efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, I hereby order as follows:

(a) Robert S. Mueller III is appointed t() serve as Specia] Counsel for the United States Department of Justice."

Read the full page document with signatures and date here;

As usual your don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The statutory authorization is right there in the first paragraph, fool, and the INITIAL scope of the investigation just below that!
Your reply about impeachment has nothing to do with what happens are Trump leaves office. He can be indicted if the FBI can make the charges feasible.

there are no crimes to pursue, during his presidency or after. all this left wing BS and millions of dollars spent by Heir Mewler has found absolutely nothing. You cannot indict just because he beat crooked Hillary.

You on the left are making fools of yourselves and destroying the dem party in the process. Its pathetic
Bottom Line..................Dems have a blue Tidal Wave or they don't get nothing but more of the same.

This is smoke screen to cover their crimes and abuses and to stop Trump Policies...........

How did they say it.............................An Insurance Policy...............
The Special Counsel is exempted from Article II requirements.

No one can show where the President has the authority to interfere with Special Counsels.
Link? Read above, what I posted. You can't show that Trump has such authority. There is no law, finding, rule, or regulation that permits him "to interfere with Special Counsels."
Yeah, let's just ignore the fact that all federal law enforcement authority is derived from the constitutional authority granted to the president as the chief executive. .
:link: to where SC is subject to the President.
Your reply about impeachment has nothing to do with what happens are Trump leaves office. He can be indicted if the FBI can make the charges feasible.
there are no crimes to pursue, during his presidency or after. all this left wing BS and millions of dollars spent by Heir Mewler has found absolutely nothing. You cannot indict just because he beat crooked Hillary. You on the left are making fools of yourselves and destroying the dem party in the process. Its pathetic
The Alt Right "are making fools of" themselves and "destroying the" GOP" in the process. It's pathetic.
The Special Counsel is exempted from Article II requirements.

No one can show where the President has the authority to interfere with Special Counsels.
Link? Read above, what I posted. You can't show that Trump has such authority. There is no law, finding, rule, or regulation that permits him "to interfere with Special Counsels."
Yeah, let's just ignore the fact that all federal law enforcement authority is derived from the constitutional authority granted to the president as the chief executive. .
:link: to where SC is subject to the President.

Everyone in the executive branch is subject to the president. There are no exceptions. Are you trying to claim the SC is his own special extra constitutional branch, with the authority to appoint federal prosecutors?

Your reply about impeachment has nothing to do with what happens are Trump leaves office. He can be indicted if the FBI can make the charges feasible.
there are no crimes to pursue, during his presidency or after. all this left wing BS and millions of dollars spent by Heir Mewler has found absolutely nothing. You cannot indict just because he beat crooked Hillary. You on the left are making fools of yourselves and destroying the dem party in the process. Its pathetic
The Alt Right "are making fools of" themselves and "destroying the" GOP" in the process. It's pathetic.

there is no such thing as alt right, that is a fantasy created by the loser dems. What there is is real America, the America that loves the constitution, freedom, and respects those who died protecting our freedoms.

You lefties need to move your lazy asses to Venezuela where they practice the kind of socialism that you want for us------screw you! its not going to happen.
The Special Counsel is exempted from Article II requirements.

No one can show where the President has the authority to interfere with Special Counsels.
Link? Read above, what I posted. You can't show that Trump has such authority. There is no law, finding, rule, or regulation that permits him "to interfere with Special Counsels."
Yeah, let's just ignore the fact that all federal law enforcement authority is derived from the constitutional authority granted to the president as the chief executive. .
:link: to where SC is subject to the President.

Everyone in the executive branch is subject to the president. There are no exceptions. Are you trying to claim the SC is his own special extra constitutional branch, with the authority to appoint federal prosecutors?


to the dems, Heir Mewler has unlimited power and authority to prosecute anyone, spy on anyone, and create lies about anyone. He is above all and answers to no one.
The Special Counsel is exempted from Article II requirements.

No one can show where the President has the authority to interfere with Special Counsels.
Link? Read above, what I posted. You can't show that Trump has such authority. There is no law, finding, rule, or regulation that permits him "to interfere with Special Counsels."
Yeah, let's just ignore the fact that all federal law enforcement authority is derived from the constitutional authority granted to the president as the chief executive. .
:link: to where SC is subject to the President.

the supreme court is subject to the constitution. It is supposed to be non political, that's why they are appointed for life. When the supreme court becomes the pawn of either party, this country is over.
After seven pages, Donald's chief cult followers are set on the conclusion that the primary defense for Donald's crimes is that nobody is allowed to investigate them. And these are the same people who claim to be the most patriotic of us all.
The Special Counsel is exempted from Article II requirements.

No one can show where the President has the authority to interfere with Special Counsels.

Wrong.....he wasn't appointed through the normal Special Counsel procedure since no underlying crime was used to appoint him.....Mark Levin went through this argument in great detail....
Levin gave his opinion without factual supported objective evidence.

There is no Levin Axiom on this subject.
That's exactly like everything you post, isn't it Fakey?
After seven pages, Donald's chief cult followers are set on the conclusion that the primary defense for Donald's crimes is that nobody is allowed to investigate them. And these are the same people who claim to be the most patriotic of us all.
Has Trump been charged with a crime.............or have you been reading...............

Mueller has reportedly stated that Trump can't be indicted............So this is primarily an investigation to give to Congress............You don't have the numbers..............

No significant proof of anything on Trump.........So for a year and a half you have speculated that he has committed crimes with no proof.......................

This is a political shit storm to try and stop his agenda............plain and simple..........Others here have admitted the same.

But the non stop attack must's just what you do.
Yes - if you saw his interview with Dana Bash yesterday on Meet the Press .. You'd know that indeed Rudy is running out of words.

The senile, angry old bastard can't string a coherent sentence together -

Which is why it reminded me of the OP

No, YOU are running out of words - so you posted pictures instead.

Giuliani ? He's a New Yorker, like Trump. He'll never be out of words.
Sorry, but that is incorrect. The constant posts about how the mueller investigation is "going down" or "unconstitutional" are nothing more than desperate twistings and turnings of people who know they have had it.
So you say that it's not unconstitutional ? How can you conclude that, when Article II shows that.

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